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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Now Indians will tell president of united states of America what to do and what not realy???? Koun log ho tusi

Why not? As long as i can think i can tell him anything i want. Its another matter if he listens me to me or my Govt.
I dont know what promises India made, Unlike Pakistan which has guaranteed a settlement. May be you can point out a relevant news report where GoI has made a commitment to either US or someone else regarding peace or for that matter anything else in Afghanistan except for non military aid.

It is up-to you to seek the information through proper channels within India but then again, it was never said openly but unfortunately, none asked as how India got that much free roaming as well as leading rule close to Ghani setup suddenly? For the reference, remember Nikki Haley quoting India as necessary to be a watchdog in South Asia for US. (the words may slightly differ in order of appearance but statement concluded as it is).

As for Pakistan, I hope it delivers it will be good for everyone but with a caveat that Taliban doesn't bite back the hand which feeds them. You can never reason with these kinds as you guys well know..

We aren't handling Taliban but we made necessary arrangements to bring them to the table for peace talks with US. Pakistan never had the control over Taliban at all and US know that. All we can do is to arrange necessary bridge for peace talks. Taliban used to visit and sit inside Washington once.
He is all for short term optics and an exit from Afganistan gives him lot of brownie points so he can pay more than what is norm if Pakistan manages to create an illusion of delivery the actual mechanics be damned.
I think it would be good for Pak if we can use this to our advantage and be the main influencer in Afghanistan. Add to this the US assistance, and peace in this region would also help; but I think the Afghan govt would create hurdles for both the US and Pak. Interesting to see what happens.
Why not? As long as i can think i can tell him anything i want. Its another matter if he listens me to me or my Govt.
Why he should listen to U??? Enlighten me?? You guys live in separate world which is not planet earth for sure.

Bro they can as they are doing the moon thing and now lunar thing.
Modis keyboard warriors
Why are you getting so personal and anxious? I didn't even quote you for pete's sake.

@Eagle @Oscar Is advising someone to self immolate within forum rules? If so, I shall use this phrase often considering such an example has been offered by a professional.

P.S. Look at the US congress composition, they are going to impeach trump. Do you think they are gonna give his paradigm changing policy a pass? Let alone Trump hasn't said a word about offering Pakistan F-16s.

Only thing we have are delusions of an anonymous internet poster
Trump is not getting impeached.
He just bypassed congress for Saudi Arabia.

That being said I do not see an offer yet and see no value or worth in your natural opposition or pessimism to this claim or any optimism for it either.
I dont know what promises India made, Unlike Pakistan which has guaranteed a settlement.
I'm not certain if Pakistan has guaranteed a settlement to date. Yeah, they've said that they can bring the Taliban to the table, but its anyone's guess what the Taliban have planned out.

As for India, who knows - maybe you guys promised to do something with DoD & never called back. Instead, you guys went ahead and placed an order for the S-400. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the Americans have realized that India has no intention of buying any jets either.

Verbal promises in the form of Press Conferences & MoU may been done for publicity, but never lived up to fruition.

Who knows...
Money is at the top from Trump.

But I'm assuming he wants to get re-elected.

Trump is first and foremost about himself.

Perhaps Pakistan can be used to facilitate a favorable exit for the US from Afghanistan.

This being HUUUGE! news and potentially a point in the upcoming election.

The cost of 18-24 Vipers are "PEANUTS" if it means helping him get re-elected.
Trump will win with or without Afghanistan American economy is hot and they getting new trade agreements with all theior trading partners on terms what suits them along plus Democratic party is in shambles they have no proper candidates who challenge Trump.
More AMRAAMs ??? lets hear Indian cries to USA.
So what happened to indian complain that F16 used to beat them during broad day light? more coming...

Where in the article does it say more AMRAAMS?

Nevertheless, it’s nice to see US military/industrial complex doing well. :enjoy:
It is up-to you to seek the information through proper channels within India but then again, it was never said openly but unfortunately, none asked as how India got that much free roaming as well as leading rule close to Ghani setup suddenly? For the reference, remember Nikki Haley quoting India as necessary to be a watchdog in South Asia for US. (the words may slightly differ in order of appearance but statement concluded as it is).

We aren't handling Taliban but we made necessary arrangements to bring them to the table for peace talks with US. Pakistan never had the control over Taliban at all and US know that. All we can do is to arrange necessary bridge for peace talks. Taliban used to visit and sit inside Washington once.

Well it would be good for India if Pakistan cannot control Taliban but you guys do have the best relationship with them out of everyone else and thats why you have leverage with US, Russia and Iran.

Its a fine line to dance along and I can see only benefits if one doesn't get too greedy
I'm not certain if Pakistan has guaranteed a settlement to date. Yeah, they've said that they can bring the Taliban to the table, but its anyone's guess what the Taliban have planned out.

As for India, who knows - maybe you guys promised to do something with DoD & never called back. Instead, you guys went ahead and placed an order for the S-400. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the Americans have realized that India has no intention of buying any jets either.

Verbal promises in the form of Press Conferences & MoU may been done for publicity, but never lived up to fruition.

Who knows...
U guys not getting the point Americans believe current Pak Govt is best bet for them to secure whole region Pak and Afghanistan. Deal will happen Taliban can't fight another 18 yrs along US too all Americans wants bases nothing more which I believe they will get eventually from Talibs. Because any new Govt in Afghanistan needs money and foreign support and without US help it's not possible.
Trump is not getting impeached.
He just bypassed congress for Saudi Arabia.

That being said I do not see an offer yet and see no value or worth in your natural opposition or pessimism to this claim or any optimism for it either.

House judiciary committee have approached for sealed grand jury papers so that they can start impeachment proceedings. Ofcourse it wouldnt be successful cause of Senate but the wheels are turning.

Tell me do you seriously think US Congress is gonna side with Trump if he approves new F-16s or they gonna fight him? The way things are going if Trump says Day, Congress would say night.

Bypassing Congress requires Veto and there are different levels to it. Lets see if Trump is gonna pay the price
House judiciary committee have approached for sealed grand jury papers so that they can start impeachment proceedings. Ofcourse it wouldnt be successful cause of Senate but the wheels are turning.

Tell me do you seriously think US Congress is gonna side with Trump if he approves new F-16s or they gonna fight him? The way things are going if Trump says Day, Congress would say night.
Congress passed last eight F16s too which actually blked by Trump by refusing CSF for deal. House is with Pak and new Govt has great reputation any deal which I believe will be a big package including jetts and other stuff will pass by house like Paul Ryan let it passed last time.
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