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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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I think it would be good for Pak if we can use this to our advantage and be the main influencer in Afghanistan. Add to this the US assistance, and peace in this region would also help; but I think the Afghan govt would create hurdles for both the US and Pak. Interesting to see what happens.

Even if it is not for humanitarian reasons but cold realpolitik, Peace in Afghanistan benefits everyone.

One may not know this but even India has working relationship with Taliban and we do a lot of transactions with them with regards to safe passage for our convoys. A peaceful Afghanistan is good for business and would cut down on opium trade as well which is more of a menace to India than jihadis

Congress passed last eight F16s too which actually blked by Trump by refusing CSF for deal. House is with Pak and new Govt has great reputation any deal which I believe will be a big package including jetts and other stuff will pass by house like Paul Ryan let it passed last time.

Check again. Thanks
Aslam Achoo of BLF was found hospitalized in India receiving medical aid for his wounds and later was taken down inside Afghanistan. Then we got KJ one living example of India sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan while using Iranian gateway. We also do know that why the people like Harbiyar Marri etc been in love with India and Ajit Doval has to pay hefty amount to the TTP fighters through Afghanistan mainland. There are further chatters as how come ISIS can reach Kashmir while India always wanted to brand Kashmir Freedom Struggle as terrorism. But, unfortunately we have people in neighborhood that comes here by blaming us and still lecture us about the freedom of expression and remedy of free judgments having choice of agreement or disagreement.

Thread banned & that particular post deleted.
honestly this was expected from a gangu
I do believe that LM F-21 promotion video for India was produced in India and LM trolled IAF with a flag which is not Indian...... at-least it tells the value of deal may ever come to fruition...

View attachment 571094
yeah there was JV signed between an indian group and they are lobbying for it..
Well it would be good for India if Pakistan cannot control Taliban but you guys do have the best relationship with them out of everyone else and thats why you have leverage with US, Russia and Iran.

Its a fine line to dance along and I can see only benefits if one doesn't get too greedy

For the relationship with Taliban, read your own Ajit Doval for better understanding. It is all about paying them for the works and Pakistan doesn't have much luxury to do so. In fact, we arranged an atmosphere for talks whereby Taliban present their terms & conditions and US is the party on other side of the table whether to agree or disagree. That is simple as a day and everyone does know that what is our participation. Pakistan officially and time & again said it.

Iran does have their own relations with Taliban and doesn't need us at all. Russia got along in the case of Taliban on similar pattern of our links for arrangements of peace talks. Why would Russia just forget India's long standing relationship mere for our leverage of Taliban.

We have the leverage as we had a working plan as well as beneficial arrangements for the all the parties interested into Afghanistan peace. If anyone else, in-case like India, could have brought something at par or better than Pakistan; we would be seeing a different geopolitics situation at the moment.
The only thing which makes all of this a pipe dream is US congress. No way in hell they are gonna allow sale of advances F-16s but upgrades are possible if Pakistan pays for it on its own dime.

Any and all sales are possible, as long as they serve US national interests. If Pakistan can deliver according to the understandings reached, of course it will get the goodies in return.
House judiciary committee have approached for sealed grand jury papers so that they can start impeachment proceedings. Ofcourse it wouldnt be successful cause of Senate but the wheels are turning.

Tell me do you seriously think US Congress is gonna side with Trump if he approves new F-16s or they gonna fight him? The way things are going if Trump says Day, Congress would say night.

Bypassing Congress requires Veto and there are different levels to it. Lets see if Trump is gonna pay the price
Still wont move forward. Congress doesn’t have to side with Trump for this to happen. It just has to be a stalled vote.

Let’s put it this way, the US wants the balance seen on the 27th. That is in their favor, whether Abhinandan or you like it or not.
If you think about it a little more deeply, Trump is a tool who doesn't have an original thought in his brain. He vomits whatever is fed to him by Fox News or his family and friends like Kushner and inc. Obviously there are lot of inputs from some very influential lobbies like Saudis.

On the other hand he is deeply suspicious of State Dept and Pentagon which usually gives policy advise on issues such as FMS so any thing said by them will have a counter effect and pushes him more towards Pakistan.

He is all for short term optics and an exit from Afganistan gives him lot of brownie points so he can pay more than what is norm if Pakistan manages to create an illusion of delivery the actual mechanics be damned.

The only thing which makes all of this a pipe dream is US congress. No way in hell they are gonna allow sale of advances F-16s but upgrades are possible if Pakistan pays for it on its own dime.

Its a harsh reality but an upgraded F-16 even to block 52 standard posses a clear and present danger to India let alone one upgraded V standard
where do you live ?
..trump being reelected is done deal since there is no strong opposition against him..economy has been stimulated and he has proven most people wrong..most of corporations are happy with him and his opponents are too radicle to be reelected..i mean medicare for all?..give 1000$ universal income..thats not going to be easy to swallow

republicans still have majority in the senate who nothing can pass without them
For the relationship with Taliban, read your own Ajit Doval for better understanding. It is all about paying them for the works and Pakistan doesn't have much luxury to do so. In fact, we arranged an atmosphere for talks whereby Taliban present their terms & conditions and US is the party on other side of the table whether to agree or disagree. That is simple as a day and everyone does know that what is our participation. Pakistan officially and time & again said it.

Iran does have their own relations with Taliban and doesn't need us at all. Russia got along in the case of Taliban on similar pattern of our links for arrangements of peace talks. Why would Russia just forget India's long standing relationship mere for our leverage of Taliban.

We have the leverage as we had a working plan as well as beneficial arrangements for the all the parties interested into Afghanistan peace. If anyone else, in-case like India, could have brought something at par or better than Pakistan; we would be seeing a different geopolitics situation at the moment.

Lets get real. Are you really saying Pakistan is just providing a conference room and a plan?

Whatever plan you can think of others can do better and I think Gulf countries would provide much better amenities.

If Pakistan wasn't there for Taliban through thick and thin, they would have long since vanished in dusts of history and for that they are grateful and you have substantial capital with them. Something none of the other countries have as India, Russia and Iran all had ties to their opposing parties like Northern Alliance. Sure we work with them but they don't trust us one bit.

Just be happy and enjoy it!
Even if it is not for humanitarian reasons but cold realpolitik, Peace in Afghanistan benefits everyone.

One may not know this but even India has working relationship with Taliban and we do a lot of transactions with them with regards to safe passage for our convoys. A peaceful Afghanistan is good for business and would cut down on opium trade as well which is more of a menace to India than jihadis

Check again. Thanks
U need to check stop being Naive thanks
Still wont move forward. Congress doesn’t have to side with Trump for this to happen. It just has to be a stalled vote.

Let’s put it this way, the US wants the balance seen on the 27th. That is in their favor, whether Abhinandan or you like it or not.

I agree with the balance part. In any case its win win for US as long as we keep fighting and biting
Lets get real. Are you really saying Pakistan is just providing a conference room and a plan?

Whatever plan you can think of others can do better and I think Gulf countries would provide much better amenities.

If Pakistan wasn't there for Taliban through thick and thin, they would have long since vanished in dusts of history and for that they are grateful and you have substantial capital with them. Something none of the other countries have as India, Russia and Iran all had ties to their opposing parties like Northern Alliance. Sure we work with them but they don't trust us one bit.

Just be happy and enjoy it!
Posting the most pessimistic scenarios for Pakistan wont change what is happening. Despite your clearly expressed angst with it, your country’s attempt at “isolation” and all the other fascist tripe has fallen flat on its face
Lets get real. Are you really saying Pakistan is just providing a conference room and a plan?

Whatever plan you can think of others can do better and I think Gulf countries would provide much better amenities.

If Pakistan wasn't there for Taliban through thick and thin, they would have long since vanished in dusts of history and for that they are grateful and you have substantial capital with them. Something none of the other countries have as India, Russia and Iran all had ties to their opposing parties like Northern Alliance. Sure we work with them but they don't trust us one bit.

Just be happy and enjoy it!
go and read the real problem in afghanistan..ethnic differences between pushton, hazaras, tajiks and uzbeks and than come back
I agree with the balance part. In any case its win win for US as long as we keep fighting and biting
Not anymore, the US wants China out of the game and it is not focusing on getting us in their camp so we become less inclined to partake in any sides during a potential future conflict.
where do you live ?
..trump being reelected is done deal since there is no strong opposition against him..economy has been stimulated and he has proven most people wrong..most of corporations are happy with him and his opponents are too radicle to be reelected..i mean medicare for all?..give 1000$ universal income..thats not going to be easy to swallow

republicans still have majority in the senate who nothing can pass without them

we will see. Trump does have a chance considering he controls the Supreme Court by virtue of 5-4 majority and any split is gonna go in his favor but if Democrats manage to select a good candidate trump is done for
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