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PAF Chief flies the Typhoon

The SU-35 is certainly coming to Pakistan, it's just the scale may not be up to scratch.

Sukhoi SU-35 Twin 70mm Super Scale EDF Jet w/Thrust Vectoring 1080mm (ARF)

Ridiculous mate and I agree with what you said. Anyway enough of this.

The Rolls Royce engines literally blow my ears out whenever I go to see the plane perform at shows.
:omghaha::omghaha::rofl::rofl: the maintenance is easy, all you need is glue!
the ej-200 is a beast the stage 2 variant will be even more powerful (120kn wet) you will need ear bud's to stop you going deaf

here's a thrust vectoring prototype
When it comes to engines, only the U.S comes close to us.:D
well said
i liked the f136 as an engine for the f35, shame they went with pw
:omghaha::omghaha::rofl::rofl: the maintenance is easy, all you need is glue!

Yes, shouldn't be a problem and easy on the budget. An order can be placed for 7,000, with the R-77.

the ej-200 is a beast the stage 2 variant will be even more powerful (120kn wet) you will need ear bud's to stop you going deaf

here's a thrust vectoring prototype

Ha! Great video man. The beauty of British engineering.

When it comes to engines, only the U.S comes close to us.:D

I was annoyed back in the 90's why we didn't go it alone with a fighter, but I get he whole economies of scale, costs being shared etc. The Typhoon is still practically British. :big_boss:
Yes, shouldn't be a problem and easy on the budget. An order can be placed for 7,000, with the R-77.

Ha! Great video man. The beauty of British engineering.

I was annoyed back in the 90's why we didn't go it alone with a fighter, but I get he whole economies of scale, costs being shared etc. The Typhoon is still practically British. :big_boss:

True, however as you said it had more to do with economies of scale/costs/budget. The Typhoon is mostly built by our defence giants though, everybody knows that.:):D
well said
i liked the f136 as an engine for the f35, shame they went with pw

well you can't blame the Americans though, Afterall the F-35 is still mainly a U.S project, even though several British defence giants are involved in building many critical parts of the F35. So its understandable the U.S choosed to go with its own engine, even if ours was better or not. So i understand them, especially for such a critical project.:D

However, our engines still power several types of U.S military aircraft/fighters.:enjoy:
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No if Gold is telling anything it is to build earthquake proof building
Pakistan lies in the centre of tectonic plates and earthquakes are inevitable
Stop the sins and corruption, that is the message.

In my view, we should continue inducting JFTs with some F-16s trickling in over time, and wait and look for a next generation platform. i.e. participate in Turkish 5th gen. jet program to co-produce that machine. :pakistan: :turkey:
5th generations induction is 7-10 years away, need 4.5 to stop gap
ahahahahahah......i was thinking the same.:D

Actually, Pakistan maybe a little skeptical about Typhoon. It is a great aircraft no doubt but does it fill the role we are looking for. If internet blabbering is anything of an indicator, we are looking for an aircraft which can look after our seas up to our extended EEZ. A long range, heavy payload of anti ship and air to air. At the surface it appears Typhoons are a bit behind. Eurofighter doesn't have the range of Su-35 or Rafale and as I understand, it is yet to be integrated with any of Anti-Ship missiles. If you search, you won't find 'Eurofighters flying with anti ship missiles' pictures.
@waz @mike2000 is back

Hi guys. . . I was following your discussion and came across your agreement on Typhoon practically being a British product. So, it got me thinking that if we ever were to procure the jet from Great Britain then, will or can other member states of the EF consortium could veto the sale? Or can UK overlook their objections and go ahead with the sale anyway?

I'm curious because just yesterday, it was reported that our GSP+ status could be revoked or suspended for not abiding with the EU Human Rights clause of Death moratorium. And the state of affairs as they are right now, we can't afford to abide by such condition. Not till the time the terrorist and extremist elements are wiped clean of our land. The earliest possible time for such implementation would be 2019 as that's the time till which our Armed Forces will stay in FATA.

Thus my curiosity and, my quarries above.

Thanks guys.

That is incorrect-----. Better construction is the right answer.
How can you have better construction if the corruptions lasts. I refrain to defend the part about sins because I do not want to waste your time Sir.
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