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Over 98% of Moldova’s Gagauzia support joining Customs Union

Well i live in central europe and know how people here think about other nations.
Also many Turkics are Russia friendly or loyal which cant be changed but this doesnt mean they get exiled by others

Trolling aside,the difference between ethnic romanians and gypsies is well known,never met an european who had real doubts.I don't know in what circles you hang around.Sometimes,it's just thrown as an insult but truly only the illiterate can make such a confusion.

On topic...You do know that currently the gagauz in Moldova have autonomy,have the right to education in their language ?.The only thing is that they don't want Moldova to join the EU or Romania threathening to secede.I'm sry but when a tiny community made up of colonists that were brought here throws these kind of temper tantrums don't you think that the natives have all trhe right in the world to get upset ? I mean,in the end they can always leave instead of thinking they can bully and order to the majority ,who are also the natives of the land.I am sry but is the crux of the matter,this gagauz population is just another russian pawn used to keep Moldova tied to Russia.So yes,in the end,they can leave to Russia if they love it so much.
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