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Over 98% of Moldova’s Gagauzia support joining Customs Union

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin hinted darkly earlier this month that "the train called Moldova that is chugging toward Europe might lose a couple of its cars." Clearly he had in mind both Transdniester and Gagauzia.

Russia did not have nukes then .Today it does ,plus a lot of biological ,chemical weapons.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin hinted darkly earlier this month that "the train called Moldova that is chugging toward Europe might lose a couple of its cars." Clearly he had in mind both Transdniester and Gagauzia.

Uncle joe liberated Gagauzia from romanian gyspy oppression.....

Transnistria can go,Gagauzia is a non issue and a non entity.HAHAHA gagauz and gypsies mixed in romanian POW camps in WW2 .Basically the same as my grandfather used to tell my grandmother,. .
Transnistria was never romanian(it was attached by the soviets to Moldovan SSR in the late 40's like Crimeea to the Ukraine),it can go independent for all i care,provided we can take those 150.000 romanians out of there if they want..Uncle Joe "liberated" shit from his mother's asshole .....his invasion of Romania was in the 40's anyway and the 40's are long gone.Russia does not wield that kind of power around here anymore.

Talking about gypsies...your ancestors in Gagauzia shared the same camps of "entertainment" with the gypsies in WW2 when we started rounding you up.You were basically the same for us.

Talking about gypsies...your ancestors in Gagauzia shared the same camps of "entertainment" with the gypsies in WW2 when we started rounding you up.You were basically the same for us.

and then they gagauz people hailed the red army liberator army who saved gagauz people from romanian fascist nazi death camps.....You paid penalties too for oppression of poor gagauz people.
and then they gagauz people hailed the red army liberator army who saved gagauz people from romanian fascist nazi death camps.....You paid penalties too for oppression of poor gagauz people.

Yep,we paid a fine in cereals for throwing you and the gypsies into camps.Money well spent in the end.
Transnistria can go,Gagauzia is a non issue and a non entity.HAHAHA gagauz and gypsies mixed in romanian POW camps in WW2 .Basically the same as my grandfather used to tell my grandmother,. .

Don't worry.We will have freedom again .You can try oppress gagauzia but gagauz spirit cannot be crushed. After all Gagauz people helped the glorious red army in kicking nazi romanian empire....
Don't worry.We will have freedom again .You can try oppress gagauzia but gagauz spirit cannot be crushed. After all Gagauz people helped the glorious red army in kicking nazi romanian empire....

LOL, overly dramatic much ? "Romanian Nazi Empire" ? :cheesy: :close_tema:
They are Karaite Jews.
You sure?
The Karaim religion Karaism is actually a pure faith of the Old Testament which dogmas are built on truth written in Bible, that does not accept any authorities commenting on these holy texts orally or in written. None of other Scriptures – neither the New Testament, nor the Talmud or the Koran are holy or codified in the system of the Karaism, they do not provide arguments, do not reflect the tradition (oral or written) in understanding of religious matters. All authentic truth is hidden only in the Old Testament and every Karaim believer has a right to look for it in the text himself. The name of the religion itself (Karaism) reflects its meaning. It derives from the word 'kara' which in Arabic and Hebrew languages means 'to read', ' to recite the Holy Writ'. The Koran is of the same root. The most famous and widely spread theory about the formation of Karaism doctrine says that it started in Mesopotamia in VIII century, in the dynasty of a caliph Abu-Jafar-Abdullah al-Mansur, who governed in 754-775. The idea to oppose the existing rabbinical tradition of commenting upon the Old Testament and its observance came to Anan, the son of David. His famous dictum said: “Thoroughly search Scriptures and do not rely on my opinion

Karaims in Lithuania
We know that.That is why you lost your lands to ottomans which was regained by russian empire.... Soon Romania will pay for its sins.....Free Gagauzia now!!!!
This is wrong they even spoke a Turkic language which was related to the Bolghar tree of the Turkic languages

You sure?
The Karaim religion Karaism is actually a pure faith of the Old Testament which dogmas are built on truth written in Bible, that does not accept any authorities commenting on these holy texts orally or in written. None of other Scriptures – neither the New Testament, nor the Talmud or the Koran are holy or codified in the system of the Karaism, they do not provide arguments, do not reflect the tradition (oral or written) in understanding of religious matters. All authentic truth is hidden only in the Old Testament and every Karaim believer has a right to look for it in the text himself. The name of the religion itself (Karaism) reflects its meaning. It derives from the word 'kara' which in Arabic and Hebrew languages means 'to read', ' to recite the Holy Writ'. The Koran is of the same root. The most famous and widely spread theory about the formation of Karaism doctrine says that it started in Mesopotamia in VIII century, in the dynasty of a caliph Abu-Jafar-Abdullah al-Mansur, who governed in 754-775. The idea to oppose the existing rabbinical tradition of commenting upon the Old Testament and its observance came to Anan, the son of David. His famous dictum said: “Thoroughly search Scriptures and do not rely on my opinion

Karaims in Lithuania
My great grandmother was a Karaim and she was jewish

Transnistria can go,Gagauzia is a non issue and a non entity.HAHAHA gagauz and gypsies mixed in romanian POW camps in WW2 .Basically the same as my grandfather used to tell my grandmother,. .
Funny that a Romanian/Moldovan calls someone a gypsy its quite known here in Central Europe that you are gypsies just saying
Funny that a Romanian/Moldovan calls someone a gypsy its quite known here in Central Europe that you are gypsies just saying

If you're a moron yes,it is known.If you have an ounce of education you would know the difference.Now,the question is...are you a moron ? just saying....
If you're a moron yes,it is known.If you have an ounce of education you would know the difference.Now,the question is...are you a moron ? just saying....
And its quite known that Gagauz also arent gypsies or mixed with them so are you a moron?.... just saying....
You sure?
The Karaim religion Karaism is actually a pure faith of the Old Testament which dogmas are built on truth written in Bible, that does not accept any authorities commenting on these holy texts orally or in written. None of other Scriptures – neither the New Testament, nor the Talmud or the Koran are holy or codified in the system of the Karaism, they do not provide arguments, do not reflect the tradition (oral or written) in understanding of religious matters. All authentic truth is hidden only in the Old Testament and every Karaim believer has a right to look for it in the text himself. The name of the religion itself (Karaism) reflects its meaning. It derives from the word 'kara' which in Arabic and Hebrew languages means 'to read', ' to recite the Holy Writ'. The Koran is of the same root. The most famous and widely spread theory about the formation of Karaism doctrine says that it started in Mesopotamia in VIII century, in the dynasty of a caliph Abu-Jafar-Abdullah al-Mansur, who governed in 754-775. The idea to oppose the existing rabbinical tradition of commenting upon the Old Testament and its observance came to Anan, the son of David. His famous dictum said: “Thoroughly search Scriptures and do not rely on my opinion

Their religion originated in Karaite Judaism, they are definitely not Christian. They branched off from mainstream Karaite Judaism after the Soviets suppressed their Karaite religion and they started to deviate from Karaite religious identity. Their scripture was in Hebrew and Arabic, like middle eastern Karaites, but now they used Karaim language.

New Life in Karaim Communities

Thus the most central question of the renaissance is: "What does it mean that I am a Karaim; what do I have to do and what do I have to believe?"Of course, every human being encounters a similar question. As a rule, however, various answers are available in both oral and printed form in larger communities. Among the Karaims this is not the case. Very few of them can teach anything of the content of Karaim theology. Furthermore, traditional literature is composed in Arabic and Hebrew, languages which Karaims cannot read. [11]

One important factor has contributed to the preservation of the Karaim religion. In a peculiar way, the Karaims have adapted one more Protestant principle: the kenesa service is in the national language, Karaim, instead of the traditional holy tongue, Hebrew. [12] The change has taken place gradually over the last one hundred years. As a final phenomenon illustrating this development, I wish to refer to the two Tablets of the Law which in accordance with Jewish tradition embellish the altars of the kenesa synagogues: in Trakai and the re-established kenesa in Vilnius, these Tablets are written in the Karaim language.

The Lithuanian Karaims have restored connections with the Karaites in Israel, the U.S.A. and Istanbul. [10] However, the question of the Jewishness of Karaites divides the originally Arabic-speaking Karaites in Israel and San Francisco into another camp: these designate themselves as Karaite Jews, while the Karaims in Eastern Europe stress the independent national character of their community.

Besides being a national minority, the Karaims represent an independent religion; they prefer to designate their faith as "a religion based on Judaism in the same way as Christianity is an independent religion with a Jewish background."
And its quite known that Gagauz also arent gypsies or mixed with them so are you a moron?.... just saying....

Well now,if we're at confession time i was merely trolling that commie after the gypsie insult he hurled first.What's your take on this anyway,you do realise that those gagauz have their loyalties entirely to Russia and the former regimes that uprooted your ancestors ? I don't care what they are at the surface,truth is they're a bunch of bolshevik trouble makers and no...nothing is well known about them,they are barely known to exist in Europe,nobody heard about them.And that is the truth ....unlike the BS you've thrown a post earlier,lol,a turkmen talking in the name of "Central Europe"...
Well now,if we're at confession time i was merely trolling that commie after the gypsie insult he hurled first.What's your take on this anyway,you do realise that those gagauz have their loyalties entirely to Russia and the former regimes that uprooted your ancestors ? I don't care what they are at the surface,truth is they're a bunch of bolshevik trouble makers and no...nothing is well known about them,they are barely known to exist in Europe,nobody heard about them.And that is the truth ....unlike the BS you've thrown a post earlier,lol,a turkmen talking in the name of "Central Europe"...
Well i live in central europe and know how people here think about other nations.
Also many Turkics are Russia friendly or loyal which cant be changed but this doesnt mean they get exiled by others
I see no reason why anyone would not want to join the Russian federation
Their religion originated in Karaite Judaism, they are definitely not Christian. They branched off from mainstream Karaite Judaism after the Soviets suppressed their Karaite religion and they started to deviate from Karaite religious identity. Their scripture was in Hebrew and Arabic, like middle eastern Karaites, but now they used Karaim language.

New Life in Karaim Communities
We call it even?
A quote from your post;
The Lithuanian Karaims have restored connections with the Karaites in Israel, the U.S.A. and Istanbul. [10] However, the question of the Jewishness of Karaites divides the originally Arabic-speaking Karaites in Israel and San Francisco into another camp: these designate themselves as Karaite Jews, while the Karaims in Eastern Europe stress the independent national character of their community.
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