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Over 98% of Moldova’s Gagauzia support joining Customs Union

Well they will have it. in gagauzia .... no to romanian oppression ...

Not as an independent state they won't.And you can take that to the bank.

Define opression commie.They have autonomy,freedom to study in their mother tongue.

That's romanian land they're standing on as guests.Guests can leave if they misbehave.
Not as an independent state they won't.And you can take that to the bank.

Define opression commie.They have autonomy,freedom to study in their mother tongue.

That depends.If there will is not respected then they will separate .You romanian can dream of greater nazi romania . But gagauzia is coming..... Free gagauzia now!!!!!
The khazars were chechen.... a lot of chechen have red hair gene .... google red jews...
Do you have problems with reading?

The Khazars (Greek: Χάζαροι, Hebrew: כוזרים(Kuzarim),[4]Turkish: Hazarlar, Tatar: Xäzärlär,Arabic: خزر‎ (khazar), Russian: Хазары, Persian:خزر‎,Latin: Gazari[5][6]/Cosri[7]/Gasani[8][9]) were a semi-nomadicTurkic people who created the most powerful Western steppe empire, Khazaria, between the late 7th and 10th centuries.
That depends.If there will is not respected then they will separate .You romanian can dream of greater nazi romania . But gagauzia is coming..... Free gagauzia now!!!!!

Shout all you want,gagauzia will not be independent.Remember you've heard it there first.Some 150.000 colonists brought 100-150 years ago by the russians can't carve out their own country willy nilly in Europe.They can pack up and move to Russia if they dislike living under romanian rule so much.

And Moldova won't change it's European road for the sake of some 150.000 russian inbreeds.
Shout all you want,gagauzia will not be independent.Remember you've heard it there first.Some 150.000 colonists brought 100-150 years ago by the russians can't carve out their own country willy nilly in Europe.They can pack up and move to Russia if they dislike living under romanian rule so much.

And Moldova won't change it's European road for the sake of some 150.000 russian inbreeds.

Don't worry.We will be independent .We know how Russia liberated Gagauzia from romanian oppression ....

Do you have problems with reading?
Jewish-Chechen state Khazaria | Encyclopedia of safety

The old manuscript written in Arabic, also claims that the Chechens is the Khazars:

"Al-Vasas — the same as al-shisha, they are from the Khazars, a people destined to win in the field (Mintaka) B-D-Tuga (x), where Islam has won a landslide victory over the community of infidels." In the fields read: "Ju and Juyo Chechen language means al-yahud and Chechens belong to the people of al-yahud." In English and Russian transliteration of the name given to the Chechen Jews — dzhugti, interpreted as ju = yahud and Guti — al-Hashr Al-dayik (Arabian "unity", "close picking"). [2]

The neighbors Chechens andiytsev preserved the memory that in Chechnya was a Jewish principality:

"… All the territory on the left bank of the Andean Koisu considered to belong ZhugutIhanu [literally" Jewish Khan "], and the right bank of land — Surakatu Avar" [3].
Don't worry.We will be independent .We know how Russia liberated Gagauzia from romanian oppression ....

LOL Dream on clown,never a small shithole like that be allowed to go independent in Europe.Anyway i'm done arguing with a brain dead commie,jerk off to your independence ideeas all you want.Come back to me when it happens.
LOL Dream on clown,never a small shithole like that be allowed to go independent in Europe.Anyway i'm done arguing with a brain dead commie,jerk off to your independence ideeas all you want.Come back to me when it happens.

We know that.That is why you lost your lands to ottomans which was regained by russian empire.... Soon Romania will pay for its sins.....Free Gagauzia now!!!!

Khazars were Turkic

Don't worry.We will be independent .We know how Russia liberated Gagauzia from romanian oppression ....

Jewish-Chechen state Khazaria | Encyclopedia of safety

The old manuscript written in Arabic, also claims that the Chechens is the Khazars:

"Al-Vasas — the same as al-shisha, they are from the Khazars, a people destined to win in the field (Mintaka) B-D-Tuga (x), where Islam has won a landslide victory over the community of infidels." In the fields read: "Ju and Juyo Chechen language means al-yahud and Chechens belong to the people of al-yahud." In English and Russian transliteration of the name given to the Chechen Jews — dzhugti, interpreted as ju = yahud and Guti — al-Hashr Al-dayik (Arabian "unity", "close picking"). [2]

The neighbors Chechens andiytsev preserved the memory that in Chechnya was a Jewish principality:

"… All the territory on the left bank of the Andean Koisu considered to belong ZhugutIhanu [literally" Jewish Khan "], and the right bank of land — Surakatu Avar" [3].
We know that.That is why you lost your lands to ottomans which was regained by russian empire.... Soon Romania will pay for its sins.....Free Gagauzia now!!!!

Lol,throwing 300 year old rhetoric,.You're going to do what to us commie ? Organise another local referendum without stamps(all confiscated by the state) and vote us out again with signatures ? :rofl:.....Mother Russia can't cross the fence boyo,.:-)
Lol,throwing 300 year old rhetoric,.You're going to do what to us commie ? Organise another local referendum without stamps(all confiscated by the state) and vote us out again with signatures ? :rofl:.....Mother Russia can't cross the fence boyo,.:-)

Like how uncle joe who liberated moldavia in late 30's from romanian gypsy oppression ? or like Transniestria?
Like how uncle joe who liberated moldavia in late 30's from romanian gypsy oppression ? or like Transniestria?

Transnistria was never romanian(it was attached by the soviets to Moldovan SSR in the late 40's like Crimeea to the Ukraine),it can go independent for all i care,provided we can take those 150.000 romanians out of there if they want..Uncle Joe "liberated" shit from his mother's asshole .....his invasion of Romania was in the 40's anyway and the 40's are long gone.Russia does not wield that kind of power around here anymore.

Talking about gypsies...your ancestors in Gagauzia shared the same camps of "entertainment" with the gypsies in WW2 when we started rounding you up.You were basically the same for us.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin hinted darkly earlier this month that "the train called Moldova that is chugging toward Europe might lose a couple of its cars." Clearly he had in mind both Transdniester and Gagauzia.

Transnistria was never romanian(it was attached by the soviets to Moldovan SSR in the late 40's like Crimeea to the Ukraine),it can go independent for all i care,provided we can take those 150.000 romanians out of there if they want..Uncle Joe "liberated" shit from his mother's asshole .....his invasion of Romania was in the 40's anyway and the 40's are long gone.Russia does not wield that kind of power around here anymore.

Russia did not have nukes then .Today it does ,plus a lot of biological ,chemical weapons.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin hinted darkly earlier this month that "the train called Moldova that is chugging toward Europe might lose a couple of its cars." Clearly he had in mind both Transdniester and Gagauzia.

Uncle Joe "liberated" shit from his mother's asshole

Uncle joe liberated Gagauzia from romanian gyspy oppression.....
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