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Ottoman Union

There are to many other Player in ME than Turkey and some of them have more Economic and Military Power than Turkey !

You don't have to engage them in a combative or hostile way (the hostile ones) while tightening your bonds of friendship with the already friendly or neutral ones. I'm talking about different ME states here. I'm pretty sure that other nations in the ME (heck, even the hostile ones) do appreciate Turkey's role as a bridge between two different land-masses, heck two different worlds. Just bypass them or use a different strategic union if one doesn't work.
It's not a coincidence that the region called Turkey was home to the Ottomans, one of the greatest empires that's ever existed. Location is one thing that would help people of Turkey, no matter what.
If direct involvement with ME states in the immediate vicinity does not go as planned, you can tilt more towards EU or Central Asia-Turkey sphere etc etc. You have multiple spheres of influence and can engage ALL OF THEM at the same time.
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Haha i never expected this to happen

If Turkey joins the EU it cant form a union. And the EU is unfair and has a German monopoly. They can also lobby against Turkish intrests. You know that Iraq is our numbre 2 export country? Leaving the Middle East is not a good idea, but making the Middle East stable and wealthy again is a good idea. When all this trouble in the Middle East ends wih country will build the Middle East again? Yes Turkey. Well mostly Turkish companies.
Is that an official rule in the EU? Turkey can find another number two, what's number 3 or four, any Caucasus or Central Asian that need or could use or want more?

The Middle East can't stand on it's own two feet, If the US leaves (should of never got into it? it should leave) someone else will have to jump in to stable and wealthy. It's not good to use someone that needs you more than you need them.
Turkey alreay is Greece's numbre one export country. Turkey and Greece can cooperate in many fields. Turkey brings cheap gas and oil from the Turkic states and Middle-East. Joint venture with the newly found Cyprus Gas. Working together alone is a gain for Greece.

Why close this thread? its gone viral :D

Its a bit to early to start with stuff like that, better to build the infrastructure to support it for later, than start with a weak union which can be collapsed easily, We still have to many issues to be addressed at home.
Its a bit to early to start with stuff like that, better to build the infrastructure to support it for later, than start with a weak union which can be collapsed easily, We still have to many issues to be addressed at home.

This is for the future. Turkey already has soft power in these countries. I am whispering Neo-Ottomanism and Davutoglu is one of the architects. ;)
Turkey and Pakistan need to turn ECO into a union. Its a more pragmatic option than yours. Central Asia and Pakistan are pro Turkey. Arabs will not follow you no matter what. Its a matter of ego and prejudice with a little bit of sour history between Turkish ultra nationalists and ultra nationalist Arabs.

We can combine all 10 Muslim ECO members into a close bond, open market, single currency, free trade and a badaas military with over 1 million active troops, plus Pakistan's strategic weapons. No one will dare mess with such a grouping.

Age of empires is behind us, Muslims need to learn ways to muster then project their power. If we don't, the chances of us remaining the 'collateral damage' and 'target decoys' while our countries becoming the weapons testing ranges of the west are more real than ever.
This Union(ECO) is better for us,the rest is only trouble.
ECO needs to be replaced with my idea of the Regional Economic Cooperation Treaty Organization (RECTO).

I've studied it in depth, i don't think Iran will have a problem with an economic union with a combined GDP of over a trillion dollars.

Turkey needs to give up on EU and on the ME. Lets focus on something that already works.
We want something in return,deliver him(the fat Kasmiri) the traitor to us,alive and we are in.
This is for the future. Turkey already has soft power in these countries. I am whispering Neo-Ottomanism and Davutoglu is one of the architects. ;)

Its true, but the world is round so are some peoples, Allies can betray and become your enemies and your enemies can learn from their mistakes and comes allies, even though turkey has some soft power in those regions and tries to win them over we need to have solid peoples, which is lacking at the moment.

And even though you are whispering Neo-Ottomanism, I don't like that term, I know you mean it with well intentions, but we are Turks we build and destroy empires, its a part of our way of life, just work hard for your our nation and some day a new empire will arise naturally.

This union will consist of these countries: current Turkey, North Syria (logistical point Aleppo), North Iraq(Kurdistan+Iraqi Turkmenistan), South Bulgaria(Razgrad-, Kircali area) West Iran area(35 million + Azeri Turks) and United Cyprus.

Partner states: Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, All Turkic states, loyal Arab states (in the future Egypt might join when the islamists take power again) Broke Armenia would join since it has no other option(all borders closed, so it has to give in)

If we look at the current happenings in the world this could be real, but Turkey already has soft power in all these countries. We share a lot of history and culture. Why not one political entity? It will bring stability and wealth to the whole region (Balkans and Middle-East)

your thoughts?
not happening anytime soon
not sure if it's worth to write a serious comment or not about such a topic... this time i pass.
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