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Ottoman Union

not sure if it's worth to write a serious comment or not about such a topic... this time i pass.
Are you serious? And you get a like for that post too? This is a forum right? If you dont want to comment than dont. Some people find this thread intresting no need to post comments like that.

This union will consist of these countries: current Turkey, North Syria (logistical point Aleppo), North Iraq(Kurdistan+Iraqi Turkmenistan), South Bulgaria(Razgrad-, Kircali area) West Iran area(35 million + Azeri Turks) and United Cyprus.

Partner states: Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, All Turkic states, loyal Arab states (in the future Egypt might join when the islamists take power again) Broke Armenia would join since it has no other option(all borders closed, so it has to give in)

If we look at the current happenings in the world this could be real, but Turkey already has soft power in all these countries. We share a lot of history and culture. Why not one political entity? It will bring stability and wealth to the whole region (Balkans and Middle-East)

your thoughts?
would a non-turk be allowed to rule the empire?
Are you serious? And you get a like for that post too? This is a forum right? If you dont want to comment than dont. Some people find this thread intresting no need to post comments like that.

Don't be offended, my friend. The subject of the thread has a big potential for trolls, so it was expected to be ruined quickly, as it happened.
We want something in return,deliver him(the fat Kasmiri) the traitor to us,alive and we are in.

What's ECO, I think I know already but can't think of it.

ECO = Economic Cooperation Organization was started as RCD (Regional Cooperation for Development) by Turkey, Iran and Pakistan in 1964. I think its the most viable option for a cooperative union framework between 10 regional member states.

Economic Cooperation Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you serious? And you get a like for that post too? This is a forum right? If you dont want to comment than dont. Some people find this thread intresting no need to post comments like that.
bro, i'm all for discussions, that's why i am here on the forum. However, some topics are just outright silly and discussing it is just a waste of time.
For example, how can you ever expect Greeks and Bulgarians to prefer Turkey over EU and Russia? And then your picture also included Georgia and Armenia. Armenia doesnt need a comment. Georgia tries to be anti-Russia, but Russia can influence them easily, i think. No way these 2 countries can fall under Turkish influence, only Georgia has a small chance because we have increasing financial ties and geopolitical similarity, like their hate towards Armenia, so this brings us together, but common currency, regulations and such? not sure. Might even push them towards Russia.
Iran? impossible, that would be war.
Iraq and Syria? Already Turkey has strong ties with KRG. Going beyond that means challenging the Iraqi govt for influence. No way Iraqi govt and Iraqi Arabs will easily allow Turkey to have influence over them. KRG is just exception ebcause they are dependent on us and independent enough from Iraqi govt. Same matters for Syrian Arabs, i don't think Syrian sunni Arabs are looking warm to have Turkey dictating them like Brussels (read bigger influential EU countries) dictates others.
If you really want this to happen, Turkey should achieve such levels that will draw people towards us or force them to do business with us, like KRG being forced to depend on us for flourishing properly even though we know we dont like each other much.
ECO = Economic Cooperation Organization was started as RCD (Regional Cooperation for Development) by Turkey, Iran and Pakistan in 1964. I think its the most viable option for a cooperative union framework between 10 regional member states.

Economic Cooperation Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ECO cannot work brother. It was started when all 3 countries were in the western block, and had almost similar militaristic regimes. Now, the situation has changed. Iran is now in Eastern block. Turkey is not militaristic as before, and new independent countries of Central Asia, and Caucasus has made a big economical opportunity, which Iran and Turkey are rival, and not friends in them. Also, Afghanistan is unstable and a weak link.
I don't want to have non-Turkic peoples in my turan. I would support North-Azerbaijan and South-Azerbaijan to join. Some balkan countries but I wouldn't prefer to have Arabs joining it.
bro, i'm all for discussions, that's why i am here on the forum. However, some topics are just outright silly and discussing it is just a waste of time.
For example, how can you ever expect Greeks and Bulgarians to prefer Turkey over EU and Russia? And then your picture also included Georgia and Armenia. Armenia doesnt need a comment. Georgia tries to be anti-Russia, but Russia can influence them easily, i think. No way these 2 countries can fall under Turkish influence, only Georgia has a small chance because we have increasing financial ties and geopolitical similarity, like their hate towards Armenia, so this brings us together, but common currency, regulations and such? not sure. Might even push them towards Russia.
Iran? impossible, that would be war.
Iraq and Syria? Already Turkey has strong ties with KRG. Going beyond that means challenging the Iraqi govt for influence. No way Iraqi govt and Iraqi Arabs will easily allow Turkey to have influence over them. KRG is just exception ebcause they are dependent on us and independent enough from Iraqi govt. Same matters for Syrian Arabs, i don't think Syrian sunni Arabs are looking warm to have Turkey dictating them like Brussels (read bigger influential EU countries) dictates others.
If you really want this to happen, Turkey should achieve such levels that will draw people towards us or force them to do business with us, like KRG being forced to depend on us for flourishing properly even though we know we dont like each other much.

Greece would be better of than it is now. EU is raping Greece right now.
Projects like the Trans Anatolian pipeline, South stream, BTK-Railroad that eventually will connect China with Europe via Railroad will bring the East closer to the West. Georgia, Azerbaidjan, Pakistan, Afganistan, Iran and Turkic states will benefit hugely from this.

The "Silk Road" could become a great Geopolitical Advantage for Turkey to Connect Balkan and north African Economies with Eastern Markets! Spain and France could lose some Influence in northern Africa. And the newly formed Union will bring stability in the Mid-East. Greece would be the logistical point and the gateway to the West (Europe) If we share the newly found resources and settle with the history we can make this happen. We will form a new block against other powers. Greece would become a strong and rich country. Greece deserves to be in a better position than it is right now.

As for Armenia: I dont believe Armenia will have a choice. It is already isolated by Georgia, Azerbaidjan and Turkey. Iran is their only gateway. BTK railroad let to more Armenia isolation.

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2005 reportedly declared, "If we succeed with this project, the Armenians will end in complete isolation, which would create an additional problem for their already bleak future." Armenia has a decreasing economy and population. So you dont know were they will stand after 10-20 years.

That last point you made grabbed my attention. Turkey already draws attention. See for Putin who visited Turkey to boost energy deals and economy.

Dont underestimate Turkey. We already have made moves (soft power) After Assad is eliminated who will rebuild Syria? the answer is Turkey my dear friend. The new leader will be pro-Turkish. As for Bulgaria. The third party is Turkish. The region i mentioned in OP is full with Turks. They dont have seperatism, but if Bulgaria will ruin their economy more, people will be drawn to this union by themselfs.

A lot of things that can happen in a short time span. Again we already have soft power in these countries. A economic and social union could be posible, but Turkey needs more improvements. We should fulfill the role that Germany has in the EU in this newly formed union.
ECO cannot work brother. It was started when all 3 countries were in the western block, and had almost similar militaristic regimes. Now, the situation has changed. Iran is now in Eastern block. Turkey is not militaristic as before, and new independent countries of Central Asia, and Caucasus has made a big economical opportunity, which Iran and Turkey are rival, and not friends in them. Also, Afghanistan is unstable and a weak link.

I don't see it that way. Competition is always a plus, what needs to happen is to have free open trade and transits for logistics and energy. That will be a very good starter which can be build upon further. C.Asian states are land locked and cannot realize their true economic potential without larger markets like Pakistan, Turkey or Iran nor without access to their ports. In such an arrangement there is an incentive for everyone.
what do you think turkey+ russia+pakistan +Muslim brotherhood+ azerbaijan+ turkic states union
Greece would be better of than it is now. EU is raping Greece right now.
Projects like the Trans Anatolian pipeline, South stream, BTK-Railroad that eventually will connect China with Europe via Railroad will bring the East closer to the West. Georgia, Azerbaidjan, Pakistan, Afganistan, Iran and Turkic states will benefit hugely from this.

The "Silk Road" could become a great Geopolitical Advantage for Turkey to Connect Balkan and north African Economies with Eastern Markets! Spain and France could lose some Influence in northern Africa. And the newly formed Union will bring stability in the Mid-East. Greece would be the logistical point and the gateway to the West (Europe) If we share the newly found resources and settle with the history we can make this happen. We will form a new block against other powers. Greece would become a strong and rich country. Greece deserves to be in a better position than it is right now.

As for Armenia: I dont believe Armenia will have a choice. It is already isolated by Georgia, Azerbaidjan and Turkey. Iran is their only gateway. BTK railroad let to more Armenia isolation.

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2005 reportedly declared, "If we succeed with this project, the Armenians will end in complete isolation, which would create an additional problem for their already bleak future." Armenia has a decreasing economy and population. So you dont know were they will stand after 10-20 years.

That last point you made grabbed my attention. Turkey already draws attention. See for Putin who visited Turkey to boost energy deals and economy.

Dont underestimate Turkey. We already have made moves (soft power) After Assad is eliminated who will rebuild Syria? the answer is Turkey my dear friend. The new leader will be pro-Turkish. As for Bulgaria. The third party is Turkish. The region i mentioned in OP is full with Turks. They dont have seperatism, but if Bulgaria will ruin their economy more, people will be drawn to this union by themselfs.

A lot of things that can happen in a short time span. Again we already have soft power in these countries. A economic and social union could be posible, but Turkey needs more improvements. We should fulfill the role that Germany has in the EU in this newly formed union.
Greeks can't be trusted bro.

If Greece steps out of the EU (which is legally not possible) and have the opportunity to join Turkey. The first thing that would happen is there would be a major civil war in Greece between the left and the right. Between the fascists and the communists. Between the pro-Turks and anti-Turks.

Having such a bunch of lazy loosers who constantly war each other since the beginning of the written word is not good to have between our ranks. They would be only a weight. I rather rule Greece through softpower. Greece in itself is useless. We only need free passage to reach our brothers in the Balkans such as the Albanians, Bosnians, Balkan Turks and others.
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