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Ottoman Union

Turkey and Pakistan need to turn ECO into a union. Its a more pragmatic option than yours. Central Asia and Pakistan are pro Turkey. Arabs will not follow you no matter what. Its a matter of ego and prejudice with a little bit of sour history between Turkish ultra nationalists and ultra nationalist Arabs.

We can combine all 10 Muslim ECO members into a close bond, open market, single currency, free trade and a badaas military with over 1 million active troops, plus Pakistan's strategic weapons. No one will dare mess with such a grouping.

Age of empires is behind us, Muslims need to learn ways to muster then project their power. If we don't, the chances of us remaining the 'collateral damage' and 'target decoys' while our countries becoming the weapons testing ranges of the west are more real than ever.

I think there should be one Islamic Space program, with every country contributing tiny bit of their budget. Considing OIC combined GDP is near $10 trillion nominal and growing, even 0.1% of it means $10 billion budget. Time for Islamic world to get back on its feet.
ECO needs to be replaced with my idea of the Regional Economic Cooperation Treaty Organization (RECTO).

I've studied it in depth, i don't think Iran will have a problem with an economic union with a combined GDP of over a trillion dollars.

Turkey needs to give up on EU and on the ME. Lets focus on something that already works.

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Exactly. Projects like the Trans Anatolian pipeline, South stream, BTK-Railroad that eventually will connect China with Europe via Railroad will bring the East closer to the West. Georgia, Azerbaidjan, Pakistan, Afganistan, Iran and Turkic states will benefit hugely from this.
Exactly. Projects like the Trans Anatolian pipeline, South stream, BTK-Railroad that eventually will connect China with Europe via Railroad will bring the East closer to the West. Georgia, Azerbaidjan, Pakistan, Afganistan, Iran and Turkic states will benefit hugely from this.



The "Silk Road" could become a great Geoplotic Advantage for Turkey to Connect Balkan and north African Economies with Eastern Markets ! Spain and France could lose some Influence in northern Africa !
If it was like former empires claiming their old territories, then a lot of countries can claim other countries.

Though your union can only happen in a parallel world as @Sinan said or in your dreams, it's interesting for me to know that since when western parts of Iran were Ottoman territory? Actually Iran was the only country that Ottomans never were able to seize its territory permanently. They took some parts in some wars, then Safavids/Nader Shah used to counter attack and drive them out and capturing some Ottoman territory, and it was all repeated to reach a stalemate and permanent peace treaty. Our borders with Turkey are one of the oldest in the world.

What? There were plenty of Arab countries that were never ruled by Ottomans or very briefly at most. Iran borders a certain sea called the "Sea of Oman". That same Oman was an imperial power and even ruled parts of Southern Iran.

They had significant land possessions on 2 continents.

Various nation states have come and gone throughout history. If you tell an Iraqi that his country is new (might be on paper) he will laugh at you as his territory was home to some of the most impressive and oldest civilizations on the planet and indigenous moreover. Almost every single Arab country can say that.

Borders have changed forever and only in recent times have they become more formal which is a legacy of European political thoughts.


You think that Bulgaria (an EU member) will suddenly give up it's territory to serve Turkish interests? Greece? Are you serious? The historical brain and soul of Europe? Another EU country. Macedonia likewise. The Balkans rebelled against the Ottomans for a reason and other occupiers (Austria-Hungary etc.) not because they thought about it overnight but because they wanted to be independent.

Russia would never allow Armenia to be absorbed by Turkey. Likewise the 4-5 Turkic states in Central Asia are firmly in the control of Russia and that will probably always be the case or as long as Russia is a military power.

Northern Syria and Northern Iraq? If you mean KRG then I doubt that they would want to be ruled by Turks when they have rebelled against Arab rule. Iraqis and Syrians are nationalistic people and tend to be Arab nationalists so don't expect them to join such an union and turn into vassal states. What's with other parts of Syria and Iraq? Will they expect such a idea? I doubt so.

It's better to work towards economic and military organizations such as the GCC.
Let's bring @al-Hasani and

@BLACKEAGLE here and let they tear apart this silly theory.

Such topics remind me of our ultra nationalist Arabs that dream of reestablishing 4 of the 11 biggest empires in human history again (Umayyad, Abbasid, Rashidun, Fatimid) etc. and call for the reconquest of Portugal, Spain, parts of Southern France, Sicily, Southern Italy, Cyprus, Crete etc. day and night let alone other parts of the world.

PDF is a very good environment for such thoughts.

Anyway it can be said this shortly;

The region benefits from stability and mutual trade and the more potential trade routes the better for the overall region.

This union will consist of these countries: current Turkey, North Syria (logistical point Aleppo), North Iraq(Kurdistan+Iraqi Turkmenistan), South Bulgaria(Razgrad-, Kircali area) West Iran area(35 million + Azeri Turks) and United Cyprus.

Partner states: Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, All Turkic states, loyal Arab states (in the future Egypt might join when the islamists take power again) Broke Armenia would join since it has no other option(all borders closed, so it has to give in)

If we look at the current happenings in the world this could be real, but Turkey already has soft power in all these countries. We share a lot of history and culture. Why not one political entity? It will bring stability and wealth to the whole region (Balkans and Middle-East)

your thoughts?

my reaction: :omghaha:

forget iraq and syria.. its a war zone arabian jihadis invaded this area kurds are trolling and fantasizing there a shia sunni war is being fought there :coffee:

to greece and cyprus.. never will they join us by their own will.. only by force and any greek in our lines would be a idotic desicion for a real ethnic turk...

so if greece would never join us than armenia would really never do such a thing.. you will see them starving rather than joining us..

albania is not mostly muslim forget it just kosovo is mainly muslim.. and the non muslim albania dislikes us.. consider them as half greeks

for Bulgaria EU and their crusader club would not allow this..

the only way for turkey is this:

team up with south korea.. much more than today..
lesser russia influence
more japanese influence and team up..

extreem team up with pakistan and cleaning of pakistan from radical influences.. goal should be a strong stable pakistan
we should provide them training in police, military, and secret agency also provide them technology.. more trade..
more university relations, more cultural introduction on TV so both will be open hearted for each other..

more trade with indonesia

georgia is a good idea we should also do more with spain and italy they are not like french or germans

we also should do some stuff with arabs.. but we should not really think that they are frindly.. egypt for example shows what kind of bullshit is happening.. stay out of this

Australia is importand we should also have a good look in this area because we do not have any problems with them..
Kanada is also importand a big country with potential good realtions to us..

also Brasilia should be on focus.. turkish economy has to have many differnent partners everywhere
also we should have a look to some african nations..

the biggest and major goal should be strengthen middle asia turks...

the first thing Turkey Azerbaycan relation nothing is more importand than this we are one folk in two states..
strengthen Turkmenistan and binding them to us would be a logical thing but at this times kazakhs are far more interested in this so we had to look mainly for Turkish Azarbaycan Kazakhistan realations and concentrade on our three ecomomical and military cooperation..
Personaly I would love to have Turkey Azerbaycani and Turkmen relations like one nation because we are very close related to each other.. and than going more east
Uzbeks are a problem maybe a strong Turkey Azerbaycan Turkem and Kazakh Team could bring them to us..

for us in turkey: I would also love to bring Azeris Turkmens Kazakhs Uygurs etc to east part of turkiye.. give them good jobs and let them have many children..

so it is not easy but possible to work together.. to make one big Turkic state is not possible yet we are too divided and our goverment and law systems are not eaqual also we should have one common language kill all foreign influences and bring up together own words.. but we can work together and help each other this are the first steps if we want to do it peacefully than we need many years of hard work..

in simple words everything is not easy and many work is to do.. but we cannot get territories easy back.. thats just daydreaming.. even by own will it will be very difficult
What? There were plenty of Arab countries that were never ruled by Ottomans or very briefly at most. Iran borders a certain sea called the "Sea of Oman". That same Oman was an imperial power and even ruled parts of Southern Iran.
Why on earth are you bringing Oman in to this? I meant countries that Ottomans permanently controlled, what does that have anything to do with my post?
I want us to create a union that is able to take on USA, Russia and China aka "the superpwers". This will be a big blow to the superpowers. Greece is raped by the EU right now. Greece would be the logistical point and the gateway to the West (Europe) If we share the newly found resources (Cyprus) and settle with the history we can make this happen.
This is not science fiction. This can be done real quick actually. The EU is a German economic playground. Countries like Greece are fed up with the EU. Greece should go default and joint a future union like this.
Why on earth are you bringing Oman in to this? I meant countries that Ottomans permanently controlled, what does that have anything to do with my post?

You wrote nonsense.

"Actually Iran was the only country that Ottomans never were able to seize its territory permanently."

That's a historical lie. I gave Oman as an example. There are dozens of others just on the Arabian Peninsula let alone the entire Arab world.

Anyway it's part of the "Farsi rewriting of history" that is so famous by now. You probably also think that you built Babylon.:lol:
Turkey, Caucasus, Central Asia, and Pakistan Yes. Iraq, Iran, Syria, United Cyprus, and Greece is just asking for a major butt whooping.
How about we keep Pakistan as it is...

Again i am against an empire. Its a union. and its not necessarily have to be named Ottoman. It was just to give you guys an idea.
You wrote nonsense.

"Actually Iran was the only country that Ottomans never were able to seize its territory permanently."

That's a historical lie. I gave Oman as an example. There are dozens of others just on the Arabian Peninsula let alone the entire Arab world.

Anyway it's part of the "Farsi rewriting of history" that is so famous by now. You probably also think that you built Babylon.:lol:

Mate, you seem to have some comprehension problems here. I meant the countries that OP stated in his post that should be included in the so called union, not 'any country in this world'.

Okay, Bolivia and Brazil weren't also part of Ottoman empire, genius huh? That's embarrassing.
Mate, you seem to have some comprehension problems here. I meant the countries that OP stated in his post that should be included in the so called union, not 'any country in this world'.

Okay, Bolivia and Brazil weren't also part of Ottoman empire, genius huh? That's embarrassing.

Oh, so it is my problem that you are unable to be clear in your writings? Your post could have meant everything from the countries mentioned in this supposed fairytale "union" to the ME as a whole.

Your examples make no sense. The area discussed concerns the ME and Southeastern Europe.

It's just that when reading your compatriots posts on a weekly basis you can become used to everything. The amount of absurd historical lies and nonsense claims are damn big.
Oh, so it is my problem that you are unable to be clear in your writings? Your post could have meant everything from the countries mentioned in this supposed fairytale "union" to the ME as a whole.

Your examples make no sense. The area discussed concerns the ME and Southeastern Europe.

It's jus that when reading your compatriots posts on a weekly basis you can become used to everything. The amount of absurd historical lies and nonsense claims are damn big.

And you were the only one who jumped on it. It doesn't take a genius to know that when I say something like that, I literally don't mean every country in the world or even ME, this is no kindergarten to explain everything in details. I said Iran was never a part of Ottoman empire because he had included parts of Iran, not Oman or any other irrelevant country.
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