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Ottoman Union

Turkish Republic can´t be a Part of something called Ottoman.

The Ottoman dynasty has failed.

Abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you Guy´s can create your Ottoman Union but Turkey would not be a Part of something like this.

Why should Turkish People who get they own Indepence threaten by a new monarchy ? To Call a Union between this Nations " Ottoman " show´s this way.
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I don't see it that way. Competition is always a plus,
uhhh ... No, bro, it is not, specially in the ME. every one prefers monopoly.
what needs to happen is to have free open trade and transits for logistics and energy.
Open trade is not possible for Iran. She is a sanctioned country, and its sanctions will not be fully removed for many years.
That will be a very good starter which can be build upon further. C.Asian states are land locked and cannot realize their true economic potential without larger markets like Pakistan, Turkey or Iran nor without access to their ports. In such an arrangement there is an incentive for everyone.
Central Asian countries, I mean the wealthy ones, are oil rich countries, so, not much of trade between them and Iran is possible. because they have similar exports and imports, and they also have China for their non-oil trades in their neighborhood. It's not easy to participate in CA market.
I don't want to have non-Turkic peoples in my turan. I would support North-Azerbaijan and South-Azerbaijan to join. Some balkan countries but I wouldn't prefer to have Arabs joining it.
OP means mere union a la EU, not physically incorporating their lands into one union. Still not going to work, if you ask me.

Greece would be better of than it is now. EU is raping Greece right now.
Projects like the Trans Anatolian pipeline, South stream, BTK-Railroad that eventually will connect China with Europe via Railroad will bring the East closer to the West. Georgia, Azerbaidjan, Pakistan, Afganistan, Iran and Turkic states will benefit hugely from this.

The "Silk Road" could become a great Geopolitical Advantage for Turkey to Connect Balkan and north African Economies with Eastern Markets! Spain and France could lose some Influence in northern Africa. And the newly formed Union will bring stability in the Mid-East. Greece would be the logistical point and the gateway to the West (Europe) If we share the newly found resources and settle with the history we can make this happen. We will form a new block against other powers. Greece would become a strong and rich country. Greece deserves to be in a better position than it is right now.

As for Armenia: I dont believe Armenia will have a choice. It is already isolated by Georgia, Azerbaidjan and Turkey. Iran is their only gateway. BTK railroad let to more Armenia isolation.

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2005 reportedly declared, "If we succeed with this project, the Armenians will end in complete isolation, which would create an additional problem for their already bleak future." Armenia has a decreasing economy and population. So you dont know were they will stand after 10-20 years.

That last point you made grabbed my attention. Turkey already draws attention. See for Putin who visited Turkey to boost energy deals and economy.

Dont underestimate Turkey. We already have made moves (soft power) After Assad is eliminated who will rebuild Syria? the answer is Turkey my dear friend. The new leader will be pro-Turkish. As for Bulgaria. The third party is Turkish. The region i mentioned in OP is full with Turks. They dont have seperatism, but if Bulgaria will ruin their economy more, people will be drawn to this union by themselfs.

A lot of things that can happen in a short time span. Again we already have soft power in these countries. A economic and social union could be posible, but Turkey needs more improvements. We should fulfill the role that Germany has in the EU in this newly formed union.
i generally agree with your views, but you are too optimistic in my opinion.

When/if Assad goes, Russia will have serious interests in the next puppet. For Russia, individual Assad is just a pawn, what is more important for Russia is the stance of Syria. a pro-Russia Syria is a client state of theirs plus Russia has a naval base there. a pro-Turkey/western (even western oriented leader doesnt mean pro-Turkish) Syrian leader would eventually close that naval base under Turkish/western pressure i assume, so it is naive to believe that the next Syrian leader will be pro-Turkish/western without Russian interference. Russia wont let that one go so easily.

Armenia is declining in all fields, but that doesnt have to mean they will have to reconcile with us. They can become part of federal Russia if they really have to, no? at least seems more likely than them accepting Turkish influence.

in my opinion, Bulgaria and Greece is unnecessary talk bro. You know well their situation is not that bad, plus they have the EU and Russian card due religion/slavic root. Plus expecting the majority of them to be influenced and directed by Ankara will hurt their pride.

i think we all strongly agree on the need for a way stronger economy and militarily before we take such theories seriously, be it a mere soft power based ME union or a Turkic union that requires more than just soft power or whatever union that requires Turkey to play a leading role. That's why i think Pakistan and Turkic countries, for Arab countries and Iran in general will not like Turkey's ambitions in the ME and/or CA, should also first develop asap and then we all will eventually be in a much comfortable situation where we can reach for our goals.
We can combine all 10 Muslim ECO members into a close bond, open market, single currency, free trade and a badass military with over 1 million active troops, plus Pakistan's strategic weapons. No one will dare mess with such a grouping.

Age of empires is behind us, Muslims need to learn ways to muster then project their power. If we don't, the chances of us remaining the 'collateral damage' and 'target decoys' while our countries becoming the weapons testing ranges of the west are more real than ever.

The alarm bell has rung, time to wake and clean the bed my friend. Please refrain mixing the real world with highly improbable 'what-ifs'. Good day to you.

EDIT: I should add a reminder that the world's most successful union of such a kind so far, the EU, is falling apart from the inside. What disaster would you not expect from mixing random countries together that have virtually nothing to do with each other, AND have vastly different politically motives?
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The alarm bell has rung, time to wake and clean the bed my friend. Please refrain mixing the real world with highly improbable 'what-ifs'. Good day to you.

EDIT: I should add a reminder that the world's most successful union of such a kind so far, the EU, is falling apart from the inside. What disaster would you not expect from mixing random countries together that have virtually nothing to do with each other, AND have vastly different politically motives?

PDF in a nutshell. Just look at the post above mine.:lol: Sometimes its much better than watching comedy. I can tell you this much.
Replace Iran with Caucasus and Europe and you get Tur.Eur.Sia Union.:enjoy:

Isolating Iran from an existing regional structure will be detrimental to its future since Iran is a regional power and has enormous energy resources which a union like that would desperately need to meet its demands.
Isolating Iran from an existing regional structure will be detrimental to its future since Iran is a regional power and has enormous energy resources which a union like that would desperately need to meet its demands.

A feasible alliance, whatever it might be, really needs to share borders. Pakistan, Turkey and such are not naval powers. They cannot project the naval power in the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea. Adversaries are far more powerful and have a lot of resources.

So if Pakistan and Turkey are to forge some sort of alliance....They really need to have another country come in that shares the border with the both. If not one, than another two countries should be sufficient.

Land route will allow trade/commerce, university education for the alliance, effective troops deployment and such...
Isolating Iran from an existing regional structure will be detrimental to its future since Iran is a regional power and has enormous energy resources which a union like that would desperately need to meet its demands.
This will force them to compete to offer something other than energy resources which I'm assuming is carbon based. Europe and the West is working on Nuclear Fusion and once that started then there is no point in using natural energy resources. Russia's and Iran's energy could be used while it's needed but I don't see that as enough to be part of the union. Iran could join later but not to start with.
This will force them to compete to offer something other than energy resources which I'm assuming is carbon based. Europe and the West is working on Nuclear Fusion and once that started then there is no point in using natural energy resources. Russia's and Iran's energy could be used while it's needed but I don't see that as enough to be part of the union. Iran could join later but not to start with.

If Iran is not integrated it will go against such a structure and not to forget that both Turkey and Pakistan need Iran for a geographic link for trade through the Gul Train project.
This will force them to compete to offer something other than energy resources which I'm assuming is carbon based. Europe and the West is working on Nuclear Fusion and once that started then there is no point in using natural energy resources. Russia's and Iran's energy could be used while it's needed but I don't see that as enough to be part of the union. Iran could join later but not to start with.

That's very true.

The strength of the West lies in their universities and research centers.

The strength of us lies in Jihadi babes, camels and fooling our people.
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