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Ottoman Union

Here is my GRAND PLAN

For Turkey and Pakistan

View attachment 161320
You just created a Sea, now you have naming rights.
If Iran is not integrated it will go against such a structure and not to forget that both Turkey and Pakistan need Iran for a geographic link for trade through the Gul Train project.
I'm pretty sure with such a union Iran would try and find ways to get included later on not going against it which could only make things worse for them. Iran would want that Gulf Train project built even more realizing the union has control over the Black and Caspian Seas and with Pakistan they can build a larger Navy with the help of Union the control over the Arabian Sea.
You just created a Sea, now you have naming rights.

I'm pretty sure with such a union Iran would try and find ways to get included later on not going against it which could only make things worse for them. Iran would want that Gulf Train project built even more realizing the union has control over the Black and Caspian Seas and with Pakistan they can build a larger Navy with the help of Union the control over the Arabian Sea.

The climate for such a union doesn't exist as our leadership is simply not thinking about it. One day i believe they will realize its importance.
ECO = Economic Cooperation Organization was started as RCD (Regional Cooperation for Development) by Turkey, Iran and Pakistan in 1964. I think its the most viable option for a cooperative union framework between 10 regional member states.

Economic Cooperation Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


İn 1964.... before mullahs.

When I saw you in the thread, I immediately thought you would mention "4 of 11 biggest empires" bullsh.t, and you did, I think I know you well :D

"able" isn't the word you are looking for btw, Ottomans could wipe out everyone in Arabian peninsula, they were "able" , but not everytime Ottomans saw worth in total conquest, even in eastern Anatolia there were some semi independent Kurdish tribals.

Same goes to Iran, Safavids especially at early period were no bigger deal then Mamluks, but Ottomans had different different ambitions, they were never really that interested in east to focus all their power in east.
It will bring stability and wealth to the whole region (Balkans and Middle-East) Sykes-Picot agreement was a disaster.

How is it going to bring stability and wealth when you claim a sovereign country`s territory in the name of union? And you need to look up the definition of union bro.. I sincerely dont intend to offend you, just really out of curiosity, you are in early 20s right?
[0QUOTE="DESERT FIGHTER, post: 6508622, member: 22700"]Turkiye-Iran-Pak-Central asia... great potential... mineral wealth,manpower-economic potential... and all can be linked via rail aswell as road routes..[/QUOTE]

forget it with iran there is a big fat NO

I dont see them as trustworthy
Ideal union would be Turkey, iran, pakistan and some smaller countries and no arabs at all

arabs have to much pride and ego that its impossible to deal with them

sorry not sorry
How is it going to bring stability and wealth when you claim a sovereign country`s territory in the name of union? And you need to look up the definition of union bro.. I sincerely dont intend to offend you, just really out of curiosity, you are in early 20s right?

No i a not offended at all. I am 24 years old and i am currently finishing my bachelor's degree. Next year i am going for a master on customer psychology.

I know the definition of a union. And if you read my text i somewhat explained how it could occur.

About Iran it doesnt need to be divided, but it can. You dont know what will happen within the next 10-20 years. There are 35+ million Azeri Turks in Iran.

As for North Iraq Turkey already pumps yearly 9-10 billion dollars of the 14 billion reserve Turkey has yearly for foreign investment. After Germany Iraq is our biggest export market. This is not a coincidence. Turkey litteraly owns 90% of the market. That's what you call soft power. If shit hits the fan and they dont listen or make moves thats against the intrest of Turkey we can sabotage by our economic strength. That's how modern day politics work. North Iraq (KRG) with Barzani is loyal to Turkey. They know they should follow Ankara, because its their only hope for peace and economic stability.

As for Syria Assad will be replaced sooner or later. Turkey pushed America for a safe zone, but they went on to just bombarding ISIS positions wich is not effective. Turkey trains anti-assad groups as we speak (FSA) When they are trained and armed with Turkish (Nato) weaponry they will destroy Assadist elements in Syria. The only problem is ISIS, but i dont expect them to stay in power. Syria is a mystery still.

As for Bulgaria. Bulgaria's 3rd party is a Turkish party. I know the politics within Bulgaria, because i have 3 Bulgarians in service. I somethimes talk about politics and follow their newschannels. There are a lot of Bulgarians who are against the state, because it is corrupt and unfair. Turkish party's are supported by Turkey. Bulgaria can join as a partner state. The region i mentioned is mostly Turkish inhabited.

As for Greece (partner state)
- Over the years, Greeks and Turks have taken turns at butchering each other.
- This has created a climate of hostility.
- However, the only ppl that benefit from hostility between us, are foreigners, who don't have our best interests at heart.
- There is a Greek proverb, when you're in trouble, first you ask for the help of God, then for the help of your neighbour... and since we're neighbours (you get the rest). We're stuck with each other.
- There are in fact large deposits of oil and gas in our waters and region that are very valuable.
- It is best that we work together and split the oil and gas between us, otherwise the Anglo-Americans (and their sidekicks) will end up getting most of it, and we will lose. Better for us to split it, then to get short changed and others reap the benefits.
- Europe, the USA will never allow Turkey to "take" Greek islands or land. Which basically means military means and a conflict between us, would settle nothing and wouldn't change anything. It would be a waste.
- And the foreigners (US, Europeans, Russians) have plans, that are not in our interest. They basically don't care for neither of us, and only wish bad upon us. If they could tear our countries apart they would.
- So we have tp work together, peacefully, to come up with a just solution to share all resources, live in peace, and come up with solutions to all our problems, before the foreigners try to impose "solutions" upon us. We should live in peace as neighbours an benefit, instead of others benefiting at our expense.
-The EU rapes Greece right now. They sold their harbors, airports for cheap prices. If you look at their debt its almost impossible to be a independent country. It is imposible to leave the EU, but if such an alternative comes for Greece they might take the chance and bail out.

I see that a lot of people suffer from inferiority complex. This is a future plan not a plan that can be implemented right now.

And with all due respect for my Pakistan brothers. India is getting stronger by the day. You think this is not a thread for Pakistan? They have a huge economy. And a growing millitary might. If Pakistan stays as it is right now they can be overrun by the Indians. Joining a union like this could be a blow for all super powers(USA&China) and future powers(India). What the world needs especially our region needs is a new block that will fight for our rights and intrests.
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This union will consist of these countries: current Turkey, North Syria (logistical point Aleppo), North Iraq(Kurdistan+Iraqi Turkmenistan), South Bulgaria(Razgrad-, Kircali area) West Iran area(35 million + Azeri Turks) and United Cyprus.

Partner states: Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, All Turkic states, loyal Arab states (in the future Egypt might join when the islamists take power again) Broke Armenia would join since it has no other option(all borders closed, so it has to give in)

If we look at the current happenings in the world this could be real, but Turkey already has soft power in all these countries. We share a lot of history and culture. Why not one political entity? It will bring stability and wealth to the whole region (Balkans and Middle-East)

your thoughts?
Erdogan approves.
Ideal union would be Turkey, iran, pakistan and some smaller countries and no arabs at all

arabs have to much pride and ego that its impossible to deal with them

sorry not sorry

that is the same thing to iranian persians.. also there comes shia vs sunni mentality iran is a no go mullah area

@Rumelia forget your greeks and be faar away from them :D
And with all due respect for my Pakistan brothers. India is getting stronger by the day. You think this is not a thread for Pakistan? They have a huge economy. And a growing millitary might. If Pakistan stays as it is right now they can be overrun by the Indians. Joining a union like this could be a blow for all super powers(USA&China) and future powers(India). What the world needs especially our region needs is a new block that will fight for our rights and intrests.
I don't think Pakistan's problems can be solved by joining a union they are much more complex
as regards to the Indian threat yes they are bigger than us but no chance of us being overrun yet
How about we work on something we already have like ECO
Without having a degree in this field i can tell you from the get go that trying to integrate Greece,Bulgaria,Armenia,Macedonia into a "Ottoman union" will leave you with some very unhappy,angry "customers".
Bro if you read how it can happen. Its not an empire. Partner states. I explained everyting.
Without having a degree in this field i can tell you from the get go that trying to integrate Greece,Bulgaria,Armenia,Macedonia into a "Ottoman union" will leave you with some very unhappy,angry "customers".

How about we annex Romania instead ? :azn:

But @Sinan @xenon54 @T-123456 and @Hakan I fear that Flamer84 being a direct descendant of Vlad Dracula will try to fight me for this beautiful land; so my Brothers are you with me ? :smokin:
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