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Opportunity Calling : Invest in Chitral and Gilgit baltistan

I might be able to help you .
I know a place where these are available , yep wild strawberries for sure . Before sharing information , do tell me what sort of work do you do ,exactly ? I'm interested .
"I need to know if there is different varieties of wild strawberry present in Pakistan...and no not from your back garden but wild strawberries"
Yes there are . I have eaten them myself . See , my maternal grandmother lives in Yasin district in G-B , and her whole side of the family is scattered there , i know there at someone's house they have wild strawberries , just like these .

And these too .


They are small and taste good , really;different but good . I remember my grandma saying they have strawberries in some place to hard to remember at the time .
Saw the PDF file . Seems legit .
Wait let me ask my mom for more clarification .
Yep mom says they are loads of these things . I can actually pinpoint the exact location where they have these . Tase sourly but good . I could tell they were strawberries due to the strawberry look they had .
Hope i could help .

@Akheilos , at my mothers farm they grow all sorts of fruits Apples , Cherries , Apricots , Peach , Pears , Grapes , Blueberries ( just started ) and many fruits .
My uncle did one thing , don't know what it's called , what they do is they cut a little branch of certain good apricot tree and they somehow manage to join it to another tree of other kind of apricots . And i have seen to different types of Apricots being grown in the same tree . How sick is that ? @krash

Babusar is quite good . Road is under construction . I have been through it . Worth every second . I hope they make it a world class road .

Yes you are right brother . Give this a read @krash , you too , would give you an idea of the situation there .
Gilgit as a fifth province

Don't listen to this idiot .

So @Gikmet Baltee , which language do you speak ? see i too am a Gilgiti , well from different parts of Gilgit . Born adn somewhat raised too .

Read this . It's quite understandable . Gilgit as a fifth province

Are you a Gilgiti ?
i am BALTI

I might be able to help you .
I know a place where these are available , yep wild strawberries for sure . Before sharing information , do tell me what sort of work do you do ,exactly ? I'm interested .
"I need to know if there is different varieties of wild strawberry present in Pakistan...and no not from your back garden but wild strawberries"
Yes there are . I have eaten them myself . See , my maternal grandmother lives in Yasin district in G-B , and her whole side of the family is scattered there , i know there at someone's house they have wild strawberries , just like these .

And these too .


They are small and taste good , really;different but good . I remember my grandma saying they have strawberries in some place to hard to remember at the time .
Saw the PDF file . Seems legit .
Wait let me ask my mom for more clarification .
Yep mom says they are loads of these things . I can actually pinpoint the exact location where they have these . Tase sourly but good . I could tell they were strawberries due to the strawberry look they had .
Hope i could help .

@Akheilos , at my mothers farm they grow all sorts of fruits Apples , Cherries , Apricots , Peach , Pears , Grapes , Blueberries ( just started ) and many fruits .
My uncle did one thing , don't know what it's called , what they do is they cut a little branch of certain good apricot tree and they somehow manage to join it to another tree of other kind of apricots . And i have seen to different types of Apricots being grown in the same tree . How sick is that ? @krash

Babusar is quite good . Road is under construction . I have been through it . Worth every second . I hope they make it a world class road .

Yes you are right brother . Give this a read @krash , you too , would give you an idea of the situation there .
Gilgit as a fifth province

Don't listen to this idiot .

So @Gikmet Baltee , which language do you speak ? see i too am a Gilgiti , well from different parts of Gilgit . Born adn somewhat raised too .

Read this . It's quite understandable . Gilgit as a fifth province

Are you a Gilgiti ?

my profile name is also in balti language which means "Fearless Lion"
Good to know . Don't know anything about Baltis . Do you speak Shina or Chitrali ?

Nice .
yeah i can speak shina to some extent but cant speak chitrali ............BALTI is a language derived from Tibetian language spoken in tibet ,ladakh ,skim etc

U can google Balti
yeah i can speak shina to some extent but cant speak chitrali ............BALTI is a language derived from Tibetian language spoken in tibet ,ladakh ,skim etc

U can google Balti
I know about Blati people and the language but can't speak it . I can speak a bit of Shina too . not really a mother language , mostly understand it .
I know about Blati people and the language but can't speak it . I can speak a bit of Shina too . not really a mother language , mostly understand it .
Good to know ..from where u belong ??
Good to know ..from where u belong ??
I'm from Gilgit . Born in Yasin , and mostly grown there , till i was 5 or maybe 6 . My father is from Chilas area and surroundings so can speak a bit of Shina too . My mothers father side is from Hunza . Where i have a lot of Family too , and i go there from time to time . Have a huge Family . extends to all of GB ,even Skardu . LOLZ .
liakhmo yot ju :-)

can u speak Balti ???

Only very little and very very broken :p:

we are linked with kashmir issue and thus the govt of pakistan is not making us their part .but the fact is that we fought our own independence war with dogra raj and got independence and after 17 days we joined pakistan . GB is totally different than kashmir .it differs in cultural,language ,historical and many aspects .even back in history different rajas ruled kashmir and GB ...............

Can't disagree with anything in that. However the problem arose with the British jumbling up Kashmir and GB together under the Dogras which lead to both their fates being tied together in the partition under the princely states clause of the 'Indian Independence Act of 1947'. It was under this clause that Pakistan based its rightful claim on Kashmir and GB and presented its case to the international community which, inadvertently, again tied GB with Kashmir since the act pertains to the princely states of the then British India of 1947. It basically became an interconnected mess which Pakistan was not expecting to happen.

Still Pakistan has been trying to disassociate GB from Kashmir in the overall issue since the beginning. Granting both the regions separate identities, separate statuses and separate modes of government under the state of Pakistan was geared towards that. Pakistan has also raised this issue a few times internationally and tried to seek solutions to GB and Kashmir separately but it hasn't been fruitful given the Indian opposition and the original recognition of the dispute. Last time they went to the EU and asked them to recognize the GB and Kashmir as a single entity in the dispute, which they did. So in short Pakistan can't exactly assimilate GB as a fully functioning province just by itself until the issue is resolved or Pakistan would be shooting itself and the whole cause in its foot. What instead should be done is to give GB a quasi provincial status i.e. officially a territory being run by the locally elected officials with a minister, who could be termed 'lord commander' or something, as a province but not a province. Musharraf took the right steps towards this we must ensure that we keep moving towards it.

I might be able to help you .
I know a place where these are available , yep wild strawberries for sure . Before sharing information , do tell me what sort of work do you do ,exactly ? I'm interested .
"I need to know if there is different varieties of wild strawberry present in Pakistan...and no not from your back garden but wild strawberries"
Yes there are . I have eaten them myself . See , my maternal grandmother lives in Yasin district in G-B , and her whole side of the family is scattered there , i know there at someone's house they have wild strawberries , just like these .

And these too .


They are small and taste good , really;different but good . I remember my grandma saying they have strawberries in some place to hard to remember at the time .
Saw the PDF file . Seems legit .
Wait let me ask my mom for more clarification .
Yep mom says they are loads of these things . I can actually pinpoint the exact location where they have these . Tase sourly but good . I could tell they were strawberries due to the strawberry look they had .
Hope i could help .

@Akheilos , at my mothers farm they grow all sorts of fruits Apples , Cherries , Apricots , Peach , Pears , Grapes , Blueberries ( just started ) and many fruits .

Super cool. I had no idea. What of the wonders of our North!

My uncle did one thing , don't know what it's called , what they do is they cut a little branch of certain good apricot tree and they somehow manage to join it to another tree of other kind of apricots . And i have seen to different types of Apricots being grown in the same tree . How sick is that ? @krash

That's an age old method of genetic selection(?) in plants. Think its called grafting and paiwand in urdu.

Babusar is quite good . Road is under construction . I have been through it . Worth every second . I hope they make it a world class road .

The road built from Balakot till Jalkhad after the 05-06 was spectacular, especially the stretch beyond Naran. The going since then has been slow and the road has only been extended from Jalkhad till Lulusar while landslides and heavy snows have deteriorated the original stretch. The road after that just till Babusar Pass is barely a jeapable track and takes a good 3-4 hours to travel which is insane. Beyond that the road is fine and connects to the KKH in northern Chillas. If the road is completed and a tunnel is built under Babusar then this route would be tonnes better than the classical one.

Yes you are right brother . Give this a read @krash , you too , would give you an idea of the situation there .
Gilgit as a fifth province

Read this . It's quite understandable . Gilgit as a fifth province

On it, thanks.
That's an age old method of genetic selection in plants. Think its called grafting and paiwand in urdu.
Who knew , right ?
The road built from Balakot till Jalkhad after the 05-06 was spectacular, especially the stretch beyond Naran. The going since then has been slow and the road has only been extended from Jalkhad till Lulusar while landslides and heavy snows have deteriorated the original stretch. The road after that just till Babusar Pass is barely a jeapable track and takes a good 3-4 hours to travel which is insane. Beyond that the road is fine and connects to the KKH in northern Chillas. If the road is completed and a tunnel is built under Babusar then this route would be tonnes better than the classical one.
True .
On it, thanks.

@WAJsal it won't matter as @krash wants Kashmir and GB to go to India ! :mad:

Ever since we ended up with an Indian bhabi shes been making him more and more Pro-India by the minute ! :angry:

In fact a few weeks ago when someone asked him whether he recalled the National Anthem he replied 'Sareiii jahan seh achaaa Hindustan......' before realizing what he had said and then made excuses to cover it up.....apnaa Krash Bhai tou brainwash ho giyaa haiii hamariii Indian bhabi keh haathoon ! :(
@WAJsal it won't matter as @krash wants Kashmir and GB to go to India ! :mad:
In fact a few weeks ago when someone asked him whether he recalled the National Anthem he replied 'Sareiii jahan seh achaaa Hindustan......' before realizing what he had said and then made excuses to cover it up.....apnaa Krash Bhai tou brainwash ho giyaa haiii hamariii Indian bhabi keh haathoon ! :(
:o::o: What ???
My uncle did one thing , don't know what it's called , what they do is they cut a little branch of certain good apricot tree and they somehow manage to join it to another tree of other kind of apricots . And i have seen different types of Apricots being grown in the same tree .
Its called grafting. :)

I know a place where these are available , yep wild strawberries for sure . Before sharing information , do tell me what sort of work do you do ,exactly ?
Well I work on wild strawberry, from molecular biology to genetics.....I work in 2 separate countries and each has a small group for strawberry...In 1 country we work on fruits of Rosaceae species which include all that you mentioned:
Apples , Cherries , Apricots , Peach , Pears , Almonds, Berries,

Is it possible for you to give me the location and some pix of these berries/ the plant and its flowers?

What of the wonders of our North!
You honestly have no idea...Since I worked with 2 different plants (barley and now Strawberry) I know that during the early 1950s or 1960s some British men went to Pakistan xyz and some northern areas and brought back seeds of both these plants and they have crossbred these with British variety to get the best of it...In fact I have a paper about it but they didnt mention much about xyz just the fact that the 1 parent of the population was from Pakistan....
Private companies or chinese companies should take part
Private companies or chinese companies should take part
Ya and locals should carry on sleeping never accidentally help your brother...One day we will wake up and no longer have Pakistan coz someone has handed it out to some private company :unsure:
Well I work on wild strawberry, from molecular biology to genetics.....I work in 2 separate countries and each has a small group for strawberry...In 1 country we work on fruits of Rosaceae species which include all that you mentioned:
oh , now i have to figure out how to understand what you just said .
Is it possible for you to give me the location and some pix of these berries/ the plant and its flowers?
Sorry , can't . I'm in Karachi . I can give you the location .
oh , now i have to figure out how to understand what you just said .
I work in 2 European countries...we work on strawberry breeding but before breeding happens we have a look at plants (DNA level) and deduce what the plant is capable of based on its DNA (genetic material it can pass to its progeny).

We study this and cross breed - trying to put best traits in 1 plant to make a perfect one... :)

I can give you the location .
That might not be helpful until and unless I can get someone to go there and get me some pix :(
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