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Is tide turning finally ? Jammu and Kashmir: What's happening in Gilgit-Baltistan?

The same way other landlocked countries are surviving. If a country is landlocked it does not mean neighboring country should occupy it.

Isn't the situation here different. ??

sharing border with india from all the sides . sorry for being ignorant. . can you please tell me with some references of countries which exists in the middle of another country ???
You annexed an independent country by force. This is what is to be discussed.

Hyderabad decided to remain independent. They even had observer status in UN till 1948. They were not planning to join Pakistan. India occupied an independent country by force.

This thread is about Pakistan occupied kashmir and it's people protesting against Pakistan, there are umpteen threads on the one you say - go and lament there or open a new one about it.

Hyderabad - raath gayi baath gayi - get one Hyderabadi who complains - or should we start discussing Baluchistan, Sindhudesh, Puktunistan too?.
This thread is about Pakistan occupied kashmir and it's people protesting against Pakistan, there are umpteen threads on the one you say - go and lament there or open a new one about it.

Hyderabad - raath gayi baath gayi - get one Hyderabadi who complains - or should we start discussing Baluchistan, Sindhudesh, Puktunistan too?.

Usually this kind of argument is put forward when Indians do not have any valid point to support their argument. Good work. Keep it up.
Usually this kind of argument is put forward when Indians do not have any valid point to support their argument. Good work. Keep it up.

The irony is this thread is about someone complaining why India is not doing anything about the Kashmiri protests against Pakistan.
This thread is about Pakistan occupied kashmir and it's people protesting against Pakistan, there are umpteen threads on the one you say - go and lament there or open a new one about it.

Hyderabad - raath gayi baath gayi - get one Hyderabadi who complains - or should we start discussing Baluchistan, Sindhudesh, Puktunistan too?.
or we should talk about Assam , Nagaland, Chattishghar, Khalistan or Tamil Nadu
This thread is about Pakistan occupied kashmir and it's people protesting against Pakistan, there are umpteen threads on the one you say - go and lament there or open a new one about it.

Hyderabad - raath gayi baath gayi - get one Hyderabadi who complains - or should we start discussing Baluchistan, Sindhudesh, Puktunistan too?.

Why not add junagar, ferozpur, gurdaspur, hyderabad, nagaland, asam, chatisgarh, mezoram, goa to the list also. These are also worth discussing.
It's from the Indian press but anyway.

Virtually all they talk of is down to political wrangling and technicalities. No one is rebelling there and its natural for people to fight for things they want and so forth. Plenty of people are dissatisfied with how the federal government runs things (see latest Punjab v Karachi power spat), yet talk of rebellion is absolute nonsense.

Although I don't hail from Gilgit myself (Azad Kashmir to be exact) we certainly know what is going on as they happen to be our neighbours, trading partners and we can literally set a foot across and be in the Northern Areas.
Why not add junagar, ferozpur, gurdaspur, hyderabad, nagaland, asam, chatisgarh, mezoram, goa to the list also. These are also worth discussing.

Not on this thread - that means going off topic...right? and all those names doesn't make sense - I suggest you start a thread on each and give us a chance to mock you.
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