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Opportunity Calling : Invest in Chitral and Gilgit baltistan

may be it dropped to 6 cz of change of trend of farming from apricot to other fruits cz what i know some strawberry from California experimentation was underway to farm in climate of northern areas of pak not only strawberry may

Strawberry plants: Born in the US, raised in Gilgit-Baltistan

Strawberry plants: Born in the US, raised in Gilgit-Baltistan - The Express Tribune
Allah Twada bhala keray..

Joi b joker bana ker tum logon ko chala jai!

Dude what is so bloody great about growing American Strawberries when ours are bloody superior in diversity? I work in the strawberry field and wrote to some 7 people who have published in the field and not a single replied to collaborate ....that is the fate of our research!

The Pakistani-American businessman, however, has taken the initiative to import strawberry plants, along with other fruits, to make some money and help small farmers in the province at the same time.

He imported the Californian strawberry varieties including Seascape and Tribute and planted them in the picturesque valley in Naltar. With over a 25% share, the US is the top producer of strawberries in the world. The share of California is over 80% in the figure.
This basically will prevent any form of local development and make you reliable on USA...how is that beneficial...I have no clue! For your information Tribute is a hybrid an octoploid that is used in research to make it better however it is not a local product and we need native/ wild berries to improve the genome of a commercial one...

Sure years of research has perfected it, so if you want to aim at commercial stuff yea American strawberries are the way to go...But if these pollute the gene pool in Pakistan or even eliminate them as being invasive than we are at a loss....Because the native / local/ wild strawberry has more to offer us in research than eating these would...However, anything from America seems to be uplifted to degrees unimaginable :undecided:

@WAJsal do you have wild strawberry growing anywhere near your place?

I am seriously not interested in imported maal when I know for a certain there are people here in Europe who want their hands on Pakistani gene pool (resources) for research purposes....
Allah Twada bhala keray..

Joi b joker bana ker tum logon ko chala jai!

Dude what is so bloody great about growing American Strawberries when ours are bloody superior in diversity? I work in the strawberry field and wrote to some 7 people who have published in the field and not a single replied to collaborate ....that is the fate of our research!

This basically will prevent any form of local development and make you reliable on USA...how is that beneficial...I have no clue! For your information Tribute is a hybrid an octoploid that is used in research to make it better however it is not a local product and we need native/ wild berries to improve the genome of a commercial one...

Sure years of research has perfected it, so if you want to aim at commercial stuff yea American strawberries are the way to go...But if these pollute the gene pool in Pakistan or even eliminate them as being invasive than we are at a loss....Because the native / local/ wild strawberry has more to offer us in research than eating these would...However, anything from America seems to be uplifted to degrees unimaginable :undecided:

@WAJsal do you have wild strawberry growing anywhere near your place?

I am seriously not interested in imported maal when I know for a certain there are people here in Europe who want their hands on Pakistani gene pool (resources) for research purposes....

there must be some interest or some profit thats why they are looking for american strawberry dude every thing doesnt works according to your views and i just mentioned you about the new entry of fruits in GB you were pointing on lack of research in apricot growth in GB there are alot of reasons not only amreeki strawberry
there must be some interest or some profit thats why they are looking for american strawberry dude every thing doesnt works according to your views and i just mentioned you about the new entry of fruits in GB you were pointing on lack of research in apricot growth in GB there are alot of reasons not only amreeki strawberry
Lack of research leads people to be reliant and never self sufficient......NEVER....

By importing things which you already have is good if you want it for short term but if you want to rely on it then in no terms is that any form of progress
you need to trust pakistani government which gave them support in farming apricot and other fruits by which they are earning handsome amount which makes pakistan in top 5 production in apricot world wide

And builds roads, bridges, micro power generation systems to valleys as remote as pluto, provides subsidised fuel which in short lets our northern brothers survive. The one recent f-up that comes to mind is the removing of subsidy on PIA flights and instead asking monopolized prices. Went from 7.5k return to about 40k return in a couple of years. That is more than what usually a return ticket to Dubai costs you from Lahore. Thank you very much PMLN.

Wtf is this true ? :o:

Only GB/AJK NIC holders are allowed. Disputed territory and what not. Same thing across the LOC too.

beautiful shot... looks like gold covering on those peaks... actually, looks like some fable set in a mysterious south american valley.

South America can't hold a candle up to it. Passu Cones is what we be seeing in aks18's pic.


True , you remember the nanga parbat massacre , right ? so sad . Thankfully , these sleepers are being tackled now . Kohistan region was quite dangerous . Situations much better now .

being tackled with an iron fist. They don't let you travel without a convoy even during day-time any more.

My friend from Hunza tell me that real problem lies in Kohistan district .... some of them are no less than Taliban

road isn't good in the district as well .. it is the one of worst district in literacy as well

Cent percent true. But the road is ok-ish through most of Kohistan. It's the Chillas stretch which needs some serious repairs.

They are repairing it .

I made a prediction like 5 years ago that we will develop the Babusar route and ditch the classical KKH route through Kohistan. It seems more and more likely now, rumours of tunnelling through Babusar to counter the snowing shut of the pass during winters and everything. If this does indeed happen then the stretch at least from Dassu to Chillas will soon cease to exist but for a jeep-able track.

@WAJsal do you have wild strawberry growing anywhere near your place?

If I may, I don't believe strawberries are a local fruit there. Apricots, cherries, peaches, mulberries, apples, grapes and all sorts of dried fruit mostly. Heard about melons too but not too sure.

I am buying land and buying a house in GB next year.

Where at?
If I may, I don't believe strawberries are a local fruit there. Apricots, cherries, peaches, mulberries, apples, grapes and all sorts of dried fruit mostly. Heard about melons too but not too sure.
Thank you for the answer...There are a few journal articles from back in 60s-70s which have some documented stuff about Pakistan's fauna where this British man took some seeds of some of Pakistan's crops and till date they are doing research to incorporate the good from our crops (high fiber, high nutrient content and also rich gene pool) into their poor crops which due to selective breeding has killed of most of the natural genetic pool....

Well I am not talking about the everyday strawberries in the market but wild strawberries....
I am from Skardu,Gilgit Baltistan. we love pakistan but we were not pakistanis according to an idiot politician in pakistan
if u people have any queries about GB ask me since it is remote and neglected part of pakistan and even most pakistanis dont know much about it
I am from Skardu,Gilgit Baltistan. we love pakistan but we were not pakistanis according to an idiot politician in pakistan
if u people have any queries about GB ask me since it is remote and neglected part of pakistan and even most pakistanis dont know much about it

That politician as you said is an idiot. He might even say Islamabad is not Pakistan for his own political benefits.

Welcome to the forum. GB is an integral part of Pakistan and is like crown of Pakistan. You guys are awesome and deserve more support and recognition from the govt and the people of Pakistan.
Only GB/AJK NIC holders are allowed. Disputed territory and what not. Same thing across the LOC too.

I know...it sucks ! :(

I an ethnic Kashmiri can't buy land there but my friend a Pahariyaa can 'cause hes got AJK Nationality ! :pissed:

This is an outrage....this is a scandal ! :mad:

This is.....well to be fair I prefer Lahore anyhow 'cause Kashmir is a glorified Murree after all ! :sarcastic:
Back when British were ruling India , IOK and Azad Kashmir along with Gilgit Baltistan were one state . Thus , the stupid relation .
Start living in today--- history of one man doesn't match with second man and only invites trouble.
GB is Pakistan and Indian cold start doctrine of separating GB from Pakistan in steps, should be nipped from bud.
As a first step army should establish a cantonment, which Zardari denied in past.
I am from Skardu,Gilgit Baltistan. we love pakistan but we were not pakistanis according to an idiot politician in pakistan
if u people have any queries about GB ask me since it is remote and neglected part of pakistan and even most pakistanis dont know much about it

almost every pakistani knowz gilgit baltistan problem is easy access its not easy to access GB with in a days drive its long tiring journey as roads and infrastructure expanding people getting aware of security situation alot of local tourists have turned towards GB i my self had carried number of groups you should appreciate the local tourists they are like blessing to you guys after the fly back of foreigners in nanga parbat killing no budy have imagined fairy meadows back to its glory after the killing incident but people of pakistan never stopped visiting these places , you guys having your own Sadpara DAM in skardu and calling being neglected :cry: :D
almost every pakistani knowz gilgit baltistan problem is easy access its not easy to access GB with in a days drive its long tiring journey as roads and infrastructure expanding people getting aware of security situation alot of local tourists have turned towards GB i my self had carried number of groups you should appreciate the local tourists they are like blessing to you guys after the fly back of foreigners in nanga parbat killing no budy have imagined fairy meadows back to its glory after the killing incident but people of pakistan never stopped visiting these places , you guys having your own Sadpara DAM in skardu and calling being neglected :cry: :D

we are neglected constitutionally. what do you think a DAM is enough for us ????

skardu city
That politician as you said is an idiot. He might even say Islamabad is not Pakistan for his own political benefits.

Welcome to the forum. GB is an integral part of Pakistan and is like crown of Pakistan. You guys are awesome and deserve more support and recognition from the govt and the people of Pakistan.

politician name is Pervaiz Rasheed .He said that GB is not part of Pakistan . We love pakistan too
I am from Skardu,Gilgit Baltistan. we love pakistan but we were not pakistanis according to an idiot politician in pakistan
if u people have any queries about GB ask me since it is remote and neglected part of pakistan and even most pakistanis dont know much about it

Welcome to PDF brother. Che halio?

The constitution of Pakistan says that you are Pakistanis. Who cares what a swine has to say?

I know...it sucks ! :(

I an ethnic Kashmiri can't buy land there but my friend a Pahariyaa can 'cause hes got AJK Nationality ! :pissed:

This is an outrage....this is a scandal ! :mad:

I know right...

This is.....well to be fair I prefer Lahore anyhow 'cause Kashmir is a glorified Murree after all ! :sarcastic:

Wait what!?! How dare you! :mad: Do you even Neelum bro?

almost every pakistani knowz gilgit baltistan problem is easy access its not easy to access GB with in a days drive its long tiring journey as roads and infrastructure expanding people getting aware of security situation alot of local tourists have turned towards GB i my self had carried number of groups you should appreciate the local tourists they are like blessing to you guys after the fly back of foreigners in nanga parbat killing no budy have imagined fairy meadows back to its glory after the killing incident but people of pakistan never stopped visiting these places , you guys having your own Sadpara DAM in skardu and calling being neglected :cry: :D

Although it is correct that all the problems for GB stem from its geography, there's little that the successive governments have done for the region to counter that over the years. There's virtually no healthcare. People need to travel for a day or more just to get basic healthcare. Primary education is virtually only being delivered through the efforts of the locals and/or NGOs (the Agha Khan Foundation and Agha Khan Development Network for example have been doing a lot of work) while higher education is virtually non-existent. Nothing has ever been done to bring jobs or other vocational opportunities to the region by the government. In short the problems are a plenty.

Until Musharraf's time the whole region was being governed as a territory (the reasons for which went beyond the ineptness of the government though). It was virtually as if a foreign land being run by fat jacks, who knew nothing of the place, sitting hundreds of miles away. It was Mussharaf who gave GB a quasi provincial status, more or less, with some self-governance. That is when Federally Administrated Northern Areas (FANA or just Northern Areas) became Gilgit Baltistan.

I have great hopes for the North. Once we squash the talibastards, bringing a little stability to the country, and the Pak-China corridor is started we will, IA, see many jobs and tourists flock to GB.

we are neglected constitutionally.

Could you please go in a little more detail about that?

We love pakistan too

No doubting that.
Welcome to PDF brother. Che halio?

liakhmo yot ju :-)

can u speak Balti ???

Could you please go in a little more detail about that?
we are linked with kashmir issue and thus the govt of pakistan is not making us their part .but the fact is that we fought our own independence war with dogra raj and got independence and after 17 days we joined pakistan . GB is totally different than kashmir .it differs in cultural,language ,historical and many aspects .even back in history different rajas ruled kashmir and GB ...............
@WAJsal Please go through the thread @farhan_9909 Please tell me you can get something form me! :)
I might be able to help you .
I know a place where these are available , yep wild strawberries for sure . Before sharing information , do tell me what sort of work do you do ,exactly ? I'm interested .
"I need to know if there is different varieties of wild strawberry present in Pakistan...and no not from your back garden but wild strawberries"
Yes there are . I have eaten them myself . See , my maternal grandmother lives in Yasin district in G-B , and her whole side of the family is scattered there , i know there at someone's house they have wild strawberries , just like these .

And these too .


They are small and taste good , really;different but good . I remember my grandma saying they have strawberries in some place to hard to remember at the time .
Saw the PDF file . Seems legit .
Wait let me ask my mom for more clarification .
Yep mom says they are loads of these things . I can actually pinpoint the exact location where they have these . Tase sourly but good . I could tell they were strawberries due to the strawberry look they had .
Hope i could help .

@Akheilos , at my mothers farm they grow all sorts of fruits Apples , Cherries , Apricots , Peach , Pears , Almonds, Walnuts , Berries, Grapes , Blueberries ( just started ) and many fruits and vegetables too. Cherries are the best .
My uncle did one thing , don't know what it's called , what they do is they cut a little branch of certain good apricot tree and they somehow manage to join it to another tree of other kind of apricots . And i have seen different types of Apricots being grown in the same tree . How sick is that ? @krash

I made a prediction like 5 years ago that we will develop the Babusar route and ditch the classical KKH route through Kohistan. It seems more and more likely now, rumours of tunnelling through Babusar to counter the snowing shut of the pass during winters and everything. If this does indeed happen then the stretch at least from Dassu to Chillas will soon cease to exist but for a jeep-able track.
Babusar is quite good . Road is under construction . I have been through it . Worth every second . I hope they make it a world class road .

we are neglected constitutionally. what do you think a DAM is enough for us ????
Yes you are right brother . Give this a read @krash , you too , would give you an idea of the situation there .
Gilgit as a fifth province

politician name is Pervaiz Rasheed .He said that GB is not part of Pakistan . We love pakistan too
Don't listen to this idiot .

So @Gikmet Baltee , which language do you speak ? see i too am a Gilgiti , well from different parts of Gilgit . Born adn somewhat raised too .

Could you please go in a little more detail about that?
Read this . It's quite understandable . Gilgit as a fifth province

I am buying land and buying a house in GB next year.
Are you a Gilgiti ?
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