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Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

I thought @Windjammer yesterday talked to some Major dude in ISPR who confirmed that there was no such operation and it was probably a fcuk up by DAWN which reported it incorrectly.. Looks like a lot changed in 24 hours ...

ISPR doesn't knows everything right away or will not say or confirm till the whole picture is confirm. Battlefield is hundreds of miles away, casualties happen in a single day or two, bodies will be brought to unit HQs, helicopters then come and pick them up and bring to the designated hospital, bodies are washed, cleaned, constructive surgery is done if required, bodies placed in coffins and then through ambulances or aerial platforms sent to their hometowns or cantonments for nimaz e jinaza and buried. Once the whole picture is cleared, then ISPR will announce, but during this whole process, people who have access to information from their insider contacts leak the info to people they know and or to media outlets who report it as they have trust on their sources. Even when Dawn or anyone else had not reported, i knew as i saw the helicopters and ambulances which brought in the bodies in CMH and everyone there was very sad and there was quietness / sadness in the air due to such huge number of bodies brought in such a short span of time.

so there is nothing to be happy about or being sarcastic about.
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ISPR doesn't knows everything right away or will not say or confirm till the whole picture is confirm. Battlefield is hundreds of miles away, casualties happen in a single day or two, bodies will be brought to unit HQs, helicopters then come and pick them up and bring to the designated hospital, bodies are washed, cleaned, constructive surgery is done if required, bodies placed in coffins and then through ambulances or aerial platforms sent to their hometowns or cantonments for nimaz e jinaza and buried. Once the whole picture is cleared, then ISPR will announce, but during this whole process, people who have access to information from their insider contacts leak the info to people they know and or to media outlets who report it as they have trust on their sources. Even when Dawn or anyone else had not reported, i knew as i saw the helicopters and ambulances which brought in the bodies in CMH and everyone there was very sad and there was quietness / sadness in the air due to such huge number of bodies brought in such a short span of time.

so there is nothing to be happy about or being sarcastic about.

I think there is certainly some scope for sarcasm here.. Sarcasm for people who claim to know all and drop random names on the forum to lend credibility to their claims.. But surely, nothing to justify happiness..

Just spoken to, Major Muhammad Shafiq Malik at the ISPR.

Seems either DAWN has cooked up or is confusing the figure with some other operation elsewhere, for the Major said that the ISPR is not aware of any such operation or casualties else it would have given out a press release. !!
There are tidbits going around that there were a total of 35 casualties for the forces, 15-17 commandos and the rest were 8 Punjab.

@TaimiKhan, confirm?
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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — When Taliban fighters swept into the Tirah Valley of northern Pakistan last month, grabbing a remote but strategic area that was previously known for criminal activity, Pakistan’s military seized a chance to bloody the insurgents before they dug in. But the counteroffensive took a dismal turn over the past week, as the Taliban struck back with a combination of guerrilla tactics and dexterous tribal politics, defending their new perch and increasing their ability to disrupt Pakistan’s approaching election.

After five days of fighting, at least 26 soldiers, many from the elite commandos unit, have been killed, according to several senior security and tribal officials. Dozens of Taliban militants have also died, they said.

“Resistance is stiff,” said one of those officials in Peshawar, speaking on customary condition of anonymity.

The battle for Tirah, a mountain redoubt of steep walls backing onto the border with Afghanistan in the Khyber agency, highlights the complexity of the war that has slowly engulfed Pakistan’s tribal belt over the past five years.

While the army has faced stiff American criticism for its failure to crack down on extremists in North Waziristan who wage war and terrorism abroad, it is simultaneously engaged in bruising battle with the Pakistan Taliban in other corners of the tribal belt.

There, in an echo of British military campaigns against tribal fighters a century ago, the Taliban use their knowledge of the terrain and some adroit tribal negotiations to outwit a militarily superior enemy.

The Taliban fled into the Tirah Valley in mid-March after tough clashes with the army in the neighboring district of Orakzai. They surprised military officials by quickly vanquishing a pro-government militia stationed in the Tirah, and by forging an opportunistic alliance with a powerful local warlord, Mangal Bagh, who had previously fought the Taliban.
“It took us by surprise,” one senior official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

The army launched a two-pronged assault on Tirah last Friday. But it soon suffered heavy casualties, after troops from the elite Special Services Group commando unit ran into an ambush after clearing a village, a senior tribal official said. “Most of those killed so far are from the S.S.G.,” he said.

Since then the army has hit back hard, using artillery and helicopter gunship strikes. The army press office said Monday that 23 soldiers and 110 militants had been killed. Privately, officials put the militant death toll in the dozens.

The fighting has displaced an estimated 43,000 civilians, largely into neighboring tribal districts or the regional capital, Peshawar, where refugees have arrived with harrowing tales of flight. At least 10 elderly people and pregnant women died as they fled their homes, according to community leaders.

Suddenly, Mr. Bagh has become a rising star in the militant firmament, leaving NATO supply lines through Khyber agency — an area partly under his control — exposed to new attack. And the offensive has extended the Taliban’s reach across the northwest at a delicate time, as national elections approach.

The integrity of the May 11 poll was already in doubt across most of the tribal belt and parts of adjoining Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, said Khalid Aziz, a former provincial chief secretary. He estimated that 41 of the 99 directly elected seats in the province could be affected by Taliban violence or intimidation.

A foothold in Tirah gives the Taliban powerful additional influence, he added: “Although they will not participate in this election, they will be playing politics.”

Until now the valley, which has little arable land, was best known as a center of smuggling, gun running and hashish production. In Peshawar, displaced farmers have spoken openly of their distress at potentially losing their hashish stocks, Mr. Aziz, the retired official, said.

“They told me they were in debt with the drug traffickers, and now they would not be able to repay them,” he said.

Back inside the valley, the army faces the tough task of dislodging the Taliban from the high ground. “But we cannot afford to leave the operation halfway through. It will have to be taken to its logical end,” one senior security official said.

Otherwise, he warned, the valley could become a new safe haven for Taliban fighters fleeing fighting in Afghanistan or other tribal areas. “They need a space to regroup and recognize,” he said. “Now they have got one.”

The above seems eerily similar to accounts that came out of Afghanistan a few months before Kabul fell to the Taliban..
1st of all this Tirah incidance is intellagence failure……
don't worry this always happens that militants come and attack power plants,hold our key positions and attack police stationd.……
2nd all should be very quick when LI was trying to retake the position that was the time for attack even if they had took the valley then Army should have attacked before letting them settle and dig tunnels etc………
3rd where are PA snipers??
I am pretty sure SSG is used coz of snipers being used by LI and our so much casualities are coz of those bloddy snipers………
3rd I hadnot heard that PA had gammed their wireless and communication equips??
If it was done it could help very much in the operation even when TTP attack on our posts they jam signals of Pakistan Army and we are not using this technique??
That all is pretty weird……
well PA has much to learn from these bloddy militants……

His whole team got Shaheed...
At least more than a hundred TTP yahoos were also killed and that's some good news. These buggers should be smoked out with chemical weapons in uninhabited areas where their camps are located. They should all die a dog's death! And then may the fires of hell consume them.

Now why am I saying all this? Because they eventually want to 'Talibanize India' too with their convoluted brand of Wahabi Islam. :devil: Needless to say, their delusions are breathtaking!

The PA has a huge problem on its hands and that is to hold all captured grounds permanently. If they do not, then the Taliban will be back. Now the question is the availability of troops required for this purpose. The only alternative is to move some more troops from the Eastern front to reinforce the formations fighting the Taliban in the West.

But then, that is easier said than done. Until there is a paradigm shift in PAs strategy of seeing India as its enemy number one, redeployment on the borders with India will a non starter.

Meanwhile, casualties will continue to mount in the West because in counter insurgency ops, the combat ratio for even partial success is 1:17, ie, 17 personnel for every militant. There are according to some reports, 5000 TTP militants. Therefore PA would need at least 85-90,000 troops at any one time in the area or an equivalent of almost eight divisions. I don't know what the PA has deployed there but I think they're woefully short of manpower. Force multipliers such as the air force and attack choppers are par for the course but what's more important is availability of troops to hold captured ground.

The other alternative is to deploy paramilitary forces in captured areas. That wouldn't work as they aren't as well trained as the PA and susceptible to counterattacks by the TTP resulting in even more casualties and loss of vital areas.

And then the most important aspect; Logistics support (for those deployed in captured areas) over treacherous train susceptible to enemy (TTP) action resulting in disruption in supplies - food water and ammo.

In a nutshell, this sure is a catch 22 situation.
Is whole Taliban is in Tirah valley ???

Its a jump off point .. There are 3 to 4 other strongholds after Tirah. Since the terrain of Tirah is a logistical and offensive nightmare it is the only thing between control of the entire Khyber area. The other strongholds will fall without any problems. Drones would have helped and the idea of launching an offensive without it seems to be an extremely bad one. And as the soldier said, we are now stuck in between hell and a hard place and the only way forward is to its logical end. This is for those who thought its an easy task taking these animals out. They are not as rag tag when you have to fight them face to face instead of hellfire missiles. May these brave soldier get the respect and admiration of all for defending their soil in life and death.
Why pakistan military has not launch offence when ansul islam was fighting these taliban. That was best time to fight....
Clashes continue in Tirah valley; 35 Pakistan Army troops including SSG killed

Pakistani soldiers are not being given right equipment to fight the terrorists they themselves created 20 years ago.

Pakistan Army generals anxiously waiting for 2014 NATO Afghan withdrawal when they can go back to their marriage hall leasing and cup cake making bakery businesses which are their strong points. Winning wars and cleaning Pakistan and world of terrorism is none of their business.



Several soldiers, including SSG commandos, have been killed in the battle for Tirah valley on Saturday, around 30 militants have also been confirmed dead along with scores of others injured.

PESHAWAR: Four days of fierce fighting in northwestern Pakistan left 30 soldiers and nearly 100 militants dead as the army attempted to wrestle control of a remote, mountainous valley from the Taliban and their allies, military officials said Monday.

The army launched its offensive in the Tirah Valley on Friday after weeks of fighting between rival militant groups forced tens of thousands of civilians to flee the area. The valley is located in Khyber, part of the semiautonomous tribal region bordering Afghanistan, the main sanctuary for the Taliban in the country.

The army has launched scores of operations against the Pakistani Taliban in the tribal region in recent years, but certain areas like Tirah have remained outside their control. The Taliban have remained a serious threat and continue to launch attacks throughout the northwest and other parts of the country with frightening regularity.

The Pakistani Taliban have been waging a bloody insurgency against the government because of its alliance with the U.S. in fighting Islamic militants, and to establish Islamic law in the country. The group is allied with the Afghan Taliban but has focused its attacks inside Pakistan instead of Afghanistan.

The fighting in Tirah over the past four days has killed 30 soldiers and 97 militants, military officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. The air force has also conducted heavy bombing during the offensive, they said.

The officials claimed that the army has successfully seized control of a large portion of the valley from the Pakistani Taliban and their ally, Lashkar-e-Islam. The claims could not be independently verified.

In recent weeks, the Pakistani Taliban and Lashkar-e-Islam have been fighting against another militant group, Ansar-e-Islam, which is allied with pro-government tribesmen.

Over 40,000 people have been displaced from the valley since mid-March, according to a recent report by the U.N.'s humanitarian arm. Many of the displaced have sought refuge in the city of Peshawar and other parts of northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. They are in need of food, shelter, health care and clean water, said the U.N.

There is concern that the Taliban could step up their attacks over the next few weeks in an attempt to hamper parliamentary elections scheduled for May 11. The vote will mark the first transition between democratically elected governments in a country that has experienced three military coups and constant political instability.
Asian Defence News: Clashes continue in Tirah valley; 35 Pakistan Army troops including SSG killed
Now do you believe my made up Story ?

I never doubted the part that there were heavy casualties or a whole team got slain, but that they were sent in to die and as a diversion or a soft target is what I don't believe.

Maybe you wanted to put it in another way or I misunderstood.

But something went wrong, 35+ people are martyred and 30+ people injured, with majors and captains among the wounded and dead, not something we want to see, from what I have heard, this was a massacre ... a bloodbath... the worst part is, no mention in the media and a botched up figure of 20 being given everywhere.
I never doubted the part that there were heavy casualties or a whole team got slain, but that they were sent in to die and as a diversion or a soft target is what I don't believe.

Maybe you wanted to put it in another way or I misunderstood.

But something went wrong, 35+ people are martyred and 30+ people injured, with majors and captains among the wounded and dead, not something we want to see, from what I have heard, this was a massacre ... a bloodbath... the worst part is, no mention in the media and a botched up figure of 20 being given everywhere.

I Think our Definitions of Distraction are not the same , by distraction i did mean they were sitting ducks or that Targets were painted on their backs , There are many forms or ways to distract your enemy from the main assault .

For example Air Drop some Special forces behind enemy lines , and any untrained army will use every thing they have to find the intruders , while taking their focus of the main assault . now it is up to the Special Forces how they keep themselves alive .

I hope you get my point .
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