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I think we should just cool down a bit, we don't know exactly what happened so we cannot really comment on aerial support etc , something did go wrong but let's see how it unfolds.
when you are planning to go silent. You can not use noisy assets. Drones were the only option to be used and were not.

Should have been; I personally find it irritating that they were not being used. But the enemy also uses element of surprise
I thought we had non combatant recon drone operational, what happened to that??
C-130 specifically modified with Brite Star Electro optical pods so that they can take part in WoT.Recently during Kamra base attack, A C-130 from air co-ordinated the whole Op on ground



An exercise to coordinate those two has not been performed. C130's are used before an assault or after from what limited knowledge I have. Plus from the height they have a bigger footprint in the air. Even drones at 10000 feet are sometimes easily tracked by the naked eye. From my assumption they were thought to be more of a liability of the operation they would be performing. Looking back at the casualties I feel that all assets should have been used but whats the point in crying over spilled milk. Let us pray that our soldiers wipe off our bloody nose and collect their anger towards their targets. These targets are also trained in the art of warfare with equipment similar to ours. Its not a cake walk as the americans would have the world believe.
I'd rather not open my mouth up just yet,but so far it does feel like a planning failure.
An exercise to coordinate those two has not been performed. C130's are used before an assault or after from what limited knowledge I have. Plus from the height they have a bigger footprint in the air. Even drones at 10000 feet are sometimes easily tracked by the naked eye. From my assumption they were thought to be more of a liability of the operation they would be performing. Looking back at the casualties I feel that all assets should have been used but whats the point in crying over spilled milk. Let us pray that our soldiers wipe off our bloody nose and collect their anger towards their targets. These targets are also trained in the art of warfare with equipment similar to ours. Its not a cake walk as the americans would have the world believe.

I would have given you a link of Alan Warnes Dec-2012 article on PAF, which analyzed the role of modified C-130's and how it coordinated and helped PA soldiers during battles in FATA
Here it comes again....Majority of you people blaming PA and PAF for conducting fail operation, Do you people have any info regarding how you fight in a war or insurgency...Majority of you wouldn't have even handled a gun let alone firing from it or at some one...You people acting and giving suggestions to PA/PAF here as if you fought great wars or a military expert and that they know nothing...Most of you would **** your pants or go hide in your moms laps if someone points a gun at you...keep aside sending you to a warzone, most of you would cry your eyes out...Let PA/PAF do what they are best at,there are no children sitting there,most of them have seen battlefields and know how everything works...Only thing is that you people support your army, the restis their job...
Here it comes again....Majority of you people blaming PA and PAF for conducting fail operation, Do you people have any info regarding how you fight in a war or insurgency...Majority of you wouldn't have even handled a gun let alone firing from it or at some one...You people acting and giving suggestions to PA/PAF here as if you fought great wars or a military expert and that they know nothing...Most of you would **** your pants or go hide in your moms laps if someone points a gun at you...keep aside sending you to a warzone, most of you would cry your eyes out...Let PA/PAF do what they are best at,there are no children sitting there,most of them have seen battlefields and know how everything works...Only thing is that you people support your army, the restis their job...

Supporting those brigadiers, major generals. Lt. Generals who plans fail operations. I won't support !

An exercise to coordinate those two has not been performed. C130's are used before an assault or after from what limited knowledge I have. Plus from the height they have a bigger footprint in the air. Even drones at 10000 feet are sometimes easily tracked by the naked eye. From my assumption they were thought to be more of a liability of the operation they would be performing. Looking back at the casualties I feel that all assets should have been used but whats the point in crying over spilled milk. Let us pray that our soldiers wipe off our bloody nose and collect their anger towards their targets. These targets are also trained in the art of warfare with equipment similar to ours. Its not a cake walk as the americans would have the world believe.

You need Data(Co-ordinates ) for Ariel Strikes , otherwise chance of heavy Collateral Damage. that is why PAF is not used to its full extent.

pakistan army is just a big hot air balloon, they claim very tall and big but the ground realities are always very different

the same number of SSG nd militants dying means a well trained well invested soldier performed the same s untrained mountain people
pakistan army is just a big hot air balloon, they claim very tall and big but the ground realities are always very different

the same number of SSG nd militants dying means a well trained well invested soldier performed the same s untrained mountain people
that is the part I do not agree, these people might have been born,raised, and lived in those mountain, but even think about them as any rag tag off the street guys, don't forget they fought with USSR, we trained them, agree with me or not but that training is now getting back to us. Do not limit AQ to ME only, think about AQ fighting in African region. If they can get Uzbeks to fight and attack in Peshawar than you think they wont fight us in mountains?
Supporting those brigadiers, major generals. Lt. Generals who plans fail operations. I won't support !


Neither i am a fan of the top brass of PA... Just look at the Swat Operation... Soldier Casualties are directly proportional to intensity of war...We always like minimal loss of our soldier and maximum loss of enemy..but it doesn't always work out that way...But in end it is only the result of the war that matters...Terrain of these areas are different and is vast...They have dug holes with multiple exists...you cannot bomb every inch of the whole area... Neither the militants are bare sitting for your C130's or drones to spot them...
Here it comes again....Majority of you people blaming PA and PAF for conducting fail operation, Do you people have any info regarding how you fight in a war or insurgency...Majority of you wouldn't have even handled a gun let alone firing from it or at some one...You people acting and giving suggestions to PA/PAF here as if you fought great wars or a military expert and that they know nothing...Most of you would **** your pants or go hide in your moms laps if someone points a gun at you...keep aside sending you to a warzone, most of you would cry your eyes out...Let PA/PAF do what they are best at,there are no children sitting there,most of them have seen battlefields and know how everything works...Only thing is that you people support your army, the restis their job...

brother you need to calm your horses down. as you claimed we don;t know about military affairs, in the same way you don't know anything about members on the forum, so take a break and go to SSG fan page and cry your heart out to them.
I would have given you a link of Alan Warnes Dec-2012 article on PAF, which analyzed the role of modified C-130's and how it coordinated and helped PA soldiers during battles in FATA

Every operation has its own parameters. Justifying their use needs to be the responsibility of the people who are in charge of it. We can be angry over the outcome whether we had C130's or not. Assuming we perform like the well oiled US war machine with casualties in single figures is not achievable by a long shot from any country in the world. A close second would be NATO allies. We do not have the toys, and we have been detesting going into that area from the very beginning for 10 years since the US has been jumping on our backs.
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