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Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

Last time i checked 31 pak soldiers were dead now the total count is only 23. What exactly is going on? Are they coming back from dead?
It is world wide fact that armies throughout world hide their real death toll, e.g 60 of their soldiers are killed in a combat and they claim that only 6 are killed....and people believe these figures when they read it in newspapers.
In this tirah operation the official reports at first were saying that 23 soldiers and 30 militants go killed...i would be naive to believe that only 23 soldiers got killed, they were definately many times of 23 and they hide real number of casualties. When even then they were criticized for taking so many casualties from "ragtag talibans", they perhaps got nervous , army casaulties are running in negative range as if they are coming back from dead while militants death toll has reached to hundred.
Those who are showing disappointment at pak army performance need to understand that they army is not facing some men with guns in their hands. Lashkar e islam men were contineously fighting with AI for last 8 years, they are tough seasoned fighters, they are locals and make good use of their terrain..moreover they do not blindly attack, afridis are shrewd people, they use brain in their fights and also use guerrala tactics...pak army should have studied their colonial predecessors of british army who failed to subdue tirah with all their might.

You surely love those bastards dont you? wait n watch how these c.nts are destroyed!
Last time i checked 31 pak soldiers were dead now the total count is only 23. What exactly is going on? Are they coming back from dead?
It is world wide fact that armies throughout world hide their real death toll, e.g 60 of their soldiers are killed in a combat and they claim that only 6 are killed....and people believe these figures when they read it in newspapers.
In this tirah operation the official reports at first were saying that 23 soldiers and 30 militants go killed...i would be naive to believe that only 23 soldiers got killed, they were definately many times of 23 and they hide real number of casualties. When even then they were criticized for taking so many casualties from "ragtag talibans", they perhaps got nervous , army casaulties are running in negative range as if they are coming back from dead while militants death toll has reached to hundred.
Those who are showing disappointment at pak army performance need to understand that they army is not facing some men with guns in their hands. Lashkar e islam men were contineously fighting with AI for last 8 years, they are tough seasoned fighters, they are locals and make good use of their terrain..moreover they do not blindly attack, afridis are shrewd people, they use brain in their fights and also use guerrala tactics...pak army should have studied their colonial predecessors of british army who failed to subdue tirah with all their might.

Maybe you can post more pictures of these guys fighting in the 18th century before they run back into holes from afghanistan. Till then good to have you with us.
Why not use non Chemical but heavy bombing @ this place eek he waar mukaoo .... rather then sending troops ?

Heavy bombing was done on tora bora when usama was there. It was also done on Iwo jima as well. Its a nuisance but does little to dislodge heavily fortified positions. Once the guns are silent that means someones coming, its a dead giveaway in some cases. The plan was to spearhead the assault on them quietly till regular troops have a good foothold, and it didnt work. Thats my assumption with the details I have.
can any one put up and interactive map of conflict zone like the Sri Lanka did in there war against tamil tigers?
to show exact place in action and type of assets used.
You surely love those bastards dont you? wait n watch how these c.nts are destroyed!

I am a civilian, my concern is for innocent civilians of Tirah. I dont care how many pak army soldiers or militants are killed....uptill now Pak army was supporting mangal bagh , now they are up against each other...some talibans are attacking Pak army and some are in their pockets...me and all ordinary pakhtuns are sick of both talibans and pak army....

The better option available for Pak army is to bomb tirah like tora bora or use chemical and biological weapons, as many members here have suggested to do.....but the problem is morality and consequences.

The better option available for Pak army is to bomb tirah like tora bora or use chemical and biological weapons, as many members here have suggested to do.....but the problem is morality and consequences.

The better option available for Pak army is to bomb tirah like tora bora or use chemical and biological weapons, as many members here have suggested to do.....but the problem is morality and consequences.

The better option available for Pak army is to bomb tirah like tora bora or use chemical and biological weapons, as many members here have suggested to do.....but the problem is morality and consequences.
don't argue with him I don't want u to get banned simple ignore him he hate us

This is a forum for grown ups and a sensitive discussion is going on. If a kid is angry because some one is not cheering for his papa's army then its not my concern... department , every institution of pakistan including army should be criticized for their wrongs, no one is above law.
When you apply for army then you know very well that you are supposed to die for country. Deaths of soldiers shouldnt make one crying, whinning and shedding tears. In islam we believe that you would be either shaheed or ghazi (unfortunately pak army is jihad-free, it is colonial legacy), so one should fight with imaan without resorting to aerial bombardments , shellings with lot of collateral damages to save their own lives. A muslim shouldnt fear death.
The better option available for Pak army is to bomb tirah like tora bora or use chemical and biological weapons, as many members here have suggested to do.....

Actually the Pakfaujzindabad had started killing Balochs and Pashtuns right after the creation of this country. Do you seriously think they will ever hesitate to using the above suggested option if necessary?

but the problem is morality and consequences.

The Napoleons of Pakfajzindabad are deprived of the former and don't care about the latter. Hint, Bengal, Waziristan, Balochistan, Gilgit, Parachinar etc....
Actually the Pakfaujzindabad had started killing Balochs and Pashtuns right after the creation of this country. Do you seriously think they will ever hesitate to using the above suggested option if necessary?

The Napoleons of Pakfajzindabad are deprived of the former and don't care about the latter. Hint, Bengal, Waziristan, Balochistan, Gilgit, Parachinar etc....

Funny PA even had pashtun generals for more than half of its history.
Tirah Valley offensive: Nearly two dozen security personnel, 110 militants slain


Officials confirmed on Tuesday that 23 security personnel were killed in an ongoing offensive against Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants in the restive Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency.
Up to 110 militants have been killed since Sunday after security forces began dismantling their key hideouts, the ISPR spokesman said in a statement.
“As many as 23 security personnel also embraced martyrdom,” he said.
An official from the Tirah Valley told The Express Tribune that security personnel backed by a pro-government militia launched an operation against TTP and their allies Lashkar-e-Islam (LeI) allies in the Akka Khel area. This is the first operation of its kind since the Tirah Valley fell to the TTP and Lashkar-e-Islam forces after days of fierce fighting against their Ansarul Islam rivals.
Ground forces pummelled militant hideouts with a barrage of mortar shells, while jets pounded TTP and LeI positions.
He also confirmed that several of the militants’ strongholds were destroyed during the attacks.
The residents of the area were evacuating their homes and moving to Orakzai Agency to reach Peshawar.
Security forces also claimed to have cleared militants from the mountainous Mada Khel region and claim to have regained control of the area. The claims could not be independently verified. Tirah Valley fell to militants on March 19, following five consecutive days of intense fighting.
Child injured in blast
A political administration official of Bara tehsil of Khyber Agency said that a child Asmat Shah was injured in a toy bomb blast in Aka Khel area. He said that he was rushed to a hospital where his condition was precarious.
Published in The Express Tribune, April 10th, 2013

Tirah Valley offensive: Nearly two dozen security personnel, 110 militants slain – The Express Tribune

Tirah valley battle intensifies as fight for key heights continue

Read more: Terminal X


PESHAWAR: The battle for key heights in Tirah valley intensified on Monday as Jet fighters and gunship helicopters pounded militant positions.

Military sources told Dawn.com that they have reports that 23 security forces personnel have so far been martyred along with 110 militants killed.

Scores of militants have reportedly been killed in the strikes backed by artillery and mortar fire as ground troops also started advancing on militant hideouts.

Though the exact number of casualties in the clashes are not known, reports coming in from Tirah valley suggest the death toll on both sides is very high as the security forces take on Lashkar-i-Islam (LI) militants in Akakhel area.

Security forces also claim that LI and Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) posts in Maidan, Akakhel and Bagh have been overrun and that a fierce battle is still continuing.

“The militants have been putting up a stiff resistance in the last two days, ever since the offensive was launched on Friday,” security forces stated.

The TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan speaking to Dawn.com, confirmed that the LI is fighting the security forces, but also said that TTP fighters are not involved at the moment. However he did say that the TTP would support the LI when needed.

Ehsanullah Ehsan added they had reports that five LI activists, including a key commander, had been killed.

The TTP spokesman said some fighters have also been injured but did know the exact number of casualties, which are said to be high.

The Tirah valley operation has been planned for many months after authorities felt that militants were consolidating their positions there and that an offensive was needed to root them out.

Due to the area being inaccessible, the exact death toll could not be verified from independent sources. The media have had to rely mostly on local sources, military and claims made by the militants.

Read more: Terminal X
Actually the Pakfaujzindabad had started killing Balochs and Pashtuns right after the creation of this country. Do you seriously think they will ever hesitate to using the above suggested option if necessary?

The Napoleons of Pakfajzindabad are deprived of the former and don't care about the latter. Hint, Bengal, Waziristan, Balochistan, Gilgit, Parachinar etc....

I am talking about their notions of morality. If thousands of innocent tribals are killed by airstrikes of PAF then it is considered necessary collateral damages, but if they use "chemical weapons" then it would raise alarms as the very word is evil....and i am talking about consequences and response from pashtun population...no punjabi or mohajir care about deaths of pashtuns at the hands of faujis, just check the responses here, they are saying that all savage tribals are responsible for deaths of their precious beloved soldiers, tribals should be punished for it...
They dont realize that pakhtuns are in deep coma, if they wake up and realize what exactly is going on then it would be end of pakistan and two nation theory.
I am talking about their notions of morality. If thousands of innocent tribals are killed by airstrikes of PAF then it is considered necessary collateral damages, but if they use "chemical weapons" then it would raise alarms as the very word is evil....and i am talking about consequences and response from pashtun population...no punjabi or mohajir care about deaths of pashtuns at the hands of faujis, just check the responses here, they are saying that all savage tribals are responsible for deaths of their precious beloved soldiers, tribals should be punished for it...
They dont realize that pakhtuns are in deep coma, if they wake up and realize what exactly is going on then it would be end of pakistan and two nation theory.

They are cursing the talic.nts..
Funny PA even had pashtun generals for more than half of its history.

Those generals represented army, nothing else. Ethnicity is a non-issue in army, it is fauji mindset which is common among all faujis. If pakhtun like @Abu Zolfiqar is in ISI or army and he is ordered to shoot down each and every member of his native village in para chinar, then he would carry out the mission without hesitation, he would be expelled from army if he refuses the orders.
Hyperion was saying that his uncle in PAF bombarded in his own village of waziristan....those pakhtuns who place pakhto above salary refuses such orders and simply leave the army job..they are labelled "desertors"....
One of my kiliwal, a sipahi left army for good reason, his officer was calling him names of mother and sister and he listened him silently...it was too much testing of his ghairat

They are cursing the talic.nts..

And they are also nourishing talibans..it is deep game kid.
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