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Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

that is the part I do not agree, these people might have been born,raised, and lived in those mountain, but even think about them as any rag tag off the street guys, don't forget they fought with USSR, we trained them, agree with me or not but that training is now getting back to us. Do not limit AQ to ME only, think about AQ fighting in African region. If they can get Uzbeks to fight and attack in Peshawar than you think they wont fight us in mountains?

even then, how much money is invested in a SSG soldier and how much is invested in the talibans?
Khyber Operation

•As of Monday morning, security forces’ operations over the weekend killed at least thirty militants in the Tirah valley, with friendly force casualties totaling at least twenty-three. An operation Sunday night killed at least ten militants in Akka Khel area of Bara sub-district, as a part of overall strikes against consolidated Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) positions. Frontier Corps (FC) and Pakistan Army soldiers conducted complex attacks with mortar fire, direct assaults, helicopters, and artillery, which cleared militants out of some of their hideouts in the TTP-controlled valley.[10]

•On Sunday, security forces killed four Lashkar-e-Islam (LI) militants in the Shahkot area of the Tirah valley. Security forces initially shelled the area, and but met fierce resistance from LI fighters, halting their ground advance. Five soldiers were injured in the assault. In another incident involving LI fighters, militants unsuccessfully attacked the FC Nargas check post in the Akakhel area of Bara, causing no casualties. [11]

•On Sunday, security forces killed three militants and destroyed two hideouts during a firefight in the Akakhel area of Orakzai agency. Pakistan Air Force jets then bombed the area, killing another three militants in the barrage. [12]

•On Friday, forces attacked militants in the Tirah valley of Khyber agency in a ground assault that resulted in the deaths of fourteen militants and four soldiers, and the wounding of five soldiers.[13]
I never doubted the part that there were heavy casualties or a whole team got slain, but that they were sent in to die and as a diversion or a soft target is what I don't believe.

Maybe you wanted to put it in another way or I misunderstood.

But something went wrong, 35+ people are martyred and 30+ people injured, with majors and captains among the wounded and dead, not something we want to see, from what I have heard, this was a massacre ... a bloodbath... the worst part is, no mention in the media and a botched up figure of 20 being given everywhere.

I think that media was told to keep their mouths shut...due to specific policies..you know in case Allah forbids if this operation will fail I again say Allah forbid,then think for yourself that how much pressure Pakistan army may face..I think that's why as windy said ISPR denied this news initially ,now i understand the reason.
Neither i am a fan of the top brass of PA... Just look at the Swat Operation... Soldier Casualties are directly proportional to intensity of war...We always like minimal loss of our soldier and maximum loss of enemy..but it doesn't always work out that way...But in end it is only the result of the war that matters...Terrain of these areas are different and is vast...They have dug holes with multiple exists...you cannot bomb every inch of the whole area... Neither the militants are bare sitting for your C130's or drones to spot them...

Okay let me give you several examples of Lame and lazy PA Planners.

1. When Ansarul Islam was fighting Lashkar e Islam and Taliban, Why C-130 was not observing LI and Taliban movements, their digouts, safe houses, caves and hidden spots. When PA knew they had to move in to Tirah sooner or later, why didn't they planned ahead of time and performed a full recce of whole area extensively and thoroughly? First sign of incompetence and failure

2. LI and Taliban knew, that they had defeated Ansarul Islam, now PA would move in to clear them so they started fortifying their positions , then why the hell the planner of this OP didn't order to perform a recce of the whole area or that specific area through which you are going to insert you soldiers? i had already posted C-130 wonderful record of recce. These aerial recce missions would have easily pointed out the digouts and vantage points of LI and Taliban? Second sign of incompetence and failure
and yet you failed to ignore the number of SSG personnel ambushed against the number of Taliban attacking them, they are well trained , might lack few bits, but not super soliders that they could stand against any number of attackers, that is why we are insisting on Aerial support / recon
even then, how much money is invested in a SSG soldier and how much is invested in the talibans?
guys..now whatever are the outcomes..we need to support our army at all cost...during war,or battlefields you can win or you can loose,what our army right now needs is our strong support,so be patient...
So has Pak Mil. sealed of their exit routes? 'Coz otherwise the entire operation would be fruitless.
and yet you failed to ignore the number of SSG personnel ambushed against the number of Taliban attacking them, they are well trained , might lack few bits, but not super soliders that they could stand against any number of attackers, that is why we are insisting on Aerial support / recon

a tactical failure by SSG and pak army and even an untrained talibans knew more about tactics? a ragtag taliban will not even be armed with a kevlar and helmet and proper gun, while the entire pak army with laiden with mortars and guns, backup soldiers, armored vehicles etc?

pakistan army cant say they dont have experience to fight in tribal areas and what sort of warfare is expected i thought they had already learned many lessons and done many drills about counter terror ops
Okay let me give you several examples of Lame and lazy PA Planners.

1. When Ansarul Islam was fighting Lashkar e Islam and Taliban, Why C-130 was not observing LI and Taliban movements, their digouts, safe houses, caves and hidden spots. When PA knew they had to move in to Tirah very soon, why didn't they planned ahead of time and performed a full recce of whole area extensively and thoroughly? First sign of incompetence and failure

2. LI and Taliban knew, that they had defeated Ansarul Islam, now PA would move in and they started fortifying their positions , than why the hell the planner of this OP didn't order to perform a recce of the whole area or that specific area through which you are going to insert you soldiers? i had already posted C-130 wonderful record of recce. These aerial recce missions would have easily pointed out the digouts and vantage points of LI and Taliban? Second sign of incompetence and failure

I fail to see how anyone would have the knowledge of these assets "not" being used. I can tell you that during the operation the C130 or cobras were not used but other than that I would not know if you have exact information as to their use not before or after the SSG push. Also do not have any idea if drones are being used, everything is very circumstantial at the moment with a lot of chatter but no hard evidence.
brother you need to calm your horses down. as you claimed we don;t know about military affairs, in the same way you don't know anything about members on the forum, so take a break and go to SSG fan page and cry your heart out to them.

Dont take it personal...if anyone have no knowledge regarding topic its better to keep quite than burping bullsheets...I felt the need to state here and i did...I dont need your directions...Still no hard feelings...
Okay let me give you several examples of Lame and lazy PA Planners.

1. When Ansarul Islam was fighting Lashkar e Islam and Taliban, Why C-130 was not observing LI and Taliban movements, their digouts, safe houses, caves and hidden spots. When PA knew they had to move in to Tirah very soon, why didn't they planned ahead of time and performed a full recce of whole area extensively and thoroughly? First sign of incompetence and failure

2. LI and Taliban knew, that they had defeated Ansarul Islam, now PA would move in and they started fortifying their positions , than why the hell the planner of this OP didn't order to perform a recce of the whole area or that specific area through which you are going to insert you soldiers? i had already posted C-130 wonderful record of recce. These aerial recce missions would have easily pointed out the digouts and vantage points of LI and Taliban? Second sign of incompetence and failure

I agree, there are more examples when you look back...But you dont know whether its was done intentionally or due to incompetence...
a tactical failure by SSG and pak army and even an untrained talibans knew more about tactics? a ragtag taliban will not even be armed with a kevlar and helmet and proper gun, while the entire pak army with laiden with mortars and guns, backup soldiers, armored vehicles etc?

pakistan army cant say they dont have experience to fight in tribal areas and what sort of warfare is expected i thought they had already learned many lessons and done many drills about counter terror ops
my dear I think you missed my point, I meant to say when it comes to lower number of Soliders against Higher number of enemies in a face to face stand off, you do know which end will suffer the losses.
If you remember we had the same discussion about US Navy Seals surrendering to Pakistan Army or Making their way out of Pakistan fighting.
I don't about the terrain but looks like Tirah is a mountainous region ,so I do not see how armored vehicles could have helped them
Coming to Kevlar and Helmet, than you do know Kevlar does not provide protection against 7.62 round when fired from a short range, so please do not bring Kevlar into the discussion.
As I said not everyone among the enemy is off the street guy, some of them are hardcore militants, even US had to accept that. Stop thinking of them as illiterate, They fought with Spetnaz, remember?
Coming to mortar and artillery, than I am with you on this, but did they not have fortified bunkers built up along with tunnels? that won't do much good. However they should have been used to pond the enemy positions to provide cover support for the soliders, along with aerial support (recon only).....
I fail to understand why such move was made.

Dont take it personal...if anyone have no knowledge regarding topic its better to keep quite than burping bullsheets...I felt the need to state here and i did...I dont need your directions...Still no hard feelings...

nobody is taking anything personal sir, my post was just to clear my point and ask you to calm your horses down.

The military operation against militants in Khyber Agency’s Tirah Valley is progressing successfully.

23 Soldiers embraced Shahadat, 110 Taliban also eliminated in Military operation against militants.

The security forces have destroyed many hideouts of the militants in the valley.

Why not use non Chemical but heavy bombing @ this place eek he waar mukaoo .... rather then sending troops ?
Last time i checked 31 pak soldiers were dead now the total count is only 23. What exactly is going on? Are they coming back from dead?
It is world wide fact that armies throughout world hide their real death toll, e.g 60 of their soldiers are killed in a combat and they claim that only 6 are killed....and people believe these figures when they read it in newspapers.
In this tirah operation the official reports at first were saying that 23 soldiers and 30 militants go killed...i would be naive to believe that only 23 soldiers got killed, they were definately many times of 23 and they hide real number of casualties. When even then they were criticized for taking so many casualties from "ragtag talibans", they perhaps got nervous , army casaulties are running in negative range as if they are coming back from dead while militants death toll has reached to hundred.
Those who are showing disappointment at pak army performance need to understand that they army is not facing some men with guns in their hands. Lashkar e islam men were contineously fighting with AI for last 8 years, they are tough seasoned fighters, they are locals and make good use of their terrain..moreover they do not blindly attack, afridis are shrewd people, they use brain in their fights and also use guerrala tactics...pak army should have studied their colonial predecessors of british army who failed to subdue tirah with all their might.
Just found this post of taimi khan sahab, he is in peshawer and is well-connected with army, it explains things,
Becoz till evening some 20 bodies were lying in CMH Peshawar with some in very bad shape and they were being repaired by surgeons to bring them into some respectable form. Plus its an ongoing operation, may be more are expected as something terrible had gone wrong and many soldiers lost in one single day. Its not that easy to announce such huge number of men in just a single day, plus as of now bodies are being repaired.

A very very sad day as nearly 2 dozen men have been lost in just 2 days.
Yeah it happens. And since its an ongoing operation it may not even be announced as it brings demoralization effects on the troops fighting in the area. Its a large number of troops at just the start of the operation.

So army is hiding real casualties figures to prevent demoralization effect among soldiers...they always do so but in my opinion they should never have leaked initial death tolls to begin with.
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