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There are tidbits going around that there were a total of 35 casualties for the forces, 15-17 commandos and the rest were 8 Punjab.

@TaimiKhan, confirm?

Casualties were high but it included the injured ones too, some serious and some not. From what i got while in CMH, the figure was 26 martyred ones which included 12 SSG and rest 8 Punjab.

So may be injured and dead total would be 35 or may be higher. Or even may be some injured ones critical have also died in the later days.
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I Think our Definitions of Distraction are not the same , by distraction i did mean they were sitting ducks or that Targets were painted on their backs , There are many forms or ways to distract your enemy from the main assault .

For example Air Drop some Special forces behind enemy lines , and any untrained army will use eery thing they have to find the intruders , while taking their focus of the main assault . now it is up the Special Forces how they keep themselves alive .

I hope you get my point .

Now that sounds right. At first when you said that they were sent to die... that part put me off.
SSG were ambushed after clearing a village. They were not airdropped. They were not sent to their deaths. They were sent in to push quietly. Which after the initail phase failed as the defenders were ready.
SSG were ambushed after clearing a village. They were not airdropped. They were sent in to push quietly. Which after the initail phase failed as the defenders were ready.

Who said they were ?
SSG were ambushed after clearing a village. They were not airdropped. They were not sent to their deaths. They were sent in to push quietly. Which after the initail phase failed as the defenders were ready.

And there were no Cobra or C-130 Aerial support covering their backs?
And there were no Cobra or C-130 Aerial support covering their backs?

when you are planning to go silent. You can not use noisy assets. Drones were the only option to be used and were not.
when you are planning to go silent. You can not use noisy assets. Drones were the only option to be used and were not.

By backup and covering backs means. Such assets are kept on stand by, C-130 monitoring the situation from 10,000 feat and guiding assault teams below, no one can hear a noisy dime from below. If C-130 were covering the backs of SSG or Normal infantry team, they would have told them about the surprise ambush or incoming large enemy support coming towards them so they would not have taken by surprise and would have taken appropriate positions.C-130 is modified to be an early warning asset. And if Infantry and SSG team were being overwhelmed, they could have send Cobras, afterall they are capable of operating in Nights.

Yet Planner of op ignored the importance of such aerial options.Praise to Chief of that op

And one more thing I gather, Several years ago General Kiyani started a project of "Light Infantry Commando Battalion" which covers SSG role and they would be dropped behind enemy lines and SSG will not be used in infantry role.

It seems that project failed
Mangal Bagh becomes LI, Taliban supremo in Khyber


LANDI KOTAL: Mangal Bagh has become supreme leader of both the Lashkar-i-Islam (LI) and Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) for the tribal region of Khyber.

“The decision to elevate Mangal Bagh to the status of supreme commander for Khyber was taken at a joint shura of Taliban and LI ‘commanders’,” highly placed government officials said.

They said the high-ranking ‘commanders’ of both the Taliban and LI had agreed to coordinate with each other and consult on all matters of mutual importance, particularly those pertaining to Tirah valley and the Khyber Agency.

The decision to strike a deal with the LI chief came at a time when the TTP tightened its grip in the areas it had snatched from Ansaarul Islam, a pro-government armed group.

Lashkar-i-Islam is also well entrenched in Sipah, Akkakhel and Malikdin Khel areas of Tirah.

The elevation of Mangal Bagh to the position of supreme commander coincided with a two-pronged army offensive against the TTP and LI, with the military suffering high losses in just four days of intense fighting.

The army launched a ground offensive against the banned LI from the Bazaar-Zakhakhel side while descending into the Bara valley and attacking the LI positions and from the Sheen Qamar side and thus reaching out to the LI hideouts in the area.

The air force fighters also conducted several sorties over the area under the control of the TTP and targeted a number of their hideouts.

“The main thrust of the current military offensive is the Mangal Bagh-led Lashkar-i-Islam while the Taliban area is dealt with through the air strikes,” the officials said, adding that the army had made inroads into the LI-controlled areas.

The areas under the control of both the Taliban and LI are infamous for poppy cultivation and illicit drug trade with Afghanistan. “The money accrued from the narcotics trade is one of the main sources of income for both the groups in the otherwise picturesque valley of Tirah, bordering Afghanistan, Kurram and Orakzai agencies,” the officials said, adding that the Taliban laid their hands on poppy crop cultivated over a vast land when they had taken control of the areas dominated by Kukikhel and Ansaarul Islam in May last year and March this year.

Tirah is one of the first tribal territories where the army set its foot in 2002 in order to curb infiltration of Al Qaeda insurgents into Pakistan after the Tora Bora debacle in Afghanistan. The army remained there for some time, but was later recalled, thus leaving the area at the mercy of local armed groups of Lashkar-i-Islam, Ansaarul Islam and Tawheedul Islam.

Fighting between the groups to gain control of the valley left hundreds of their men as well as innocent people dead over the past eight years.

CASUALTIES: A spokesman for the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said 23 soldiers and 110 militants had been killed during the fierce fighting in Tirah.

The army, backed by fighter planes and helicopter gunships, had launched an operation against the Taliban and its allies in the remote valley four days ago and the fighting continued on Tuesday.

“In four days of fighting, 110 militants and 23 army soldiers have been killed and dozens of militants injured,” a senior military official told a foreign news agency.

“The valley has not been cleared of the militants yet, even though jet fighters and helicopter gunships pounded their positions,” the official said, adding that militants could easily sneak into other semi-autonomous tribal regions near the Afghan border, a strategy they often employed when the pressure was on.
Mangal Bagh becomes LI, Taliban supremo in Khyber | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
By backup and covering backs means. Such assets are kept on stand by, C-130 monitoring the situation from 10,000 feat and guiding assault teams below, no one can hear a noisy dime from below. If C-130 were covering the backs of SSG or Normal infantry team, they would have told them about the surprise ambush or incoming large enemy support coming towards them so they would not have taken by surprise and would have taken appropriate positions.C-130 is modified to be an early warning asset. And if Infantry and SSG team was being overwhelmed, they could have send Cobras, afterall they are capable of operating in Nights.

Yet Planner of op ignored the importance of such aerial options.Praise to Chief of that op

I have never heard of a Pakistani C130 performing those duties. If you have, please state if an exercise was performed of anything similar in the past. The air assets were readied for backup but I have no information if they were used or how they were used.
I thought @Windjammer yesterday talked to some Major dude in ISPR who confirmed that there was no such operation and it was probably a fcuk up by DAWN which reported it incorrectly.. Looks like a lot changed in 24 hours ...

I wonder how would dawn news can even do that..don't you think that it is a well prestige newspaper?dawn news management are not mad that they are gonna ruin their reputation by their own hands....yeh bataq pehlay dawn news ne hi chora tha:lol:
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I believe you are talking about Aew&c, pakistan does not have one yet
By backup and covering backs means. Such assets are kept on stand by, C-130 monitoring the situation from 10,000 feat and guiding assault teams below, no one can hear a noisy dime from below. If C-130 were covering the backs of SSG or Normal infantry team, they would have told them about the surprise ambush or incoming large enemy support coming towards them so they would not have taken by surprise and would have taken appropriate positions.C-130 is modified to be an early warning asset. And if Infantry and SSG team were being overwhelmed, they could have send Cobras, afterall they are capable of operating in Nights.

Yet Planner of op ignored the importance of such aerial options.Praise to Chief of that op

And one more thing I gather, Several years ago General Kiyani started a project of "Light Infantry Commando Battalion" which covers SSG role and they would be dropped behind enemy lines and SSG will not be used in infantry role.

It seems that project failed
I have never heard of a Pakistani C130 performing those duties. If you have, please state if an exercise was performed of anything similar in the past. The air assets were readied for backup but I have no information if they were used or how they were used.

I believe you are talking about Aew&c, pakistan does not have one yet

C-130 specifically modified with Brite Star Electro optical pods so that they can take part in WoT.Recently during Kamra base attack, A C-130 from air co-ordinated the whole Op on ground


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