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Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

Karzai,your day of judgement is inching close. Brace,for what we have in stock for your balded head.

Inshallah karzai the previous Enron company employee of Bush senior will be thrown to the core of earth inside Hell along with his smuggler,criminal brother....and they will be killed by their own Talibans Inshallah....
OK!.....may the departed souls of jawans rest in peace.....may Allah make our jawans victorius....please PA finish them off for once......and hope that Govt take over from army once operation is finied unlike swat
What I heard that it is the last strong hold of TTP in Pakistan territory and the area is very good for guirella warfare and an ideal place for TTP and also militants can spread through this valley to another areas very easilybecause of the multiple routes offered by this valley.

Not only that, for any operation to succed in NWA against TTP, Orakzai and Tirah needs to be cleared and have control on them or else the militants will escape to Orakzai and Tirah to take shelter, thus to squeeze them and keep them in NWA, both of these agencies need security forces control.
Not only that, for any operation to succed in NWA against TTP, Orakzai and Tirah needs to be cleared and have control on them or else the militants will escape to Orakzai and Tirah to take shelter, thus to squeeze them and keep them in NWA, both of these agencies need security forces control.

what you are saying that pak army want them on a countineous run so that they are unable to coordinate or regroup to execute their attacks effectively?
ISPR confirms deaths of 23 soldiers in Tirah Valley offensive


Tirah valley battle intensifies as fight for key heights continue


Forces consolidating positions in Tirah Valley
110 insurgents killed, 23 troops martyred
Some of my very close friends are from khyber agency,and tirah valley is part of Khyber agency..
Hope they are ok....
Latest update by dawn:

PESHAWAR: The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Monday officially confirmed the death of 23 soldiers in Tirah Valley and said that the security forces have also gained a lot of ground in the militants’ stronghold in the remote mountainous hamlet.

Dawn.Com was the first to report about the decisive gunbattle in the Tirah Valley to dislodge the militants from their stronghold on Saturday. The gun-battle had left at least 23 soldiers dead including some Special Service Groups (SSG) personnel of officer’s rank.

The ISPR, in an official statement issued on Monday evening, said that over 110 militants have also been killed in the Tirah Valley and scores of their hideouts have been destroyed in the strikes during the operation which had been started on Friday.

The statement also says that the offensive is successfully continuing in the valley and some important heights have also been captured by the security forces.

A security official told Dawn.Com that after initial casualties, the security forces are constantly continuing with the strategy of controlling heights and than would be marching down to the scattered built up areas to flush out the miscreants.

The landlocked area is reported to be a bastion of the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other foreign militants.

I thought @Windjammer yesterday talked to some Major dude in ISPR who confirmed that there was no such operation and it was probably a fcuk up by DAWN which reported it incorrectly.. Looks like a lot changed in 24 hours ...
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My patriotism isn't blinding me at all.

Yes, I know what special forces are. Read my posts again. SSG was needed here as the hilly/mountainous conditions are hard for regular infantry to break through - it is irregular fighting, militants have tunnels everywhere and as they have been using Tirah Valley as a last bastion, barring NW, some of their more experienced fighters would be there (not to say that regular forces can't take them out -- it's the fact that there's absolute complete slopes with IEDs all over, tunnels coming out of every nook and cranny, peaks on both sides, etc - it's not conditions which regular army, which has been training for conventional warfare, is used for).

So yes, the whole 'regular infantry' argument isn't working for me. You could argue that SSG are being used for that role if they were in the area long term, holding down territory. What they're doing is being injected right into the heartlands -- causing maximum damage, along with regular reinforcements.

As for this aireal bombardment argument - the Valley was bombed, but people think you can just see everything from the sky, or blanket bomb the whole area. Firstly, to blanket bomb a whole area would - if nothing else - would require a huge amount of resources, monetary or otherwise - and there would be no guarantee of eliminating the thread, the US bombed the crap out of Tora Bora but Bin Laden still escaped. You can't really see tunnels from high altitude, or even at normal ground positions unless you have an eye for it - they're hidden, they're underground.

I don't know what your idea of conventional warfare is.

Tunnels, trenches and other defensive fortifications are a part of conventional warfare as are IEDs (anti-personnel mines) etc.

The type of mission seems to be just down the alley of a well trained conventional force. If they cannot be first dislodged by air power then it is the role of infantry to carry out the mission.

Throwing the SSG against an entrenched and numerically superior enemy is idiotic, it exemplifies their primary weakness which is the fact that their numbers are in general far lower.

It seems our ideas of how SOF should operate are vastly different, we are just going around in circles, both of us should just agree to disagree.
پاکستان کے فوجی ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ قبائلی علاقے خیبر ایجنسی کی وادئ تیراہ میں سکیورٹی فورسز کے آپریشن میں تیرہ سکیورٹی اہلکار اور ایک سو سے زیادہ شدت پسند ہلاک ہوئے ہیں۔
عسکری حکام کے مطابق جمعہ سے شروع ہونے والے آپریشن میں ہلاک ہونے والوں میں ایک سو کے قریب شدت پسند اور تیرہ فوجی شامل ہیں
تاہم خبر رساں ادارے ایسوسی ایٹڈ پریس نے شھہید ہونے والے فوجی اہلکاروں کی تعداد تیس اور شدت پسندوں کی تعداد ستانوے بتائی ہے۔
وادئ تیراہ تقریباً سو کلومیٹر پر پھیلا ہوا ایسا قبائلی خطہ ہے جس کی سرحدیں تین ایجنسیوں خیبر، اورکزئی اور کُرم سے ملتی ہیں۔ یہ وادی افغانستان کی سرحد سے قریب اور باڑہ سے تقریباً 65 کلومیٹر کے فاصلے پر واقع ہے۔
Not only that, for any operation to succed in NWA against TTP, Orakzai and Tirah needs to be cleared and have control on them or else the militants will escape to Orakzai and Tirah to take shelter, thus to squeeze them and keep them in NWA, both of these agencies need security forces control.

Orakzai off and on since mid 2008 has been a troubling agency. . .

In the month of March last alone we sent over 44 enemies back to their Creator
what you are saying that pak army want them on a countineous run so that they are unable to coordinate or regroup to execute their attacks effectively?

Not just continuous run, its a plan for the future. In case US starts leaving Afghanistan next year, the Afghan Taliban will try to consolidate their gains in Afghanistan and their whatever men & operations are based in NWA, they will shift it to their native homeland. But we will be left with TTP who are Pakistan specific and their agenda is Pakistan, thus we will have to deal with them and crush them or destroy them to the least possible, and for that an operation would be required wherever they are, so if they are confined to NWA, it will be an easy task for us if they have nowhere or not much room to run to. They will be cornered in NWA. The more space you give it to them, the more they will roam and create problems for us.
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