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Operation Tirah Valley | News & Updates

off the topic, are you talking about the raid on Dieppe? It was a suicide mission and not even remotely connected to D-Day.

My reading suggests otherwise; Allied leaders have claimed that Dieppe was necessary as a test run for D-Day.

The Canadians who were the sacrificial lambs had no idea, and there was a great deal of bitterness at the time and afterwards given the huge casualties they sustained.
Soldiers of 3cdo Batalian who embraced Shahadat in Tirah operation.

  1. Havildar Kafeel
  2. Havildar Ghafoor
  3. Sepoy Kashif,
  4. Sepoy Asim,
  5. Sepoy Islam
  6. Sepoy Shahid
  7. Sepoy Safdar
This is Tirah vally , as you can see the Terrain is very Helpful for Defending Forces .







The problem in such fights is not taking over the control.. But it is around retaining control. That has been the story of Pakistani COIN operations in last 5-6 years. Areas that are cleared of the militants, go back to their control once PA moves to another area to clear it. Pakistan does not seem to have the reserves that can hold the territory against the militants and ends up sacrificing soldiers again and again to retake same pieces of land.
Soldiers of 3cdo Batalian who embraced Shahadat in Tirah operation.

  1. Havildar Kafeel
  2. Havildar Ghafoor
  3. Sepoy Kashif,
  4. Sepoy Asim,
  5. Sepoy Islam
  6. Sepoy Shahid
  7. Sepoy Safdar

To ALLAH we belong.

May ALLAH accepts their great sacrifice, gives peace to their loved ones and (due to their sacrifice) peace comes to Pakistan.
I am a civilian and two (may be naive) questions, if someone can answer:

1. Has PA closed their escape routes to Afghnistan ?

2. What is the conclusion of PA on the question: why these militants are putting such a stiff resistance here ? What is their gain in it and why have they abandoned the shoot and scoot strategy ?
I am a civilian and two (may be naive) questions, if someone can answer:

1. Has PA closed their escape routes to Afghnistan ?

2. What is the conclusion of PA on the question: why these militants are putting such a stiff resistance here ? What is their gain in it and why have they abandoned the shoot and scoot strategy ?

What I heard that it is the last strong hold of TTP in Pakistan territory and the area is very good for guirella warfare and an ideal place for TTP and also militants can spread through this valley to another areas very easilybecause of the multiple routes offered by this valley.
Mate don't let your patriotism blind you. Learn to recognise mistakes where you see them.

Special Forces are special people who do special tasks. Tasks that require a high level of training etc. A well planned operation should utilise the strengths of such a force and certainly not exemplify its weaknesses.

Suicide missions certainly aren't the MO for any professional soldier. These guys are simply NOT meant to be filling the role of the regular infantry, i.e clearing and taking enemy positions.

Sometimes difficult and dangerous tasks need to be done and there are no other options, but in this case there WERE other options and they weren't utilised.

My patriotism isn't blinding me at all.

Yes, I know what special forces are. Read my posts again. SSG was needed here as the hilly/mountainous conditions are hard for regular infantry to break through - it is irregular fighting, militants have tunnels everywhere and as they have been using Tirah Valley as a last bastion, barring NW, some of their more experienced fighters would be there (not to say that regular forces can't take them out -- it's the fact that there's absolute complete slopes with IEDs all over, tunnels coming out of every nook and cranny, peaks on both sides, etc - it's not conditions which regular army, which has been training for conventional warfare, is used for).

So yes, the whole 'regular infantry' argument isn't working for me. You could argue that SSG are being used for that role if they were in the area long term, holding down territory. What they're doing is being injected right into the heartlands -- causing maximum damage, along with regular reinforcements.

As for this aireal bombardment argument - the Valley was bombed, but people think you can just see everything from the sky, or blanket bomb the whole area. Firstly, to blanket bomb a whole area would - if nothing else - would require a huge amount of resources, monetary or otherwise - and there would be no guarantee of eliminating the thread, the US bombed the crap out of Tora Bora but Bin Laden still escaped. You can't really see tunnels from high altitude, or even at normal ground positions unless you have an eye for it - they're hidden, they're underground.

The military operation against militants in Khyber Agency’s Tirah Valley is progressing successfully.

23 Soldiers embraced Shahadat, 110 Taliban also eliminated in Military operation against militants.

The security forces have destroyed many hideouts of the militants in the valley.
Its time we bomb the connected Afghan border and install a firewall. We cannot make 'khichri' out of these TTP/LI Kharijis unless and until they are connected to their best friends,Karzai and ISAF. They promised to close the border,and now they haven't!

This is our battle to fight,we should bomb the crap out of the Afghan border,install obs posts with fire support,unless we surround them in a fire ring,the Tirah operation will be lost even after being won.

The military operation against militants in Khyber Agency’s Tirah Valley is progressing successfully.

23 Soldiers embraced Shahadat, 110 Taliban also eliminated in Military operation against militants.

The security forces have destroyed many hideouts of the militants in the valley.

Alhumdulilah....alhumdulilah may our jawans succeed in their mission and return back as ghazis(Ameen)

Its time we bomb the connected Afghan border and install a firewall. We cannot make 'khichri' out of these TTP/LI Kharijis unless and until they are connected to their best friends,Karzai and ISAF. They promised to close the border,and now they haven't!

This is our battle to fight,we should bomb the crap out of the Afghan border,install obs posts with fire support,unless we surround them in a fire ring,the Tirah operation will be lost even after being won.

I remember that Mushrraf had same argument with afghan government for the installation of fire wall and mines which they denied...Musharraf was literally crying after resignation..and he said:

"yaad rakhiye ga k fauj aur ISI pakistan ki backbone hai"
Latest update by dawn:

PESHAWAR: The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Monday officially confirmed the death of 23 soldiers in Tirah Valley and said that the security forces have also gained a lot of ground in the militants’ stronghold in the remote mountainous hamlet.

Dawn.Com was the first to report about the decisive gunbattle in the Tirah Valley to dislodge the militants from their stronghold on Saturday. The gun-battle had left at least 23 soldiers dead including some Special Service Groups (SSG) personnel of officer’s rank.

The ISPR, in an official statement issued on Monday evening, said that over 110 militants have also been killed in the Tirah Valley and scores of their hideouts have been destroyed in the strikes during the operation which had been started on Friday.

The statement also says that the offensive is successfully continuing in the valley and some important heights have also been captured by the security forces.

A security official told Dawn.Com that after initial casualties, the security forces are constantly continuing with the strategy of controlling heights and than would be marching down to the scattered built up areas to flush out the miscreants.

The landlocked area is reported to be a bastion of the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other foreign militants.
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