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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Isnt his statement shirk? Besides, when did Allah SWT assign him as commander to wage war on a Muslim country.

Is this a joke? Because I can't help but point in their direction and laugh at them.

I'm being honest.

Yeah it is...One must ask this Hakeemullah why he is not daring to lead by example? :)
Rawalpindi - November 6, 2009:

South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat

a. Today security forces have moved into the Town of Makeen, which is considered as Base Headquarters of terrorists.

b. In last 24 hours, 24 terrorists have been killed while 1 was apprehended. Details of operations are as follows:-

(1) On Jandola – Sararogha Axis

(a) Security forces are consolidating and strengthening their positions around Sararogha. Search and clearance operations are continuing.

(b) Terrorists fired 4 rockets at Sararogha. During encounter 3 terrorists were killed.

(2) On Shakai – Kaniguram Axis

(a) Security forces are consolidating their positions in and around Ladha and conducting search and clearance operations.

(b) During search operation in Bangai Khel, Totai Langar Khel and Kot Langar Khel and huge quantity of arms and ammunition have been recovered and apprehended 1 suspect.

(c) Terrorists fired at position of security forces at Ghunai Gur. The fire raid was effectively responded. No loss reported.

(3) On Razmak- Makeen Axis

(a) Today security forces have entered Makeen. A large part of town has been cleared. In remaining part search and clearance operation is continuing.

(b) Important road and track junction of Makeen-Ladha-Sararogha and road junction Makeen-Ghariom-Sararogha have been blocked.

(c) The house of Baitullah Mehsud has been raised to ground.

(d) Intense engagements are taking place and terrorists are fleeing leaving behind their weapons and ammunition. So far 21 terrorists have been killed in Makeen area.

3. Relief Activities

a. Army free medical camp established at Wanna and Shakai form 2 November 2009 to 6 November. Number of patients have been treated and provided free medicines.

b. Local popular appreciated the effort of Army Doctors and Para Medics.

c. 7,922 cash cards have been distributed amongst the displaced families of Waziristan.


KIT Over n Out :victory::pakistan::sniper::guns:
Yeah it is...One must ask this Hakeemullah why he is not daring to lead by example? :)

because him and his friends are busy hiding in caves eating lizards and shaving off their holy beards

it's come to a point where ttp will further disintegrate. Factions will either put down their guns, or they will just fight till the death. They don't give a damn, they have nothing to lose since they have no lives.

They have no nationality either. Especially these foreign fighters who were outcasts in their own country, and found no other utility in life except to embrace their violent and crooked ideology. It's one thing to be ultra-orthodox. It's another thing to use Islam for selfish self-serving ways. These guys aren't even fighting for Islam, since they are hitting soft-targets (women, children, schools, and even Islamic institutions --among many others)

On one hand I say -- may they be exterminated. But I also say may they be guided on the right path if they choose to mend their ways like proper humans.

Allah SWT protect this country from evil and ill-wishing.
"But I also say may they be guided on the right path if they choose to mend their ways like proper humans."

Let that be determined from a detention camp if captured. Let their identities be released into the communities and allow the citizens of those communities to come forth and press charges if these men, ready to mend their ways or not, have crimes-specifically blood, on their hands.

A few "Hail Mary's" and a couple of "Our Father's" (to spare the Catholic analogy) isn't enough if they've broken the laws, any laws, of your land.

They can stand trial, be punished, and if that punishment excludes taking their life, they can show proper remorse while serving the time for their crimes.

I.D. the leaders and build a separate facility to isolate them from their followers and those whom are common criminals. There's not much the leaders can say to mobilize one another and I suspect they've PLENTY of blood on their hands.

Start now in the IDP camps to find those who'll press charges. I imagine hundreds have personally been victimized or witnessed such. Begin now and it's a monstrously HUGE task but I imagine nothing will work to assauge the safety of your citizens like seeing justice at work.

A few thoughts, IMHO.

Saudi Arabia has rehab programs for its jihadys. And apparently, they have worked.

We are not financially endowed the way they are; Saudis are basically sitting them down with scholars who preach to them the pain caused by terrorism.

They let them play backgammon, dominos and chess...they give them Coca Cola in a 12oz can, and those that graduate from the program get state welfare checks until they can find jobs.

It's a success story for the most part....at least based on what i've read.

Can it be applied to the local/foreign "jihadys" in FATA and Southern Punjab? I don't know!

it's worth looking into though.

Because in the end, nobody is happy about hearing all of this bloodshed in Pakistan --regardless of whether it was good guy or bad guy getting killed. As if blood and life is so cheap.

All we can do is move on in a calculated and productive fashion (united), hope for the best, and support the men (and women) in uniform.
Isnt his statement shirk? Besides, when did Allah SWT assign him as commander to wage war on a Muslim country.

Is this a joke? Because I can't help but point in their direction and laugh at them.

I'm being honest.[/QUOTE]

u have a right to be honest but in this case you r wrong!
"All we can do is move on in a calculated and productive fashion (united), hope for the best, and support the men (and women) in uniform."

KSA has, as you've suggested, far more money. They also have far fewer criminals/insurgents than you.

I'd still contend that you must let the laws of your land prevail and those who've been victimized a right to come forward and identify assailants/perpetrators. Reconciliation is great. Consider that, perhaps, with baluch separatists that aren't also insurgents.

Here, however, there is no innocent or strictly political wing. At least not in FATAville. Nearly all tote weapons and act at the behest of leaders there who also tote weapons. Many have committed outright murder. Others have compelled forced marriages, confiscation of homes, vehicles, and other property. Some may have indulged private theft. Who knows?

Your abridged citizens of FATA do. If not offered a chance to see men who've committed crimes punished under your laws, have those victims been reconciled and rehabilitated or will they seek personal vengeance when they note that the state will not?

I don't know but I believe that it's not enough to express remorse and assume that therein lies a pathway to an unhindered future and a forgotten past.

Security agency suspected for Taliban links

KARACHI: The Sindh Home Department has cancelled the license of a private security agency, whose 38 men were arrested last month on the suspicion of being militants. They were arrested by the Sharafi Goth police being involved in illegal activities. The police high ups have also been directed to seal the offices of the Freedom Security Agency and confiscate the weapons in their possession. The police had arrested these people wearing militia uniforms and carrying various weapons when their presence was detected inside an abandoned warehouse.

staff report
PAF bases in Karachi under threat?

By Faraz Khan

KARACHI: Intelligence agencies have warned that terrorists could target PAF bases in Karachi, and said that no security measures have been taken to safeguard sensitive installations, reliable sources privy to the matter told Daily Times on Friday.

Intelligence agencies have written to the Interior Ministry and other authorities over the matter. They pointed out “slack security arrangements” at PAF bases in the city and warned of potential terrorist attacks. The agencies said terrorists might target the PAF Masroor Base and NATO supply containers parked adjacent to the base.

time to raise the threat level to "red"
Students of army schools donate for SWA IDPs

KARACHI: The students of the Army Public Schools and Colleges in Karachi and Malir Garrisons made a respectable delivery to aid the internally displaced persons (Mehsud tribesmen) in the South Waziristan Agency on Friday. Students contributed voluntarily, mainly out of their own pocket money, and donated various items of need. The joint efforts by the youngsters were enough to fill up two truck loads of goods that were handed over by head boys and girls of the Army Public Schools and Colleges to Commander Corps Logistic in a simple, yet impressive ceremony. The relief goods included stationery items, medicines, warm clothing, bedding and food items, said an ISPR press release. The Pakistan Army, which is cleansing the South Waziristan Agency of miscreants during the operation, Rah-e-Nijat, is also catering to the needs of the mainly displaced Mehsud and other tribes in the area.

staff report
KSA has, as you've suggested, far more money. They also have far fewer criminals/insurgents than you.

their criminals/insurgents seem to think Afghan/Pakistan border is playground, same way they did in Iraq operating under Zarqawis movement

we have less money, and MORE people to deal with....

I'd still contend that you must let the laws of your land prevail and those who've been victimized a right to come forward and identify assailants/perpetrators. Reconciliation is great. Consider that, perhaps, with baluch separatists that aren't also insurgents.

enemies of the social fabric of the federation will be treated thusly

Here, however, there is no innocent or strictly political wing. At least not in FATAville.

name is FATA.

Political "wings" would be the local administrations which are run by the agents/maliks....that is how it has always been.

Many have committed outright murder. Others have compelled forced marriages, confiscation of homes, vehicles, and other property. Some may have indulged private theft. Who knows?

these are all against the law.....the areas where there is little govt. writ need to be looked at closely.

It shouldnt be the Army having to clean up these places all the time. That is government's job.

Your abridged citizens of FATA do.

As a citizen of FATA myself, I'd appreciate it if you didn't refer to us as "abridged"

thanks in advance.

I don't know but I believe that it's not enough to express remorse and assume that therein lies a pathway to an unhindered future and a forgotten past.

In our culture, when a man/woman asks for forgiveness and takes steps to mend his/her ways ---we put our arm around them and accept their new lease and outlook on life

by the way, i have lost a relative (and her unborn) directly by the hand of these people. If they came to my door asking for help and advice on how to re-integrate with society and mend their ways, I wouldnt aim my weapons at them. I would prepare some food for them and try to help them.

as for those who want to continue this inhuman and anti-Pakistan campaign........I believe they will fight till they are arrested or killed. And this will be their outcomes, as we are seeing.

What goes around comes around.

Live by the gun, die by the gun.
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ISLAMABAD: Fifteen militants were killed in fresh clashes in South Waziristan’s Jandola area during an overnight operation, official sources told DawnNews.

Security forces also entered South Waziristan’s Makeen area and were building bunkers in the region’s main bazaar.

Troops were also fighting militants in Sararogha and carrying out a search operation in Kaniguram.

Meanwhile, in Lower Kurram, security forces arrested two militants from the Ahmedi Shama area and also captured a militant hideout. — DawnNews
I don't understand this Strategic Depth concept of retreating into neighbouring country on the other side to regroup and fight another day ...... whether or not what Pakistan/Indian authors/experts (mis)construe it as such or not.

For the sake of my understanding, were the PA on the run, and as S-2 put it, channelizing backward into Afghanistan, would the IA let them? Or would they keep pushing, and take up the lacunae left bt the retreating PA?

Even if you are not talking about a complete rout, and a portion of the PA still holds on to areas to fight back, what benefit would be gained if the other part was retreating to fight another day?

I mean, in that case "another day" would never come, coz the IA would find it easier to defeat a divided/thinned out force and then keep pushing, across the border, to mop up the remainder?

Yes Taimi, I am a total war novice (before you inform me of such) ..... but I would like to learn and understand.

Cheers, Doc
Which is exactly why i said its bogus.Why would Pakistan Army move its weapons to Afghanistan when the war is to be fought in Sialkot, Punjab and Sindh Sector?Besides, If Pakistan wanted that Balochistan is far better place then Afghanistan.
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