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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

India is not involved in fighting the Taliban geniuses. I'd be tempted to call this discussion "Childish", but then a certain grown man named Rahman Malik comes to mind, and one realizes that this is acceptable standard for adults in Pakistan.
What's most interesting about Perlez's article is the indication that the objective of this latest operation is essentially punative with no indication that the P.A. intends to "hold, build, and develop". Further and most important, the article suggests that clear may only apply to clearing away a militia leadership and finding new leaders more malleable to Pakistan's near-eternal objectives of proxy war in Afghanistan-
It is not the job of the Army to "build and develop. As for "hold", we will do so for as long as we see fit, as we are currently in northern FATA and NWFP. Secondly, Ms. Perlez may have done well to please audience such as yourself considering that her prime sources seem to be unnamed "military specialists", anonymous "diplomats", a former disgruntled Pakistani ambassador to the US who lost his job due to a military coup in 1999 (hmm... I wonder why he doesn't support the Army?)and a retired Army officer who has made a career out of statements such as "the militants have humiliated the Army in Swat" etc. But, anything that badmouths Pakistanis has got to be credible, right sir? At least in the"to hell with Pakistan, bomb 'em back to the stone age" school of thought.

The army appeared to have no plans to occupy South Waziristan, but rather to cut the militants 'to size,' said Tariq Fatemi, who served briefly as Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States in 1999.

With the uncertainty of American plans in Afghanistan, and the strong sentiment in Pakistan that India was 'up to no good' in the restive province of Baluchistan and the tribal areas, Mr. Fatemi said, the army would not abandon the militant groups that it has relied on to fight as proxies in Afghanistan and in Kashmir against India.

The goal in South Waziristan, Mr. Fatemi said, was to eliminate the leadership that had become 'too big of their boots' with the attacks on Pakistan’s cities. The army would like to find more pliant replacements as leaders, he said."
And he knows this how, my I ask? What makes him an expert in military affairs? There is no shortage of disgruntled "diplomats" and army officers in Pakistan, if it gets them on international media, then it's surely worth it.

As for Kashmir, they are quite capable of fighting for their rights without the Taleban, and we have the intent, will and capability of supporting them in this fight.

She'd do well to save the American tax-payer the expense of her entourage and herself, instead focusing their perceptions analysis right here at this board.
On the contrary, she would do well to make this visit count for something through the display of solid support for Pakistan and its Army. If all she wants to do is shake hands with Zardari, then yes, she may as well stay home because it's not going to win her anything here.

I do, modestly, a superb job of bringing Pakistani feelings right up to the visible surface without noticably deviating from generally-stated American objectives. As such and if correct, the feelings expressed HERE are an accurate reflection of what she'll travel 6,000 miles at great expense to hear.

Never before has this board, IMHO, had more value and it would do our S. Asian desk at the Dept. of State well to monitor this activity and even join their PRC representatives from the foreign ministry in conducting our own psych-ops campaign.
And by using the words of a few ill-informed Pakistanis to convince them of our "duplicity", you will achieve what? anti-Pakistani sentiment within the DoD and the US in large may help your cause, but creating further distrust amongst our people, particularly our forces, will not help the "greater cause" one bit. I could just as well forward everything that you and others from your "school of thought" have said on this and other fora to the higher ups in the Pakistani military, but I will achieve little by creating further distrust between my army and the enemy of their enemy.

I must say, sir, the path you have chosen to follow is disappointing.
"Shitting in your pants even if some member says something against US."

Patriot, that's a lie. I object to you calling openly for and celebrating the killing of U.S. servicemen and women. Were I to do the same I would be banned.

You deserve as much for your unceasing commentary to that desire and the callousness that attends it.

Any soldier's life is a hard one. Something an armchair warrior like you would know nothing about. You make it far harder yet show no personal courage of conviction by walking the walk towards your desires. Instead you rely on the courage of others to fill the gap in your own.

I have served my country and my personal beliefs by wearing the uniform of an artillery officer of the U.S. Army. You do nothing of the kind while hiding behind your keyboard. Talk is cheap you child, and until you can establish MILITARY PROFESSIONAL behind your moniker I condemn you and your sick thoughts.

You'd do well to learn to subordinate the interests of your military to those of your country as a whole. Until such is manifested beyond you and into your society, your citizens and yourself shall remain in service of your armed forces and not the other way around.

Or abdicate to the inevitable and hold a coup d'etat, something most here would openly welcome...as would I.

S-2 no point in discussing with such a person who cherishes the Death of any soldier. He is just not important enough to waste a minute of your life. There are lot of such guys here. AVOID THEM.

India is not involved in fighting the Taliban geniuses. I'd be tempted to call this discussion "Childish", but then a certain grown man named Rahman Malik comes to mind, and one realizes that this is acceptable standard for adults in Pakistan.

Before starting your childish rant, it would have been better to have looked at your own Chadambaram, SM Krishna & other politicians, whose fingers are pointing at Pakistan even when the bang of a fire cracker spreads the deadly scare of a militant attack in India.

Plus the past accusations by pointing at Pakistan & then the reality that the bomb blasts had been done by Hindu extremists & involvement of serving Indian army officers coming to light is a very good testament to the acceptable standard of adults in India.

So next time try to have a sensible point of view.
India is not involved in fighting the Taliban geniuses. I'd be tempted to call this discussion "Childish", but then a certain grown man named Rahman Malik comes to mind, and one realizes that this is acceptable standard for adults in Pakistan.

I dont no where rest of the world puts there Retards but here in pakistan we make them politcians.
India is not involved in fighting the Taliban geniuses. I'd be tempted to call this discussion "Childish", but then a certain grown man named Rahman Malik comes to mind, and one realizes that this is acceptable standard for adults in Pakistan.

Wow...even in this forum the Indian and American nexus paying off. See the thanks you recieved were from your american friend.:coffee:
"So, S-2 are you able to "out" the PDF members here who are really USA government agents engaged in psych-ops?"

Yup. They're not here.

If you believe otherwise, please contact me with a P.M. I'll provide my e-mail and you can send me your thoughts without anybody here knowing the wiser.

I'd fear in any case the toady supplicants that foggy bottom might assign. I strongly doubt that they'd be able to articulate America's message any better without eventually running smack dab into what's faced here daily in any case.

Every Pakistani citizen here is a member of their armed forces and the state exists to serve the military. Always has and so it shall be until a better Pakistan emerges. Only Pakistanis can do such and I rather doubt they see how it's damaged the life that it's their lot to inherit from birth.

That's their business. MY BUSINESS is assuring my government doesn't underwrite such a perversion. America could do nothing better nor be a better friend than by pursuing such a course of action.
Oh S-2, what ever do we'll make sure US bleeds in Afghanistan as long as it has hostile intentions regarding Pakistan.You can't do anything.What you have done in last 8 years anyway?We're just enjoying the show.Pakistan has faced tougher times (92 Karachi Insurgency) So we'll pass along just fine but get ready for lots of dead bodies of ISAF Personal and hope you are having a beer with USAF helicopter crash news.Enjoy..Anyone who goes against Pakistani State will be taken care off.Be it Taliban or your ANA crooks.They will be paid in the same coin trust me.

Please refrain from some un-ethical responces . By not agreeing upon an argument does not in any way provides the right to become happy over the loss of precious life ....

i was let-down when i came across this ..
taimikhan, please. Don't even compare a brilliant man like Chidambaram with this Rahman Malik guy, whose words have so little credibility that only the Indian and Pakistan press even bother to publish his quotes.

The difference of course, is that Mr. Malik here is pulling dreams out of thin air, whereas when Chidamabaram accuses Pakistan of something, there is substance behind it.

Please, name ONE international think tank or researcher than has identified India as the source of "all terrorist attacks in Pakistan". The only people who are saying this are a bunch of paranoid or scheming people within the Pakistan establishment. Its hard enough that India faces the threat of attacks from these groups every day, and to see people in responsible positions within Pakistan level completely baseless and fanciful allegations does nothing to inspire confidence. Take my word for it, if this sort of glib talk continues, nobody on earth is going to take anything that any Pakistani politician says seriously.
Please, name ONE international think tank or researcher than has identified India as the source of "all terrorist attacks in Pakistan".
It doesn't matter what think-tanks think. They have their own goals and what they say are to achieve those goals.

The only people who are saying this are a bunch of paranoid or scheming people within the Pakistan establishment.
Who have undeniable proof of indian involvement. I can confirm to you that ISI has more than enough evidence to prove indian involvement in terrorism. Why that proof isn't being made public -- no one knows for sure. I personally believe it's due to US pressure.

Its hard enough that India faces the threat of attacks from these groups every day, and to see people in responsible positions within Pakistan level completely baseless and fanciful allegations does nothing to inspire confidence.
They might be "baseless" to you or any indian -- we couldnt care less--, but they hold lot of water for people who know insiders on the ISI and know the existance of proof.

Take my word for it, if this sort of glib talk continues, nobody on earth is going to take anything that any Pakistani politician says seriously.
The only ones speaking this mantra is indians. No one else is saying this and no one has hinted this. It's just a matter of time before indian involvement is proven and that is not too far away.
coming back jane perlaz's "opinion peace" about the intentions of the military. i dont believe that its true. Does anybody in their right mind believe that a gang of thugs that has killed so many army personal and some very high ranking officers is not going to be completely eliminated is flat out wrong.
I think believing the NYT article as the word of God is wrong. she is interpreting what the army is going to do. lets wait for the operation to be over and see what the plan is. i would like to point out the Ms perlaz was making the same assertions before the swat offensive and look how that turned out. No need to get worked up here for something that has not happened yet and there is a good chance that i believe is going to happen.
As for the citizenry of pakistan be subservient to the army is a bit uncalled for by the esteemed member of the forum. Survey after survey has shown the people of Pakistan want democracy and i think people in the military get that.
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