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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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I agree with you. I like the way Turks worked for Islam in Turkey.

Why not Islam of Madina , they way shabah spread and implement Islam ?

Dont shout Islam Islam Islam and quietly do all the right things and people will be attracted to Islam through your good policies and actions. Instead of shouting Islam Islam Islam and doing all the wrong things and making people hate Islam.

Agreed , for your information network already laid (Tablegi Jamat left no corner of world where they establish system of dawah (Reactor of Islam).

In marketing we call it Pull Strategy rather then Pushing a Product on to people by aggressive sales tactics.

No need to adopt any aggressive marketing strategy(push and pull) ,our product(Islam) is very precious and flaw less and unique and Allah has taken the responsiblity to turn the hearts.:D
WANA: More 15 extremists have been killed in the ongoing South Waziristan Operation Rah-e-Nijat during the last 24 hours.

According to a press released issued from Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Monday, the miscreants fire raided Boya Narai Post in South Waziristan Agency last night. Security forces effectively responded. 15 miscreants were killed including terrorist commander Zainual, out of these few dead bodies are with the forces.

Two security personnel, Lance Havildar Sikandar and Havildar Aftab embraced shahadat while 3 others were injured.

Security forces conducted search and clearance operation in Marobi Raghzai and Zhawar Killi in Razmak sector and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

Security forces carried out search and clearance operation of a compound in Landi Wah near Lakki in Shakai Sector and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

The security forces carried out search and clearance operation in Atror near Kalam, Chuprial and Nilgram areas of Swat during Operation Rah-e-Rast and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

At least 3 terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Roringar and Devolai.

Security forces carried out search and clearance operation in Mingora City and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

Security forces carried out search and clearance operation in Tal, Kandao near Shah Dheri and Taghma areas of Swat and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.
15 miscreants killed, two security personnel embraced shahadat

ISLAMABAD, Dec 28 (APP): Security forces killed 15 miscreants including terrorist commander Zainual while two security personnel embraced shahadat and three others sustained injuries during the operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan in the last 24 hours. Miscreants raided Boya Narai Post in South Waziristan Agency last night which was effectively responded by the security forces, said an ISPR press release issued here Monday.

The security forces took some bodies of the miscreants in custody.

Two security personnel who embraced martyrdom included Lance Havildar Sikandar and Havildar Aftab.

In Razmak Sector, security forces conducted search and clearance operation in Marobi Raghzai and Zhawar Killi and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

Security forces also carried out search and clearance operation of a compound in Landi Wah near Lakki in Shakai sector and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

In operation Rah-e-Rast in Malakand, the security forces carried out search and clearance operation in Atror near Kalam, Chuprial and Nilgram, Mingora city, Tal, Kandao near Shah Dheri and Taghma and recovered cache of arms and ammunition from the areas.

Three terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Roringar and Devolai.
15 terrorists killed in SWA operation

WANA,Dec 28 (APP): At least fifteen extremists have been killed in the ongoing Operation Rah-e-Nijat during the last 24 hours, a press released issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said here.

The 15 miscreants were killed in retaliation when the miscreants’ fire raided Boya Narai Post in South Waziristan Agency, late last night.

Security forces responded and retaliated and as a result 15 miscreants were killed including terrorist commander Zainual.

Two security personnel, Lance Havildar Sikandar and Havildar Aftab embraced shahadat while 3 others were injured during the gun battle.

Soon after successful retaliation the security forces conducted search and clearance operation in Marobi Raghzai and Zhawar Killi in Razmak sector and seized cache of arms and ammunition.

The security forces also carried out search and clearance operation of a compound in Landi Wah near Lakki in Shakai sector and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

The security forces carried out search and clearance operation in Atror near Kalam, Chuprial and Nilgram areas of Swat during Operation Rah-e-Rast and recovered cache of arms and ammunition. At least 3 terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Roringar and Devolai.

Security forces also carried out search and clearance operation in Mingora City and recovered cache of arms and ammunition besides similar search and clearance operation in Tal, Kandao near Shah Dheri and Taghma areas of Swat and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.
Now you are confusing Soft Power with Strategic Influence. What you are talking about is efforts of India increasing it's Soft Power, an idea that one of my PhD supervisor floated a while back, his name is Joseph Ney and he is the Dean of JFK School of Government in Harvard. he is also credited with the idea of Neo Liberalism and Obama has been listening to him in that regard. Idea of closing the Guantanamo Holding facility etc were floated by him.

Strategic influence is quite different to that, using entirely different tools and strategies, probably you need to read on to these quite distinct ideas. By using soft Power you can not induce behavioural change. what i was talking about is tools that can induce Behavioural Change.

As far as Indian Soft Power attempts in Afg are concern i think they are seriously wasting their money and that is due to the following facts:

1, Soft Power takes ages to seep in,
2,Indian Soft Power is targeted at a minority of population, the NA, it will never gather the critical mass it requires. For Pashtuns all this is just like whipping them and making them more angry.
3, Soft Power is really Soft, it is like “good will” and any decent Strategic Influence campaign can do away good will earned in decades in few months. For example consider the following narratives ...

India is building these schools to corrupt our women....
Indians are helping the traitors the NA...
the Indians are helping the occupiers “The NATO“....
above all India is perceived to be the main Muslim enemy country in the region. Issues in Kashmir, Gujarat can bring all the good work down in few minutes.

NEVER under estimate the depth and reach of ISI in Afg. Do you really think ISI is sitting on its back doing nothing? think again my friend...

Mark my words and mark them well USA CAN NOT stay in Afg for ever.... The day USA leaves, Afg will revert back to Pakistan. (why do you think ISI is keeping Mullah Umer for?) There is a growing consensus amongst non Pashto speakers that they will rather have Taliban then having these thugs that can not control the country.

And mind you Taliban on their next term will not be the Taliban they were last time. Taliban has learned a lot of lessons . Taliban has learned the lesson for not listening to ISI and going with AL Qaeda. Where do you think the Blue Book ( book containing new rules of engagement for Taliban fighter) came from? ISI designed it to give Taliban acceptance in public ... they are marketing them for their return. Return of Taliban is inevitable so if India is building few schools or this and that then i will say good, build more, spend you money build the schools and roads and then Pakistan will not have to spend money on the reconstruction work.

If you think ISI has some hold over affairs in India then multiply that to 100 and that’s how much influence ISI has in Afg due to factors like same religion, same language, same ethnic population on both side, Afg can not do without Pak access to sea, long term partners in wars of all sort, ISI gave birth to Taliban, and we still have many many assets in Afg like Gul Badeen hikmatyar etc. At the moment they have rented Afg to USA when USA will not be interested in Afg and will not pay the rent anymore they will take it back.

Tip toe a little and you will see the dire prospects for Indian’s current endeavours in Afg.

And please don’t take me wrong I am just giving you my analysis, its not that I hate India or anything if anything I am staunch supporter of the idea that Pakistan and India should work together and be good neighbours even to extant that there are no visas and free movement of citizens and combining the Human Capital.

Mind you my friend WE DID NOT SEPARATE FROM INDIA, Muhammad Ali Jinah tried his level best to stay united he was a member of AIC and ML at the same time for quite some time. Read history my friend he tried his level best to keep Hindu Muslim together. If it was not up to Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru probably we would have kept the agreement of staying together for 10 years and then deciding according to the situation that if we want to carry on together or want to separate. It was PJN that said once we start together then who gives “them” the separation and that was what made it clear to Muslims of India that our future in India will be of a 2nd class citizen if we stay in a combined India.

Anyway that is certainly off the topic ….

Pakistan’s Operation Nijaat tells the whole story whether it is supporting Talibans or not and it is keeping Mullah Omer or not if ISI were so active in Afghanistan it would have eradicated the root cause of suicide attacks the ameer ul momineen Mullah Umer as our foreign minister Makhdum Shah Mehmood Qureshi said in an interview that US should stay in Afghanistan for at least five years and make the job done if Pakistan were supporting Talibans there wont be a wave of suicide attacks in Pakistan enough for some one having common sense and Pakistanis have enough by the grace of Allah Almighty Pakistan supported Taliban government before 9/11 doesn’t mean ISI gave birth to it simply it was for a stable government in Afghanistan and now Talibans are never coming into power again forget the blue book

Then India’s presence in Afghanistan raises the question marks

-- India currently has an extensive diplomatic presence in Afghanistan. It includes the Indian embassy in Kabul and another four consulates in Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat.

These Indian diplomatic missions serve as launching pads for undertaking covert operations against Pakistan from the Afghan soil. Particularly, the Indian consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad and their embassy in Kabul are used for clandestine activities inside Pakistan in general and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Balochistan in particular.

Indian diplomatic and RAW officials have significant ingress in the Afghan ministry of tribal affairs, and are exploiting it to conduct covert activities. Indian agents are instrumental in arranging meetings of tribal elders and Afghans with dual nationalities with Indian consulate officials in Jalalabad, and assisting them in spotting and recruiting suitable tribal elders from Jalalabad and Pakistan's North and South Waziristan agencies for covert activities.

RAW has established its training camps in Afghanistan in collaboration with the remnants of the Northern Alliance. Approximately 600 Ferraris, or Baloch tribal dissidents, are getting specialized training to handle explosives, engineer bomb blasts, and use sophisticated weapons in these camps.

India has invested heavily in its old connections with the leaders of the erstwhile Northern Alliance. It has sizeable support in Afghan parliament. Before the Afghan elections last year, the Indian ambassador called the Northern Alliance's major leadership at his residence and paid them a handsome amount to run their election campaign.

India is gradually increasing the number of its paramilitary personnel in Afghanistan. It is stationing them there on the pretext of providing security and protection to the Border Roads Organization, which is constructing the Zaranj-Dilaram road, and its consulates.

From a few personnel, the strength of Indian troops has reached almost that of a company size force and even includes Black Cat Commandos.

Afghan Police, the Border Security Force and customs officials facilitate the visit of Indian diplomatic staff and intelligence agents to border areas, and help them hold meetings with dissatisfied pro-Afghan dissidents, anti-state elements, and elders of the area.

In this context, meetings of tribal elders are arranged by the Afghan intelligence agency (Riyast-i-Amniyat-i-Milli or RAM) at the behest of those RAW officials who serve in different diplomatic offices of India in Afghanistan. Indian agents are carrying out clandestine activities in the border areas of Khost and in Pakistan's tribal areas of Miramshah with the active support of Afghan Border Security Force officials.--


Addition to that removal of NATO check posts near Pak Afghan border and silence of US over India’s activities and showing its forces morale down when Pakistan’s forces effort at it peak raises serious questions.
I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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Dr. Sahib, I always say the problem of Pakistan lies in its geography.
We need to build a steel wall to our southern borders... there is no solution otherwise.
I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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Our credible deterrence is our will and it'll fight until end

If Pakistan is destabilized no one will be stable whether east or west as our interior minister said.
so now consider this ... USSR gone USA gone... who will stop the wrath of hungry and blood thirsty Taliban butchering the NA in a way that will make the likes of Timur lang, halaku khan and chingiz khan shiver in his grave ????????

I did not find water on Mars but lot of raw minerals and its capital name was like that as 'Kabul'

Now the one million dollar question who is funding Taliban their eight years successful resistance against huge armies of NATO and US is that a kids play

Taliban of today and Soviet war are not the same USSR was on one side and Taliban backed by US and allies on another so Soviet had nothing but defeat.

But now who is on their back do they have market economy do they have ammunition factories do they have foreign relations and friends nothing then how they are giving tough time to US allies and Pakistan within Pakistan

Can we find made in India medicines and weapons from captured Talibans can tell the story
If America wants to help so bad, they should at least tell us how they keep the Mexicans out...

then we could work on keeping the terrorists in Afghanistan

America does NOT keep the "Mexicans" out. Last numbers that I saw was that there are about 10 million illegal people of Mexican citizenship in the USA. And another ~ 4 million from other South American countries who came through Mexico to get here. So we are not anyone who could or should be teaching others how to secure a border from infiltration......
8 terrorists killed in Orakzai clashes

* Four dead security personnel identified after 16 months
* Forces arrest 50 suspects in Mingora search operations
* Entry, exit points sealed in Amankot, Marghazar Town, Mingora

Staff Report

HANGU/KHAR/MINGORA: Eight terrorists were killed and 14 injured in attacks on militant hideouts and in a clash between militants and tribesmen in Orakzai on Sunday.
Sources told Daily Times that airstrikes pounded militant hideouts in Sturikhel area of Orakzai Agency, killing five terrorists and injuring eight. The sources said three militant hideouts were also destroyed in the strikes. Separately, three terrorists were killed and six injured in a clash between militants and members of the Sturikhel tribe.
Sources said the militants had been threatening members of the Sturikhel tribe in a bid to stop them from enrolling in the Frontier Corps. They said the situation had escalated to such an extent that a clash erupted between the two, with militants and members of the tribe firing at each other. Resultantly, three militants were killed and six others injured. Political authorities have also confirmed the clash and the death toll.
Identified: Meanwhile, dead bodies of four security personnel, who were killed during a military offensive in Loisam area of Khar tehsil some 16 months ago, were identified on Sunday with the help of DNA testing. The personnel had been buried in a graveyard in Khar, marked as unidentified.
Sources said the personnel had belonged to Bajaur Scouts and were killed in Loisam area while fighting the Taliban during Operation Sher Dil on August 16, 2008.
The personnel were identified as Muhammad Afzal, Shauka Ali, Shah Ayaz and Dewar Jan.

Arrested: Also, security forces arrested 50 suspected terrorists, including two foreigners, during a search operation in Mingora, sources said.
Security forces had earlier enforced a curfew in parts of Mingora after they learned that several terrorists were hiding out in the area. They recovered heavy arms during the search operations.
Sealed: Markets and streets remained deserted in Mingora as forces closed all exit and entry points for all traffic in Amankot, Tahir Abad, Bunrh, Marghazar Town and Mingora.

The curfew remained in force from early morning until 4pm, as forces conducted door-to-door searches in the areas.
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