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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Fifteen militants killed in Waziristan operation: ISPR

Monday, 28 Dec, 2009

Security forces have carried out several search and clearance operations in South Waziristan and Swat and recovered large caches of arms and ammunitions.

WANA: At least 15 militants extremists were killed in the ongoing Operation Rah-e-Nijat during the last 24 hours, a press released issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

The militants raided Boya Narai Post in South Waziristan Agency, late last night. Security forces retaliated and as a result 15 miscreants were killed including militant commander Zainual.

Two security personnel, Lance Havaldar Sikandar and Havaldar Aftab embraced martyrdom while three others were injured during the gun battle.

Soon after successful retaliation the security forces conducted search and clearance operation in Marobi Raghzai and Zhawar Killi in Razmak sector and a compound in Landi Wah near Lakki in Shakai sector and seized a large cache of arms and ammunition.

The security forces also carried out search and clearance operation in Atror near Kalam, Chuprial and Nilgram areas of Swat during Operation Rah-e-Rast and recovered several weapons.

At least three terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Roringar and Devolai. Security forces also carried out search and clearance operation in Mingora city and Tal, Kandao near Shah Dheri and Taghma areas of Swat and recovered arms and ammunition.—APP
America does NOT keep the "Mexicans" out. Last numbers that I saw was that there are about 10 million illegal people of Mexican citizenship in the USA. And another ~ 4 million from other South American countries who came through Mexico to get here. So we are not anyone who could or should be teaching others how to secure a border from infiltration......

Crud... what about all that technology they show on TV about catching the illegal aliens? But then again... it does take a lot of money..:confused:
I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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opium, bank transfers from GCC, ransom money, bribes (Italians?), transit fees.....many other avenues for finance
Rawalpindi - December 29, 2009:​

1. Security forces conducted search operation near Charbagh and killed Abu Zar, a wanted terrorists’ commander in an encounter. He was an explosive expert and master mind of many terrorist activities against Law Enforcement Agencies. Two other terrorists were also apprehended including cache of arms and ammunition.

2. South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat.

Details of the operations of last 24 hours are as follows:-

a. Jandola Sector.

Terrorists fire raided at security forces check post at Janata near Northern Dir, which was effectively responded.

b. Shakai Sector.

Security forces carried out search and clearance operation at Kaniguram and recovered 1 blasting machine for triggering IEDs.

c. Razmak Sector.

Security forces carried out consolidation and sanitization of their positions at Razmak sector.

3. Swat – Malakand – Operation Rah-e-Rast

a. Security forces carried out search and clearance operation in Goal near Sakhra, Chanchar near Madyan, Sar Banda near Bar Shaur and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

b. Security forces carried out search and clearance operation in at Nawankilli, Tahirabad, apprehended 6 suspects and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

c. 1 terrorist voluntarily surrendered himself to security forces at Tilligram near Charbagh.


KIT Over n Out:victory::pakistan::sniper::guns:
Our credible deterrence is our will and it'll fight until end

If Pakistan is destabilized no one will be stable whether east or west as our interior minister said.

What your interior minister say and what he does are two entirely different things.

he is a traitor to his own country. he has sold his faith for few dollars. The man was arrested for "undisclosed" charges and was latter released because BB asked the agencies to release him.

What can be more sad when the President, Interior Minister and few other high ranking ministers are the highest security threats to the country according to the files of our own intelligence agencies.

Haqqani network challenges US-Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD: The bodies kept surfacing – hanged, shot, beheaded – and always with a note alleging the victims were anti-Taliban spies. “Learn a lesson from the fate of this man,” warned one message found on a corpse in NWFP.

A senior Pakistani intelligence official told The Associated Press that at least 30 of his agency’s operatives have been killed over the last year in the region partly controlled by the Al Qaeda-linked Haqqani network. The autonomous Afghan Taliban faction – whose leader was once a US ally – is a serious threat to American and NATO troops in Afghanistan’s east and operates on both sides of the border with Pakistan. The US wants Pakistan to expel the network from North Waziristan, especially as 30,000 more US troops head to Afghanistan.

But Pakistani officials say taking on the network now is too risky: the killings have helped turn North Waziristan into an intelligence black hole at a time when Pakistan’s army is stretched thin fighting insurgents elsewhere.

Some critics suspect Pakistan is simply making excuses because it wants to use the Haqqanis as a future asset to influence Afghanistan and stay ahead of its bigger regional rival, India, after the Americans withdraw. Others say Pakistan is wise to avoid antagonising a group whose primary focus remains Afghanistan. The Haqqanis’ story is one of shifting alliances in Afghanistan’s long history of war and foreign occupation, and one that underscores the difficulty of sorting friend from foe in the current conflict. Kamran Bokhari, an analyst with STRATFOR, a US-based global intelligence firm, said, “Over the years, as Pakistan has been caught in a juggling act between dealing with its own insurgency and the US, people like the Haqqanis have become increasingly independent … the Haqqanis’ goal is to work with whoever is willing to work with them.”

Haqqani, believed to be in his 60s or older, is said to be too ill to do much now, and his son Sirajuddin has taken over the network. Some suspect that the Haqqanis retain their links with Pakistan’s main spy service, Inter-Services Intelligence, although the ISI denies this. The Haqqani network is thought to make much of its money through kidnappings, extortion and other crime in at least three eastern Afghan provinces. Rahimullah Yousafzai, a Pakistani journalist who interviewed Sirajuddin Haqqani in 2008, said he feels the burden of following in his father’s footsteps.

Pakistani officials insist they consider the Haqqanis a threat, but that mounting a concerted effort against them now is too risky.

Govt asks Mehsuds to surrender 378 wanted men

Wednesday, 30 Dec, 2009

The elders of the Mehsud tribe have sought time till Jan 20 to thoroughly review the seven conditions at a grand jirga.

Six jirga members, cleric held in vani case Six jirga members, cleric held in vani case PESHAWAR: The government on Wednesday handed down a list of 378 wanted Mehsud tribesmen to the elders of the Mehsud tribe.

They demand the wanted men's unconditional surrender, along with seven conditions calling for respecting the law of land, assuring to live in peace and not providing shelter to the elements involved in anti-state activities.

The elders of the Mehsud tribe however sought time till Jan 20 to thoroughly review the seven point conditions handed over by the political authorities at a grand jirga held at Political Compound Tank, winter headquarters of South Waziristan.

“We will respond to the conditions made for unconditional surrender of the wanted persons after reviewing and discussing it in detail with our elders of the sub tribes of Mehsud”, they told the jirga.

Over 400 leading tribal elders participated in the jirga including former MNA Maulana Mairajuddin, Malik Abdul Masood Alaai, Maliak Rapa Khan, Malik Boghi Shah and Malik Saeed Snwar Mehsud.

The seven conditions include:

1. Unconditional surrender of the wanted persons.

2. A total ban on the display of weapons,

3. A ban on setting up a parallel administrative and judicial system in the agency.

4. Shelter would be provided to only the local Mehsud tribesmen who opted for seeking refuge for settling internal disputes.

5. No foreigner and non-local would be provided any shelter.

6. No person involved in anti-state elements would be given shelter.

7. No person from settled parts of the country would be provided refuge.

Political Agent of SWA Shahab Ali Shah in his address on the occasion said the government has taken measures for resettling the Mehsud tribe in Waziristan so that they could restart their lives afresh.

All the tribes were bound not to overlook their territorial responsibilities, he maintained. -APP
I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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i defiantly don't agree with above conditions they are rubbish to say the least. GoP policy makers are a bunch of idiots to expect that suppression will work..... The ONLY way forward is CONVERSION rather then SUPPRESSION.

of course tribes will ask for negotiations and that's exactly what they have done every time someone has shoved a stick up their backside.

a permanent solution is to get rid of FATA, and work on a deep Behavioural Conversion programme.

i have written in previously about a very basic sketch of a possible three stage behavioural change programme. they should do something on those line rather then telling them to hide the weapons at home and dont use them against us.

it is stupid, it is idiotic and it is disastrous for the nation, the generals and politicians are only interested in extorting money from USA for fighting the "terrorists" whereas they are killing their own brothers so they could get money for the bullets that they use.

to Asif Ali Zerdari and to Generals the lives of poor soldiers and their countrymen mean nothing. And when a nation goes so low then it deserves all that is happening to Pakistan.

i dont even know why i waste my time writing all this **** ... we can all read the witting on the wall

Which brothers are you talking about ?? Those who attacks mosques, those who train suicide bombers and kill innocents, those who butcher a living human being mercilessly even animals get better butcher then what they do to these living human beings, those brothers who have no regard for life and doing their best to weaken this country ??

If you are not updated, let me update you, same generals have died just like their soldiers, same officers have died saving the live of their soldiers.

If you can point out & believe in the multiple conspiracy theories above, then should understand too that this is also one of those conspiracies.

I feel sorry for you to have called these butchers as your brothers, but we on this forum don't consider anyone among them to be our brothers. Nor we have place for such people.

And if it seems to you a wastage of time, then its better that you do something more useful rather then waste your time on this forum.

and one other thing, next time you talk to a member, talk in a respectable way, not by abusing and using offensive language.
The seven conditions include:

1. Unconditional surrender of the wanted persons.

2. A total ban on the display of weapons,

3. A ban on setting up a parallel administrative and judicial system in the agency.

4. Shelter would be provided to only the local Mehsud tribesmen who opted for seeking refuge for settling internal disputes.

5. No foreigner and non-local would be provided any shelter.

6. No person involved in anti-state elements would be given shelter.

7. No person from settled parts of the country would be provided refuge.
Apart from condition number 3, I don't see much wrong in this. All we're asking is that the tribes ensure that non-state activities cannot emanate from within them. Point number 3, however, is a bit confusing. I'd like to know what is meant by "parallel administration and judicial system", because to me it sounds like something they do not want is trying to be imposed on them. This point could be the reason this deal doesn't go through.

i defiantly don't agree with above conditions they are rubbish to say the least. GoP policy makers are a bunch of idiots to expect that suppression will work..... The ONLY way forward is CONVERSION rather then SUPPRESSION.
Asking them to hand-over all unwanted personnel, and to keep their arms out of the way, is not suppression at all. You could argue that it's "against their way of life", but then they won't have a way of life to protect if they continue to allow terrorism from within themselves.

it is stupid, it is idiotic and it is disastrous for the nation, the generals and politicians are only interested in extorting money from USA for fighting the "terrorists" whereas they are killing their own brothers so they could get money for the bullets that they use.
Come to think of it, this isn't even our war, right? I mean, those people who openly and proudly claimed responsibility for killing 40+ people in Karachi, those who killed women and children in Peshawar, those who have continuously carried out explosions in crowded Masajid; those are all our "brothers" and we shouldn't fight them. What are we doing trying killing Pakistanis who want to kill all other Pakistanis? Don't call them "terrorists".

It's okay for Pakistanis to commit crimes against other Pakistanis. If we're going to fight someone, it has to be all those evil perpetrators of Operation Blue Tulsi and Green Lilly and Magenta Rose. Right?
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The seven conditions include:

1. Unconditional surrender of the wanted persons.
That's not a problem, most of the Mehsuds are not anti-state so i dont think they are going have such an issue with this condition. Moreover, the emphasis is on 'unconditional' surrender; they should be thankful that they are being allowed to surrender even after what they have done to Islam and the country!

2. A total ban on the display of weapons,
Well that may be difficult, but then it is not impossible. If we want to get the Fed Admin Area under the provincial control, this kind of (the gun) attitude has to end. i mean, if peace and sanity prevails, why there would be a need to carry weapons? Apart from, if are Pukhtun brothers still want to cling on to their traditions.

3. A ban on setting up a parallel administrative and judicial system in the agency.
This is THE most important demand. No jirga, no karo kari and no Tawan system, we have courts and a green book of law, we would like them to use it. Again, this step is very much necessary if we want to bring prosperity, awareness and progress to that region.

4. Shelter would be provided to only the local Mehsud tribesmen who opted for seeking refuge for settling internal disputes.

5. No foreigner and non-local would be provided any shelter.
They better run, die or flee to Afghanistan!
Those providing refuge to these people, must be made and a full accomplice in crime and taken to task.

6. No person involved in anti-state elements would be given shelter.
May contradict the Pukhtoon traditions, but then there is a difference in providing shelter to a 'personal' enemy and an enemy of the state! Traditions must be helpful in bringing out the better of you, instead if being counter productive, as in this case.

7. No person from settled parts of the country would be provided refuge.
These are the crooks who have made the matters worse! They need a guud kicking, and i hope Mehsuds will provide them with some.


At a glance these 'conditions' may seem as an infringement upon the Pukhtoon traditions, but a more closer analysis would reveal that these all are for their own benefit. A habit (read tradition) stays a guud habit until it remains useful, beneficial and productive, they moment it start screwing around with you, it needs to be taken care of and one must quit!

The conditions are not harsh as it may seem, and i am sure the Mehsuds would not take these as blow to their life style, but consider them to be a source and roots of a better and shiny future.
Which brothers are you talking about ?? Those who attacks mosques, those who train suicide bombers and kill innocents, those who butcher a living human being mercilessly even animals get better butcher then what they do to these living human beings, those brothers who have no regard for life and doing their best to weaken this country ?? If you are not updated, let me update you, same generals have died just like their soldiers, same officers have died saving the live of their soldiers. If you can point out & believe in the multiple conspiracy theories above, then should understand too that this is also one of those conspiracies. I feel sorry for you to have called these butchers as your brothers, but we on this forum don't consider anyone among them to be our brothers. Nor we have place for such people. And if it seems to you a wastage of time, then its better that you do something more useful rather then waste your time on this forum. and one other thing, next time you talk to a member, talk in a respectable way, not by abusing and using offensive language.

taimikhan, if you can find me the phrase "my brothers" then i will send you 10 grand, its not a joke i am serious, find me the phrase "my brothers" in my previous post and i will send you 10,000 pounds tonight.

what i feel sorry for is that it has come down to the fact that every time i write something i will have to go back and point it out to people word by word that this word means this that word means that. i dont really have time for that. life is too short.

so read it for the last time. i did use phrase "their brothers" which you apparently have problem with and that is based on the fact that all those that hold pakistani nationality, are brothers, regardless of them being good or bad... but you dont agree......………….

………..that is fine but one day, because of this type of attitude, they will end up making a separate country just like Banglies did and once they have done it then you surely will call them "your brothers" like Bangalies are your brothers today.....

……….go on say it that Bengalis are not your brothers they are a bunch of traitors, animals, butchers, cut throats, ghadars, dogs, pigs…. they were called all those name back then too you know, and if you were present you probably would have said exactly the same...... But now you probably will not say it neither any other friend of yours on this forum…… yet many were calling them exactly that in 1971 and they treated them like that and today they feel no shame in calling them “brothers“……. think about it.... You call them animals animals animals and when they finally separate from you and make their country then they become your brothers.

You think about it …… i will not repeat that for you... you will have to do your own reading this time...

let me clear my position to you, i did not say it in my previous post but i will say it now THEY ARE MY BROTHERS, i am BANUCHI by tribe and MEHSUDS are our cousins. today my village is being shelled by Pakistani army and Taliban has executed 3 of my blood relatives including my grandfather that raised me and has beheaded 2 of my first cousins that I grew up playing with, I have sat and watched them get beheaded in videos.... yet they are my brothers. JUST LIKE THE ONE THAT IS BORN FROM MY OWN MOTHER. right or wrong they are my brothers so are those Punjabi soldiers that are busy shelling my village.... Because I don’t want to see my country go down the route of division no more…i am not a coward that will run from responsibility shouting ... animals animals kill them kill them. I will rather say that these are my brother that has gone crazy and how could I help them.

yes they are my brothers ... right or wrong. you may very well throw the baby with the bath water cause it is the easiest thing for you to do but i can not do that. I have to separate Devil from the Sinners… I have to separate Zerdari and his generals and BaitUllah and his henchmen from ordinary Pakistan army soliders and officers and ordinary tribesmen cause latter are sinners that need help and former are evils that deserve annihilation. I have to separate Altaf Hussain from those that follow MQM as they are misguided by the environment that our enemies has engineered for that specific purpose and I have to annihilate Altaf Hussain.

……. i am not afraid to get down to the problem and try solving it even if in process they cut my throat but i will not be one of those that press a button from a safety of a fighter jet neither will i be one of those that will send someone else's son in a mosque to blow himself up and score a cheap point.

……….you can say that they not your brothers and they are animals and kill them .... cause you can not get down to the problem and solve it and the escape route is to kill them, kill the Wazirs kill the Mehsuds kill the Mahagers kill the Baluchies kill them all as they are animals tribe after tribe village after village city after city cause now killing has become as easy as pressing a button yet changing someone‘s mind takes what Prophet Muhammed saww had to do all his life.

So you make your choice as I have made mine.

If you disagree or don’t understand with any of the above then I suggest that you either read it again or just forget it as I am not going waste my time writing anything to explain anything, I have better things to do.


Can you also please read my post again. And may be my other posts as well and if you could find any thing that amounts to giving those suport of any kind or plausing their actions in any shape and form then come by all means give me the blame and I shall take it up my chin like a man.

All I am saying is that there are those that has openly sold our country like Zerdari, Rehman Malik, BaitUllah, FazalUllah, Altaf Husaain, and many mahy more. They are like Devils they know what they are doing they know the reality yet they have sold their faith. But don’t treat the rest of them on same terms as them.

I have no problems at all with any of the terms, the actual terms are not an issue but you guys keep on over looking the word CONVERSION that I use…….. Yes please read it CONVERSION….. It is also part of all that I wrote don’t just skip it, please read it. Army shall definitely ask for the named terrorists and confiscate the weapons of all sorts not only heavy weapons but the light arms too. I have no problem with any of the term. The problem I have is that these terms should not be used as THE END but they should be used as a BITTER STEP in a long journey of reconciliation. after initial suppression there should be a long programme of conversion. suppression alone will do no good to anyone.


Stopping at just collecting weapons and asking for militants and executing them is not the end it’s a small step towards the end. I think they shall take the terrorists and convert them in a way that the same terrorists go back in their native populations that they have been damaging and undo the damage that they have done. Any clever leader will do exactly this. And this is the example Prophet MUHAMMED has left us.

Big part of this journey is actually reconciliation. Bringing people back into the fold making them realise where did they go wrong not by just giving them a slap on face and walking away …..

Alienation after alienation after alienation will result in making more and more Bangladeshes and nothing else…………..

Is it really something that complex to understand……? Or am I gone crazy ……..
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@ Dr-Sangeen

Good to have your comments.

Though I have to disagree with you in most of your parts e.g.

……….you can say that they not your brothers and they are animals and kill them .... cause you can not get down to the problem and solve it and the escape route is to kill them, kill the Wazirs kill the Mehsuds kill the Mahagers kill the Baluchies kill them all as they are animals tribe after tribe village after village city after city cause now killing has become as easy as pressing a button yet changing someone‘s mind takes what Prophet Muhammed saww had to do all his life.

who started the killings? PA or GoP or those TTP? Even Taliban of Afghanistan don't claim TTP openly but you do.

You gave example of Prophet P.B.U.H., the prophet of mercy. Did he in any of his Hadith said that killing of innocent children, women and elderly people is justified? The Taliban which you are trying to portray as Patriots do so. Are they Muslim? whereas Qur'an says killing of an innocent man (Not even Muslim) is killing entire Humanity.

They came up with the slogan of Shariah, Did Prophet (P.B.U.H.) spread Islam like this?

You ammend your record that the rebellion has to be stopped by force. What do you think didn't GoP try to make peace there? What happened in SWAT when GoP despite of International pressure made a peace pact with Mulla Sufi of TNSM they in broad daylight didn't care for. They called the Constitution of Pakistan unislamic whereas in first line it is written that Islam will be the state-religion of Pakistan.

They are not Pakistanis, if they had been, then they would have never killed those thousands of innocent people inside Pakistan who had some sympathy for them.

Two things I feel about you, First you are an Afghan, Second you are in England.

First your impression of Afghan Taliban may be good which you try to impose on us, Second since you are in England, so despite of a belief that you might have been in Pakistan, you don't know and are not aware of the change which the nation has undergone about these Zaliman.

Let me tell you bluntly, this is the only front on which Pakistani nation stands absolute with the GoP. On every front with PA.

So what about those who sit in Afghanistan, India and operate in Pakistan. What will you call them? Forget it.

Come to this, Mehsuds ain't the target of PA, Wazirs ain't as well, neither all Balochis. Chief himself said that the Op. Rah-e-Nijat is ain't against the Mehsuds but those who are miscreants.

If GoP was against Mehsuds than they might've not entertained the Mehsud IDPs of SWA. You talk of Balochi seperatist, of Bugti tribe; of same tribe we have senators and even Ministers.

Before fighting against GoP Murree and Bugti tribes have fought a long way against each other. But we are aware that the rights which were of Baloch people didn't reach them in past. Pakistan nation is aware of this fact more than ever.

You are just like a WWF worker who can see the starving of an animal but can not help a starving human being. You can see the killings of Mehsuds but you can't sympathise with those who die almost daily in Non-Islamic and Non-Human suicide bombings. Of those who losses themselves when they get injured. Thousands of Pakistani families have been affected which didn't have any interest in TTP or in GoP's op there, they only wanted two times meal and a peaceful life.

And don't talk of Bengalis please, and don't compare them with this savages and killers. You claim that we call TTP with abuses, I do openly. Please don't talk about what happened in East Pakistan in '71. The indirect reference of Bhutto's speech in which he called Bengalis names has been known to most of the members here.

I claim that killing of all insurgents Balochi, Wazir, Mehsud and those ******* TTP is justified.

KIT Over n Out
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