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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Role of army in eliminating terrorism lauded

Role of army in eliminating terrorism lauded
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Bureau report

PESHAWAR: Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) Provincial Vice President Barrister Abid Nawaz Khan Marwat has lauded the role of the army in wiping out terrorism and militancy from the country.

According to a press release issued here on Friday, he stated this while addressing a minority function held in connection with the Christmas at the residence of Joseph in New Garden Town in Lahore. He urged the government to honour its pledge of providing all the rights to the minorities envisaged in the Constitution.

The PML-Q leader urged the people to cooperate with the government and security forces for eradication of the militancy and terrorism in the country. “No doubt, the foreign hands are involved in trying to destabilise the country,” he said, adding that the security forces with the cooperation of people would foil all nefarious designs against Pakistan.

Barrister Abid said the rulers, who deviated from the sayings of the Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, found themselves iin crises “We could steer the nation out of the crises if we stand united and resolve to make serious efforts for the stability and prosperity of the country,” he said.
The remedy is a Strategic Influence Campaign aimed to Strategically Influence the behaviour of the target market until the desired behaviour is endogenised.

There exists such a psycological warfare programme in India aimed to manipulate both external and internal theatres, over a long period of time. Mass indoctrinisation by means of sorted and channelised propaganda meant for both internal and external consumers, is one of the mode. Print, electronic, cyber media, influential personalities etc of target state are all mobilized and manipulated to propagate in disinformation. Bloggers and members of public forums are purposefully planted for the same reason. This is conducted by a specialised agency in India.
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I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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there are subtle differences between Info Ops, PsyOps and Strategic Influence campaigns. Strategic Influence is also often confused with Soft Power.

Dont you think India's bid to help Afghanistan is anything short of an operation of strategic influence?? Indeed it is an attempt of achieving just that.

For a long run, make the common afghans and their government buy the fact that India is its whole and sole partner and massiah on all its internal and external issues. Making their infrastructure including roads, schools, hospitals, parliament etc, training their policemen and armies, Agricultural and technical universities, etc. and that too on a war footing symbolizes India's eagerness in this regard.

Air India, Border road organisation, unsually large numbers of Indian consulates, ITBP etc. indicate the same thing what you are calling here an attempt to gain strategic influence.
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Dont you think India's bid to help Afghanistan is anything short of an operation of strategic influence?? Indeed it is an attempt of achieving just that.

For a long run, make the common afghans and their government buy the fact that India is its whole and sole partner and massiah on all its internal and external issues. Making their infrastructure including roads, schools, hospitals, parliament etc, training their policemen and armies, Agricultural and technical universities, etc. and that too on a war footing symbolizes India's eagerness in this regard.

Air India, Border road organisation, unsually large numbers of Indian consulates, ITBP etc. indicate the same thing what you are calling here an attempt to gain strategic influence.

I dont agree with you , India has double standards , record of killing of thousand of Kashmiries wanted right of self determination is evidence .
correction in my previous post...............

FATMAN we "CAN NOT" afford guerilla war it is not good for the moral that will be a political suicide as guerilla warfare comes with house to house searches and other tactics etc and that can spell disaster for PA which has already lost lots of credibility i wrote something earlier can u plz read and comment, this menace can be stopped and eradicated NOW, we dont have to wait for long drawn war and probable win...

I think it is responsibility of GOP to stop drone attackes , which is real cause of insurgency in tribel belt.

PM should not take dictation from US , it is responsibility of government to start talks with tribel leaders to resolve all issues politically.

Army action against Al Qaeda fighters and their supporters TTP can only be justified.
Eight terrorists killed in Aurakzai, security forces regrets civilians loss

ISLAMABAD, Dec 26 (APP): Eight Terrorists were killed in a targeted strike at a compound in Aurakzai Agency on last Firday.(Dec 2).However, there are reports of collateral damage in the adjacent compound due to blast effect.According to ISPR press release, military authorities have deeply regretted the loss of civilian lives. Military authorities are in touch with relatives of those who embraced shahadat in this incident and all possible help and compensation will be provided to the affected families.

It may be mentioned here that terrorists use compounds inside civil locality to avoid security forces action, thereby endangering the lives of civil population.

During last 24 hours in operation Rah-e-Nijat, security forces carried out search and clearance operation in Jani Khel and apprehended number of suspects and recovered cache of arms and ammunition on Jandlola sector in South Wazaristan.

On Shakai Sector, security forces carried out search and clearance operation in village Bangal Khel, Ladha and Pungai and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

On Razmak sector, security forces conducted search operation in Wuchawam near Pash Ziarat and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

Meanwhile, security forces carried out search and clearance operation at Mingora, Derai, Amlukdarra and Amandara and apprehended 16 terrorists during operation Rah-e-Rast in Malakand division.

Four terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces at village Kalakot near Fatehpur, Waliabad and Tiligram.

As many as 27606 cash cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.
I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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cause we Pakistanis lacks one thing that is .......... damn i forgot .... what is that thing that we lack? .. can anyone help me please ......

Yaar, I see your affliction, no memory! Or did you mean no common sense? Can't be that because that would be too pejorative for the PDF .......

Anyway, such musings are "off-thread topic" so not allowed.
I have been contributing to this forum for almost two months now. During this i time i have fought with the sheer arrogance of the moderators and admins of this forum.

The final straw was when they closed my welcome thread, as some of my friends were posting there.

I asked them for a reason and the reply was and i quote " i shall consider myself lucky that it was allowed for that long..."

No I don't consider myself lucky at all, they shall consider themselves lucky that people, like myself, waste their time by posting on this web page.

As far as i am concern if my welcome thread is not good enough to be here then they don't deserve to have my other contributions to this forum either.

Hence i am withdrawing all my posts from this forum.
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Shah Doran dies of cancer

KHAR: A leader of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s Swat chapter and a broadcaster of the illegal Taliban FM radio, Shah Doran, died of cancer in Bajaur last week, sources said on Saturday. The sources said that Doran had been suffering from prostrate and kidney cancer and had died from a lack of proper medical care on December 17, adding that he was buried in a remote area of Mamond tehsil the day after he died. They said that several TTP commanders attended his funeral prayers.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan


A missed opportunity
I totally agree with you. but how things Should BE and how things ARE, two different things.

And does it not make you think that a person can only be stupid to some extant beyond that he may be doing it for a reason......???

Asif Ali Zerdari is certainly NOT a stupid man he has been able to do all the corruption without leaving a trace .. so trust you me he is not stupid.

Probably it is not that he can not understand how these drone attacks are exasperating the situation... probably he wants to exasperate the situation. And whom is he doing this for?

Get the drums ready guy we will soon be dancing in streets for mR NaWaZ sHaRiF and his circus cause we Pakistanis lacks one thing that is .......... damn i forgot .... what is that thing that we lack? .. can anyone help me please ......

You are right both ZARDARI and NAWAZ are horses of Uncle sam .I think less then 5% Pakistanis have idea what is going on in Pakistan and what is long term game of US in region.In fact whole muslim nation is sleeping from last 1000 years , but thanks God few moments for rehabilitation were started in last century in sub continent but still much we have to do.

What is missing link ? we actually forget what we forget ? most difficult thing is to change the mind set of any person , you can imagine how difficult to restore dignity of any nation will be .

Every nation had certain objectives and fundamentals , Allah promised muslims honour and dignity if they start practicing fundamentals of islam as a nation,change will never come with individual efforts.

First step is to correct our concept of nationalism , strenghten our faith(Qalma) develop unity and decipline through (Namaz), aquire knowledge which was stolen from us by west, correction in will of nation (nayat) that what ever they will do to full fill the order of Allah and for sake of service of humanity,development of society where rights of every human being were protected and last and most important thing is to develop a system of accountability (Shariah ) to eliminate evils of society(instrest based economy,free sex,music,taxation,muslim fighting with muslim, salute to power,corrupt leadership,alcohol etc) and continous practice of dawah(Amir bil marouf nahi munkir).

Law of Allah for muslim is different from nonmuslim , muslim will definately get punishment if they dont follow comandments of Allah SWT.

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