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Open Debate l Ex-UAE Mirage 2000-9s for PAF, aye or nay ?

PAF Should acquire the Ex-UAE Mirage-2000-9s as a stop gap?

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It will take awhile for the J20 and J31's. These planes are not going to be available for sometime.

150 F16's& 250 JF17's is good number.
Some reports sugget that the J-31 will be available in the next 2 / 3 years...
The UAE wants to sell them back to France for 20 million $ a piece or 1.3 billion $ in a contract to buy 60 Rafales, worth 6 to 8 billion $.
If that does not work, than half of the MK2-9 can be bought for much less than 20 million a piece, I am talking about the 1986 batch upgraded to /9. There is an other batch that was delivered in 1996 which is 18 years old and will be more expansive. But if someone wants all of them, the price can be averaged to around 13 million $ a piece. So they will certainly be a very good buy for around 800 million $.
If they are not near gifted to other Muslim or Arab country, than one of these should get them at that price anyhow and by all means, since these birds constitute a potent air force on their own.
That was the turning point in kargill, in the nights it became hunting ground for the mirages on us?
That's why they were flOwen, so much?
Cause they were watching & attacking , even directing the heavy fire?
True. Even though M2ks were the star performers,others did good too.
wrong. India can always go for more mkis which can be exercised in 2 scenarios. 1st if deal would be cancelled and India will be moved to other vendor which is unlikely while second scenario will be when same deal is further delayed beyond 2015.

Cmon, don't be stupid now. Why all this MMRCA drama if India could procure mkis?

* PAF has maintained and flown the same UAE M2K for years, so integrating them isn't an issue.

* Mirage Rebuild Factory would have to be re-kitted, but we can fo this task.

* There is zero evidence to suggest that India blocked the avinonics deal.

* IAF is not placing a Rafale order anytime soon and when they do, if they do, it would be for around 80 Rafales.

* Once you are locked in you'd have more pain than the French.

* They have sold both nations for decades, this is what they'll continue to do.
Cmon, don't be stupid now. Why all this MMRCA drama if India could procure mkis?
you got me wrong here. I meant that just in case that Rafale deal is either delayed beyond 2015 or cancelled due to some issue and iaf has to again bring either typhoon or some other vendor (yes they are still hopeful). both of these scenarios will delay the whole process thus in that case iaf can order 40 more mkis till first mmrca aircraft comes. and lately we are hearing about iaf plan to procure more mkis so it's no surprise.
M2K9s are not good strategic option they are only good if we are sure that India will attack us before 2017, then they may be needed to give good numbers of 4th gen fighter and provide good support at coastal areas which borders India or where IN may deploy its assets.
Cmon, don't be stupid now. Why all this MMRCA drama if India could procure mkis?

As a backup Plan but chances of this deal falling are very low

M2K9s are not good strategic option they are only good if we are sure that India will attack us before 2017, then they may be needed to give good numbers of 4th gen fighter and provide good support at coastal areas which borders India or where IN may deploy its assets.

What happens after 2017
Cmon, don't be stupid now. Why all this MMRCA drama if India could procure mkis?
Are seriously asking this question?


As I stated before---the French have you almost where they want to---. Once you are fully committed---they will have you by the ball joints---you have nowhere to run then----. Even if you decide to switch to another plane---you will lose more time---and that will take away the edge that you have at this time.

You forget who is the customer.... There is no switching planes, it will option of risking 8-12 billion dollars for say 800 million, if your logic suggests that as a good business sense, then you must be correct IAF is indeed doomed.

As far as the edge is concerned, it wont be Rafale, just as it never was the M2K in the past.
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