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Only nukes can truly protect Iran

Pakistan got nukes.
Pakistan got droned for a decade like a b1tch.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.
Lets be honest
The establishment didnt care who dies in FATA or KPK they werent punjabis..
Recently you clearly see a struggle in establishment with traditional central punjab group vs revolutionary/visonary group.

The reason why military sit it up till kayani went(God riddance)

Dont confuse me establishment isnt the military
Its combination of people, elite, beaucrats , judiciary , educated class, media men, politicians and the military
Nukes are of no help when sanctions kick in & using them in the event of a war is an assurance of complete self destruction.
There’s nothing on conducting a nuclear device explosion in regards to Iran, in 2002 you guys started enrichment of uranium at large scale. That’s all

For decoy scientist and assets, Iran needs an effective counter intelligence unit. I think Pakistan should help them with this

as there are non on Israel, no we did not use our own uranium we bought them so they cant track it back to our sites
Nukes are of no help when sanctions kick in & using them in the event of a war is an assurance of complete self destruction.
They are helpful when you are militarily weak and impose your sanctions and use military force to ensure country x y z is not violating it.

Country X, Y or Z are bound to come attack you, if you disrupt or restrict their SLOC and commercial interest

They have a lot of money.
Well I would ask for arm and a leg, if they are really interested. Nuke technology is no joke.

I say, AQK either didn’t give anything substantial (considering both Iran n Libya failed to progress) or if he did, he better would have asked for few oil wells for Pakistan.

US is smart, govt make sure anything US sells has continuous service, maintenance and other fees for decades. Like simply software update. $100 million.

10 years later, Raytheon will update one or two components and market it as a new product. Again Billions of dollars of sale.
Hi All,

I am new to this forum. I have made this comment in another thread but will post it in a new thread.

This news about Iran's response in reducing its nuclear commitment is utterly weak when considered in the context of retaliation against the attack on Soleimani. I am not saying this move is Iran's main retalitation but by itself its nothing. It is only a "fifth step" in Irans's reduction in its JCPOA commitment. All it says is Iran now removes its limit on centrifuge production. Iran is still abiding by the JCPOA (according to Iran) and is still in the Non proliferation treaty.

Look we don't know if Iran truly has nukes or not. We don't know to what extent Iran truly means its fatwa on nukes being haram. All I will say is if this current Iranian regime truly does not believe in having nukes, then it simply deserves to be removed/wiped out due to this sheer incompetence. When faced with a rabid state like US ruled by someone like trump, only having the capability to wipe the US off the face of the map will truly protect you. If you don't believe this, then ask yourself this question. What is truly stopping the US nuking Iran if it decides to? What could Iran do about it? The mutually assured destruction fear that exists between nuclear states is NOT there for the US when it comes to Iran. An ancient nation like Iran should NOT allow its survival to be based on the decision making of some rabid fool like Trump.

Having nukes does not mean you have to use them. They provide you with this potent protection and give you time to build yourself economically etc. Just ask the Chinese. In my opinion, Iran's main obstacle in developing nukes was this issue of once Iran gets it, others in the region might. In my opinion, that is no longer enough to prevent Iran going nuclear OPENLY.
I totally agree with you
From June 2019, when global community knew Iran had no nukes:

Trump warns Iran of ‘obliteration’ in event of war

Nukes are of no help when sanctions kick in & using them in the event of a war is an assurance of complete self destruction.

Then India needs to disarm :enjoy:

Or in a war Pakistan needs to knock out every nuclear system in India to render Indian nukes ineffective. Then Pakistan can nuke India! :enjoy:

But I thought you thought nukes are ineffective. :omghaha:

Or India can have no nukes and be under nuclear blackmail like this:

Netanyahu calls Israel a ‘nuclear power’ before correcting himself in apparent slip of tongue

From June 2019, when global community knew Iran had no nukes:

Trump warns Iran of ‘obliteration’ in event of war


Then India needs to disarm :enjoy:

Or in a war Pakistan needs to knock out every nuclear system in India to render Indian nukes ineffective. Then Pakistan can nuke India! :enjoy:

But I thought you thought nukes are ineffective. :omghaha:

Or India can have no nukes and be under nuclear blackmail like this:

Netanyahu calls Israel a ‘nuclear power’ before correcting himself in apparent slip of tongue

Sanctions ?

"The Japanese were ready for peace, and THEY ALREADY APPROACHED THE RUSSIANS and, I think, the Swiss. And that suggestion of a warning was a face-saving proposition for them, and one that they could have readily accepted."

Ralph Bard, Under Sec. of the Navy, Memorandum on the Use of S-1 Bomb, June 28, 1945

"...we didn't need to do it, and we knew we didn't need to do it, and they knew that we knew we didn't need to do it, we used them as an experiment for two atomic bombs."

(Brigadier General Carter Clarke, the intelligence officer in charge of preparing intercepted Japanese cables for Truman)
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