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Only nukes can truly protect Iran

Nukes for Iran will work the same way it works for Pakistan, Nobody care when Pakistan and India fight 4 wars , and Two super powers pick up their sides , but as soon as 100 + Nuke got in scene the whole thing changes, After 1999 Kargil clash which never turned into a full scale war , we have a relative peace ( Peace here means no War ) and it only changes when a Fascists comes to power, Iran can make Nukes and position them not in direction of US but Jerusalem , US will protect Israel at all cost , at least the Jewish Lobby in US will even if means settling a peace deal with Tehran . Thing is Iran can not or should not Blackmail US with Nukes, only China and Russia has that Power but Iran can challenge Israel , Honestly the size of current Israel is even if 2 Nukes hit the Israel its game over for them and the work they did for hundreds of years to get there is gone . Iran needs to survive not just for itself but some other smaller countries , and for region to remain in a balance .

I hope sane minds prevail in Tehran and Washington and Peace find its way but this provocation has to end from both sides, and I believe only Nukes can do it ..

Pakistan got nukes.
Pakistan got droned for a decade like a b1tch.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Droned with permission of Army and Govt, there were people we want them gone and Govt just have no power to do it , so Drones were effective .. many TTP leaders fall with drones and Pakistan could just on media protests and say we can not do anything its America doing ..
Second our Nukes were for India, and how many times India Invade Pakistan ? or try to Attack the IB ? NONE .. Nukes are a Powerful deterrence and Iran just need that .
Iran said that it's nuclear program was for peaceful purposes.

Next thing you see coming:

-> Iran violates the nuclear terms after US imposes export bans on Iran.

-> Iran does not allow the IAEA Inspector to enter the facility.

-> The IAEA finds uranium enrichment at undeclared site.

-> UN out of nowhere blames Iran of having nuclear weapons.

-> Iran rolls back nuclear deal commitments.

2 things can be taken into consideration from these points listed above:

• One that Iran is actually a Nuclear Power and if it is then it is a major threat to the UN and the US.

• Second that the US along with the UN is planning a propaganda against Iran and both are trying to put fake news and take control of Iran.
if iran really has to have nukes, they can't do it alone... those scientists are picked off one by one all the time... they now need to shake hands with russia just like assad did and buy nukes on the black market... from north korea and reverse engineer that... faster...
cons is it's gonna take a shit ton of effort and money
Hi All,

I am new to this forum. I have made this comment in another thread but will post it in a new thread.

This news about Iran's response in reducing its nuclear commitment is utterly weak when considered in the context of retaliation against the attack on Soleimani. I am not saying this move is Iran's main retalitation but by itself its nothing. It is only a "fifth step" in Irans's reduction in its JCPOA commitment. All it says is Iran now removes its limit on centrifuge production. Iran is still abiding by the JCPOA (according to Iran) and is still in the Non proliferation treaty.

Look we don't know if Iran truly has nukes or not. We don't know to what extent Iran truly means its fatwa on nukes being haram. All I will say is if this current Iranian regime truly does not believe in having nukes, then it simply deserves to be removed/wiped out due to this sheer incompetence. When faced with a rabid state like US ruled by someone like trump, only having the capability to wipe the US off the face of the map will truly protect you. If you don't believe this, then ask yourself this question. What is truly stopping the US nuking Iran if it decides to? What could Iran do about it? The mutually assured destruction fear that exists between nuclear states is NOT there for the US when it comes to Iran. An ancient nation like Iran should NOT allow its survival to be based on the decision making of some rabid fool like Trump.

Having nukes does not mean you have to use them. They provide you with this potent protection and give you time to build yourself economically etc. Just ask the Chinese. In my opinion, Iran's main obstacle in developing nukes was this issue of once Iran gets it, others in the region might. In my opinion, that is no longer enough to prevent Iran going nuclear OPENLY.
Kids like you would say that.
Nukes would only give a valid reason to the west to bomb them . This would justify the American narrative that whatever they are doing is right.
Iran has given a threat and they won't go beyond that unless creating a lot of trouble for Americans in Middle East.
Iranians are much clever then we are.
They would do every thing to take revenge and also to save their country and never provoke where their country was threatened .
if iran really has to have nukes, they can't do it alone... those scientists are picked off one by one all the time... they now need to shake hands with russia just like assad did and buy nukes on the black market... from north korea and reverse engineer that... faster...
cons is it's gonna take a shit ton of effort and money

actually Iran was helped by Pakistan to build nukes

we tested them in 2002 after PK and almost a decade before North Korea
Kids like you would say that.

You don't even know me, what are you calling me a kid?

Nukes would only give a valid reason to the west to bomb them . This would justify the American narrative that whatever they are doing is right.

Once Iran goes nuclear, no one will touch it. That's the point of the nukes.

Iran has given a threat and they won't go beyond that unless creating a lot of trouble for Americans in Middle East.

Right, let's wait and see then.

Iranians are much clever then we are.
They would do every thing to take revenge and also to save their country and never provoke where their country was threatened .

This time it's different. The Americans changed the rules of the game and not in a smart way. Iran will retaliate hard. Only time will prove that.
There is no doubt that if Iran had nukes today it would have made the US think thrice.

Pakistan got nukes.
Pakistan got droned for a decade like a b1tch.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Pakistan gave tacit approval to the Americans to fly drones and carry out missile strikes. Heck, the CIA was flying drones straight out of Baluchistan.
if iran really has to have nukes, they can't do it alone... those scientists are picked off one by one all the time... they now need to shake hands with russia just like assad did and buy nukes on the black market... from north korea and reverse engineer that... faster...
cons is it's gonna take a shit ton of effort and money

What they need are decoys. Thousands of registered Iranian nuclear scientists going around the country, who don't know the difference between uranium and a centrifuge. Have the assassins chase a bunch of phantom scientists.

The Iranian Air Defense needs thousands of Bavar 373 decoys that look exactly like them, but are made of plastic. Except for the metal transport vehicles that are spitting images of the Bavar transport vehicles and can travel.

Super saturate your enemy with targets. That is the warfare of the 21st century. Even Iran building one million tanks costing10K EUR each, made to be like Panzer IIs to give your enemy too many targets. They may serve well against an army of droids too.

But decoy ADS need to go underground to be mixed up with actual ADS of the same type, and then moved to their platform.
Iran conducted nuclear test? Now hold on that’s not right

yes they did them 18 years ago all documented and stored and 100% successful, you see back then there were not this much satellites looking every god damn inch of Iran soil 24/7 so we did those tests bake then

boy did Abdul Qadeer Khan helped us :lol: his not only the father of the Pakistani bomb but Iran's too
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yes they did them 18 years ago all documented and stored and 100% successful, you see back then there were not this much satellites looking every god damn inch of Iran soil 24/7 so we did those tests bake then

boy did Abdul Qadeer Khan helped us :lol: his not only the father of the Pakistani bomb but Iran's too
I doubt It, but If it is true, than why did Iran screwed itself over?

May be that’s why the notion that Russians are skeptical of and reluctant to help Iran, due to the believe that Iran will switch sides, anytime when west throw them a good enough bone.
yes they did them 18 years ago all documented and stored and 100% successful, you see back then there were not this much satellites looking every god damn inch of Iran soil 24/7 so we did those tests bake then

boy did Abdul Qadeer Khan helped us :lol: his not only the father of the Pakistani bomb but Iran's too

They way to get nukes is you don't announce you are doing so. Otherwise there may be some problems.
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