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OMG!! ultra hot : iran to build A-A missiles with 300km range

Why they didn't think about cost & benefits when they attacked Iraq?

They did. They miscalculated the cost.


The administration's top budget official estimated today that the cost of a war with Iraq could be in the range of $50 billion to $60 billion

This is one of the reason why United States is being very calculated when it comes to Iran. It has learned that costs of war can exceed the expectations---like it happened in Iraq.

However, it does not mean that America does not have military capacity to defeat Iran. It can easily inflict a total defeat to Iran.

Lastly, you didn't answer my question.

You said Iran has strategic weapons unlike Iraq which deter U.S invasion of Iranian mainland

Please, tell us, what strategic weapons Iran has?

What weapons Iran possess that can deter U.S military?
They did. They miscalculated the cost.


This is one of the reason why United States is being very calculated when it comes to Iran. It has learned that costs of war can exceed the expectations---like it happened in Iraq.

However, it does not mean that America does not have military capacity to defeat Iran. It can easily inflict a total defeat to Iran.

Lastly, you didn't answer my question.

You said Iran has strategic weapons unlike Iraq which deter U.S invasion of Iranian mainland

Please, tell us, what strategic weapons Iran has?

What weapons Iran possess that can deter U.S military?

Comparing Iran & Iraq is a big joke!

Saddam was a big joke too!
Iran military is based on small compact weapons small UAV &helicopter small boat&submarine .
anti tank&helicopter missiles (NATO can't use helicopters against ISIS planes can't go near)

There are thousands radars connected together in a net to protect sky and Iran can produce and replace terminated radars in a long war (there are AESA radars with more than 1000 km and perhaps 3000km)
at sky and earth it will be a long war at sea I can't find any chance for US .they will be near Iran in missiles range add submarine boats uav .

if US use nukes it will be some minutes war and I am sure nobody care china or russia or europe !
nobody care about Kurds Syrian Iraqi
people only watch on TV sultan Eldogan is watching kubani massacre

so much stupidity in one post
When Iran going to test its first nuclear bomb?
Comparing Iran & Iraq is a big joke!

Saddam was a big joke too!

Yes, nobody is comparing them.

But U.S will defeat Iran as easily as it defeat Iraq.

You have presented, till now, no counter argument to this fact.

Also, what strategic weapons you have which you talked about?
Yes, nobody is comparing them.

But U.S will defeat Iran as easily as it defeat Iraq.

You have presented, till now, no counter argument to this fact.

Also, what strategic weapons you have which you talked about?

Anti ship BM ...

Anti ship cruise missiles ...

Advanced AD systems ...

Unknown submarines for public ...

Long range solid fuel BMs ...

Qaem ICBM ...

And so many stuffs which are unknown for public !

Sometimes we let Americans to see some stuffs on the ground!

& when we don't, making their satellites blind with laser...

Believe it or not we are the biggest pain in the *** of Americans ... If they don't attack ... :rolleyes:

They can make some damages... But they will receive more damages in return!
Yes, nobody is comparing them.

But U.S will defeat Iran as easily as it defeat Iraq.

You have presented, till now, no counter argument to this fact.

Also, what strategic weapons you have which you talked about?

Our people ... which makes boot on the grounds option impossible for American .... due to needed number of troops and cost. Iranians have always united when it comes to the soil.

Saddam didn't enjoy the support of his people .... in the first Persian gulf war back 1991 while Saddam was being attacked by the coalition Iraqi people in south and north tried to join them to topple the dictator . to sum up the coalition signed a ceasefire agreement with Saddam which allowed him to fly armed helicopters , these helicopters and much of Iraq's military were used to fight uprising in the south the same happened in the north.

In 2003 Iraqi people couldn't trust niether Saddam nor American that's why they stood neutral.
Anti ship BM ...

Anti ship cruise missiles ...

Advanced AD systems ...

Unknown submarines for public ...

Long range solid fuel BMs ...

Qaem ICBM ...

And so many stuffs which are unknown for public !

Sometimes we let Americans to see some stuffs on the ground!

& when we don't, making their satellites blind with laser...

Believe it or not we are the biggest pain in the *** of Americans ... If they don't attack ... :rolleyes:

They can make some damages... But they will receive more damages in return!

US navy can easily operate outside of the range of your anti ship missiles

"advanced AD systems" are non existent and you only have old ad systems which are upgraded and some are not
there are too few of them to cover much of the territory , meaning the planes can easily avoid them until they are destroyed
and your air force stands pretty much 0 chance against US

Long range BMs are worthless without nukes
and with Aegis deployed only a few will get through causing minimal damage

unknown submarines? LOL

US has the biggest most advanced sub fleet in the world , considering the crew experience and the firepower of them
( some having 100+ tomahawks) , your "unknown subs" stand no chance

is there any reliable source suggesting you blinded US satellite ? apart from some unknown "european sources"

if you Iranians actually think there is any chance in hell you can defeat US in a war
you should seek brain treatment
one question to everyone who says Iranian Air defense doesn't have enough modern Systems:
Please show us any reliable source about quantity and Quality of Iranian weapons,for example if you have any source about number of Raad AD system in Iranian Military please show us, I am very interested.

p.s destroying Air defense system(even old ones) is much more complicated than a lot of people can imagine.
Let me be honest: We heard alot of such things about Saddam. Everyone was convinced that if U.S goes in, Saddam's missile arsenal, airforce, secret weapons, and million men army will raise havoc for U.S and it will be very,very difficult war for U.S (which no doubt U.S will win, but after heavy fight).

But when the push came to shove..U.S just annihilated Iraq in 20 days and made it surrender.

Now we hear the same kind of things with reference to U.S and Iran...but why should I believe that result would be different this time?

U.S military might will crush Iran in entirety in 15 days at minimum, or 30 days at max.

No disrespect, but I wanted to put it out there

@gambit What do you think?

@SOHEIL @500 @haman10 @Serpentine
Saddam is coward he know that if he stand against the US and make real heavy casualties they will hang his *** high so he chose to let them defeat the army destroying the country to save his *** that's it otherwise iraq was able make some show but the dog ran away.
US navy can easily operate outside of the range of your anti ship missiles

"advanced AD systems" are non existent and you only have old ad systems which are upgraded and some are not
there are too few of them to cover much of the territory , meaning the planes can easily avoid them until they are destroyed
and your air force stands pretty much 0 chance against US

Long range BMs are worthless without nukes
and with Aegis deployed only a few will get through causing minimal damage

unknown submarines? LOL

US has the biggest most advanced sub fleet in the world , considering the crew experience and the firepower of them
( some having 100+ tomahawks) , your "unknown subs" stand no chance

is there any reliable source suggesting you blinded US satellite ? apart from some unknown "european sources"

if you Iranians actually think there is any chance in hell you can defeat US in a war
you should seek brain treatment

our small subs will terminate US big submarines
u lost our uav equipped anti ship missiles they have thousands kms range
US navy can easily operate outside of the range of your anti ship missiles

"advanced AD systems" are non existent and you only have old ad systems which are upgraded and some are not
there are too few of them to cover much of the territory , meaning the planes can easily avoid them until they are destroyed
and your air force stands pretty much 0 chance against US

Long range BMs are worthless without nukes
and with Aegis deployed only a few will get through causing minimal damage

unknown submarines? LOL

US has the biggest most advanced sub fleet in the world , considering the crew experience and the firepower of them
( some having 100+ tomahawks) , your "unknown subs" stand no chance

is there any reliable source suggesting you blinded US satellite ? apart from some unknown "european sources"

if you Iranians actually think there is any chance in hell you can defeat US in a war
you should seek brain treatment

Nobody talking about defeating USA !

I just say the reason of barkings & no actions!

one question to everyone who says Iranian Air defense doesn't have enough modern Systems:
Please show us any reliable source about quantity and Quality of Iranian weapons,for example if you have any source about number of Raad AD system in Iranian Military please show us, I am very interested.

p.s destroying Air defense system(even old ones) is much more complicated than a lot of people can imagine.

Denying is the only thing that makes this people feel better!

We are doing the job, this people can deny!

Win - Win
Nobody talking about defeating USA !

I just say the reason of barkings & no actions!

Denying is the only thing that makes this people feel better!

We are doing the job, this people can deny!

Win - Win

are you afraid ?

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