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Oliver Hazard Class Frigate Acquisition by Pakistan

Any updates or news? Eager to know the configuration. Thanks.

ther is nothing much in it to look forward to..

it will be just a boat, if anything good is going to happen to it, that will be only once we get it in PN docks or perhaps, if deceided send it to Turkey for upgrades.
it is a heavy class frigat and if ther is enough life left in the Hull and PN deceide to utilize it to best, we may see some good upgrades happening. but this only when it is wit PN and is evaluated for service years left in it..

i watched this news on Geo, 2 days ago & they were like, "Amrika, Pakistan ko jadded tareen jungi behri jahas day raha hay". they also maintain that block 52 is the most advanced version & at one time Dawn news went to the extent of describing j-10b as a 5th gen fighter jet.
This shows the quality of journalism that we have, wouldn't hurt , if any reporter from these channels will log on defence.pk to get some valid info.

I mentioned earlier in this thread that the US Navy was going to upgrade the FFGs with SeaRAM, a 11 cell upgrade of the Phalanx CIWS atop the hangar, and eight harpoon missiles in two quad racks in front of the bridge when the Mk13 Standard missile launcher arm was removed... Congress refused to fund this upgrade... I even posted a link before...

Currently the US Navy is upgrading aircraft carriers air missile defenses. CIWS with SeaRAM and/or Nato Seasparrow with ESSMs, Evolved Seasparrows. The US is also building two new LCS class ships to replace the FFGs with either RAM and SeaRAM.

The very effective RAM and SeaRAMs are modern, smaller, and shorter range missiles... The SM-1 standard missiles is an older, less effective system...

Speaking frankly, the best and most affordable upgrade for the FFGs is with SeaRAM. Besides the launcher and magazine, SeaRAM is the same missile as RAM. SeaRAM has 11 missiles, RAM has 21 missiles. Keep in mind Nato Seasparrow's launcher has 8 missiles...

While the FFGs may have lost their short area defense Standard 1 missiles, SeaRAM and RAM will provide these ships with excellent close in air defense... If I were Pakistan I would fund the SeaRAM upgrade...

Several Nato navies are buying RAMs, so support will be around for a long time...
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I mentioned earlier in this thread that the US Navy was going to upgrade the FFGs with SeaRAM, a 11 cell upgrade of the Phalanx CIWS atop the hangar, and eight harpoon missiles in two quad racks in front of the bridge when the Mk13 Standard missile launcher arm was removed... Congress refused to fund this upgrade... I even posted a link before...

Currently the US Navy is upgrading aircraft carriers air missile defenses. CIWS with SeaRAM and/or Nato Seasparrow with ESSMs, Evolved Seasparrows. The US is also building two new LCS class ships to replace the FFGs with either RAM and SeaRAM.

The very effective RAM and SeaRAMs are modern, smaller, and shorter range missiles... The SM-1 standard missiles is an older, less effective system...

Speaking frankly, the best and most affordable upgrade for the FFGs is with SeaRAM. Besides the launcher and magazine, SeaRAM is the same missile as RAM. SeaRAM has 11 missiles, RAM has 21 missiles. Keep in mind Nato Seasparrow's launcher has 8 missiles...

While the FFGs may have lost their short area defense Standard 1 missiles, SeaRAM and RAM will provide these ships with excellent close in air defense... If I were Pakistan I would fund the SeaRAM upgrade...

Several Nato navies are buying RAMs, so support will be around for a long time...

SeaRAM is a effective point defence system. PN requires long range SAM to intercept areal targets beyond 50 Miles.
no one is ever going to rip you apart as far as you are longing for knowledge on this forum. :cheers:

as for the Stealt Frigates and destroyers, as of yet, there is no real Stealth destroyer or frigate in exixtance like the F-22;)
it is only tha some manufacturere are incorporating stealth features to significantly reduce RCS of the boat and inducde other such meansures to avoid radar or minimize radar contact.

as of these, PN is keenly intrested in the Turkish Milgem Program.
these are corvettes based on modren warfare design and inducting varios stealth features.

moreover PN is also rumored to be looking for heavier F-22 with stealth features or even the Type-54 from china which also is stealthier but not stealth.

i hope you can understand this difference!!


I Know the difference between the F-22 and stealthy ships ok
I was talking more on the line of the Indian shivalik class and Singapore's Formidable class


What are the salient features of that ship (weapons,aircraft carried...etc...)(Turkish one and the type 54)
looking still capable to me how many they are giving 8 i think remaining 7 when will arrive and what type of weapons they give to on the ship to pakistan navy
They will be refurbished in next few months..Lets see what kind of arms they get.
Speaking frankly, the best and most affordable upgrade for the FFGs is with SeaRAM. Besides the launcher and magazine, SeaRAM is the same missile as RAM. SeaRAM has 11 missiles, RAM has 21 missiles. Keep in mind Nato Seasparrow's launcher has 8 missiles...

As alternative to the 21 round RAM launcher, one option that was developed was a multipack for the Nato Sea Sparrow launcher, putting uo to 5 RAM in each of the NSSM's 8 cells...

There was also a proposal to put surplus NSSM launcher on the OHP.
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