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NY Times: Violence after reopening Gezi Park


Jun 28, 2013
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The park in Istabul was allowed to reopen yesterday. And it was filled with clouds of tear gas.
During the protests since last month, Gezi Park, the initial cause of the protests, was closed to keep the park from the protestors. Istanbul governor announced the park would be reopen around noon on Monday.

However, quickly after that, the park became the unrest scene of clashes between the police and protestors. Police used tear gas canister, water canon to disperse the crowd. Police arrested some protestors, who refused to leave the park.

The New York Times reported that "dozens of people were injured and at least 32 were detained after scores of them streamed back to the site".

“Police encircled us when we were walking to the park after the governor publicly opened it and invited all citizens to enjoy it,” Ali Ozyurt, an executive member of the Istanbul Chamber of Physicians, said as he rode in a police vehicle. “If it is a crime to go to a public park, the governor incited this crime, so is equally guilty.”

The protests started from the demonstration against government's plan of demolishing Gezi Park in Taksim Square in central Istabul to build a shopping mall, and then spread to many different cities in Turkey. After that, the anger of the protests is no longer park's demolition but also the excess usage of police force as well as authoritative leadership of the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Protests, which have been going on for weeks, make Gezi Park and Taksim Square well known to the world.

Source: FNOTW - Free News of the World and The NY Times
Article: FNOTW: Violence after reopening Gezi Park
And yesterday, a 19 year - old Turkish protester died.... RIP!

Source: Bianet

Ali İsmail Korkmaz, a 19-year-old protester who was beaten by unidentified people in Eskişehir in protests on June 3 lost his life due to his injuries in hospital. Ali İsmail Korkmaz, who was trying to escape a police tear gas attack, was brutally beaten by a group wearing civilian clothes, twice.

While attackers have yet to be identified, the ongoing prosecutor investigation is resuming with no probable suspects. It was reported that two of three surveillance cameras nearby the crime scene had no recordings and the only remaining camera recordings turned out to be “damaged”.

His family tells the story: After the attacks, his friends later find him unconscious at a bus stop and took him to a Yunus Emre Public Hospital. Though he said his head was injured badly, the hospital said he was fine without any physical examination and rejected to treat him before he gives a statement to the police. He was having aphasia the next day, his friends take him to the same hospital. The hospital rejected treatment again, Ali and his friends visited a few police stations to give a statement.

Finally he was admitted to Eskişehir Public Hospital and diagnosed with “brain hemorrhage”. He was later on transferred to Osmangazi Medical School Hospital. He was taken into surgery immediately, but he lost consciousness and suffered respiratory standstill due to late medical treatment. Korkmaz was unresponsive since his surgery on June 4. He died yesterday at the age of 19.
Are you interested in Gezi park protests or in Turkey ?
Like always those stupid activists dont they understand that it only weakens Turkey?
The enemies of Turkey like those protests..........
Like always those stupid activists dont they understand that it only weakens Turkey?
The enemies of Turkey like those protests..........
Like it or not we have the luxury to focus on our internal problems now. There are no external threats, we're not in the cold war anymore. Government can't ignore the people's demands and threaten them with weakening economy.

I assure you, enemies of Turkey like Erdogan more. SOB needs to go, he needs to die actually, for a mosquito his size he sucked a great deal of blood already.
Like it or not we have the luxury to focus on our internal problems now. There are no external threats, we're not in the cold war anymore. Government can't ignore the people's demands and threaten them with weakening economy.

I assure you, enemies of Turkey like Erdogan more. SOB needs to go, he needs to die actually, for a mosquito his size he sucked a great deal of blood already.
I dont like erdogan but he did many great things and believe me with chp Turkey would be a thirld world country only good for tourism.
Not that there are any powerful leaders to take Erdogans place right now, but its time for him to go - even at the cost of taking a couple steps backwards for the time being.

I would rather Turkey limp along, keeping some of the progress its made but remaining SECULAR, over taking a few more steps forward then cutting our legs off entirely by plunging the country into religion so we cant progress further at all after that point.
So that 19 year old who died is the enemy of turkey and those SOB's who beat him up, causing him to die are HERO's in your eyes?
No i didnt said that they should be jailed for this but those protests hut Turkey more then anything in the last years it only weakens Turkey and the enemies laugh about it...
No i didnt said that they should be jailed for this but those protests hut Turkey more then anything in the last years it only weakens Turkey and the enemies laugh about it...

Protestors doesn't govern the country. AKP does, so they should be more considerate about the protests.

Erdogan's polarizing speechs doesn't help it all.

I assure you, enemies of Turkey like Erdogan more. SOB needs to go, he needs to die actually, for a mosquito his size he sucked a great deal of blood already.

Man, I wished the same thing for Melih Gökçek but he's celebrating the 20th year in his office.
Are you interested in Gezi park protests or in Turkey ?

'She' :) I am a girl. I am interested in politics but I do not call myself activist, I would rather be called pacifist.

In Turkey protest in particular, I advocate the protesters because they seems like really educated and the way the protest is acceptable. They just stand still and sing and dance. They do not harm anyone. In general, I am interested in Turkey because I have many Turkish friends and I have visited Turkey for 3 times in Istanbul, Antalya and Ankarra. Awesome place, warm-heart people!

i think he is one of european activists
I am a junior writer forFNOTW - Free News of the World which is a neutral site and both sides of the conflict can come and discuss as well as freely write articles. So you can come there and write your opinion so that it can be heard.

Like always those stupid activists dont they understand that it only weakens Turkey?
The enemies of Turkey like those protests..........

I do not want to harm anyone or being the enemy of anyone. Like I said, I am not activist and I just share the news to people. You can judge that I am stupid or not when you know me more :).
Nice too know you :) warm hug!
Whoa whoa whoa. Everybody stop it. Don't ruin the thread. And don't talk politics here. Go and talk it in the Europe.
No i didnt said that they should be jailed for this but those protests hut Turkey more then anything in the last years it only weakens Turkey and the enemies laugh about it...

You keep saying that protesters weaken Turkey :o I just think that they need a revolution. they are fighting for a better government which will help Turkey being more democratic. They do not attack normal people (like in Syria) or the police so what is your point when you say it weaken Turkey?
@Neptune: it is just discussion. we havent been off topic yet :)
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This thread is originally opened in Europe section and moved to here.... ?
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