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Nuclear safety policy in Iran

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Since you went off topic many times I have a question.

Does the "mighty" EU not rely on USA from stopping Russia kicking your ***?

I cann see your superiority complex. Let me guess?
USA/Europe= Good civilized
Asia/Africa= Bad civilized?

Nope, USA and Europe good civilized, south america and australia too. Japan, South Korea, singapore, malaysia, thailand, vietnam are civilized as well. Egypt, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius ect are also trustworthy nations.

It has not to do with the continent where a country is located. Its about the leadership.

I dont trust people like the mullahs to securely run nuclear power.

Look at Iran, it even runs out of water. It cant manage its water management, it often takes hostages for political games and is governed way under its potential.

As i said, Iran deserves better.
Since you went off topic many times I have a question.

Does the "mighty" EU not rely on USA from stopping Russia kicking your ***?

I cann see your superiority complex. Let me guess?
USA/Europe= Good civilized
Asia/Africa= Bad civilized?

I don’t believe France Germany Holland turkey others in Eu are a walk over. If you take out Russia nukes. Quality of EU airforces and land forces naval are a generation ahead of Russia.
depends, when I see the percentage of student in Tehran university or Sharif university or Amit Kabir university who want to go abroad it really sadden me

well nothing strange we all knew western history and cultures made based on comic books
I studied at Sharif University. Things have been greatly exaggerated. Many of us stayed in Iran. And many of us who went to study abroad returned to Iran.

Same way its enforced on poland, by withholding billions of €.

EU nations are civilized and bound by the rule of law. Its a concept that you dont understand since you have not reached that civilisational level yet. So its kinda silly to debate about that.

France would be forced to leave the EU. The EU is a core project of France itself. You come from a country which is enemy with all its neighbors and has the habit to take hostages. I understand why the EU is a concept totally alien to you. The UNSC holds power only over 3rd world countries. France as member state of the EU would not adress the UNSC for same reason that california would not go to UN either against the UN.

The question of nuclear power is decided by Brussels. The vote is next year. France tries political to gain favor for it, Germany tries to gain votes against it. Thats how democracy works. We have no old guy on top who decides for us.

Macedonia is Greek like Sparta and Athens. One of the greek city states.

Athens was rebuild, Persepolis ended forever.

On a sidenote Persepolis was actually destroyed by a athenian women. When the city was taken, Alexander and his men had a celebration festival. At this festival a women named Thais shouted to Alexander to burn evrything down. It was her who threw the first torch into the Apadana. Alexander even lifted her up to do so.
And what will Europe do if France prints the withheld money on its own and confiscates the assets of other European countries in its banks? Or even print more money than you are withholding?

Most French people actually want to leave the EU. The idea that you can threaten to kick France out will be celebrated in France by the majority of people, particularly now that there's a refugee crisis going on. It's the European Union that needs France, not the other wary around.

Europe is far from civilized and it is being witnessed right now in the way you are treating Syrian children and women in your countries. You are the same barbaric nations that Asians treated you as slaves and animals for thousands of years. Your women are literally prostitutes who are either giving birth to fatherless children, lure over riding African black dicks, or do not even give birth at all. At this pace, the whole European race is in danger and you will cease to exist very soon.

Greece itself has a fertility rate of 1.3 and it is going down very fast. The replacement level is generally taken to be 2.1 and the window of opportunity for changing this is closing very fast when you consider the average age of your women, meaning that even if you want to solve your demographic issues, your average Greek woman will be too old to contribute to the change.

Iran is in fact a first world country because it was a major US ally in the cold war period. The terminology of 3rd world refers to countries that did not have an alliance with any of the blocs of power in the post World War II era. The first world were US allies, the second world were Soviet allies, and any country that was left was called "the third world", as in "the third party". Greece on the other hand, has never been anything but a brothel for Ottomans in modern history.

The fate of Greece at best is that you will turn Turkish very soon. You're a failed state that cannot fight against Turkey. And at this page of Arabization of Europe and the loss of human capital and demographic issues in Europe, you do not stand a chance against Islam anymore.
Are people hung from cranes in Iran? I ask because thats whats told here and i would like to know if thats true.

Do people sell their children into prostitution in Greece? I ask because there was an article from the western mainstream press posted here which indicated so and would like to know if that's true.

As for "cranes", the short answer is no: criminals sentenced to death (let alone random "people") are not hung from cranes in Iran.

And now to the detailed answer. In Iran like in Japan or the US, capital punishment consists of the death penalty, and it is executed through hanging. Most executions are for drug related offenses (but only a small percentage of drug offenders are in fact executed), followed by murder, rape, armed robbery. So it's not simply any kind of "people" we're talking about here, but serious criminals. Therefore the semantics of the question was anything but objective. Also there's free public debate including in Majles (parliament) as to the death penalty and where and how it should apply, and its practice got less systematic over the years. As a matter of fact, in many western countries significant portions of the public are advocating reinstatement of the death penalty for major criminal offenses.

Now I don't see how it's relevant to polemicize on what shape the gallows take, at the end of the day it makes not that much of a difference... Cranes were resorted to merely in a token number of instances and only during the first couple of years after the 1979 Revolution ie around four decades ago, because early revolutionary phases, whether in "democratic" France (which committed genocide in the Vendée region, home to royalist and Catholic rebels), Cuba or Russia, are always marked by vivid radicalism. The difference is that post-revolutionary purges in Iran were less extensive than in all the other examples mentioned.

Another point is that Iran was then in a state of war, and on top of it was victim of large scale (14.000 martyrs) domestic terrorism from a grouplet, the MKO, whose extreme brutality was comparable to "I"SIS and which was backed by the enemy, namely Saddam's Iraq as well as western intelligence services. So a few individuals, probably on terrorist charges, were subjected to this. But as said, it's been nearly 40 years that this has not taken place in Iran.

I'm sure that in Greece, as in every other country occupied by Germany during WW2, some public lynchings or other shocking forms of killing occurred against Nazi collaborators in the aftermath of the war. Doesn't mean "people are lynched in Greece". For the intellectually honest, context matters.

As for emigration, most are greeks who came from asia minor and then migrated global.

That still begs the question why they preferred not to migrate to their homeland Greece and opted for some far-flung foreign destination instead. And the reply is that material considerations and perceived relative living standards have something to do with it, followed by political reasons (persecution of Greek communists during and after the Greek Civil War).

In the US alone, there are 500.000 residents who were born in Greece. In addition to 670.000 with Greek or Cypriot ancestry, and it's safe to assume that many if not most of these do not originate from Asia Minor. Other estimates put the number of "Greek Americans" at no less than 3 million individuals.

Another 400.000 are living in Australia, with over 90.000 of them born in Greece. Again many if not most of these didn't arrive from Asia Minor. 270.000 in Canada, of which over 60.000 were born in Greece. Over 70.000 in Italy, about 45.000 in Germany and 40.000 in the UK.

So we can safely deduce from these figures that the proportion of Greek emigrants from Greece proper is greater than the corresponding percentage of Iranians. The point still stands therefore.
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I don’t believe France Germany Holland turkey others in Eu are a walk over. If you take out Russia nukes. Quality of EU airforces and land forces naval are a generation ahead of Russia.
What are you talking about?

Turkey is not in the EU.

Holland? Are you joking?😅 Holland military is not even top 30.

Germany? Last time I checked they had 4 active fighters... They would lot very very quick if tried to use broomsticks.

France is would to better than the rest but would in the lose.

There is no EU air force in the top 5. Meanwhile Russian air force is 3rd behind China and Russia. What quality are you talking😅😅
Jealous for what? Greece could start nuclear power whenever it wants. We simply outlawed it for security reasons and because the majority is against it. We are a democracy you know?

Not really. Western secular liberal regimes are not exactly democratic given that unelected power centers, lobbies and secret societies determine the foundations of policy (what some refer to as "deep states"). And in the words of former French president Sarkozy, when these bodies take a decision, "nothing and noone will be able to prevent it" (he was referring to the "New World Order" globalist elites are seeking to impose on nations). In fact, totalitarian is a better term to describe political regimes of the NATO zone.

An actual, functioning form of democracy (not secular but religious) can be found in the Islamic Republic of Iran, where the degree of political pluralism surpasses anything witnessed in so-called "democracies" of the west.

Did you know Alexander used persian soldiers corpses to make a bridge over a river after the battle of Issos?

User Apollon's definition of "civilized behaviour" right here, as opposed to "hanging people from cranes" (sic)... Behold. This, as well as the purported murder of Iranian children at the hands of ancient Greeks, which he seemed to condone in the other thread he started here.

On a sidenote Persepolis was actually destroyed by a athenian women. When the city was taken, Alexander and his men had a celebration festival. At this festival a women named Thais shouted to Alexander to burn evrything down. It was her who threw the first torch into the Apadana. Alexander even lifted her up to do so.

Isn't it amusing how this subject seems convinced by details from tales stemming from works whose veracity is anything but established? The user seems to confuse these with 21st century video recordings.
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I studied at Sharif University. Things have been greatly exaggerated. Many of us stayed in Iran. And many of us who went to study abroad returned to Iran.

And what will Europe do if France prints the withheld money on its own and confiscates the assets of other European countries in its banks? Or even print more money than you are withholding?

Most French people actually want to leave the EU. The idea that you can threaten to kick France out will be celebrated in France by the majority of people, particularly now that there's a refugee crisis going on. It's the European Union that needs France, not the other wary around.

Europe is far from civilized and it is being witnessed right now in the way you are treating Syrian children and women in your countries. You are the same barbaric nations that Asians treated you as slaves and animals for thousands of years. Your women are literally prostitutes who are either giving birth to fatherless children, lure over riding African black dicks, or do not even give birth at all. At this pace, the whole European race is in danger and you will cease to exist very soon.

Greece itself has a fertility rate of 1.3 and it is going down very fast. The replacement level is generally taken to be 2.1 and the window of opportunity for changing this is closing very fast when you consider the average age of your women, meaning that even if you want to solve your demographic issues, your average Greek woman will be too old to contribute to the change.

Iran is in fact a first world country because it was a major US ally in the cold war period. The terminology of 3rd world refers to countries that did not have an alliance with any of the blocs of power in the post World War II era. The first world were US allies, the second world were Soviet allies, and any country that was left was called "the third world", as in "the third party". Greece on the other hand, has never been anything but a brothel for Ottomans in modern history.

The fate of Greece at best is that you will turn Turkish very soon. You're a failed state that cannot fight against Turkey. And at this page of Arabization of Europe and the loss of human capital and demographic issues in Europe, you do not stand a chance against Islam anymore.

France is a civilized country and not Iran. So thats a nonissue.
France is a civilized country and not Iran. So thats a nonissue.
Actually, Iran is an Asian country and it is civilized by definition. France and Greek are European countries, which means sluts and faggots. So, they're not civilized. Even evolution is fed up with the inferiority of the European culture and it is removing your degenerate culture from the gene pool.
Actually, Iran is an Asian country and it is civilized by definition. France and Greek are European countries, which means sluts and faggots. So, they're not civilized. Even evolution is fed up with the inferiority of the European culture and it is removing your degenerate culture from the gene pool.

Your anger is too high. Calm down. You should have noticed by now that inreact to such low level insults with laughter.

According to Aristoteles Persians are unciviliced barbarians. Herodotus dismissed this and said they can be teached and learn. For me Iran is not barbarian, just the mullah regime.
Not really. Western secular liberal regimes are not exactly democratic given that unelected power centers, lobbies and secret societies determine the foundations of policy (what some refer to as "deep states"). And in the words of former French president Sarkozy, when these bodies take a decision, "nothing and noone will be able to prevent it" (he was referring to the "New World Order" globalist elites are seeking to impose on nations). In fact, totalitarian is a better term to describe political regimes of the NATO zone.

An actual, functioning form of democracy (not secular but religious) can be found in the Islamic Republic of Iran, where the degree of political pluralism surpasses anything witnessed in so-called "democracies" of the west.

User Apollon's definition of "civilized behaviour" right here, as opposed to "hanging people from cranes" (sic)... Behold. This, as well as the purported murder of Iranian children at the hands of ancient Greeks, which he seemed to condone in the other thread he started here.

Isn't it amusing how this subject seems convinced by details from tales stemming from works whose veracity is anything but established? The user seems to confuse these with 21st century video recordings.

Can a christian become leader in Iran? In a true democracy that should not be an issue
Your anger is too high. Calm down. You should have noticed by now that inreact to such low level insults with laughter.

According to Aristoteles Persians are unciviliced barbarians. Herodotus dismissed this and said they can be teached and learn. For me Iran is not barbarian, just the mullah regime.
What insult? It's a fact that evolution selects the fittest for survival and the Europeans are literally dying. I can show you the fertility rates of Europe if you don't know the demographics of Europe. Even white supremacists in Western Europe can see it and have already subconsciously accepted it. That's why they are so angered by the mass immigration of Arabs because they know their countries are changing forever. It seems that evolution does not think highly of your values and culture and that's why it is reducing your populations.

For me, all Greeks are barbarians that were civilized by a Persianized Macedonian named Alexander who adored the Iranian culture so much that his wife (Roxana) was an Iranic woman of Afghan/Tajik origin. Greeks have been such constant losers that want to associate themselves with a Macedonian, while Macedonians always fought alongside Persians against the Greeks. How ironic.
France is a civilized country and not Iran. So thats a nonissue.
Dont worry bro. France will become muslim soon. There is nothing you can do about it. If you walk in Marseille you would think you are in Algeria:-)

"Mr. Gave extrapolates those numbers, a declining white population and a growing Muslim population, and concludes that France will have a Muslim majority by 2057".

“And so, within 40 years at the latest, it is almost certain that the majority of the population will be Muslim in Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Holland,” he writes. “Again, these are not predictions but calculations, and I do not even call for new immigrants.”

"Across Europe, there are signs of the coming Muslim majority. Muslims make up nearly 50 percent of primary school children in the Belgian port city of Antwerp. A quarter of Brussels’ 1 million population is of Muslim origin. The Daily Mail, citing the Office of National Statistics, reported that the most popular boy’s name in Britain in 2015 was Mohammed or its variant spellings".
Dont worry bro. France will become muslim soon. There is nothing you can do about it. If you walk in Marseille you would think you are in Algeria:-)

"Mr. Gave extrapolates those numbers, a declining white population and a growing Muslim population, and concludes that France will have a Muslim majority by 2057".

“And so, within 40 years at the latest, it is almost certain that the majority of the population will be Muslim in Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Holland,” he writes. “Again, these are not predictions but calculations, and I do not even call for new immigrants.”

"Across Europe, there are signs of the coming Muslim majority. Muslims make up nearly 50 percent of primary school children in the Belgian port city of Antwerp. A quarter of Brussels’ 1 million population is of Muslim origin. The Daily Mail, citing the Office of National Statistics, reported that the most popular boy’s name in Britain in 2015 was Mohammed or its variant spellings".

Yawn. Italy has no muslims. Spain has little to none. In Greece its zero.

The Germans will deal with theirs like they always did and so on.

Its like Iran, which is flooded by Afghans, Kurds and so on. Will adjust itself.
Nope, USA and Europe good civilized, south america and australia too. Japan, South Korea, singapore, malaysia, thailand, vietnam are civilized as well. Egypt, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius ect are also trustworthy nations.

It has not to do with the continent where a country is located. Its about the leadership.

I dont trust people like the mullahs to securely run nuclear power.

Look at Iran, it even runs out of water. It cant manage its water management, it often takes hostages for political games and is governed way under its potential.

As i said, Iran deserves better.
I see a pattern with all the non western countries you mentioned. I wonder what it is? You really have to be a genius to find out what it is? 😅 😅 😅

Interesting to see that Egypt is there? Is it because Egypt is supporting your little Greece against Turkey? What would happen if the Egyptians stopped supporting you? Would Egypt still be a civilized and trustworthy country? Or would that change?

Listen kid. You dont get to decide what country is civilized or not. You understand that?
Yawn. Italy has no muslims. Spain has little to none. In Greece its zero.

The Germans will deal with theirs like they always did and so on.

Its like Iran, which is flooded by Afghans, Kurds and so on. Will adjust itself.
Ok forget Italy and Spain. Who asked about Greece? Lmao...

France, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany will be muslim majority countries in the future. Keep crying there is nothing you or anybody can do about it.
I see a pattern with all the non western countries you mentioned. I wonder what it is? You really have to be a genius to find out what it is? 😅 😅 😅

Interesting to see that Egypt is there? Is it because Egypt is supporting your little Greece against Turkey? What would happen if the Egyptians stopped supporting you? Would Egypt still be a civilized and trustworthy country? Or would that change?

Listen kid. You dont get to decide what country is civilized or not. You understand that?

Ok forget Italy and Spain. Who asked about Greece? Lmao...

France, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany will be muslim majority countries in the future. Keep crying there is nothing you or anybody can do about it.

Egypt and Greece stand together since thousands of years. We share history and deep friendship.

Germany had once more jews than it has muslims today.

On a sidenote, be careful what you wish for. Whenever Europe takes on a new religion, it always twists and bends it to extreme levels. Could well be that an islamic europe would conquer Iran to bring true Islam there. You know us. 😅
France is a civilized country and not Iran. So thats a nonissue.

Yes,very "civilized" indeed.🤮
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