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Nuclear safety policy in Iran

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So in other words, no matter how good a christian is, he can never be general. Thanks to admit that.

As a citizen i dont just want rights and security. I want full participation. We have that in Greece, Iran has not.

And the natural "essence" of women is equality to men. I have two sisters. They are equal to me and can do evrything i can.
again wrong interpretation of data list of Iranian commanders since 100 years ago. the Christians are not even 0.5% of population and the list is not even 60 person
That is rubbish. In Greece women always played a powerful role, as scientists, warriors, sailors, leaders.

One of our highest gods:

don't let me start ranting about the position of women in Greece, but that statue is befitting , its a mythical Athena just like mythical woman freedom and power in Greece
again wrong interpretation of data list of Iranian commanders since 100 years ago. the Christians are not even 0.5% of population and the list is not even 60 person

don't let me start ranting about the position of women in Greece, but that statue is befitting , its a mythical Athena just like mythical woman freedom and power in Greece

Thats the thing, women play no role in Iran, neither mythological nor in real life and thats quite sad.

How many women serve in the iranian army or high command? They are 50% of your population.

In Greece thats different

Thats the thing, women play no role in Iran, neither mythological nor in real life and thats quite sad.

How many women serve in the iranian army or high command? They are 50% of your population.

In Greece thats different


Women play a far nobler role in Iran than in uprooted, zionist-dominated, non-sovereign regimes of the NATO zone. Women aren't meant to fight wars nor are most of them fit for that role. Mass-enrolling them into combat units of the military is not a sign of respect, but of utter ridicule and contempt.

This said, hundreds of thousands of Iranian women are serving in the paramilitary Basij organization. That's right, hundreds-of-thousands. With each post, you exhibit more of your staggeringly prejudiced and outlandish take on Iranian affairs.

Now, how many children and babies were bought and sold in Greece today? We want to know, we care about Greek (and Bulgarian and Romanian) children since we believe they deserve much better, and we would like to help them escape the clutches of that country's degenerate, psychopathic zionist ruling elites who are allowing this to happen:

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Just how many Muslims generals are there in all of NATO let alone Greece?

We have no muslims in Greece, but we also have no laws preventing a muslim to become a general
Women play a far nobler role in Iran than in uprooted, zionist-dominated, non-sovereign regimes of the NATO zone. Women aren't meant to fight wars nor are most of them fit for that role. Mass-enrolling them into combat units of the military is not a sign of respect, but of utter ridicule and contempt.

This said, hundreds of thousands of Iranian women are serving in the paramilitary Basij organization. That's right, hundreds-of-thousands. With each post, you exhibit more of your staggering ignorance of Iranian affairs.

Now, how many children and babies were bought and sold in Greece today? We want to know, we care about Greek (and Bulgarian and Romanian) children since we believe they deserve much better, and we would like to help them escape the clutches of that country's degenerate, psychopathic zionist ruling elites who are allowing this to happen:

Which noble role do they play? Getting beaten up for not wearing a veil right?

I might add that according to your own persian king Xerxes... your best warrior was a...greek women. Artemisia
I might add that according to your own persian king Xerxes... your best warrior was a...greek women. Artemisia

Not according to Xerxes but to questionable, unverified secondary sources. Huge difference.

How many children, infants, toddlers are being sold and bought on Greek markets with the tacit approval of regime officials right now as we speak? And how many of them are going to get abused (and perhaps murdered afterwards)? We are extremely worried of their plight. They deserve so much better than this sort of a zionist-controlled, wicked regime.

Which noble role do they play? Getting beaten up for not wearing a veil right?

You're confusing Iranian women with the children and babies bought and sold on Greek markets, who are running the acute risk of getting abused, beaten, murdered... all of which is being actively facilitated by the usurpative, zionist-controlled regime in Athens.

Your lacking knowledge on Iranian affairs is now firmly established. But don't project calamitous circumstances of contemporary Greek society on Iran - because it is not going to save those poor children. There are users here who care for them, you know?
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Not according to Xerxes but to questionable, unverified secondary sources. Huge difference.

How many children, infants, toddlers are being sold and bought on Greek markets with the tacit approval of regime officials right now as we speak? And how many of them are going to get abused (and perhaps murdered afterwards)? We are extremely worried of their plight. They deserve so much better than this sort of a zionist-controlled, wicked regime.

You're confusing Iranian women with the children and babies bought and sold on Greek markets, who are running the acute risk of getting abused, beaten, murdered... all of which is being actively facilitated by the usurpative, zionist-controlled regime in Athens.

Your lacking knowledge on Iranian affairs is now firmly established. But don't project calamitous circumstances of contemporary Greek society on Iran - because it is not going to save those poor children. There are users here who care for them, you know?

No babies are sold on greek markets, thats ridicolous to say. Even when you want adopt a child you go through enormous paper work. You should stop quoting dubious "default propaganda". Articles like this where published to weaken the austerity politics, to create emotional themes. A famous "journalist" who didmsuch stuff was Claas Relotius from Germany. It came out it was 100% fraud.

Claas-Hendrik Relotius (born 15 November 1985)[3] is a German former journalist. He resigned from Der Spiegel in 2018 after admitting numerous instances of journalistic fraud.[4]

On Iran its true though, women get beaten for not wearing right clothes.



Stuff that goes on under this regime is horrendous and disgusting.

As for Artemisia, there are hundreds of reports about her. Her bravery and intelligence was known evrywhere.

I tell you something, here in Greece a women has same value and chances as men. Thats a cultural thing since thousands of years. My sisters are 100% equal to me. Our women are not anonymous ghosts hidden behind some rugs.

But i guess history has proven that greek and iranian culture are completly alien with each other, always were and propably always will be.

In our 4000 years written history, we had many queens who ruled. Persia had not a single one. I think that says it all.
No babies are sold on greek markets, thats ridicolous to say.

So western media (British, German etc) publish ridiculous things, eh? :

Children, infants, toddlers, babies are sold en masse in Greece. Some of whom then happen to be raped by paedocriminals, beaten, assassinated in cold blood. And Greek regime goons are tolerating it, probably even making a buck out of the sordid business. Every detail is in the above articles. Simply monstrous.

Even when you want adopt a child you go through enormous paper work. You should stop quoting dubious "default propaganda". Articles like this where published to weaken the austerity politics, to create emotional themes. A famous "journalist" who didmsuch stuff was Claas Relotius from Germany. It came out it was 100% fraud.

Yes sure, a bona fide right-wing paper with ultra-capitalist leanings like the UK's Daily Mail will have a vested interest in wanting to delegitimize austerity policies... not.

The reports I provided are detailed, they stem from various sources, were published over different years, they cite multiple witnesses and investigation results. To simply try and dismiss these with a generalizing claim coupled with a reference to someone who didn't author any of them, isn't going to cut the mustard here.

On Iran its true though, women get beaten for not wearing right clothes.

No, western reporting on Iran is not bound by principles of journalism and is far less professional, because they can get away with it and have no consequences to fear. On the contrary, their regimes will applaud and support them for issuing lowly propaganda and disinformation about Iran.

Is this supposed to be some sort of a joke...? It seriously took you hours to dig out two ridiculous, out of context photographs which prove exactly zilch? And you're seriously trying to compare this gratuitous, random copy pasting with the in-depth papers I shared?

In the above one nobody's getting "beaten" at all. Also reason of arrest isn't specified. Could be literally any offense, dress code seems perfectly in order.

Same as above. Person could have insulted the officers, could have resisted arrest, hence the necessity to resort to physical force.

There are still some law enforcement officers in Iran who will do their work correctly, without letting themselves intimidate by the daily lies, psy-ops, and death threats by NATO-backed militants and terror grouplets. Because fact is that there's hardly a police force anywhere on this planet which will display such an extraordinary, elevated level of tolerance and restraint for petty offenses and crimes happening before their very eyes, sometimes even for more serious ones, like Islamic Iran's law enforcement.

And here's actual evidence, as opposed to some snippet pictures lifted out of God knows what video sequences, which themselves were probably edited to show just half of the story:

In this video, the profoundly incivil behaviour of various Iranian citizens towards police officers is clearly visible and audible... Disrespectfully tearing up and throwing away tickets they were handed for not following public regulations relative to Covid-19 prevention, bickering and ignoring requests of the police, responding with sarcasm, and even kicking police cars! Only in Iran will police officers then lower their heads in a puny manner when confronted with rebellious citizens such as these.

In Europe including Greece however, these individuals would have been arrested. In the US, brutally beaten up and possibly shot at; or, to put it in the accurate words of user WudangMaster:
"There was a show on TV back in the day called "Cops" and you should see how people would get tasered and maced the moment they tore up a ticket; you only need a little further escalation and the matter becomes a "justified homicide"."

In fact, abuse is a ritual part of regular arrest procedures by the American police. Just an example out of thousands upon thousands littering the internet, and a "soft" enough one to stay within forum rules:

And this is how police operate in Greece: threats against women (including of rape), torture of individuals unfortunate enough to get arrested by these thugs, etc:

Stuff that goes on under this regime is horrendous and disgusting.

The Islamic Republic is a lofty, clean slated and magnificent system in international comparison. As opposed to the illegitimate, baby trafficker-empowering regime in Greece, which as a member to NATO also participates in or at the very least condones war crimes.

As for Artemisia, there are hundreds of reports about her. Her bravery and intelligence was known evrywhere.

I simply debated a questionable statement which was being passed off as undisputed fact.

I tell you something, here in Greece a women has same value and chances as men.

...that of actual slaves to cut-throat banksters, zionists, freemasons, Brussels technocrats, Washington elites and globalist oligarchs. In regimes of the NATO zone, men and women are perfectly equal in their joint subjugation indeed.

Our women are not anonymous ghosts hidden behind some rugs.

As long as they're lucky enough not to be enslaved by multinational corporations and zionist nation-wreckers, nor sold on some human trafficking markets, that is.

But i guess history has proven that greek and iranian culture are completly alien with each other, always were and propably always will be.

Your understanding of Iranian culture is shallow and faulty. As for Greek culture, it has faded and subsided, only to be turned into a consumer good as well as a superficial outwardly marker for local national-zionists who, rather than focusing their wrath on the ruling globalist oligarchy which has been methodically working to uproot and erase their people and identity from History, will fall for propaganda and will proceed to obsess about one of the only remaining states on earth, namely Islamic Iran, to actually resist this common enemy of nations.

In our 4000 years written history, we had many queens who ruled. Persia had not a single one. I think that says it all.

Implies nothing of the sort. Especially when people here are educated enough to know that Athenians, all pride in their so-called "democracy" notwithstanding, did not even deem their women worthy enough to grant them the right to vote!

Also I'd recommend some salutary dose of wariness when it comes to promulgating sweeping and deterministic cultural-historic generalities about peoples. Not least because by this logic, some would be tempted to argue that nastiness towards children is not just being witnessed in present time Greek society, but that it's firmly rooted in thousands of years of intense historical practice and experience...

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So western media (British, German etc) publish ridiculous things, eh? :

Children, infants, toddlers, babies are sold en masse in Greece. Some of whom are then raped by paedocriminals, beaten, assassinated. And Greek regime goons are tolerating it, probably even making a buck out of the sordid business. Every detail is in the above articles. Simply monstrous.

Yes sure, a right-wing pro-capitalist paper like the UK's Daily Mail will have a vested interest in wanting to delegitimize austerity policies... not.

The reports I provided are detailed, they stem from multiple different sources, were published in different years, they cite multiple witnesses and investigation results. To simply try and dismiss them with a generalizing claim and a reference to someone who did not author any of them, isn't going to cut the mustard here.

No, western reporting on Iran is not bound by principles of journalism and is far less professional, because they can get away with it and have no consequences to fear. On the contrary, their regimes will applaud and support them for issuing lowly propaganda and disinformation about Iran.

Is this supposed to be some sort of a joke...? It seriously took you hours to dig out two ridiculous, out of context photographs which prove exactly zilch? And you're seriously trying to compare this gratuitous, random copy pasting with the in-depth papers I shared?

In the above one nobody's getting "beaten" at all. Also reason of arrest isn't specified. Could be literally any offense, dress code seems perfectly in order.

Same as above. Person could have insulted the officers, could have resisted arrest. Hence the absolute necessity to resort to physical force.

There are still some law enforcement officers in Iran who will do their work correctly, without letting themselves intimidate by the daily lies, psy-ops, and death threats by NATO-backed militants and terror grouplets. Because fact is that there's hardly a police force anywhere on this planet which will display such an extraordinary, elevated level of tolerance and restraint for petty offenses and crimes happening before their very eyes, sometimes even for more serious ones, like Islamic Iran's law enforcement.

And here's actual evidence, as opposed to some snippet pictures lifted out of God knows what video sequences, which themselves were probably edited to show just half of the story:

In this video, the profoundly incivil behaviour of various Iranian citizens towards police officers is clearly visible and audible... Disrespectfully tearing up and throwing away tickets they were handed for not following public regulations relative to Covid-19 prevention, bickering and ignoring requests of the police, responding with irony, and even kicking police cars.Only in Iran will police officers lower their heads in such a puny manner when confronted with rebellious citizens. In Europe including Greece, these people would have been arrested. In the US, brutally beaten up and possibly shot at; or, to put it in the accurate words of user WuDangMaster:

"There was show on TV back in the day called "Cops" and you should see how people would get tasered and maced the moment they tore up a ticket; you only need a little further escalation and the matter becomes a "justified homicide"."

In fact, abuse is a ritual part of regular arrests by police in America. Just an example out of thousands upon thousands littering the internet, and a "soft" enough one to stay within forum rules:

And this is how police operate in Greece: threats including of rape against women, outright torture of those unfortunate enough to get arrested by them, etc:

The Islamic Republic is a lofty, clean slated and magnificent system in international comparison. As opposed to the child and baby trafficker protecting Greek regime, which as a member to NATO also participates in war crimes.

I don't care about this. I debated a questionable statement passed of as established fact.

...that of de facto slaves to cut-throat banksters, zionists, freemasons, Brussels technocrats, Washington elites and globalist oligarchs. In regimes of the NATO zone, men and women are equal in their enslavement indeed.

As long as they're lucky enough not to be enslaved by multinational corporations and zionist nation-wreckers, or sold on some human trafficking markets, that is.

Your understanding of Iranian culture is shallow and faulty. As for Greek culture, it has faded and subsided, only to be turned into a consumer good and superficial outwardly marker for local national-zionists who instead of focusing their wrath on their ruling globalist oligarchs who have been methodically working to uproot and erase their people and identity from History, will fall for the propaganda and obsess about one of the only remaining states on earth which is actually resisting this common enemy of nations, namely Islamic Iran.

Implies nothing of the sort. Especially when people here are educated enough to know that Athenians did not even deem their women worthy enough to grant them the right to vote. Hahaha.

Also I'd recommend some healthy dose of wariness with regards to promulgating sweeping and deterministic cultural historic generalities about peoples. Not least because by this logic, some would be tempted to argue that nastiness towards children is not just being witnessed in present time Greek society, but that it is rooted in thousands of years of history...

There is also an article about pederasty in Iran...but thats not the topic.

Greek culture is vibrant and alive, while persia is plain and simple dead. Iran has become one of many arab countries with no distinct culture left. Thats unfortunate. Women are treated horrible in iran and like 2nd class people.

During the late 20th and early 21st centuries in Iran, women's rights have been severely restricted compared with those in most developed nations. The World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report ranked Iran 140 out of 144 countries for gender parity. In 2017 in Iran, females comprised just 19% of the paid workforce with seven percent growth since 1990.[1] In 2017, the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Index ranked Iran in the bottom tercile of 153 countries.[2]

Im glad that i dont have to live like this. Its also clear that a regime like that can never be a trustworthy partner.
There is also an article about pederasty in Iran...but thats not the topic.

Yeah, one which is authored by members or sympathizers of LGBT lobbies but still cannot cover up the fact that there was no tolerance for pederasty in Zoroastrian Iran.

And nowadays widespread child trafficking is not something that is recurrently reported to be ravaging Iranian society either.

Greek culture is vibrant and alive, while persia is plain and simple dead.

The exact opposite is in fact the case. What remains of Greek history and civilization today are mostly American-authored comic books, "Hoollywood" feature films, as well as an internationalized cuisine made of unhealthy ingredients that are infested with GMO's / chemicals and sourced from multinational corporations. Like every other zio-American vassal, Greece is basically a "hotel" for open border movements of people (modern slaves) and commodities, an entity entirely assimilated into the globalist world order and hence, deprived of its essence and authenticity at every possible level. Greece is under the thumb of global stateless finance capitalism, Uncle Sam and the deviationist zionist Sanhedrin.

Whereas Iran is sovereign, self sufficient, independent, living according to her own historically entrenched norms of civilization, determining her own destiny autonomously. No unelected technocrats in a supranational institution can dictate to Iranian authorities how to manage their country. The Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs' have no say over Iran's treasury. No imperial outside power decides about Iran's geostrategic choices. Iranian culture is shielded from rampant hollywoodization and globalization by a self reliant, protective system of governance.

Iran has become one of many arab countries with no distinct culture left. Thats unfortunate.

Really? Only an utter ignorant of the subject matter would refer to Iran as an "Arab" country. Your level of misinformation on Iran is now officially on par with an obese American fed on McDonald's and deriving their "knowledge" from "Hollywood" or random TV shows produced by zionists. But how could this be surprising, after all it's a sad yet unquestionable fact that Greece has been culturally and civilizationally dissolved into the US- and zionist-dominated, totalitarian world order, as said.

Women are treated horrible in iran and like 2nd class people.

Women are treated extremely well in Iran. In many ways, they enjoy a priviliged social position compared to men. In fact this has gone so far that years ago already, Majles was holding democratic discussions about the dwindling de facto rights of Iranian men.

During the late 20th and early 21st centuries in Iran, women's rights have been severely restricted compared with those in most developed nations. The World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report ranked Iran 140 out of 144 countries for gender parity. In 2017 in Iran, females comprised just 19% of the paid workforce with seven percent growth since 1990.[1] In 2017, the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Index ranked Iran in the bottom tercile of 153 countries.[2]


"The World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report"
"Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security"

No comment other than this: keep pandering to the Greek regime's zionist, globalist and American masters. This will ensure that Greek culture will remain "vibrant" and "lively" for many centuries to come!

Im glad that i dont have to live like this. Its also clear that a regime like that can never be a trustworthy partner.

At this point rest assured none of the regulars of this section will really care when you express these sorts of baseless opinions.
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By "Greek Culture" being vibrant what this idiot really means is Gay Sex is rampant in Greece! That is when they are not stealing and raping babies.
Thats the thing, women play no role in Iran, neither mythological nor in real life and thats quite sad.

How many women serve in the iranian army or high command? They are 50% of your population.

In Greece thats different

Are you sure these are women? These Women look more manly than most Greek men!!!
That is rubbish. In Greece women always played a powerful role, as scientists, warriors, sailors, leaders.

One of our highest gods:

Oh,cool,its wonder woman.....or is that her mum?
I used to love watching that show as a kid back in the 70s,I can still remember the theme song
"In your satin tights,fighting for your rights....":sarcastic:
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