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Nuclear safety policy in Iran

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Just look at their "Honor" Guards. These pansie MFers are wearing Women's clothes for F*ck's sake!
View attachment 794115
I`m not surprised that g@y $ex is rampant if this is what passes for a "military uniform" over there.
The other choice was probably something like this

but that violated eu rules about military uniforms having to look gender neutral and non threatening.......or some other pc 💩bullsh!t💩
Yeah, one which is authored by members or sympathizers of LGBT lobbies but still cannot cover up the fact that there was no tolerance for pederasty in Zoroastrian Iran.

And nowadays widespread child trafficking is not something that is recurrently reported to be ravaging Iranian society either.

The exact opposite is in fact the case. What remains of Greek history and civilization today are mostly American-authored comic books, "Hoollywood" feature films, as well as an internationalized cuisine made of unhealthy ingredients that are infested with GMO's / chemicals and sourced from multinational corporations. Like every other zio-American vassal, Greece is basically a "hotel" for open border movements of people (modern slaves) and commodities, an entity entirely assimilated into the globalist world order and hence, deprived of its essence and authenticity at every possible level. Greece is under the thumb of global stateless finance capitalism, Uncle Sam and the deviationist zionist Sanhedrin.

Whereas Iran is sovereign, self sufficient, independent, living according to her own historically entrenched norms of civilization, determining her own destiny autonomously. No unelected technocrats in a supranational institution can dictate to Iranian authorities how to manage their country. The Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs' have no say over Iran's treasury. No imperial outside power decides about Iran's geostrategic choices. Iranian culture is shielded from rampant hollywoodization and globalization by a self reliant, protective system of governance.

Really? Only an utter ignorant of the subject matter would refer to Iran as an "Arab" country. Your level of misinformation on Iran is now officially on par with an obese American fed on McDonald's and deriving their "knowledge" from "Hollywood" or random TV shows produced by zionists. But how could this be surprising, after all it's a sad yet unquestionable fact that Greece has been culturally and civilizationally dissolved into the US- and zionist-dominated, totalitarian world order, as said.

Women are treated extremely well in Iran. In many ways, they enjoy a priviliged social position compared to men. In fact this has gone so far that years ago already, Majles was holding democratic discussions about the dwindling de facto rights of Iranian men.


"The World Economic Forum's 2017 Global Gender Gap Report"
"Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security"

No comment other than this: keep pandering to the Greek regime's zionist, globalist and American masters. This will ensure that Greek culture will remain "vibrant" and "lively" for many centuries to come!

At this point rest assured none of the regulars of this section will really care when you express these sorts of baseless opinions.

You are wrong on all points. For an instance, GMO are banned completly in 19 EU nations. One of those is Greece.
In addition to France and Germany, other European countries that placed bans on the cultivation and sale of GMOs include Austria, Hungary, Greece

No GMO is allowed to be cultured, imported olr sold in Greece.

As for women in Greece, i come from the Peloponess. You know Greece was many city states. And here was Sparta...here women had full rights as men. Remember ist was Queen Gorgo of Sparta who brought ruin and destruction on Persia. Queen Gorgo had spies in persian capital Susa, who brought the plans of Xerxes to Greece. It was also Gorgo who adviced her King to throw the persian ambassadors into a well. thus starting the wars which ultimately led to Persias complete destruction. So you see, i would never place our women below men. They are integral part of us and of course enjoy all rights that men enjoy. On the other side in Persian history, there are no noteworthy women at all, which is completly strange from our point of view. In all cultures that are around us, women always played a massive role. Take Egypt for example, men and women were equal there as well.

So of course we wont find any agreement here, since it is a fundamental difference between our two nations.

As for arabisation of Persia. Your leader is named Ali, thats an arab name. You wear arab clothes, adopted most arab customs and culture. Persia had a vibrant history to make wine...thats all gone now under arab law and rule.
Heared they even want ban keeping dogs and cats...

Its bizarre but your country, your rules.

As i said, i have zero trust in the iranian regime, its brutal, barbaric and untrustworthy. Any contract signed by them is not worth the paper its written on.
By "Greek Culture" being vibrant what this idiot really means is Gay Sex is rampant in Greece! That is when they are not stealing and raping babies.

Are you sure these are women? These Women look more manly than most Greek men!!!

You never know with Iran, they say Iran uses men in the women football team.

Khomeini issued a decree making sex change operations legal and protecting the rights of trans people.

The legality of sex change procedures contrasts with the country’s otherwise strict laws regarding sexual morality under the nation’s Sharia code, which forbids homosexuality and pre-marital sex

Tehran has been dubbed one of the world's hub's for gender reassignment operations and there are no legal barriers for trans people in the country.

The government even helps with money towards hormone therapy and surgery for those who want it.

So since Iran is the central of trans people in the world, you never know who stands infront you.
You are wrong on all points. For an instance, GMO are banned completly in 19 EU nations. One of those is Greece.
In addition to France and Germany, other European countries that placed bans on the cultivation and sale of GMOs include Austria, Hungary, Greece

No GMO is allowed to be cultured, imported olr sold in Greece.

You don't know what you're talking about. Germany placed a ban on the sale of GMOs? Not really. Some are banned from being imported and sold, not all. Educate yourself:


From the German Ministry's website: https://www.bmel.de/SharedDocs/FAQs...mitteln/FAQ-gentechnikLebensmitteln_List.html

Even if the ban in Greece were total and all-encompassing, that country is still notorious for its intense use of inorganic fertilizers and other such trash in local agriculture. Not to mention synthetic additives in its food industries. People around here tend to avoid "made in Greece" foodstuffs as much as "made in the USA" ones for a reason. My point stands.

And of course, I don't expect local capitalist swindlers and the media they control to give people an accurate and detailed overview of facts.

As for women in Greece, i come from the Peloponess. You know Greece was many city states. And here was Sparta...here women had full rights as men. Remember ist was Queen Gorgo of Sparta who brought ruin and destruction on Persia. Queen Gorgo had spies in persian capital Susa, who brought the plans of Xerxes to Greece. It was also Gorgo who adviced her King to throw the persian ambassadors into a well. thus starting the wars which ultimately led to Persias complete destruction. So you see, i would never place our women below men. They are integral part of us and of course enjoy all rights that men enjoy. On the other side in Persian history, there are no noteworthy women at all, which is completly strange from our point of view. In all cultures that are around us, women always played a massive role. Take Egypt for example, men and women were equal there as well.

No need to endlessly reiterate the same sort of boring drivel over and over again. Athenians, the most liberals of ancient Greeks, officially instituted a second class status for women. Hence why these were deprived of the right to vote, just like their slaves.

So of course we wont find any agreement here, since it is a fundamental difference between our two nations.

You don't quite get it... Greece is no longer an independent, sovereign nation. It has ceased to exist in everything but name and legal formality.

As for arabisation of Persia. Your leader is named Ali, thats an arab name.

Irrelevant. Some Greeks bear Hebraic ie Semitic Biblical names.

You wear arab clothes,

No, I don't.

adopted most arab customs and culture.

Completely erroneous again. As expected from someone who doesn't know the first thing about Iranian history and culture.

Don't confuse every other place on earth with Greece, which culturally has been alienated by Uncle Sam and the deviant zionist Sanhedrin.

Persia had a vibrant history to make wine...thats all gone now under arab law and rule.
Heared they even want ban keeping dogs and cats...


Its bizarre but your country, your rules.

Not half as much as that weirdo place where pederasty used to be an instituted practice several millennia ago, and which today, for some odd reason, has turned into one of the largest trafficking hubs for children and newborns. Considering the total hold of zionist networks and lobbies over Greece, I wouldn't be surprised if human organ trade was booming there too.

As i said, i have zero trust in the iranian regime, its brutal, barbaric and untrustworthy. Any contract signed by them is not worth the paper its written on.

As I said, nobody here cares of your opinion on the topic. We really don't. Specially since we are fully aware of the serial genocial nature of NATO regimes, as well as of the degree to which their subjugated populations not to mention their supporters have been brainwashed.

You never know with Iran, they say Iran uses men in the women football team.

"They" say many things, sure. But for the time being, Iranian children mustn't fear being sold like cattle or inanimate objects on some seedy black marketplace. And Iranians are enjoying the fact that their state authorities aren't receiving injunctions from a host of foreign supranational bodies, imperial powers, banksters, private interest groups and so on and so forth. Such a nice feeling that is! If only you could fathom.

Khomeini issued a decree making sex change operations legal and protecting the rights of trans people.

The legality of sex change procedures contrasts with the country’s otherwise strict laws regarding sexual morality under the nation’s Sharia code, which forbids homosexuality and pre-marital sex

Tehran has been dubbed one of the world's hub's for gender reassignment operations and there are no legal barriers for trans people in the country.

The government even helps with money towards hormone therapy and surgery for those who want it.

So since Iran is the central of trans people in the world, you never know who stands infront you.

You mean to say you never know the gender of the Iranian person in front of you? But let me see, that's precisely what western regimes, including Greece, have been promoting: third generation feminism or the dissociation of biological and so-called subjective gender as a supposed means to prevent "discrimination" against "sexual minorities".

Which is why little Greek boys and girls from around age 5 or 6 onwards are now taught at school that they can "freely choose" what gender they "wish" to be considered of...! Which is why Greek girls are taught that it's akin to sexist discrimination if they solely played with their American Barbie dolls and that therefore, they too should play cowboy and Indian (with other imported toys and garments); while Greek boys are encouraged to dress in pink, wear skirts and busy themselves with said Barbie dolls as well as with the plastic kitchen imitation.

Which is why in one EU country after another, the very mention of the terms "father" and "mother" is being banned from school documents, as done by France some years ago, to be replaced by "gender neutral" words.

Which is why homosexual couples in Greece order themselves children bred by poor women in India in order to "foster" them jointly.

Iran you say? Nah, none of this is authorized in Iran. Our beloved Supreme Leader stood firm and vetoed the full implementation of UNESCO's 2030 Agenda, which western-apologetic liberals intended to turn into law, and which would have paved the way for these types of degenerate practices. As opposed to Greece, of course, where these abominations are all in full swing as we speak.

But besides these questions, since Greece is the central marketplace for babies, when talking to someone from there, that person themself will possibly ignore who their true parents are, and by extension who they themselves are, right? Terrifying, creepy stuff, to use polite terms (in my upbringing and culture, chivalry and good manners are of the essence).
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You don't know what you're talking about. Germany placed a ban on the sale of GMOs? Not really. Some are banned from being imported and sold, not all. Educate yourself:

View attachment 794130

From the German Ministry's website: https://www.bmel.de/SharedDocs/FAQs...mitteln/FAQ-gentechnikLebensmitteln_List.html

Even if the ban in Greece were total and all-encompassing, that country is still notorious for its intense use of inorganic fertilizers and other such trash in local agriculture. Not to mention synthetic additives in its food industries. People around here tend to avoid "made in Greece" foodstuffs as much as "made in the USA" ones for a reason. My point stands.

And of course, I don't expect local capitalist swindlers and the media they control to give people an accurate and detailed overview of facts.

No need to endlessly reiterate the same sort of boring drivel over and over again. Athenians, the most liberals of ancient Greeks, officially instituted a second class status for women. Hence why these were deprived of the right to vote, just like their slaves.

You don't quite get it... Greece is no longer an independent, sovereign nation. It has ceased to exist in everything but name and legal formality.

Irrelevant. Some Greeks bear Hebraic ie Semitic Biblical names.

No, I don't.

Completely erroneous again. As expected from someone who doesn't know the first thing about Iranian history and culture.

Don't confuse every other place on earth with Greece, which culturally has been alienated by Uncle Sam and the deviant zionist Sanhedrin.


Not half as much as that weirdo place where pederasty used to be an instituted practice several millennia ago, and which today, for some odd reason, has turned into one of the largest trafficking hubs for children and newborns. Considering the total hold of zionist networks and lobbies over Greece, I wouldn't be surprised if human organ trade was booming there too.

As I said, nobody here cares of your opinion on the topic. We really don't. Specially since we are fully aware of the serial genocial nature of NATO regimes, as well as of the degree to which their subjugated populations not to mention their supporters have been brainwashed.

"They" say many things, sure. But for the time being, Iranian children mustn't fear being sold like cattle or inanimate objects on some seedy black marketplace. And Iranians are enjoying the fact that their state authorities aren't receiving injunctions from a host of foreign supranational bodies, imperial powers, banksters, private interest groups and so on and so forth. Such a nice feeling that is! If only you could fathom.

You mean to say you never know the gender of the Iranian person in front of you? But let me see, that's precisely what western regimes, including Greece, have been promoting: third generation feminism or the dissociation of biological and so-called subjective gender as a supposed means to prevent "discrimination" against "sexual minorities".

Which is why little Greek boys and girls from around age 5 or 6 onwards are now taught at school that they can "freely choose" what gender they "wish" to be considered of...! Which is why Greek girls are taught that it's akin to sexist discrimination if they solely played with their American Barbie dolls and that therefore, they too should play cowboy and Indian (with other imported toys and garments); while Greek boys are encouraged to dress in pink, wear skirts and busy themselves with said Barbie dolls as well as with the plastic kitchen imitation.

Which is why in one EU country after another, the very mention of the terms "father" and "mother" is being banned from school documents, as done by France some years ago, to be replaced by "gender neutral" words.

Which is why homosexual couples in Greece order themselves children bred by poor women in India in order to "foster" them jointly.

Iran you say? Nah, none of this is authorized in Iran. Our beloved Supreme Leader stood firm and vetoed the full implementation of UNESCO's 2030 Agenda, which western-apologetic liberals intended to turn into law, and which would have paved the way for these types of degenerate practices. As opposed to Greece, of course, where these abominations are all in full swing as we speak.

But besides these questions, since Greece is the central marketplace for babies, when talking to someone from there, that person themself will possibly ignore who their true parents are, and by extension who they themselves are, right? Terrifying, creepy stuff, to use polite terms (in my upbringing and culture, chivalry and good manners are of the essence).

I think the big problem you have is, that as iranian you could not visit Greece or Europe in general because lack of money and not being able to get a visa. So you spread rubbish like this. At least its amusing to read.

As i said, Iran was always alien and barbaric for us. I dont think that will ever change. Its funny in a way, because we greeks honor and respect most civilisations we encountered. Egypt for example. But Iran was always connected with barbarism, cowardice and weakness.
I think the big problem you have is, that as iranian you could not visit Greece or Europe in general because lack of money and not being able to get a visa. So you spread rubbish like this. At least its amusing to read.

Are you sure? I'm writing you from the heart of western Europe right now, buddy.

You shouldn't be amused, but ought to delve into the hints I leave you. If you do so with an open mind, you might get the wake-up shock of your life (in a beneficial sense, I mean).

As i said, Iran was always alien and barbaric for us. I dont think that will ever change. Its funny in a way, because we greeks honor and respect most civilisations we encountered. Egypt for example. But Iran was always connected with barbarism, cowardice and weakness.

And this is supposed to make me upset or something?
Just look at their "Honor" Guards. These pansie MFers are wearing Women's clothes for F*ck's sake!
View attachment 794115
I`m not surprised that g@y $ex is rampant if this is what passes for a "military uniform" over there.
The other choice was probably something like this

but that violated eu rules about military uniforms having to look gender neutral and non threatening.......or some other pc 💩bullsh!t💩
This is funny on so many levels that I literally choked on my coffee seeing the first pic and then the second post. lol
Are you sure? I'm writing you from the heart of western Europe right now, buddy.

You shouldn't be amused, but ought to delve into the hints I leave you. If you do so with an open mind, you might get the wake-up shock of your life (in a beneficial sense, I mean).

And this is supposed to make me upset or something?

No, its just a statement how i see things. Its an historic fact, that greek iranian relations were never positive.

On a sidenote, im glad you escaped that hell and now live in freedom.
No, its just a statement how i see things. Its an historic fact, that greek iranian relations were never positive.

On a sidenote, im glad you escaped that hell and now live in freedom.

You got that upside down I'm afraid: there are personal / private reasons for my stay here, but I would prefer to live in Iran. I have resided in several different countries so far, none comes close to the paradise that is Iran, the very scent of which is perceptible the moment one sets foot on her soil.
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You got that upside down I'm afraid: there are personal reasons for my stay here, and I would prefer to live in Iran. I have resided in several different countries so far, none comes close to the paradise that is Iran, the very scent of which is perceptible the moment one sets foot on her soil.

I could never imagine to live therr for several reasons.

1. I' m christian

2. I only want live in democracy

3. I want live in freedom.

In 2019 i actually planned to visit Iran in a guided tour but two things busted that, 1. My girl definitly will not cover her hair and 2nd my passport would badicly be downgraded. The travel agency said i could not even visit USA anymore, not even transfer there.

So we skipped it and did an Georgia tour
I could never imagine to live therr for several reasons.

1. I' m christian

2. I only want live in democracy

3. I want live in freedom.

Those are all prejudicial and baseless but anyway. Much deeper examination of the subject - and not from mainstream sources, at least not from political or vulgar journalistic ones is necessary to perceive the reality as it is in this respect. And this should be done before visiting Iran. Unless obliged to do so for whatever reason, I would not travel to a place I look down upon.
It seems that the majority of the posts on this thread are off-topic and the main question of the thread has already been answered quite rigorously with verifiable data.

Can moderators close this thread? It's just a waste of time, full of nothing.

@waz @Irfan Baloch @LeGenD @AgNoStiC MuSliM
Those are all prejudicial and baseless but anyway. Much deeper examination of the subject - and not from mainstream sources, at least not from political or vulgar journalistic ones is necessary to perceive the reality as it is in this respect. And this should be done before visiting Iran. Unless obliged to do so for whatever reason, I would not travel to a place I look down upon.

I wanted to visit Persepolis. Im interested in history.

I look down on no place. Contrary to you.
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