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Nuclear safety policy in Iran

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Thank God Iranians don't have to dependent on a perverted and nation-uprooting institution such as "Hollywood" to furnish them with elements to take civilizational pride in.

Not really this long now was it, plus I found it both interesting and telling that close to half of all Greeks chose to emigrate from their homeland, as opposed to barely 5% of Iranians... Guess living conditions in Greece mustn't be that much superior after all.

The Iranian government could school the world, and especially zionist/NATO imperialists and oppressors on the subject of "respect for human life".

But you can keep relying on random Iranian expatriates as well as their delusional biased anecdotes as a basis for social and political analysis of contemporary Iran if you prefer... It may stroke your ego, won't get you far in terms of actually understanding relevant facts and realities though. Not that you seem genuinely willing to objectively, scientifically approach these topics anyway.

Are people hung from cranes in Iran? I ask because thats whats told here and i would like to know if thats true.

As for emigration, most are greeks who came from asia minor and then migrated global.
Are people hung from cranes in Iran? I ask because thats whats told here and i would like to know if thats true.

As for emigration, most are greeks who came from asia minor and then migrated global.

I suspected from your tone earlier, but just confirmed with 100% certainty what your problem really is.

its not nuclear safety. its mostly jealousy and ignorance. ignorance that western propaganda tells you only the white man is capable and responsible enough to play around with nuclear technology.

and jealousy at the fact that Iran, which in your delusions you seem to think of as some supposed "backward mullah" state is becoming far more advanced technologically then europes brothel (greece). Where the germans throw you around lifelines here and there to prevent a famine, in exchange for greece staying in their globalist world order.

You really really need to educate yourself on many levels. first of all you should learn a little history, and get on your knees, and thank the so called "mullahs" that saved not only greece, but half of europe from the Ottomans when they were in their absolute prime in 16-18 century and steamrolling europe at will.

the ONLY thing that prevented the ottomans from overruing europe and capturing at least as far as the vatican was the monster known as the safavid empire (that same shia religous state that you despise). The ottomans could never fully commit to europe, always having to keep 1 eye on Iran and on occasion even signing unfavorable peace terms with europe to concentrate on fighting the safavids.

many wahabi's and pink panturks still hate Iran to this date for this supposed "betrayal of islam, and being allied with the crusaders"

Lastly you should also thank Iran that Greece has any sort of relevance period. the biggest greek achievement in their history was a single victory over the Persian royal army. At a time when the Persians owned the world, and probably grossly underestimated the threat of a peripheral pirate greek city states... add that with one of the greatest generals in history fighting one of the most coward kings in Irans history (who was one of the few kings in Irans history to personally flee from the battlefield. )

I dont see where your hostility to Iran comes from.... You should be worshipping Iran if you had even the slightest clue about history.
I suspected from your tone earlier, but just confirmed with 100% certainty what your problem really is.

its not nuclear safety. its mostly jealousy and ignorance. ignorance that western propaganda tells you only the white man is capable and responsible enough to play around with nuclear technology.

and jealousy at the fact that Iran, which in your delusions you seem to think of as some supposed "backward mullah" state is becoming far more advanced technologically then europes brothel (greece). Where the germans throw you around lifelines here and there to prevent a famine, in exchange for greece staying in their globalist world order.

You really really need to educate yourself on many levels. first of all you should learn a little history, and get on your knees, and thank the so called "mullahs" that saved not only greece, but half of europe from the Ottomans when they were in their absolute prime in 16-18 century and steamrolling europe at will.

the ONLY thing that prevented the ottomans from overruing europe and capturing at least as far as the vatican was the monster known as the safavid empire (that same shia religous state that you despise). The ottomans could never fully commit to europe, always having to keep 1 eye on Iran and on occasion even signing unfavorable peace terms with europe to concentrate on fighting the safavids.

many wahabi's and pink panturks still hate Iran to this date for this supposed "betrayal of islam, and being allied with the crusaders"

Lastly you should also thank Iran that Greece has any sort of relevance period. the biggest greek achievement in their history was a single victory over the Persian royal army. At a time when the Persians owned the world, and probably grossly underestimated the threat of a peripheral pirate greek city states... add that with one of the greatest generals in history fighting one of the most coward kings in Irans history (who was one of the few kings in Irans history to personally flee from the battlefield. )

I dont see where your hostility to Iran comes from.... You should be worshipping Iran if you had even the slightest clue about history.

Jealous for what? Greece could start nuclear power whenever it wants. We simply outlawed it for security reasons and because the majority is against it. We are a democracy you know?

Last time i checked Iranians are white as well. Or do you claim now to be black african?

Im not hostile to Iran. Our nations share thousands of years of history. We had good and bad times. I dont trust the mullahs, i believe Iran deserves better than that.
Jealous for what? Greece could start nuclear power whenever it wants. We simply outlawed it for security reasons and because the majority is against it. We are a democracy you know?

Last time i checked Iranians are white as well. Or do you claim now to be black african?

Im not hostile to Iran. Our nations share thousands of years of history. We had good and bad times. I dont trust the mullahs, i believe Iran deserves better than that.
I hope I can remember this post of yours to mention you when oil prices will go up again and reach $100 a barrel.
I hope you don't disagree with me that Greece has severe energy issues.
Nuclear energy is a cost effective option if you have the technology, and enough uranium reserves.

Solar energy can be the future if it becomes more cost efficient, as countries like Germany have heavily invested in it, I don't deny that. But nuclear energy will always remain one of the most cost effective options for energy. And if the world cracks the fission problem, it will also be the cleanest option as well.

You seemed greatly misinformed about Iran's nuclear program and nuclear reactors in general. You didn't even know that Iran is using a VVER-1000/446 reactor at Bushehr. You thought it was an outdated Biblis reactor. But even when you were corrected, you didn't seem to change your course.

VVER-1000/446 is a 3rd generation pressurized water reactor and it is the most recent one of its kind in the VVER-1000 series. It is actually quite modern by the standards of the time Bushehr was completed (2008) and even today, compared to most operational nuclear reactors in different parts of the world. Iran's nuclear reactor at Bushehr is only a core catcher short of a 3+ generation reactor. The 2nd reactor at Bushehr already includes a core catching room.

You wrongly assumed that Bushehr was directly near the shore. You didn't even bother to check the photo and compare it to Google maps. You don't seem genuinely interested in the issue. You are jumping from one off-topic issue to another one in desperation.
I hope I can remember this post of yours to mention you when oil prices will go up again and reach $100 a barrel.
I hope you don't disagree with me that Greece has severe energy issues.
Nuclear energy is a cost effective option if you have the technology, and enough uranium reserves.

Solar energy can be the future if it becomes more cost efficient, as countries like Germany have heavily invested in it, I don't deny that. But nuclear energy will always remain one of the most cost effective options for energy. And if the world cracks the fission problem, it will also be the cleanest option as well.

You seemed greatly misinformed about Iran's nuclear program and nuclear reactors in general. You didn't even know that Iran is using a VVER-1000/446 reactor at Bushehr. You thought it was an outdated Biblis reactor. But even when you were corrected, you didn't seem to change your course.

VVER-1000/446 is a 3rd generation pressurized water reactor and it is the most recent one of its kind in the VVER-1000 series. It is actually quite modern by the standards of the time Bushehr was completed (2008) and even today, compared to most operational nuclear reactors in different parts of the world. Iran's nuclear reactor at Bushehr is only a core catcher short of a 3+ generation reactor. The 2nd reactor at Bushehr already includes a core catching room.

You wrongly assumed that Bushehr was directly near the shore. You didn't even bother to check the photo and compare it to Google maps. You don't seem genuinely interested in the issue. You are jumping from one off-topic issue to another one in desperation.

We have the technology but simply no place in Greece to operate it riskfree. We gave earthquakes, volcanos and tsunami. There is simply no place where we could run a nuclear power plant.

We also have uranium ore in Greece. Even larger deposits than Iran. The are huge deposits in Thrace and Macedonia. But as i said, the big majority in Greece voted against it. Any party pushing for it would lose at election. We have a research reactor running to produce elements needed for science and medicine but thats about it.

We now invest alot in solar and wind energy. We have lots of sun, so thats the way to go.
We have the technology but simply no place in Greece to operate it riskfree. We gave earthquakes, volcanos and tsunami. There is simply no place where we could run a nuclear power plant.

We also have uranium ore in Greece. Even larger deposits than Iran. The are huge deposits in Thrace and Macedonia. But as i said, the big majority in Greece voted against it. Any party pushing for it would lose at election. We have a research reactor running to produce elements needed for science and medicine but thats about it.

We now invest alot in solar and wind energy. We have lots of sun, so thats the way to go.
I highly doubt that you have the technology. Show me one Greek nuclear reactor design.

You have the technology but you don't want it? Fine. Why don't you export your expertise to countries that want to construct nuclear reactors? That has no risks for Greece.

And how many tonnes of uranium does your large deposit have? The most I could find on Google says Greece has 7,000 tonnes of uranium reserves. Iran has recently discovered 30,000 tonnes of uranium reserves.
This is basically all that exists pertaining to nuclear industry in Greece:
A single 5-MW research reactor at Demokritos Research Institute which was constructed by the United States in 1960s. Initially, it was a 1-MW nuclear reactor but later in late 1960s, it was upgraded. That's all that exists in Greece regarding nuclear industry.

You are not self-sufficient even in nuclear medicine. What's your excuse for that? You don't need nuclear medicine? You don't need radiopharmaceuticals? You will replace them with solar-pharmaceuticals? 😁
I highly doubt that you have the technology. Show me one Greek nuclear reactor design.

You have the technology but you don't want it? Fine. Why don't you export your expertise to countries that want to construct nuclear reactors? That has no risks for Greece.

And how many tonnes of uranium does your large deposit have? The most I could find on Google says Greece has 7,000 tonnes of uranium reserves. Iran has recently discovered 30,000 tonnes of uranium reserves.

Show me iranian reactor design. You use russian and old german tech.

Dude ...nuclear power is old tech from the 1940th. Any EU nation can run nuclear power if wanted.

Why should we export something that has no relevance for Greece?

Nuclear power has no place here. Its dirty, comes with high risks and has no support by the greek people.
This is basically all that exists pertaining to nuclear industry in Greece:
A single 5-MW research reactor at Demokritos Research Institute which was constructed by the United States in 1960s. Initially, it was a 1-MW nuclear reactor but later in late 1960s, it was upgraded. That's all that exists in Greece regarding nuclear industry.

You are not self-sufficient even in nuclear medicine. What's your excuse for that? You don't need nuclear medicine? You don't need radiopharmaceuticals? You will replace them with solar-pharmaceuticals? 😁

We are a respected nation in the world, not crippled by sanctions and can buy anything we want. Thats the difference between Greece and Iran. If we would be an international pariah this would be different. So regarding that we are in a better and more comfortable position.
Show me iranian reactor design. You use russian and old german tech.

Dude ...nuclear power is old tech from the 1940th. Any EU nation can run nuclear power if wanted.

Why should we export something that has no relevance for Greece?

Nuclear power has no place here. Its dirty, comes with high risks and has no support by the greek people.
We do not operate any German reactors. We operate US-made research reactors at Tehran and Isfahan. And a Russian reactor at Bushehr. I knew you were dumb, but I didn't know you couldn't read as well.

IR-40. An Iranian CANDU design that was almost finished in 2015 but Iranian negotiators in the JCPOA decided to cancel the project at last moment because it could produce 5-8 kilograms of plutonium annually.

A lot of things are 1940s technology that most European states cannot and will not be able to acquire them.
Russia is making billions of dollars in contracts for constructing nuclear reactors around the world. I didn't know Greek economy is doing so well that billions of dollars has no relevance for it.

Yeah. Treat your patients suffering from cancer with solar medicine. 😬
We are a respected nation in the world, not crippled by sanctions and can buy anything we want. Thats the difference between Greece and Iran. If we would be an international pariah this would be different. So regarding that we are in a better and more comfortable position.
Yeah. A "respected" nation that has a history of being the underdog and were refugees in Syria for a good portion of the 20th century. And is constantly made fun of for stealing Germany's money.

I'm not even going to mention what kind of poor, disgraceful, ungrateful bastards you are that you are barbarically beating Syrian refugees. The very ones that saved you from ethnic and religious cleansing on multiple occasions.
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We do not operate any German reactors. We operate US-made research reactors at Tehran and Isfahan. And a Russian reactor at Bushehr. I knew you were dumb, but I didn't know you couldn't read as well.

IR-40. An Iranian CANDU design that was almost finished in 2015 but Iranian negotiators in the JCPOA decided to cancel the project at last moment because it could produce 5-8 kilograms of plutonium annually.

A lot of things are 1940s technology that most European states cannot and will not be able to acquire them.
Russia is making billions of dollars in contracts for constructing nuclear reactors around the world. I didn't know Greek economy is doing so well that billions of dollars has no relevance for it.

Yeah. Treat your patients suffering from cancer with solar medicine. 😬

Yeah. A "respected" nation that has a history of being the underdog and were refugees in Syria for a good portion of the 20th century. And is constantly made fun of for stealing Germany's money.

I'm not even going to mention what kind of poor, disgraceful, ungrateful bastards you are that you are barbarically beating Syrian refugees. The very ones that saved you from ethnic and religious cleansing on multiple occasions.

Did you know Alexander used persian soldiers corpses to make a bridge over a river after the battle of Issos?

EU regulations forbid the export of nuclear technology, since its not part of green energy. For same reason Germany shuts its entire nuclear industry down.
Did you know Alexander used persian soldiers corpses to make a bridge over a river after the battle of Issos?

EU regulations forbid the export of nuclear technology, since its not part of green energy. For same reason Germany shuts its entire nuclear industry down.
Did you know that you will soon become slaves of Asians again? And this time when Muslims start to cleanse you for good, you will have to pimp your women to convince Syrians to let you in again?

Is that why France is offering Poland to build nuclear reactors for them? And Macron just this week announced to build new nuclear plants to reduce its dependence on foreign supplied energy?
Did you know that you will soon become slaves of Asians again? And this time when Muslims start to cleanse you for good, you will have to pimp your women to convince Syrians to let you in again?

Is that why France is offering Poland to build nuclear reactors for them? And Macron just this week announced to build new nuclear plants to reduce its dependence on foreign supplied energy?

France and Germany argue about this and Germany does evrything to block it. They are extremly anti nuclear power.

As for your rant at the beginning of your post. Why you belittle yourself now?
France and Germany argue about this and Germany does evrything to block it. They are extremly anti nuclear power.

As for your rant at the beginning of your post. Why you belittle yourself now?
Since when does the President of France has to ask Germany for permission? It is Yunan that is in debt to Germany, not France.

I just reminded you of the truth and the history of Greece. From slaves of the Ottomans to refugees in Syria (the very nation that hosted you in your worst times but you animals are beating their refugees now).
In Greece how do they separate the boys from the men? They use a crowbar! :omghaha:

Yet we defeated you and eben burned down Persepolis. 😅
Since when does the President of France has to ask Germany for permission? It is Yunan that is in debt to Germany, not France.

I just reminded you of the truth and the history of Greece. From slaves of the Ottomans to refugees in Syria (the very nation that hosted you in your worst times but you animals are beating their refugees now).

Its called EU. The energy politics are decided in brussels and Germany blocks nuclear power to be funded as green energy.

P.s. nobody hosted us. My family lives in Argos always. 🙂
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