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Nuclear safety policy in Iran

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Have you ever visited the areas where uranium ore is mined? Its in no way a green technology. There also is still no solution how to woek with nuclear waste.

As i said, we Greeks love our nation too much to place that shit in our country and thats the consensus here.

A suggestion: kindly try and lecture the rest of the "industrialized nations" which decided otherwise and leave Iranians alone.

On a sidenote, crazy Mullahs owning nuclear weapons is the last thing humanity needs. I have no doubts they would use it against their own people in case a revolution breaks out.

Comments like these just show the weight of your prejudice when it comes to Iranian affairs. Because using nuclear weapons on major Iranian cities is somehow going to leave the interests of the Iranian leadership untouched! And it's the so-called "mullahs" you qualify as irrational... Unbelievable.

What this shows in fact is how dangerous and lunatic western regimes are, given how they appear to influence their citizenry into such types of thinking.

The Islamic Republic will acquire nuclear weapons for MAD purposes if it deems necessary and if there's no other viable deterrent left against Iran's maniacal existential enemies. And Iranians will overwhelmingly support such a move. End of story.
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A suggestion: kindly try and lecture the rest of the "industrialized nations" who decided otherwise and leave Iranians alone.

Comments like these just show the weight of your prejudice when it comes to Iranian affairs. Because using nuclear weapons on major Iranian cities is somehow going to leave the interests of the Iranian leadership untouched! And it's the so-called "mullahs" you qualify as irrational... Unbelievable.

What this shows in fact is how dangerous and lunatic western regimes are, given how they appear to influence their citizenry into such types of thinking.

The Islamic Republic will acquire nuclear weapons for MAD purposes if it deems necessary and if there's no other viable deterrent left against Iran's maniacal existential enemies. And Iranians will overwhelmingly support such a move. End of story.

Germany ends nuclear,power within next two years. Thats the waynto go. It is one planet we share and i can of course also say my opinion to Iran.

As for the Mullahs, i have im general zero trust in any theocratic regime. The mullah regime has zero respect for human life, includig their own people. Thats consensus also in the entire region. If iran gets nukes all its neughbors will also get nukes and that region is crazy enough to use them.
Germany ends nuclear,power within next two years. Thats the waynto go. It is one planet we share and i can of course also say my opinion to

Still a small minority. You single out and point fingers at a nation, Iran, while contrasting it with so-called developed countries, whereas the latter with a few exceptions have opted for nuclear energy. This doesn't exactly come across as well meaning expression of opinion.

As for the Mullahs, i have im general zero trust in any theocratic regime.

I have none in zionist- and freemason-controlled ones preaching human rights and enlightenment while conducting neo-colonial policies of oppression and while not being able to function properly without provoking endless wars of aggression which they whitewash through continuous social engineering and mass brainwashing of peoples worldwide.

The mullah regime has zero respect for human life, includig their own people.

That's more of a demagogic slogan, and not really in touch with ground realities.

Thats consensus also in the entire region.

Consensus among whom? The majority of Iranians, who stand behind the political order of the Islamic Republic? Iran's various allies, partners and their constituencies? Iran's numerous friends and sympathizers not just in the region but beyond?

Or perhaps amongst dictatorial vassal regimes of the US, as well as random individuals misled by the overwhelming mainstream propaganda which has been demonizing Iran's leadership for over 40 years nonstop?

If iran gets nukes all its neughbors will also get nukes and that region is crazy enough to use them.

More cliché-afflicted, borderline discriminatory invectives. The countries you're referring to will not get their hands on nuclear weapons because they are zionist and western client regimes, and their patrons aren't going to allow them to acquire such weaponry. Unless placed under de facto control of said suzerains, who will then enjoy plausible deniability if they choose to make use of it. And that in turn would really be dangerous, because guess who historically was actually the only state 'crazy' and criminal enough to drop nuclear bombs on civilians population centers, not once but twice?

Oh, and while we're at it, you ought to forward your worries about potential nuclear arms race in West Asia to the apartheid regime occupying Palestine, which is the only entity in possession of such weapons in the neighborhood, and which through its policies and actions has consistently underscored its contempt for international and ethical norms, actions that include but aren't limited to outright ethnic cleansing (as with the Nakba episode).
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I think thats quite an interesting question and i would like to know how this is handeled in Iran.

In Greece our government decided that nuclear power is not an option for Greece. We have enormous seismic activity, active volcanos, Tsunamis and so on. There is no place in Greece that would allow the save operation of a nuclear power plant.

Iran shares this burden with Greece, Iran too as enormous seismic activity. Its reactors are of an older design and in case of a massive earthquake, the system is prone to fail.

Are there plans what to do then? The plant in Busher has no core catcher. If the reactor fails entire Bushher would have to be evacuated. The persian gulf is right nearby and the devastating effects would affect the entire region. Even Bahrain would have to be partly evacuated. If you overlap the Fukushima evacuation zone on Bushehr, Bahrain would be fully within the zone.

So i would like to know is there security debates and what must be done in case of emergency? Is the population aware of the chances but also risks involved?

Are there ideas to invest more in soldar energy? The area of Bushher could produce gigantic amounts of energy through solar power.
you can anticipate all of these and make redundant failure procedures. Their are places in Colorodo with higher background radiation than Fukushima because of the Uraniam deposites. Colorodo also has the lowest cancer rates. Japan doesn't allow people to return to Fukushima because they are scared of getting sued by people who die of cancer their.
Germany ends nuclear,power within next two years. Thats the waynto go. It is one planet we share and i can of course also say my opinion to Iran.
Now they have an energy crisis.
African nations dont build daussault and airbus jets.

Nantanz is a nuclear installation, which repeatedly had massive explosions. That shows there are enormous security problems.
Actually if by building you mean participation as a third nipple in a project that belongs to another country (France), there are such African countries like Egypt. But if you mean actually building those things, then neither does Greece.

Natanz is an enrichment facility with zero chance of a nuclear leak. And it has never blown up. A minor sabotage in a room that stores mechanical equipment outside of the facility itself is not blowing up. So, I'm still waiting for you to say which facility in Iran has blown up.

There are no security problems. This whole shit-show is an intelligence theater by the intelligence apparatus of Iran to pull out of a failed deal (the JCPOA) slowly and without the returning of UNSC sanctions and with extremely minor and unnoticeable costs to the program itself. Israel is just foolish enough to take responsibility for things they haven't done and facilitates Iran's plans.

Iran is almost in complete violation of the JCPOA to the point that our today's nuclear activity is overtly non-civilian and way more advanced towards nuclear arms than before the JCPOA and nobody dares to activate the trigger mechanism in the JCPOA. We are literally producing metal uranium under the inspection of the IAEA which has no civilian application. We have stockpiled enough enriched uranium for 5 - 10 nuclear bombs and yet we are under no UNSC sanctions. We have already tested and are already operating potent centrifuges (several times more powerful than the ones we operated before) that are small enough to be used for a covert enrichment program and we weren't allowed to even test them until 2025 under the JCPOA without any consequence whatsoever. We replaced IR-1 machines that were supposed to be our main operating centrifuges with newer centrifuges (which we weren't allowed to use) and again, nobody is saying anything. We literally told the world that we had mastered implosion engineering for nuclear bombs in 2003, through "stolen documents" that Israel showed to public more than 15 years after the successful end of the AMAD project.

If Iran did any of these things without an excuse, we would've been slapped several more rounds of UNSC sanctions besides the previous 4 resolutions that were suspended because of the JCPOA. We are not even under Chapter VII of the UNSC charter anymore.
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You forgot to mention your academic youth fleeing the country because they have no future there and revolts of the people who cant afford bread and fuel anymore. I think those are more pressing issues than centrifuges. That you have a guy as president now who murdered thousands of people doesnt help much either.

I would say your priorities are mismatched. If Greece would be governed like Iran, parliament would be in flames.
There is only ONE thing Greeks like you are known for around the world. Care to guess what that is?
You forgot to mention your academic youth fleeing the country because they have no future there and revolts of the people who cant afford bread and fuel anymore. I think those are more pressing issues than centrifuges. That you have a guy as president now who murdered thousands of people doesnt help much either.

I would say your priorities are mismatched. If Greece would be governed like Iran, parliament would be in flames.
Except that our youth are staying in the country and are quite satisfied with their lives unlike Greece where 7 million people of a teeny-tiny nation of about 10 millions live abroad. That's like what? Half of the Greeks almost?
Suicide rates in Greece and Iran are quite similar as well (5.2 in 100,000 people). Your average worker in Iran lives better than a worker in Greece where entire families had to live on the street and beg for money before Germany saved you and kept on humiliating you with "pay debt" jokes for like forever. Iranians consume 6 times more energy than Europe's average.

Iran is nearly 8 times more populous than Greece and only 2 - 3 million Iranians live abroad, most of them are over 30. Some of them are well-over 60 and immigrated in 1970s and 1980s. Do the math on your own. That's what? Like 16 times less immigration than Greece?

You really should start comparing Greece to African countries, not Iran. Even Iran in 1970s was more industrialized than today's Greece, or future Greece. Your main goal for future should be survival against Turkey and a dying population.
There is only ONE thing Greeks like you are known for around the world. Care to guess what that is?

Crushing the Persians.

300 and 300 Rise of an Empire made this global popular culture. 😁
Except that our youth are staying in the country and are quite satisfied with their lives unlike Greece where 7 million people of a teeny-tiny nation of about 10 millions live abroad. That's like what? Half of the Greeks almost?
Suicide rates in Greece and Iran are quite similar as well (5.2 in 100,000 people). Your average worker in Iran lives better than a worker in Greece where entire families had to live on the street and beg for money before Germany saved you and kept on humiliating you with "pay debt" jokes for like forever. Iranians consume 6 times more energy than Europe's average.

Iran is nearly 8 times more populous than Greece and only 2 - 3 million Iranians live abroad, most of them are over 30. Some of them are well-over 60 and immigrated in 1970s and 1980s. Do the math on your own. That's what? Like 16 times less immigration than Greece?

You really should start comparing Greece to African countries, not Iran. Even Iran in 1970s was more industrialized than today's Greece, or future Greece. Your main goal for future should be survival against Turkey and a dying population.

Guess i hit a nerve. Such a long pamphlet for nothing.

Thing is, i know Iranians. A girl i know is from Shiraz and she told me what depressing society she escaped. Its a frigid open air prison, where educated people have no future and go away.

Its a government with zero respect for nature and human life. Its rivers dry up and are poisoned, agriculture is in bad shape, the soil is full of salt. I have no doubt that nuclear security plays no role as well.
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Guess i hit a nerve. Such a long pamphlet for nothing.

Thing is, i know Iranians. A girl i know is from Shiraz and she told me what depressing society she escaped. Its a frigid open air prison, where educated people have no future and go away.

Its a government with zero respect for nature and human life. Its rivers dry up and are poisoned, agriculture is in bad shape, the soil is full of salt. I have no doubt that nuclear security plays no role as well.
Imagine what an imbecile you are that some potentially university dropout or a person with low grades has convinced you that she's educated. 😁

We also have zero respect for Eurofags, if she didn't tell you.
Imagine what an imbecile you are that some potentially university dropout or a person with low grades has convinced you that she's educated. 😁

We also have zero respect for Eurofags, if she didn't tell you.

She has a very good university degree in mathematics. She is educated and as a women sees no future in Iran.
We all know what women are treated like in Iran buddy.
You meant we all know "how" women are treated like in Iran. Didn't you?
And then you think we should believe you when you say you've done your research and you're smarter than older people.

Plus, you're jumping from this off-topic issue to that off-topic issue. If you want to chit-chat, you can write to me on my profile.
You meant we all know "how" women are treated like in Iran. Didn't you?
And then you think we should believe you when you say you've done your research and you're smarter than older people.

Plus, you're jumping from this off-topic issue to that off-topic issue. If you want to chit-chat, you can write to me on my profile.

Lets agree to disagree. Its obvious our nations have very different opinion about many things. Be it women rights or nuclear power.
Crushing the Persians.

300 and 300 Rise of an Empire made this global popular culture.

Thank God Iranians don't have to dependent on a perverted and nation-uprooting institution such as "Hollywood" to furnish them with elements to take civilizational pride in.

Guess i hit a nerve. Such a long pamphlet for nothing.

Not really this long now was it, plus I found it both interesting and telling that close to half of all Greeks chose to emigrate from their homeland, as opposed to barely 5% of Iranians... Guess living conditions in Greece mustn't be that much superior after all.

Thing is, i know Iranians. A girl i know is from Shiraz and she told me what depressing society she escaped. Its a frigid open air prison, where educated people have no future and go away.

Its a government with zero respect for nature and human life. Its rivers dry up and are poisoned, agriculture is in bad shape, the soil is full of salt. I have no doubt that nuclear security plays no role as well.

The Iranian government could school the world, and especially zionist/NATO imperialists and oppressors on the subject of "respect for human life".

But you can keep relying on random Iranian expatriates as well as their delusional biased anecdotes as a basis for social and political analysis of contemporary Iran if you prefer... It may stroke your ego, won't get you far in terms of actually understanding relevant facts and realities though. Not that you seem genuinely willing to objectively, scientifically approach these topics anyway.
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