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Nuclear safety policy in Iran

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I study geology at university and the persian gulf is prone to even megatsunamis. Its topography works like a refraction mirror. The indian oceans depth is in average 3800 meters deep, in the arabian sea its even on average 4500 meters. Any strong earthquake in that area can trigger an earthquake. The waves with travel northwards unnoticeable and then push into the persian gulf. There the wave will rise to enormous sizes. Analysis shows that up to 85meters are possible. If you want see a similar scenario, read about the Doggerland Tsunami.
push into sea of Oman but Persian gulf have a choke hole at its entrance and that hole have three turn its like a walled port , that must be a very strange tsunami to navigate through strait of Hormoz and enter Persian gulf.
here a beautiful space photo of the region that explain it all

by the way tsunami cant bypass that strait pass overland unless its around 1-2 thousands of meter high and that's because of the mountains in southern and northern shore of strait of Hormoz
you see Bushehr is the light area in middle of the map on northern shore after the strait even if a freak tsunami manage to pass the strait it go toward the southern shore AKA Qatar
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If you want see a similar scenario, read about the Doggerland Tsunami.
not same scenario at all , it was Atlantic ocean with more than 3000m average depth and that enormous mass of water

by the way Doggerland tsunami happened because of Storegga Slide and let read why it happened
Storegga has been thoroughly investigated as part of the preparation activities for the Ormen Lange gas field off the coast of Norway. The prevalent conclusion is the slide was caused by glacial deposits left behind after the previous glacial period, making any recurrence only possible following a new ice age.[2] After facts and arguments supporting this conclusion were published in 2004, the development of the Ormen Lange gas field was considered unlikely to increase the risk of triggering a new slide
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push into sea of Oman but Persian gulf have a choke hole at its entrance and that hole have three turn its like a walled port , that must be a very strange tsunami to navigate through strait of Hormoz and enter Persian gulf.
here a beautiful space photo of the region that explain it all

by the way tsunami cant bypass that strait pass overland unless its around 1-2 thousands of meter high and that's because of the mountains in southern and northern shore of strait of Hormoz
you see Bushehr is the light area in middle of the map on northern shore after the strait even if a freak tsunami manage to pass the strait it go toward the southern shore AKA Qatar

You dont know how tsunamis work. it doesnt bypass it, it pushs into it like into fjord. Infact such topograhphy creates the worst devastating tsunamis. The entire persian gulf area is geological quite interesting in that regard. The energy would smash into the gulf of oman and then multiply its power through that narrow part and refract back and forth. The biggest effect would be on Bahrain though
not same scenario at all , it was Atlantic ocean with more than 3000m average depth and that enormous mass of water

by the way Doggerland tsunami happened because of Storegga Slide and let read why it happened

its a similar scenario. Doggerland laid in the North Sea which is very shallow as the persian gulf. The indian ocean infront it is also roughly 4000 meters deep. Infact its deeper than the atlantic infron the north sea. There is also a joker in the arabian sea, the Shiva impact structure. Its not well understood yet but it appears to be a massive meteorite crater and this creates alot of geological instability, land slides and so on. The most risky area is Oman, Iran, Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq.
You dont know how tsunamis work. it doesnt bypass it, it pushs into it like into fjord. Infact such topograhphy creates the worst devastating tsunamis. The entire persian gulf area is geological quite interesting in that regard. The energy would smash into the gulf of oman and then multiply its power through that narrow part and refract back and forth. The biggest effect would be on Bahrain though
well right and wrong , tsunami cant enter Persian gulf , its nothing but waves , when it come near land it become what is known as tsunami , lower layers become slow because of friction with sea bed so upper layers pile upon them. well that will happen in strait of Hormoz , after that what ever enter Persian gulf is normal waves that lost most of its energy and speed
and why Bahrain its protected behind Qatar , waves first must pass Qatar then they can reach Bahrain
Wrong, Fukushima did not get a scratch from the earthquake. The tsunami damaged the electrical grid. After that the cooling system was offline. You had a perfectly unscratched nuclear power plant, melting towards desaster.

And of course is the persian gulf prone to tsunamis. It appears you have no clue how tsunamis work.

Im actually quite shocked about your absence of knowledge.
I am actually quite shocked that you sound clueless about nuclear safety but you're still talking about it.

First of all, the Persian Gulf is not prone to tsunamis. There's no strong enough seismic activity in the Persian Gulf region, and believe me, I spent almost an hour Googling and reading different scientific articles that popped up and none of them mentioned the Persian Gulf as a region under the threat of tsunamis or capable of strong seismic activity like in Japan. Not even close. And the history of the region has not witnessed tsunamis that caught media's attention and I can say that as a person who lives here and believe me, if any strong tsunami had happened, people would've heard about it. The closest thing to a tsunami in the entire history of the Persian Gulf that I could find is this which is like a fart in the storm compared to what happened in Japan and it occurred in the north-east shore of the Persian Gulf close to the Strait of Hormuz:

Even if some earthquake happens in the Indian Ocean or the Sea of Oman, it won't reach Bushehr. Nothing of the sort has been heard of in that region. No country neighboring the Persian Gulf seems worried about tsunamis, with some of the world's most important oil and gas infrastructures in this region that contribute a lot to the world's energy security, all unprepared for this scenario because it's extremely unlikely. The Indian Ocean or the Sea of Oman can create tsunamis, but it will most likely affect our eastern coast, the UAE, Oman and Pakistan, not Bushehr which is beyond the Straight of Hormuz and is in a place where the depth of water barely exceeds 30 meters and could be probably hundreds of kilometres away from where it could potentially happen.

Secondly, in a light water reactor, there's a passive nuclear safety mechanism that is there by design and does not need operator intervention to activate. A pressurized water reactor has a large negative void coefficient which makes it self-regulating. Because it uses light water as both the moderator and the coolant, if the flow of coolant stops and it becomes hotter, the reactor will become less reactive and it will shut itself down instead of exploding. So, basically once you position the control rods, the reactor will keep its temperature on its own more or less. That's why the Fukushima incident never became a disaster, unlike the Chernobyl incident. Pressurized water reactors generally have a more negative void coefficient than boiling water reactors, which makes them passively safer against a loss of coolant accident.

In the end thats Irans business and not ours. I see the problem that we could see when chernobyl blew up, it speed up the collapse of the USSR. In that case it would be up to Greece to block iranian refugees, when large areas of their country become uninhabitable.

P.s. i saw now on google maps that the power generators which power the cooling system are directly located at the shore and have zero tsunami protection...
The fact that you are even comparing the Bushehr reactor with an accident like the Chernobyl shows how clueless you really are.
And as long as there's Turkey in our neighborhood, nobody would even put their dirty pants in Greece. lol

Also, the water you see there is not the shore itself, our 19-year old self-claimed nuclear safety expert. 🤦‍♂️

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I am actually quite shocked that you sound clueless about nuclear safety but you're still talking about it.

First of all, the Persian Gulf is not prone to tsunamis. There's no strong enough seismic activity in the Persian Gulf region, and believe me, I spent almost an hour Googling and reading different scientific articles that popped up and none of them mentioned the Persian Gulf as a region under the threat of tsunamis or capable of strong seismic activity like in Japan. Not even close. And the history of the region has not witnessed tsunamis that caught media's attention and I can say that as a person who lives here and believe me, if any strong tsunami had happened, people would've heard about it. The closest thing to a tsunami in the entire history of the Persian Gulf that I could find is this which is like a fart in the storm compared to what happened in Japan and it occurred in the north-east shore of the Persian Gulf close to the Strait of Hormuz:

Even if some earthquake happens in the Indian Ocean or the Sea of Oman, it won't reach Bushehr. Nothing of the sort has been heard of in that region. No country neighboring the Persian Gulf seems worried about tsunamis, with some of the world's most important oil and gas infrastructures in this region that contribute a lot to the world's energy security, all unprepared for this scenario because it's extremely unlikely. The Indian Ocean or the Sea of Oman can create tsunamis, but it will most likely affect our eastern coast, the UAE, Oman and Pakistan, not Bushehr which is beyond the Straight of Hormuz and is in a place where the depth of water barely exceeds 30 meters and could be probably hundreds of kilometres away from where it could potentially happen.

Secondly, in a light water reactor, there's a passive nuclear safety mechanism that is there by design and does not need operator intervention to activate. A pressurized water reactor has a large negative void coefficient which makes it self-regulating. Because it uses light water as both the moderator and the coolant, if the flow of coolant stops and it becomes hotter, the reactor will become less reactive and it will shut itself down instead of exploding. So, basically once you position the control rods, the reactor will keep its temperature on its own more or less. That's why the Fukushima incident never became a disaster, unlike the Chernobyl incident. Pressurized water reactors generally have a more negative void coefficient than boiling water reactors, which makes them passively safer against a loss of coolant accident.

The fact that you are even comparing the Bushehr reactor with an accident like the Chernobyl shows how clueless you really are.
And as long as there's Turkey in our neighborhood, nobody would even put their dirty pants in Greece. lol

Also, the water you see there is not the shore itself, our 19-year old self-claimed nuclear safety expert. 🤦‍♂️

Bushehr is based on the german Biblis nuclear power plant system. A system that Germany shuts down for safety reasons. So what do you say about this? Not good enough for Germany, but good for Iran?

And dont you find it strange that industrialized nations like Italy, Greece dont use nuclear power, since we think it is unsustainable and unsave? Its obvious the greek government thinks this is not a save option for Greece.

Also i did not compare it with Chernobyl. I said, that such an accident speeds up a regime to collapse, which would also happen in Iran, if that plant blows up. I did google myself and saw that Iran often has nuclear accidents happen. Like entire nuclear acility blow up and so on. So is there not a savety problem?

Also please dont do "age-discrimination". Being young doesnt mean to be stupid. In my experience im smarter than most older people.
Bushehr is based on the german Biblis nuclear power plant system. A system that Germany shuts down for safety reasons. So what do you say about this? Not good enough for Germany, but good for Iran?

And dont you find it strange that industrialized nations like Italy, Greece dont use nuclear power, since we think it is unsustainable and unsave? Its obvious the greek government thinks this is not a save option for Greece.

Also i did not compare it with Chernobyl. I said, that such an accident speeds up a regime to collapse, which would also happen in Iran, if that plant blows up. I did google myself and saw that Iran often has nuclear accidents happen. Like entire nuclear acility blow up and so on. So is there not a savety problem?

Also please dont do "age-discrimination". Being young doesnt mean to be stupid. In my experience im smarter than most older people.
No, it's not. The Germans had not delivered a nuclear reactor to Iran at the time of constructing Bushehr. Bushehr operates a Russian VVER-1000 reactor.

Industrialized nations like Greece? 😁

What nuclear facility in Iran blew up? And you say you're smarter than older people? You really sound like an imbecile when you make false claims like that and don't even bother to back it up.

I am not saying you're not an expert because of your age. There are child prodigies who finish college at 15, or get a PhD in mathematics or physics at 20. You just don't happen to be one of them. Have you even finished college yet? Do you have a degree in nuclear physics? nuclear engineering? physics? Anything that is remotely relevant to it? If no, then what makes you think you're qualified to discuss this? What's your qualification to think that Russian and Iranian nuclear engineers do not understand this subject better than you?
No, it's not. The Germans had not delivered a nuclear reactor to Iran at the time of constructing Bushehr. Bushehr operates a Russian VVER-1000 reactor.

Industrialized nations like Greece? 😁

What nuclear facility in Iran blew up? And you say you're smarter than older people? You really sound like an imbecile when you make false claims like that and don't even bother to back it up.

I am not saying you're not an expert because of your age. There are child prodigies who finish college at 15, or get a PhD in mathematics or physics at 20. You just don't happen to be one of them. Have you even finished college yet? Do you have a degree in nuclear physics? nuclear engineering? physics? Anything that is remotely relevant to it? If no, then what makes you think you're qualified to discuss this? What's your qualification to think that Russian and Iranian nuclear engineers do not understand this subject better than you?

Hey, Prostitution is an "industry"!
Bushehr is based on the german Biblis nuclear power plant system. A system that Germany shuts down for safety reasons. So what do you say about this? Not good enough for Germany, but good for Iran?

And dont you find it strange that industrialized nations like Italy, Greece dont use nuclear power, since we think it is unsustainable and unsave? Its obvious the greek government thinks this is not a save option for Greece.

Also i did not compare it with Chernobyl. I said, that such an accident speeds up a regime to collapse, which would also happen in Iran, if that plant blows up. I did google myself and saw that Iran often has nuclear accidents happen. Like entire nuclear acility blow up and so on. So is there not a savety problem?

Also please dont do "age-discrimination". Being young doesnt mean to be stupid. In my experience im smarter than most older people.

Industrialized nations..Greece...for god sake your country almost make whole EU broke,they literary discussed to throw out Greece from Euro zone and even EU itself...only thing you share with Italy...is name of the same continent ...if there are no aid and credit packages for last 40 yrs,Greece would case to exist long time ago
But when i read some comments from some iranians in this topic, i understand that security and precaution is not an issue there and i assumed so.

That however would be considered as irrational on both counts. First, there's no reason to assume so in principle. Second, to extrapolate from user comments on a forum like this, as to whether nuclear security and precaution are taken seriously in Iran appears quite flawed. Experts and nuclear energy authorities in Iran are the ones in charge of these issues, not random citizens, who aren't supposed to be in the know. And when it comes to familiarizing residents with evacuation measures, again folk from Tehran would hardly be concerned by such a scenario hypothetically affecting the city of Bushehr.

So perhaps he who inquires about such topics ought to observe elementary principles of logical deduction, lest he be prone to faulty analysis.
No, it's not. The Germans had not delivered a nuclear reactor to Iran at the time of constructing Bushehr. Bushehr operates a Russian VVER-1000 reactor.

Industrialized nations like Greece? 😁

What nuclear facility in Iran blew up? And you say you're smarter than older people? You really sound like an imbecile when you make false claims like that and don't even bother to back it up.

I am not saying you're not an expert because of your age. There are child prodigies who finish college at 15, or get a PhD in mathematics or physics at 20. You just don't happen to be one of them. Have you even finished college yet? Do you have a degree in nuclear physics? nuclear engineering? physics? Anything that is remotely relevant to it? If no, then what makes you think you're qualified to discuss this? What's your qualification to think that Russian and Iranian nuclear engineers do not understand this subject better than you?

Greece is an industrialized nation. Maybe look at the facts before start to insult.

And explosions in iranian nuclear sites like Fondor and Natanz

Industrialized nations..Greece...for god sake your country almost make whole EU broke,they literary discussed to throw out Greece from Euro zone and even EU itself...only thing you share with Italy...is name of the same continent ...if there are no aid and credit packages for last 40 yrs,Greece would case to exist long time ago

Greece owns 20% of the worlds merchant fleet. That said, Greece even in worst economical crisis had an average income 16 times higher than Iran.

And no, nobody discussed to throw Greece out of EU. Its Impossible to push a country out.

I find it rather amusing that you insult Greece just because i dont see how nuclear energy is rational to run.

In Greece we value our land and people and because of that decided against nuclear power.
Greece is an industrialized nation. Maybe look at the facts before start to insult.

And explosions in iranian nuclear sites like Fondor and Natanz

Greece owns 20% of the worlds merchant fleet. That said, Greece even in worst economical crisis had an average income 16 times higher than Iran.

And no, nobody discussed to throw Greece out of EU. Its Impossible to push a country out.

I find it rather amusing that you insult Greece just because i dont see how nuclear energy is rational to run.

In Greece we value our land and people and because of that decided against nuclear power.
Well, excuse me for being completely ignorant about Greek industries. I have never heard of any Greek industry to be honest with you. I doubt anyone on PDF has.

Where is Fondor? Do you mean Fordow?
I'm still waiting for you to show me a nuclear facility that blew up.
And explosions in iranian nuclear sites like Fondor and Natanz
No explosion that I'm aware of in fordo and the ones happened in Natanz are the result of nuclear terrorism by a certain rouge entity . Has nothing to do with safety protocols.
Well, excuse me for being completely ignorant about Greek industries. I have never heard of any Greek industry to be honest with you. I doubt anyone on PDF has.

Where is Fondor? Do you mean Fordow?
I'm still waiting for you to show me a nuclear facility that blew up.


Greece owns 20% of worlds merchant fleet. Has functional mining industry with focus on aluminium.

You can learn something here:

We are leading in shipbuilding and also produce aviation products.

And i posted a link about massive explosions in Nantanz.
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