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Nuclear safety policy in Iran

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Greece owns 20% of worlds merchant fleet. Has functional mining industry with focus on aluminium.

You can learn something here:

We are leading in shipbuilding and also produce aviation products.

And i posted a link about massive explosions in Nantanz.
So, owning a merchant fleet is industry? I'm sure African countries have such "industries" too, we don't call them "industrialized" nations though.

What massive explosions?
And Natanz is an enrichment facility. How is that in any way relevant to a nuclear reactor?
So, owning a merchant fleet is industry? I'm sure African countries have such "industries" too, we don't call them "industrialized" nations though.

What massive explosions?
And Natanz is an enrichment facility. How is that in any way relevant to a nuclear reactor?

African nations dont build daussault and airbus jets.

Nantanz is a nuclear installation, which repeatedly had massive explosions. That shows there are enormous security problems.
This is not a correct figure and was addressed already.

Of course its a correct figure. Greece is an advanced industrialized and service based economy. While Iran is a 3rd world developing country.

Greece GDP per capita in 2020 is 17.676,19 USD

Iran GDP per capita in 2020 is 2.282,55 USD

By living standards Greece plays in a totally different league than Iran.
Of course its a correct figure. Greece is an advanced industrialized and service based economy. While Iran is a 3rd world developing country.

Iran has a larger and more diversified industrial sector than Greece. These categories do not mean much when examining things in detail.

Greece GDP per capita in 2020 is 17.676,19 USD

Iran GDP per capita in 2020 is 2.282,55 USD

By living standards Greece plays in a totally different league than Iran.

Living standards are best compared with GDP figures expressed in terms of purchasing power parity. And here it appears that Greece's GDP PPP is just a little more than twice that of Iran's (12.433,297 USD versus 27.287,083 USD) according to World Bank figures... To imagine that Greeks have an average purchasing power sixteen times greater than Iranians would be disconnected from reality.


As for the structure of these two economies, Iran's industrial manufacturing sector is more massive and diversified than that of Greece.

In terms of HDI (UN's Human Development Index), Iran (with a value of 0.783 vs Greece's 0.888) is classifed as a country of "high human development", in the same category as China and actually above the latter, and only three positions below the threshold for "very high human development". Again, certainly not a sixteen fold difference.
Nantanz is a nuclear installation, which repeatedly had massive explosions. That shows there are enormous security problems.
Enrichment plant and assembly factory. Two explosion happened there . One in a centrifuge assembly room because of action of a rouge entity . Another one in a power delivery lines again the result of nuclear terrorism by the same rouge entity.
Can you tell me what it had to do with safety protocol in the Iran nuclear reactors ?
Enrichment plant and assembly factory. Two explosion happened there . One in a centrifuge assembly room because of action of a rouge entity . Another one in a power delivery lines again the result of nuclear terrorism by the same rouge entity.
Can you tell me what it had to do with safety protocol in the Iran nuclear reactors ?

Can you tell me how hostile elements make it into Irans nuclear facility? Thats the core issue about security.
Bushehr is based on the german Biblis nuclear power plant system. A system that Germany shuts down for safety reasons. So what do you say about this? Not good enough for Germany, but good for Iran?

And dont you find it strange that industrialized nations like Italy, Greece dont use nuclear power, since we think it is unsustainable and unsave? Its obvious the greek government thinks this is not a save option for Greece.

Also i did not compare it with Chernobyl. I said, that such an accident speeds up a regime to collapse, which would also happen in Iran, if that plant blows up. I did google myself and saw that Iran often has nuclear accidents happen. Like entire nuclear acility blow up and so on. So is there not a savety problem?

So the french are idiots?

the fundemental safety problem with nuclear energy is that it doesnt have a "off button". Thats where you can get into serious trouble like Fukushima. even if you completely shut a reactor down, its still going to produce risidual heat and radiation. And if your cooling or other major systems systems get knocked out, then catastrophe is only a matter of time.

the merits of nuclear energy are beyond question, and have been proven many times over. it is literally the only viable, long term "green energy" that makes economic sense. The only reason European nations are moving away from it is politics. PERIOD.

Secondly, having an advanced nuclear program that can produce weapons on demand in case of need... is absoutely priceless. The world is a lawless jungle, with savage western regimes going around lighting the world on fire to seemingly advance geopoltical goals... you would have to be an utter fool to not have nuclear capability in these times...

Greece is not allowed to have nukes, but i dont see any nuclear western country like the US, UK and France being in any hurry to get rid of their nuclear arsenals. Irans nuclear program is one of the most essential elements of Iranian security. there is absolutely Nothing that will stop the Iranian nuclear program short of an all out invasion/occupation.
Can you tell me how hostile elements make it into Irans nuclear facility? Thats the core issue about security.
very simple explosive in an imported table or a drone attack . they knew if they do it in a manner that take lives or do it with a live reactor then there is something called MAD doctrine and they also have someplace that attacking them will have interesting likely result.

so its not about security protocol , its about going all out war.
maybe in Greece you hesitate against enemy threats , maybe you prefer to forget your aims and do as your enemies say . its not the case here , if the Bushehr blow , the north side is Zagross mountain the fallout can't go inland and by design it have little fallout . if something happen to old Israel reactor , they lose at least half of the land . that threat kept USSR and USA using nuke against each other , it will keep Israel from touching Bushehr , so don't continue this discussion it will take you no where our mindset is completely different
Living standards are best compared with GDP figures expressed in terms of purchasing power parity. And here it appears that Greece's GDP PPP is just a little more than twice that of Iran's (12.433,297 USD versus 27.287,083 USD) according to World Bank figures... To imagine that Greeks have an average purchasing power sixteen times greater than Iranians would be disconnected from reality.

View attachment 793287

As for the structure of these two economies, Iran's industrial manufacturing sector is more massive and diversified than that of Greece.

In terms of HDI (UN's Human Development Index), Iran (with a value of 0.783 vs Greece's 0.888) is classifed as a country of "high human development", in the same category as China and actually above the latter, and only three positions below the threshold for "very high human development". Again, certainly not a sixteen fold difference.
well , the question is purchasing what , a home , a car , a laptop . are you sure Iranian power in purchasing those thing is only half of what it was 30 years ago ?
Can you tell me how hostile elements make it into Irans nuclear facility? Thats the core issue about security.

I can tell you this, and it's the decisive aspect: at the end of the day, none of these sabotage operations (not really massive explosions but limited ones actually) achieved to set back let alone disrupt Iran's nuclear program in significant ways. It merely took Iran some months to reverse the damage caused to the centrifuge calibration and assembly hall at Natanz. So wise men would suggest, who cares about these incidents? Their value to the enemy is mostly of a psychological nature, nothing more.
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well , the question is purchasing what , a home , a car , a laptop . are you sure Iranian power in purchasing those thing is only half of what it was 30 years ago ?

Where does the graph suggest it's half of what it was 30 years ago?
6 years ago with a month of my wages I bought a laptop by 3.5milion , now I can buy a laptop in that power tire for about 45-50 million what that it suggest
then I could buy a home in Tehran with 100 million that was 25 month or two year of my wage , you think I can do that right now ?
6 years ago with a month of my wages I bought a laptop by 3.5milion , now I can buy a laptop in that power tire for about 45-50 million what that it suggest
then I could buy a home in Tehran with 100 million that was 25 month or two year of my wage , you think I can do that right now ?

Wages increased as well. Also what are we comparing to now, 6 or 30 years ago?

Either way, when it comes to periods of three to four decades, there's no question that the living standards and purchasing power of Iranians improved drastically.

As evidenced by various case studies:

So the french are idiots?

the fundemental safety problem with nuclear energy is that it doesnt have a "off button". Thats where you can get into serious trouble like Fukushima. even if you completely shut a reactor down, its still going to produce risidual heat and radiation. And if your cooling or other major systems systems get knocked out, then catastrophe is only a matter of time.

the merits of nuclear energy are beyond question, and have been proven many times over. it is literally the only viable, long term "green energy" that makes economic sense. The only reason European nations are moving away from it is politics. PERIOD.

Secondly, having an advanced nuclear program that can produce weapons on demand in case of need... is absoutely priceless. The world is a lawless jungle, with savage western regimes going around lighting the world on fire to seemingly advance geopoltical goals... you would have to be an utter fool to not have nuclear capability in these times...

Greece is not allowed to have nukes, but i dont see any nuclear western country like the US, UK and France being in any hurry to get rid of their nuclear arsenals. Irans nuclear program is one of the most essential elements of Iranian security. there is absolutely Nothing that will stop the Iranian nuclear program short of an all out invasion/occupation.

Have you ever visited the areas where uranium ore is mined? Its in no way a green technology. There also is still no solution how to woek with nuclear waste.

As i said, we Greeks love our nation too much to place that shit in our country and thats the consensus here.

On a sidenote, crazy Mullahs owning nuclear weapons is the last thing humanity needs. I have no doubts they would use it against their own people in case a revolution breaks out.
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