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Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

The Chinese are a funny lot, they tried this crap with India and when that failed they decide to do it with a small country, typical they can only seem to threaten the small nations as they know the big countries will smash them around a bit and embarrass them. No wonder the world laughs at the Comedy Show that is the Chinese and their 50 cent army.

Dude what you're trying to get at? c'est totalement incomprehensible!
Indians don't know the extent to whcih they have been brainwashed by their own propaganda machine, ie press, TV and so on.

They seem to believe every "story" told to them by their media but not their elected gorvenment.

They should start a general election every 5 days and keep the flag of democracy the way they do with toilet papers.
damn! the indoos got a new a**hole ripped open on this thread. I never understood the geopolitics surrounding Bhutan and so it appears neither did most indians. LOL!
With just 10 posts to your discredit and you've already started trolling? Now why am I not surprised? That's because there's been a proliferation of dunderheads on this forum.

I fail to understand why schoolchildren are allowed on PDF.
I think these Hans need to keep their libidos in check. They keep wanting to poke all and sundry. First it was Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and now they're shoving their noses into Bhutan and creating a stink.

When will the Hans learn to live like a responsible nation? I guess old habits die hard. And their robotic army needs to be either rewired or there seems to be a virus in their software that's screwing up the programming.
The Chinese are a funny lot, they tried this crap with India and when that failed they decide to do it with a small country, typical they can only seem to threaten the small nations as they know the big countries will smash them around a bit and embarrass them. No wonder the world laughs at the Comedy Show that is the Chinese and their 50 cent army.

Your Soviet masters found out the opposite in 1969.

And regarding your third world dump, all of its neighbors except China have smaller populations and territory and India has attempted to bully almost every single one of them.
I think these Hans need to keep their libidos in check. They keep wanting to poke all and sundry. First it was Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and now they're shoving their noses into Bhutan and creating a stink.

When will the Hans learn to live like a responsible nation? I guess old habits die hard. And their robotic army needs to be either rewired or there seems to be a virus in their software that's screwing up the programming.

You're thinking Han incorrectly & wrongfully...try harder dude! but please come up with another fiction story that PLA solders are setting up camps and hoists flag in New Deli:omghaha:
Good! Now we can easily cut India into two pieces at the chicken's neck. Indians are going bonkers!
You hammer the people into starvation of kids, illiteracy of the mass, corruption of everyone though your system that your elite set. Period.

As if there is no corruption in you country...tell me about the protests that your police quelled against corruption? :coffee:

BTW, Tell me you don't occupy Goa and Hyderabad without military before you attempt to riding a high horse.

Portuguese came to Goa as traders and through trickery and regional politics, occupied the state.

Or are you suggesting that Europeans were always existent in the subcontinent? :coffee:

Goa is a modern shortening of the ancient Sanskrit name Gomanta, which remained so until the last true pan-Indian empire the Maratha Empire existed, after kicking out the muslim central asian nuisance.

The short form of its actual name and distortion of that state's culture began ever since pesky colonial Portuguese came in and start massacring the local population to force them into Christianity, like how they destroyed South American and Incan civilizations. Iberians were ruthless barbarians who had no mercy for indigenous culture because they wanted to spread an organized religion from the Middle East... which was not even their own! :lol:. I can't imagine how stupid they were.

You would know since even your prominent cities were colonized, as to how Europeans were in those days.

Goa's invasion came after multiple rounds of talks of peace and handing over from the colonials. The French left the country peacefully and we immediately consolidated relations with them post independence for this reason. The British were aggressive but Germans (thanks to the Nazis as much as I'd like not to explicitly say this) had ruined them beyond repair forcing them to leave.

The Portuguese were living in their own 17th century thinking that they will continue to lord over colonies and refused to give. We warned them, discussed with them, negotiated with them and when all that failed, the government was forced to invade.

Now about Hyderabad:

The Nizam's family was not Indian by origin. They came from central Asia like other Islamic invaders and settled there as a gift from the Mughals for loyalty. They ruled the state as if it was an Arab country which was unacceptable to the population.

Also the Nizam couldn't join Pakistan because Hyderabad was in the middle of entire India and having a totally different country in the middle would not make sense.

When Sardar Patel advised him about reconsidering, that loser sent his razakars to massacre and attack the Hindu community.

The visiting envoy of Nizam also threatened to annihilate Hindu population in the state to Sardar Patel which caused a lot of concern, pressing us to invade.

So we had to kick out the Arab wannabes.

We will be responsible for smashing India and liberating Kashmir!

Now dance around singing Mao's praises...:lol:
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