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Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

That's not in the hands of the government but the right to free thoughts is.

We don't hammer people into controlling to have kids. We can educate them, make them aware and as the more the people get educated even in smaller cities, this trickle down effect will come right in place where it should be.

I don't really like the current form of democracy myself but that is for other reasons. However, that doesn't mean getting dictated for the tiniest of things from a regime that wants nothing in questioning but all in demand.

The 17 point agreement is nothing new that you're showing me.

Having the PLA surround the diplomats, exert pressure on Dalai Lama and in the face of threatening annihilation against a nation without a proper military, anyone will agree to your points for 'liberation'.

You hammer the people into starvation of kids, illiteracy of the mass, corruption of everyone though your system that your elite set. Period.

BTW, Tell me you don't occupy Goa and Hyderabad without military before you attempt to riding a high horse.
We should annex Bhutan , if possible nepal too just like sikkhim .

Yes it wont be possible with out the will of nepalese

Good. Such things will push Bhutan more closer to us.

Bhutan, Yes. Nepal, No. We already have enough naxals in our country.
We did annex sikkim.. All it needs is political will.
I copied that definition from you. So don't try to weasel your way out of your own definition. Your example of Japan's invasion of China as an aggression similar to British colonial rule of India is just ridiculous. I was just calling out that fact. As for Indian being a peaceful nation, you should ask the Pakistani, Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi in here about the peacefulness of India.

History in the past and the behavior of many Indians now prove that India is one of the most dangerous imperialistic expansionist country, albeit inane one.

Mao was alerted when India invaded and occupied Goa and Hyderabad. Many documents now show that India’s imperialistic actions very much persuaded Mao to shift his position towards the side that favoring to teach India a lesson in 1962.

The second-hand imperialists are definitely impressed with their colonial master the Britain. They speculated that if India copied/pasted the British system, they would be strong, too, AND India would therefore to be able to invade and suppress the other countries. It is exactly this type of sickening thinking that haunted the Indian leaders for generations, and the net result is that since the independence of India it resolves none territorial conflicts with any of its neighbors.

India annexed Sikkim like an elephant stamped on an ant. Now just watching how many Indians are elated in wet-dreaming about annexing their another small poor neighbor Bhutan!

How sickening those people are!

How could any other people be at peace with those war-mongers!

We, the people of the world, must keep a close eye on fascist and imperialistic India and its democrazy that starves its children relentlessly and, at the same time, keeps entertaining the thoughts of invading and annexing weak neighbors like Sikkim and Bhutan.

Let's ask again: other than Indian democrazy media, which media reported the same "news"? :hitwall:

Thanks to China who gave India a dear lesson in 1962 so India since always remembers it and has to pay a little attention to China.

Just an urgent call from an ordinary citizen of the world: China must bear the responsibility of a responsible power, the responsibility of perm member of UNSC, to prevent human tragedy from happening again!
History in the past and the behavior of many Indians now prove that India is one of the most dangerous imperialistic expansionist country, albeit inane one.

Mao was alerted when India invaded and occupied Goa and Hyderabad. Many documents now show that India’s imperialistic actions very much persuaded Mao to shift his position towards the side that favoring to teach India a lesson in 1962.

The second-hand imperialists are definitely impressed with their colonial master the Britain. They speculated that if India copied/pasted the British system, they would be strong, too, AND India would therefore to be able to invade and suppress the other countries. It is exactly this type of sickening thinking that haunted the Indian leaders for generations, and the net result is that since the independence of India it resolves none territorial conflicts with any of its neighbors.

India annexed Sikkim like an elephant stamped on an ant. Now just watching how many Indians are elated in wet-dreaming about annexing their another small poor neighbor Bhutan!

How sickening those people are!

How could any other people be at peace with those war-mongers!

We, the people of the world, must keep a close eye on fascist and imperialistic India and its democrazy that starves its children relentlessly and, at the same time, keeps entertaining the thoughts of invading and annexing weak neighbors like Sikkim and Bhutan.

Let's ask again: other than Indian democrazy media, which media reported the same "news"? :hitwall:

Thanks to China who gave India a dear lesson in 1962 so India since always remembers it and has to pay a little attention to China.

Just an urgent call from an ordinary citizen of the world: China must bear the responsibility of a responsible power, the responsibility of perm member of UNSC, to prevent human tragedy from happening again!
Well the imperialistic list is lead by US then followed by China . China is being so irresponsible claiming international borders and waters . I wonder where were you when chinese trolls were speaking about invading others . and China didnt give any lesson , it just doesnt have balls to attack once again as it was ordered to keep quite by US and USSR .

You hammer the people into starvation of kids, illiteracy of the mass, corruption of everyone though your system that your elite set. Period.

BTW, Tell me you don't occupy Goa and Hyderabad without military before you attempt to riding a high horse.
Dont speak as if goa is owned by ur dad and we took it . by that stupid logic , your eastern land belongs to japan and you occupied it forcefully .

Look at the above image from Nepal. Today, Nepalese hate Indian. They love China. Every year 10,000 Nepalese woman are sold to India working as prostitute. These woman are promised a job by Indians. But Indians screwed them and throw them into vice den. Are Indians aware that they have shitt on the pride of Nepalese man. Every Nepalese feel insulted.

China, being Nepal's neighbor never covet her woman. We treat Nepalese with respect. There are many more things India has done to Nepal that I would not want to elaborate. Nepal the only Hindu country in the world hates India.
You speak as if you are a nepali , as i said you are ashamed of your own country that made u hide ur flags . Also tibet hates China and they have positive opinion towards India .
You speak as if you are a nepali , as i said you are ashamed of your own country that made u hide ur flags . Also tibet hates China and they have positive opinion towards India .

Tibetan who have no education and attempts to seek a career of monastic life base on superstitious behave exactly as what you have said. Right now, China is educating Tibetan, putting up many into ranks of doctors, lawyers, elite civil servants and engineers. These people like China.

Tibetan in China got free education until college. China protects Tibetan culture so much that even the natural science subject are taught in Tibetans. Tibetan got a lot of subsidy in healthcare. An educated Tibetan can get into civil service easily while educated Han Chinese stand there and watch themselves unemployed.

Today, China Tibetan are rich. They are well travelled. I have been Dharamsala and meet many elite Tibetans from China and China does not stop them from coming Dharamsala. I have been India Tibet land in Humachal pradesh.

If you talk to educated China Tibetan, they wake up that India Tibetans are living in shitt hole. Through chat room and forum, I get a feel that China Tibetan start to have some pride associating with China. China Tibetans are the richest and most educated Tibetan in the whole world. They can easily identify themselves because they are more polite and civil compared to Nepalese or India Tibetan.

China Tibetan start to realize that India Tibetan (Ladakhi, Sikhimese...etc) are living in shitt hole. In addition India discriminate them by calling them Chinky eyes. They are under caste system and racism.

20 years later, Sikhimese and Ladakhi will hate themselves to be inside India.
You speak as if you are a nepali , as i said you are ashamed of your own country that made u hide ur flags . Also tibet hates China and they have positive opinion towards India .

Is it the best you can come up with? Accusing people of false flag as if people with certain flags should somehow have the same opinion. If that's the case, I don't know what's the point of this forum.

Also for the last sentence, can you give me some photos, or any report from any source? Or is that just your personal anecdote? I am sure Tibetans born in India would have more feelings towards India since China is a foreign country and India is their birth country, but Tibetans born and living in Tibet? Not so sure.
Don't be silly, even if you're American you are one of Chinese or Pakistani descent whose opinion matters not. Americans by and large like India and Indians as my sister who is currently studying at UCLA has been telling me :)

On topic; what are the chances of Bhutan become a protectorate of India?

Actually no, not at all. Your sister is a foreigner who doesn't understand America (California is a more tolerant state in general). I'm a White American, born and raised here. I have not a single drop of Chinese, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, or any other country you may accuse me of being from. Oh and by and large American's DO NOT like Indians. We are an extremely two-faced (not ashamed) people, behind closed doors we consider you all to be call center running, curry eating, pagan rapists! We also believe you all own 7/11's and Dunkin Donuts, and love to mock your accent whenever the opportunity presents itself.

As for your second question, Bhutan has a better chance of becoming an American protectorate than an Indian one :woot:
Actually no, not at all. Your sister is a foreigner who doesn't understand America (California is a more tolerant state in general). I'm a White American, born and raised here. I have not a single drop of Chinese, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, or any other country you may accuse me of being from. Oh and by and large American's DO NOT like Indians. We are an extremely two-faced (not ashamed) people, behind closed doors we consider you all to be call center running, curry eating, pagan rapists! We also believe you all own 7/11's and Dunkin Donuts, and love to mock your accent whenever the opportunity presents itself.

As for your second question, Bhutan has a better chance of becoming an American protectorate than an Indian one :woot:

You're certainly not white American, I'm going to go with Pakistani. I might have guessed redneck but they don't know how to use the Internet.

And don't be silly, India until recently was responsible for all foreign relations of Bhutan, my maternal lineage is from Bhutan and it is pretty much a de-facto state of India.
You're certainly not white American, I'm going to go with Pakistani. I might have guessed redneck but they don't know how to use the Internet.

So in your opinion, only white Americans' opinions matter and all other ethnics don't? Nice going. As far as I know, in the U.S., all citizens have voting rights and their opinions are equally valid. Per your logic, your opinion doesn't matter since you are Indian. Gee, I guess in India' mind, only white people can decide what's right, what's wrong?

It's hilarious!
So in your opinion, only white Americans' opinions matter and all other ethnics don't? Nice going. As far as I know, in the U.S., all citizens have voting rights and their opinions are equally valid. Per your logic, your opinion doesn't matter since you are Indian. Gee, I guess in India' mind, only white people can decide what's right, what's wrong?

It's hilarious!

Not once did I say his opinion didn't matter. Didn't even slightly allude to it.
You're certainly not white American, I'm going to go with Pakistani. I might have guessed redneck but they don't know how to use the Internet.

And don't be silly, India until recently was responsible for all foreign relations of Bhutan, my maternal lineage is from Bhutan and it is pretty much a de-facto state of India.

Well you are dead wrong. But then again common trait from your country. Nothing but it. You know nothing of America in any way shape or form. And rednecks don't know how to use the internet? Those "rednecks," have an entire news channel called FOX news (though it is terrible), many of them have also served as our presidents including George W. Bush (and no I am not a redneck or racist). The problem is the **** rape country you live in leads you to believe we actually like you. Please, your people here are all smelly curry eaters. Who own either Dunkin Donuts or 7/11's (I'm sure you don't even know what those are). Shouldn't you be at your call center right now, pretending to be Tim from Dallas? Also learn how to spell, and maybe read a book on grammar. WTF does 'not white American' mean huh? It should be "You're certainly not a white American (though I am, you ignorant, racist, pagan).

My dislike for your country and people is due to a multitude of reasons. Firstly, you are a relic of the Soviet Model states. You directly opposed us in Afghanistan during the Cold War, and tried to turn South Asia into a Soviet fortress. You are also the only remaining Pagan religion with a multitude of followers (No offense, but you worship cows, and monkeys). As for those of you that live here some are good, but most of the others are all disgusting. The newer generations are more integrated, but even then we get the smelly disgusting ones. You all also have the most ridiculous accent in the world, you are mostly dirt cheap, and I could keep going. Hate to break this to you, but this WHITE AMERICAN, does not like India or Indians (generally).
You're certainly not white American, I'm going to go with Pakistani. I might have guessed redneck but they don't know how to use the Internet.

And don't be silly, India until recently was responsible for all foreign relations of Bhutan, my maternal lineage is from Bhutan and it is pretty much a de-facto state of India.

That's what Indians said about Nepal, the next day they're Chinese's friend :omghaha:.

The Chinese are a funny lot, they tried this crap with India and when that failed they decide to do it with a small country, typical they can only seem to threaten the small nations as they know the big countries will smash them around a bit and embarrass them. No wonder the world laughs at the Comedy Show that is the Chinese and their 50 cent army.
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