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Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

As if there is no corruption in you country...tell me about the protests that your police quelled against corruption? :coffee:

Portuguese came to Goa as traders and through trickery and regional politics, occupied the state.

Or are you suggesting that Europeans were always existent in the subcontinent? :coffee:

Goa is a modern shortening of the ancient Sanskrit name Gomanta, which remained so until the last true pan-Indian empire the Maratha Empire existed, after kicking out the muslim central asian nuisance.

The short form of its actual name and distortion of that state's culture began ever since pesky colonial Portuguese came in and start massacring the local population to force them into Christianity, like how they destroyed South American and Incan civilizations. Iberians were ruthless barbarians who had no mercy for indigenous culture because they wanted to spread an organized religion from the Middle East... which was not even their own! :lol:. I can't imagine how stupid they were.

You would know since even your prominent cities were colonized, as to how Europeans were in those days.

Goa's invasion came after multiple rounds of talks of peace and handing over from the colonials. The French left the country peacefully and we immediately consolidated relations with them post independence for this reason. The British were aggressive but Germans (thanks to the Nazis as much as I'd like not to explicitly say this) had ruined them beyond repair forcing them to leave.

The Portuguese were living in their own 17th century thinking that they will continue to lord over colonies and refused to give. We warned them, discussed with them, negotiated with them and when all that failed, the government was forced to invade.

Now about Hyderabad:

The Nizam's family was not Indian by origin. They came from central Asia like other Islamic invaders and settled there as a gift from the Mughals for loyalty. They ruled the state as if it was an Arab country which was unacceptable to the population.

Also the Nizam couldn't join Pakistan because Hyderabad was in the middle of entire India and having a totally different country in the middle would not make sense.

When Sardar Patel advised him about reconsidering, that loser sent his razakars to massacre and attack the Hindu community.

The visiting envoy of Nizam also threatened to annihilate Hindu population in the state to Sardar Patel which caused a lot of concern, pressing us to invade.

So we had to kick out the Arab wannabes.

Now dance around singing Mao's praises...:lol:

How about Kashmir, Punjab, Sikhim and NE India?
China should stop insulting the suppa-powa varot by having tea party in India or in India's vassal state, they have ranted so hard for years after years to make others believe they are one or at least make themselves believe they are. Either way, this bullying by the Chinese once in every 2-3 months has got to stop. :nono::nono:
We saw Napoleon Bonapart dictatorship
We saw Adolf Hitler dictatorship
We saw Soviet dictatorship
Its time to see CCP dictatoship.
China should stop insulting the suppa-powa varot by having tea party in India or in India's vassal state, they have ranted so hard for years after years to make others believe they are one or at least make themselves believe they are. Either way, this bullying by the Chinese once in every 2-3 months has got to stop. :nono::nono:

You would be a fool if you believe everything written in India media especially TOI.
How about Kashmir, Sikhim and NE India?

Kashmir: Instrument of Accession signed by the last ruler of the state, same to same as the one obtained from the kingdom of Travancore in south and other princely kingdoms, whose rulers assigned. Not our problem if Pakistan is in denial mode.

We still have those signatures for the world to see.

Sikkim: Acceded with 98% turnout on votes to join the Indian Union.

NE India: You do know that NE was under the former colonial rule as well, didn't you?

No state opposed as a whole except for those individuals who didn't qualify as political parties (with the minimum number of candidates required as per the law to form a political party) and thus failed to be crowned as chief ministers, during the transfer of NEFA (the collective name of the entire region).

Oh and just in case you doubt what Congress of that time did, you should google out Azad Hind Fauj (INA) of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

China should stop insulting the suppa-powa varot by having tea party in India or in India's vassal state, they have ranted so hard for years after years to make others believe they are one or at least make themselves believe they are. Either way, this bullying by the Chinese once in every 2-3 months has got to stop. :nono::nono:

We don't care whether the world (read Pakistan, China and their new-found cronies) accepts or not.

If they have a problem with us, we know how to deal with them.

Thanks for supporting us against Chinese aggression.

We have to put up with it until the Secoolar **ts are in power.

You would be a fool if you believe everything written in India media especially TOI.

And you from the CCP are telling us this?

Or would you mind sending links of People's Daily to balance the idiocy?
Kashmir: Instrument of Accession signed by the last ruler of the state, same to same as the one obtained from the kingdom of Travancore in south and other princely kingdoms, whose rulers assigned. Not our problem if Pakistan is in denial mode.

We still have those signatures for the world to see.

Sikkim: Acceded with 98% turnout on votes to join the Indian Union.

NE India: You do know that NE was under the former colonial rule as well, didn't you?

NE India: You do know that NE was under the former colonial rule as well, didn't you? So its Tibet. That means Tibet within China is ok.

Sikkim: Acceded with 98% turnout on votes to join the Indian Union. Please let NE India vote to leave India as they are now under the rapist unit Assam Riffles.

And I hope Mr Tshering22 will enjoy yourselves being call Chinki eyes and relish under India caste and racism. Good luck.


Indian has a rape culture. Their rapist army may one day go up Sikhim and screw your woman. Today Sikhim Tibetan are already despise by China Tibetan intellect class. You are poor and uneducated, China Tibetan are rich and educated. Tomorrow you may have India rapist blood. China Tibetan is going to despise Sikhimese more.
NE India: You do know that NE was under the former colonial rule as well, didn't you? So its Tibet. That means Tibet within China is ok.

Well that's a matter between you and Tibetans. Not us.

Sikkim: Acceded with 98% turnout on votes to join the Indian Union. Please let NE India vote to leave India as they are now under the rapist unit Assam Riffles.

And yet the 'evil Indian' media goes and shows this picture to the entire country to spread awareness about misconduct with individuals in the military.

Our people are not scared of revealing our weaknesses unlike yours when your soldiers mass-raped Tibetan women and censor every bit of news coming out of China for a 'harmonious China' policy or whatever you call it. :lol:

Hiding weaknesses doesn't make you stronger... you just start believing the lie of perfection more and more.

And I hope Mr Tshering22 will enjoy yourselves being call Chinki eyes and relish under India caste and racism. Good luck.

Let me tell you what Chinki means.

First of it is a Hindi term which denotes people with oriental features; in short, it is a relative term and not a racist term.

While the media has hyped up the term and made it sound derogatory to spice up their TRPs on the news related to NE India, it is simply a relative term.

Because India's first contact with orient was through Tibetans and you lot, the term came up 'chinki'.

And what caste are you talking about?

We in Sikkim are pretty much casteless. Here it is a totally different life compared to the PLA's rifles that are pointed at you all each time you log into the internet.

Indian has a rape culture. Their rapist army may one day go up Sikhim and screw your woman.

Eight of my cousin brothers and my elder brother are proud part of the Indian armed forces including MARCO, Ghatak Platoon, RR and Assam Rifles.

What are you trying to say?

Our army rapes everyone?

This is what had happened in Kashmir when a few women were raped by local militants and threatened to allege the Army for it.

It turned false and the victims themselves admitted to be raped by LeT sympathizers..:lol:

That's the same problem in NE. While there are misconduct cases from individual soldiers in the Army, they are sternly dealt with.

The last thing we want to hear is how civil the PLA has been considering you have no conscience or morality after becoming a communist.

Tibet's massacres are good examples.

And BTW, maintain civility about people's families.

I too can talk rubbish about your wife (if you managed to get one, considering that you are having crisis of women, which means we know how you gratify yourselves :P), but let's not go there.

Today Sikhim Tibetan are already despise by China Tibetan intellect class.

Oh is that what People's Daily told you?

You better believe it; or else the MSS will come and take you away. :rofl:

You are poor and uneducated, China Tibetan are rich and educated. Tomorrow you may have India rapist blood.

Sikkim has one of the most premier of India's universities here. Most urban people are some of the most educated and my state as well as entire NE has a better standard of lifestyle than most other parts of India.

Tell me more about illiteracy.

China Tibetan is going to despise Sikhimese more.

Oh my... Go cry me a river on it. :cheesy:
Let me tell you what Chinki means.

First of it is a Hindi term which denotes people with oriental features; in short, it is a relative term and not a racist term.

Are you sure?

Below is from TOI. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-06-06/people/32057110_1_du-student-jail-jnu-student

The next time you call a person from North East a 'chinki' you could end up behind bars for five years.

How many times have you heard someone call a person from the North East 'chinki'? How many times have you called someone from the North East 'chinki'? Now is the time to watch your tongue before you stereotype someone, because calling someone 'chinki' can land you in jail for up to five years. The term, even though derogatory, has become synonymous with people from North East because of their mongoloid features.
But in an attempt to prevent racial discrimination against people from the North East, the Ministry of Home Affairs has asked all the states and union territories to book anyone who commits an act of atrocity against people from the region under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

I think you are hopeless in stockholm syndrome.
You are also the only remaining Pagan religion with a multitude of followers (No offense, but you worship cows, and monkeys). As for those of you that live here some are good, but most of the others are all disgusting. The newer generations are more integrated, but even then we get the smelly disgusting ones. You all also have the most ridiculous accent in the world, you are mostly dirt cheap, and I could keep going. Hate to break this to you, but this WHITE AMERICAN, does not like India or Indians (generally).

yep. he is a pakistani. going to be here for a while. thank you mods

NE India: You do know that NE was under the former colonial rule as well, didn't you? So its Tibet. That means Tibet within China is ok.

Sikkim: Acceded with 98% turnout on votes to join the Indian Union. Please let NE India vote to leave India as they are now under the rapist unit Assam Riffles.

And I hope Mr Tshering22 will enjoy yourselves being call Chinki eyes and relish under India caste and racism. Good luck.


Indian has a rape culture. Their rapist army may one day go up Sikhim and screw your woman. Today Sikhim Tibetan are already despise by China Tibetan intellect class. You are poor and uneducated, China Tibetan are rich and educated. Tomorrow you may have India rapist blood. China Tibetan is going to despise Sikhimese more.

look pak, dont go around saying indian army has rape culture. your army did record breaking rapes in 71. dont make me post that.
How about your countrymen here shouting about to annex an independent country with sovereignty? :coffee:

do they represent india??we have a govt to take care of our foreign affairs and they know whats best to do.as far as their comments are concerned they have a right to hold their opinions we're living in a democracy and not autocracy.people have some rights here and just because they comment something stupid does'nt mean that india is gonna do it.if u have any problem with their comments ur free to confront them.nobody is stopping u.after all a healthy debate is the purpose of this forum.
If China decided to hold Tawang in 62, they would still be holding Tawang today. Tawang is clearly Chinese territory that British didn't even want after gained that track of land.

They wanted to hold Tawang but they couldnot . Hence they decided to run back instead .... Just like this april .
Let me tell you what Chinki means.

First of it is a Hindi term which denotes people with oriental features; in short, it is a relative term and not a racist term.

We in Sikkim are pretty much casteless. Here it is a totally different life compared to the PLA's rifles that are pointed at you all each time you log into the internet.

Eight of my cousin brothers and my elder brother are proud part of the Indian armed forces including MARCO, Ghatak Platoon, RR and Assam Rifles.

You really appall me. Are you in anyway related to Kazi Lhendup Dorji? The elites of Sikhim have been bribe by Indians. I think its good you go Tibet and see for yourselves how Gantok compare to Tibet and how rich and educated is Tibet today.


Above: Traitor Kazi Lhendup Dorji of Sikhim. He invited India to invade Sikhim and he is widely despise.

Is Sikhimese so no backbone? Even Nepalese and Bhutan people hate India for planing to invade them while Sikhimese like you spread their legs open. Do most Sikhimese think as you do?

You suck up Indian even if they scolded your tribe chinki. Maybe if someone say fxxk you, you will interpret it as a commendation.
....Today Sikhim Tibetan are already despise by China Tibetan intellect class. You are poor and uneducated, China Tibetan are rich and educated. Tomorrow you may have India rapist blood. China Tibetan is going to despise Sikhimese more.

As matter of fact, Tibet now is well developped and have better living standard, we will make Tibet even better place than any place in India in the future.

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yep. he is a pakistani. going to be here for a while. thank you mods

look pak, dont go around saying indian army has rape culture. your army did record breaking rapes in 71. dont make me post that.

Actually no, again I am not a Pakistani. As I have told your countrymen on this forum before, I can indeed PROVE I am an American. Though most of you are too thick to realize you are wrong! It is time you accept that there are WHITE AMERICANS who do not like India or Indians. Or maybe you didn't realize Americans are God-fearing Monotheists? This country has many Judeo-Christian traditions, it was even instrumental in its founding. Have you ever wondered why Islam was a natural ALLY to the West, especially during the Cold War? Muslims share many traits with Christianity, and Judaism. All three are Abrahamic faiths. As for your people, I've studied your religion in-depth. Who still worships Cows and Monkeys in the 21st Century? You are PAGANS (No offense meant in that last part, but I am free to dislike a people).

Why is it so hard to swallow that a WHITE AMERICAN favors Pakistan over people who worship Monkeys (again no offense)? Well I can name a multitude of reasons. First, Pakistan has done much for our nation, and those who read and learn from history realize this. They were our primary U2 operating base during the Cold War. Gary Powers flew out of an airbase from Peshawar, Pakistan (hearing this incident on History Channel piqued my curiosity in the country, and I was amazed by their dedication and sacrifice). They helped to ease relations and bring China against the Soviets. This move alone changed the fate of the Cold War. They served as a strong bridge between us and the Muslim World, especially after the fall of the Shah. Finally, they've sacrificed both their people and wealth, for some mistakes we made. They fought shoulder to shoulder with us during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, to help free the Afghan people from the Communist menace (your Pagan people stood with the Soviets against us). They played an instrumental hand in our victory over Communism. A TRUE American realizes, appreciates, and cherishes our alliance with Pakistan. India on the other hand, was a direct opponent of ours. But you are much to thick to understand this. So please stop quoting me, I am done with you.
I think these Hans need to keep their libidos in check. They keep wanting to poke all and sundry. First it was Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and now they're shoving their noses into Bhutan and creating a stink.

When will the Hans learn to live like a responsible nation? I guess old habits die hard. And their robotic army needs to be either rewired or there seems to be a virus in their software that's screwing up the programming.

:no: I guess serial lying dies hard for Indians.

First, idiot, Taiwan is 98% Han chinese and its official name is the "Republic of China." Taiwan also claims the entire south china sea island chains as mainland China does and it claims diaoyu too. There is no difference between Taiwan or mainland China's claims in the sea. Taiwan claims even more on land. South Tibet is also claimed by Taiwan and so is outer Mongolia. America helped Taiwan block outer Mongolia from entering the UN until the 1960s when the Soviets threatened to hold up all other countries applying as well.

This is a map of Taiwan's territorial claims.


Taiwan conducts live fire drills on Taiping island and ignores Vietnams whining. Taiwan does not recognize the Philippines and Vietnams illegal claims over the Spratly islands. Taiwan said that they wanted mainland China's help AGAINST Vietnam.

Vietnam said to be considering moves against Taiping Island - Taiwan News Online

Taiwan to conduct live-fire Taiping Island drill in Sept. - The China Post

China does not dispute islands with south korea. There is an incident regarding south korea building a station on a submerged reef but it is not claimed by China as its territory, china just says that its not in south koreas eez.

Japan also has claims over South Korean controlled Dokdo/liancourt rocks and they also claim Russian controlled Kurile islands.

The Philippines claims in the Spratlys are illegitimate because they submitted their claim when AFTER French Indochina (now inherited by Vietnam) and the Republic of China (Taiwan) claimed and occupied the Spratly islands. Republic of China and France alraedy did their occupying and claiming in the 1930s and 1940s while Philippines was an American colony.

The Philippines also claims Sabah which belongs to Malaysia. Japan and the Philippines must be greedy and keep their libidos in check according to your way of thinking.

And regarding Malaysia, the Malays say there is absolutely no problem with China. :omghaha:


The ignorance lf an Indian who knows nothing about his own continent is mind boggling- :omghaha:

The most right wing, Malay nationalist leader said China is not a threat to Malaysia.

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Mahathir: China no threat to Malaysia

Koleksi Arkib Ucapan Ketua Eksekutif

Mahathir Mohamad

The country of China and Malaysian Chinese are viewed differently by the Malays. Malay nationalists don't view the country of China as an enemy or a threat, and in the Philippines one the current president's grandfathers was a Chinese.

You also forget, while the Philippines and Vietnam may work together in ASEAN and only claim parts of the spratly islands, Taiwan claims the entire island chain like China and refuses to recognize or work with Vietnam and the Philippines. Most Vietnamese and Filipino women in Taiwan are mail order brides and are looked down upon.

Vietnam Demands Taiwan Cancel Spratly Island Live Fire Drill - Bloomberg

Cambodia and Malaysia have both rejected demands to turn ASEAN into an anti China alliance. Mahathir told the Americans to go screw themselves when they ask Malaysia to adopt an anti China stance, and America's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan have made it unpopular. Cambodia rejected all initiatives by Vietnam and the Philippines to bring up the south China sea dispute at ASEAN.

Some Ethnic minorities in Myanmar hate the Burmese government and love China and Chinese things instead. In Wa state the Wa people use Chinese language, currency, telecommunications and love Chinese culture while they hate everything Burmese. Their United Wa state army is backed by China. The Kachin, Karen and other minorities also hate the Burmese.

Other asian countries hate each other than with China and some don't even have a problem with China like Laos and Cambodia. The Philippine Suluks who invaded Malaysia because the Philippines claims to Sabah, a single temple of a religion nobody in Cambodia or Thailand practices has led to bloodshed between the two countries, and Laos construction fo the Xayaburi Dam threatens Cambodia and Vietnam.

Preah Vihear Temple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't delude yourselves into thinking that everyone sees the same China the same way as you. China and Taiwan both reject the illegal claims of Vietnam and the Philippines in the Spratlys and view them as intruders and illegal thieves. Taiwan holds live fire drills on Taiping and ignores Vietnam's whining. The issue of the spratlys is viewed as bilateral in China and Taiwan with regards to the one China issue and all third parties like Vietnam and the Philippines are viewed as INVADERS.

NE India: You do know that NE was under the former colonial rule as well, didn't you? So its Tibet. That means Tibet within China is ok.

Sikkim: Acceded with 98% turnout on votes to join the Indian Union. Please let NE India vote to leave India as they are now under the rapist unit Assam Riffles.

And I hope Mr Tshering22 will enjoy yourselves being call Chinki eyes and relish under India caste and racism. Good luck.


Indian has a rape culture. Their rapist army may one day go up Sikhim and screw your woman. Today Sikhim Tibetan are already despise by China Tibetan intellect class. You are poor and uneducated, China Tibetan are rich and educated. Tomorrow you may have India rapist blood. China Tibetan is going to despise Sikhimese more.

FYI the rape poster is from Manipur. The Manipuri women accused the Assam rifles of raping them. There was a decades long insurgency in Manipur and the Maharaja of Manipur was originally forced by India to join the Republic of India.
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