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Now China sets up camps, hoists flag in Bhutan!

Actually no, again I am not a Pakistani. As I have told your countrymen on this forum before, I can indeed PROVE I am an American. Though most of you are too thick to realize you are wrong! It is time you accept that there are WHITE AMERICANS who do not like India or Indians. Or maybe you didn't realize Americans are God-fearing Monotheists? This country has many Judeo-Christian traditions, it was even instrumental in its founding. Have you ever wondered why Islam was a natural ALLY to the West, especially during the Cold War? Muslims share many traits with Christianity, and Judaism. All three are Abrahamic faiths. As for your people, I've studied your religion in-depth. Who still worships Cows and Monkeys in the 21st Century? You are PAGANS (No offense meant in that last part, but I am free to dislike a people).

Why is it so hard to swallow that a WHITE AMERICAN favors Pakistan over people who worship Monkeys (again no offense)? Well I can name a multitude of reasons. First, Pakistan has done much for our nation, and those who read and learn from history realize this. They were our primary U2 operating base during the Cold War. Gary Powers flew out of an airbase from Peshawar, Pakistan (hearing this incident on History Channel peaked my curiosity in the country, and I was amazed by their dedication and sacrifice). They helped to ease relations and bring China against the Soviets. This move alone changed the fate of the Cold War. They served as a strong bridge between us and the Muslim World, especially after the fall of the Shah. Finally, they've sacrificed both their people and wealth, for some mistakes we made. They fought shoulder to shoulder with us during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, to help free the Afghan people from the Communist menace (your Pagan people stood with the Soviets against us). They played an instrumental hand in our victory over Communism. A TRUE American realizes, appreciates, and cherishes our alliance with Pakistan. India on the other hand, was a direct opponent of ours. But you are much to thick to understand this. So please stop quoting me, I am done with you.

woah. :rofl: check it out guys.

a "white american" who loves islam, pakistan and hates hindus :lol:
Are you sure?

Below is from TOI. Call a Northeastern 'Chinki', be jailed for 5 yrs - Times Of India

The next time you call a person from North East a 'chinki' you could end up behind bars for five years.

How many times have you heard someone call a person from the North East 'chinki'? How many times have you called someone from the North East 'chinki'? Now is the time to watch your tongue before you stereotype someone, because calling someone 'chinki' can land you in jail for up to five years. The term, even though derogatory, has become synonymous with people from North East because of their mongoloid features.
But in an attempt to prevent racial discrimination against people from the North East, the Ministry of Home Affairs has asked all the states and union territories to book anyone who commits an act of atrocity against people from the region under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

I think you are hopeless in stockholm syndrome.

Yeah I am damn sure.

People's perceptions of offensiveness differ.

If someone called me a Chinese, I'd be pissed off enough to beat them up.

But these sort of remarks especially from illogical idiots is known and acceptable.

Look who's talking about Stockholm syndrome!?

You can't even turn your neck on the other side if your regime doesn't allow you to and you fear and love them to fanaticism.

That my friend, is Stockholm syndrome; loving your oppressor to the point of madness.
You really appall me. Are you in anyway related to Kazi Lhendup Dorji? The elites of Sikhim have been bribe by Indians. I think its good you go Tibet and see for yourselves how Gantok compare to Tibet and how rich and educated is Tibet today.


Above: Traitor Kazi Lhendup Dorji of Sikhim. He invited India to invade Sikhim and he is widely despise.

Is Sikhimese so no backbone? Even Nepalese and Bhutan people hate India for planing to invade them while Sikhimese like you spread their legs open. Do most Sikhimese think as you do?

You suck up Indian even if they scolded your tribe chinki. Maybe if someone say fxxk you, you will interpret it as a commendation.

Boo hoo!

No thanks.

You need to be appalled by the fact that you cannot even talk against your regime in your own country where your tongue is held by the ruling party.

That's what shocks me as an Indian that you cannot even speak without fearing to be shot dead by the Red Guard.

If Dorji is so wrong and a traitor, why didn't my state respond by opposing the move.

Dude, you really are frustrated that we didn't join you right? :lol:

Go wash your mouth.

We are a million times better off in India than the tyranny that you lot impose on Tibetans and all the other occupied territories.

And don't start believing me,... or else CCP guards will shoot you dead.

So save yourselves and continue your argument.

I really am enjoying it. :D
woah. :rofl: check it out guys.

a "white american" who loves islam, pakistan and hates hindus :lol:

Believe what you want. I am DONE with you. There are many WHITE AMERICANS that strongly dislike Hinduism, and respect the Abrahamic faiths. I'm done arguing with you though, too ignorant. I will prove to you that I am a White American. I'm not sure how comfortable I am with you seeing a picture of me, but I will find a way to prove it to you. Then you'll see. I'm Done. *(And please do not quote or question me any longer, for I will not respond to you. The only time I will respond to you will be with proof of my identity).
Tibetan who have no education and attempts to seek a career of monastic life base on superstitious behave exactly as what you have said. Right now, China is educating Tibetan, putting up many into ranks of doctors, lawyers, elite civil servants and engineers. These people like China.

Tibetan in China got free education until college. China protects Tibetan culture so much that even the natural science subject are taught in Tibetans. Tibetan got a lot of subsidy in healthcare. An educated Tibetan can get into civil service easily while educated Han Chinese stand there and watch themselves unemployed.

Today, China Tibetan are rich. They are well travelled. I have been Dharamsala and meet many elite Tibetans from China and China does not stop them from coming Dharamsala. I have been India Tibet land in Humachal pradesh.

If you talk to educated China Tibetan, they wake up that India Tibetans are living in shitt hole. Through chat room and forum, I get a feel that China Tibetan start to have some pride associating with China. China Tibetans are the richest and most educated Tibetan in the whole world. They can easily identify themselves because they are more polite and civil compared to Nepalese or India Tibetan.

China Tibetan start to realize that India Tibetan (Ladakhi, Sikhimese...etc) are living in shitt hole. In addition India discriminate them by calling them Chinky eyes. They are under caste system and racism.

20 years later, Sikhimese and Ladakhi will hate themselves to be inside India.
All that applies for Goa,Sikkim and Hyderabad too .

Is it the best you can come up with? Accusing people of false flag as if people with certain flags should somehow have the same opinion. If that's the case, I don't know what's the point of this forum.

Also for the last sentence, can you give me some photos, or any report from any source? Or is that just your personal anecdote? I am sure Tibetans born in India would have more feelings towards India since China is a foreign country and India is their birth country, but Tibetans born and living in Tibet? Not so sure.
kindly ask your fellow mate the sources for his claims , any one with minimum common sense would understand what was he doing . He was skipping all of my questions . He clearly referred China as 'we' and his flags were showing some other country . I dont think you dont need a better proof for that .
Tibetan who have no education and attempts to seek a career of monastic life base on superstitious behave exactly as what you have said. Right now, China is educating Tibetan, putting up many into ranks of doctors, lawyers, elite civil servants and engineers. These people like China.

Everything that is not CCP approved is not superstition.

Spirituality is something you communists will not understand even if people peacefully explained it to you.

So there is no point.

Tibetan in China got free education until college. China protects Tibetan culture so much that even the natural science subject are taught in Tibetans. Tibetan got a lot of subsidy in healthcare. An educated Tibetan can get into civil service easily while educated Han Chinese stand there and watch themselves unemployed.

Then why is it that you attempted to mandate Mandarin over Tibetan?

Both can be taught side by side, isn't it?

Why force at gunpoint to eradicate their language?

day, China Tibetan are rich. They are well travelled. I have been Dharamsala and meet many elite Tibetans from China and China does not stop them from coming Dharamsala. I have been India Tibet land in Humachal pradesh.

Which is a good thing. I think this will thaw the cold wall between the two countries.

Dharmsala is the seat of Tibetans; not a Tibetan land.

If you talk to educated China Tibetan, they wake up that India Tibetans are living in shitt hole. Through chat room and forum, I get a feel that China Tibetan start to have some pride associating with China. China Tibetans are the richest and most educated Tibetan in the whole world. They can easily identify themselves because they are more polite and civil compared to Nepalese or India Tibetan.

That is interesting, and you can make a generic declaration by just a few people?

China Tibetan start to realize that India Tibetan (Ladakhi, Sikhimese...etc) are living in shitt hole. In addition India discriminate them by calling them Chinky eyes. They are under caste system and racism.

Indian Tibetan? Ladakhis and we are not Tibetan. We are indigenous in our land. There are some Tibetans who migrated centuries ago but not all are Tibetans.

20 years later, Sikhimese and Ladakhi will hate themselves to be inside India.

Good. Keep predicting state-approved outcomes.

It will keep you alive for some days more until truth dawns.

What I refer to as Tibet land is places like Ladakh, Sikhim and South Tibet, Mustang, Spiti Valley..etc. The villages in China side of border speaks the same lect as you Sikhimese. A lot of Sikhimese other than you admit they are Tibetan. A lot of Nepalese especially Sherpa, Mustang-ese admit they are Tibetan.

Even Tenzing Norgay admit he is Tibetan. India try to make him Indian but he betray India during the later part of his life shouting on roof top he is Tibetan. There is no such thing as "Sherpa" race.

I AM A TIBETAN: Tenzing Norgay - www.phayul.com

We gathered at the front rows of the hall, the seven or eight "Tibetans" that remained behind. I was confused and was wondering why a "Sherpa" would want to talk to Tibetans, since I came to believe that Sherpas claimed to be Nepalese and not Tibetans. Perhaps, I was not old enough to comprehend the intricacies of citizenship and immigration, but his first words to us was calming and reassuring. He said, "I am a Tibetan!" in a loud clear voice. I woke up then.

Tenzing, explained at length with fine detail, why he came to be called a Sherpa. As a Tibetan refugee, there was no chance in hell of being recognized as a hero along side Edmund Hillary. With Ed's help he gained, meaning full employment as a mountain porter, and then a famous mountaineer and the story went on.

In hind site, I got to thank Tenzing Norgay for his words that made me realize that I was a Tibetan. Growing up as an orphan with no relatives or friends up until that time, I wasn't sure who or what I was and where I was headed. After hearing those great words not from a famous man, but a humble mountain porter, I realized who I want to be, forever, a Tibetan!

Indians has been dividing Tibetan by giving them names such as Sikhimese, Ladakhi, Bhotyas....etc. Now you are different race. China has Ladakhi, Sikhimese, Bhotyas lect speaker as well. It further have Lhasa Amdo, Kampas lect speaker. However, China has only one name for these people, they are call Tibetan.
Then why is it that you attempted to mandate Mandarin over Tibetan?

Both can be taught side by side, isn't it?

Why force at gunpoint to eradicate their language?

As I have written in many occasions, culture genocide is conducted in India against Tibetan, not China. India invented the Ladakhi race out of Tibetan. Then India told "Ladakhi" their lect is not codified. So India impose English and Hindi in Ladakh.

Below is from my earlier post.

Actually China has been implementing policies in Tibet base on consultation with Dalai. Below is interview with Dalai's brother, Gyalo Thondup.

嘉樂頓珠當時提出了三個要求。一是二十年來,流亡的大部分西藏人與家人失去聯絡,不知西藏親人 的情況,他要 求鄧小平可以開放印度和西藏邊境,使得海外的藏民可以回去探親,找他們的親人。話音未落,鄧小 平接上就說: “一點問題都沒有,非常歡迎藏族人民回來探親,來去自由。在西藏自治區的藏族同胞也可以自由地到 印度去,或 者旅遊、或者去朝聖,一點不阻擋,我今天就下命令。”

嘉樂頓珠接著又提出第二個問題,要求照顧上一世的班禅,他在這些年中受了很多委屈,因此希望能 恢複班禅的自 由。鄧小平聽後說:“我馬上派人去處理,恢複班禅的職位,我們委任他做全國政協副主席。”嘉樂 頓珠再要求, 在印度流亡二十多年,達賴喇嘛利用印度政府的支持,辦了很多的學校,教育了學生,亦培育了很多 教員,聽說西 藏很多學校缺少藏語教師,可以派一部分人到西藏自治區做教育工作。

鄧小平回答說:“這很好啊。”他接著又問:“可以來多少人?”嘉樂頓珠說,初次可以派三四十人 ,以後每年增 加。鄧小平馬上說,不行,你要派一千人來,因為我們非常需要教語言的教師,西藏自治區需要,在 北京的民族學 院都需要藏文先生,你們的教員藏、英文都懂,可以來教。鄧小平還說。他們來了也可以看看我們的 大字報,“你 們的青年人來,也可以貼大字報,發表他們的意見和看法”。

Put it simply,

Gyalo : Indian exile Tibetan can go home visit relative and China Tibetan can go India visit Dalai?

Deng Xiaoping : OK, I give the approval today

Gyalo : Take care of Panchen Lama

Deng Xiaoping: OK, I give him a job of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deputy chairman.

Gyalo: Dalai exile government trained a lot students, we hope China can employ them as Tibetan language teacher.

Deng Xiaoping: OK. How many can you send?

Gyalo: 30-40 every year

Deng Xiaoping: No you must send 1000.

In Tibetan schools, even natural science are conducted in Tibetan lect instead of mandarin.

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