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Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

This is no place to be making personal remarks Mr khan but since you have started it i wld like to say that your arrogant and naive comments don't seem like coming from a seasoned man. It seems like anything paf does you have a huge problem with that and also whatever others write you confront it. if you wld have been capable enough u wld have been working for paf (or USAF if that is up to ur mark) and not writing here. paf is a premier institution which has been guarding our skies with limited resources but exceptional efficiency, it has people who are much more capable then you or me can ever dream to be so relax and show some faith.
coming back to the topic Guys it was a sorry accident and big loss but unfortunately no air-force is accident prone at-most we can try to minimize the loss and paf's crash rate i think is gud enough.

accident proof. typing mistake
i know investigations involving airforce are internal matter, but did we ever found out what happened to the JF-17 which crashed? was it a pilot error or what?

that was bird hit at low level flight and pilot have no chance to eject sir .bird sucked by intakes and enter in engine .
India had reached 200 crashes with their mig21's. they are planning to replace it with tejas. but recently in pakistan the paf plane crash number has increased alarmingly . and i smell some conspiracy as last year in november we were having awesome run of show at dubai air show with our jf-17,,, and in home it crashed denting the deals to sell it to foreign countries.
India had reached 200 crashes with their mig21's. they are planning to replace it with tejas. but recently in pakistan the paf plane crash number has increased alarmingly . and i smell some conspiracy as last year in november we were having awesome run of show at dubai air show with our jf-17,,, and in home it crashed denting the deals to sell it to foreign countries.

^^^ Da heck did i just read?
:blink: :blink:
The FIS question I asked in my earlier post has most of the answers of this discussion. Pilots from PAF/PA/PN or several other countries join FIS to learn basics lessons required for Qualified Fighter Instructor (QFI). Flt Lt and Sqn Ldrs join this course. Lessons about aerodynamics, engine,airmanship, meteorology and navigation are taught...those who pass the course return back to their respective squadrons as QFIs.

Everything at FIS is on a serious note. No body has any spare time and intentions to show his guts to each other.


Then how did this happen---something failed somewhere----.

If it walks like a dog---if it barks like a dog---it is a dog----. In the history of aviation----same thing is repeated over and over in almost every nation's air force---a jock comes down to fly a measley little prop plane and want to show off his wares---it is not the first time and it is not the last time it has happened----.

This accident has 'fighter jock' written all over it---FIS or no FIS---if the pilot flew in and tried to slide into formation flight possibly was not too familiar with the aerodynamics of the air craft----.

That is why I kep telling you people---read---read books----read fiction---read something----you will learn to look at things.

My cousin brother's buddy a fighter pilot retires and goes for pia----on his test flight---that a-hole turns the passenger aircraft on its wing----just wanted to show off---could have easily killed the other pilot and couple of other people on the plane---- and then he is bragging about it----.

The reason I am asking the question what was the background of those pilots---coming from fighter sqdrn's or what----. These guys do it all the time---they want to show how good they are---and they cause accidents---buddy if you don't know these things---it is time to learn---not to patronize me.

On a side note---you can't make me unlearn these things now-----my hard drive is loaded up---maybe one of these days as I get old---it would get zapped---but till that day comes---!!!!!!:smokin:

Your lack of knowledge and understanding shows in not looking into what their previous job was---it always boils down to---what made him do what he did----this question never changes----either in a murder---in an assault---a rape---or ijn an accident.

You are a man---you are an educated man---it is your job to ask the question---why did it happen---how did it happen---if you the future is not going to ask this question---then who is going to ask this question-----.

The air force has an excuse---and before they utter their excuses---you people are all ready to accept that is how it happens----and start brushing the dirt under the rug.

I keep telling you kids---you are not very literate people---GOD gave you two ears and two eyes---but one mouth----so read and learn and listen and learn more than you people want to talk---AND NEVER STOP ASKING QUESTIONS---NEVER TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED---you guys are all full of excuses for others----it is amazing----.
India had reached 200 crashes with their mig21's. they are planning to replace it with tejas. but recently in pakistan the paf plane crash number has increased alarmingly . and i smell some conspiracy as last year in november we were having awesome run of show at dubai air show with our jf-17,,, and in home it crashed denting the deals to sell it to foreign countries.

What do you mean Conspiracy?
our older aircrafts are being replaced, what more do you want?

And only one JF-17 crashed since its Introduction. Even F-22 has crashed a couple of time so give PAF a break!
investigation is already being carried out.its PAF not some bloody civil organization.action will also be taken i m sure.wat i m saying is that PAF is under no compulsion to publicize the result of inquiry report to low IQ politicians n media people or to some mr.mastan khan or epinephrine.wat needs to be done will be done i m sure.u can neither inquire nor punish a dead person.is that wat u want?

Oh---stop your sob story---count yourself into the low IQ category that you mentioned---if that is the level of your self esteem----keep it for yourself.

Then how did this happen---something failed somewhere----.

If it walks like a dog---if it barks like a dog---it is a dog----. In the history of aviation----same thing is repeated over and over in almost every nation's air force---a jock comes down to fly a measley little prop plane and want to show off his wares---it is not the first time and it is not the last time it has happened----.

This accident has 'fighter jock' written all over it---FIS or no FIS---if the pilot flew in and tried to slide into formation flight possibly was not too familiar with the aerodynamics of the air craft----.

That is why I kep telling you people---read---read books----read fiction---read something----you will learn to look at things.

My cousin brother's buddy a fighter pilot retires and goes for pia----on his test flight---that a-hole turns the passenger aircraft on its wing----just wanted to show off---could have easily killed the other pilot and couple of other people on the plane---- and then he is bragging about it----.

The reason I am asking the question what was the background of those pilots---coming from fighter sqdrn's or what----. These guys do it all the time---they want to show how good they are---and they cause accidents---buddy if you don't know these things---it is time to learn---not to patronize me.

On a side note---you can't make me unlearn these things now-----my hard drive is loaded up---maybe one of these days as I get old---it would get zapped---but till that day comes---!!!!!!:smokin:

Your lack of knowledge and understanding shows in not looking into what their previous job was---it always boils down to---what made him do what he did----this question never changes----either in a murder---in an assault---a rape---or ijn an accident.

You are a man---you are an educated man---it is your job to ask the question---why did it happen---how did it happen---if you the future is not going to ask this question---then who is going to ask this question-----.

The air force has an excuse---and before they utter their excuses---you people are all ready to accept that is how it happens----and start brushing the dirt under the rug.

I keep telling you kids---you are not very literate people---GOD gave you two ears and two eyes---but one mouth----so read and learn and listen and learn more than you people want to talk---AND NEVER STOP ASKING QUESTIONS---NEVER TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED---you guys are all full of excuses for others----it is amazing----.

So you're saying those pilots don't know the aircraft they fly in everyday?
that's the boldest statement i've ever heard from a guy who doesn't fly himself!

btw Mushak is fully aerobatic capable. There is a video on youtube in which Mushshaks are flying in "50" formation!
the incident could've been a pilot error, BUT we DONT know in what circumstances mistakes were made!

so saying those pilots were showing off and dont know their aircraft is very arrogant!

and just to add on to it a little-
when pilots aren't flying, they're actually studying their aircraft and trying to come up with new strategies to counter enemy offence. And while they're in the air, they take their aircraft to the edge of its envelope. Its a necessary practice that every pilot must do and should know, so that when the time comes they dont hesitate to it again.

Then how did this happen---something failed somewhere----.

If it walks like a dog---if it barks like a dog---it is a dog----. In the history of aviation----same thing is repeated over and over in almost every nation's air force---a jock comes down to fly a measley little prop plane and want to show off his wares---it is not the first time and it is not the last time it has happened----.

This accident has 'fighter jock' written all over it---FIS or no FIS---if the pilot flew in and tried to slide into formation flight possibly was not too familiar with the aerodynamics of the air craft----.

That is why I kep telling you people---read---read books----read fiction---read something----you will learn to look at things.

My cousin brother's buddy a fighter pilot retires and goes for pia----on his test flight---that a-hole turns the passenger aircraft on its wing----just wanted to show off---could have easily killed the other pilot and couple of other people on the plane---- and then he is bragging about it----.

The reason I am asking the question what was the background of those pilots---coming from fighter sqdrn's or what----. These guys do it all the time---they want to show how good they are---and they cause accidents---buddy if you don't know these things---it is time to learn---not to patronize me.

On a side note---you can't make me unlearn these things now-----my hard drive is loaded up---maybe one of these days as I get old---it would get zapped---but till that day comes---!!!!!!:smokin:

Your lack of knowledge and understanding shows in not looking into what their previous job was---it always boils down to---what made him do what he did----this question never changes----either in a murder---in an assault---a rape---or ijn an accident.

You are a man---you are an educated man---it is your job to ask the question---why did it happen---how did it happen---if you the future is not going to ask this question---then who is going to ask this question-----.

The air force has an excuse---and before they utter their excuses---you people are all ready to accept that is how it happens----and start brushing the dirt under the rug.

I keep telling you kids---you are not very literate people---GOD gave you two ears and two eyes---but one mouth----so read and learn and listen and learn more than you people want to talk---AND NEVER STOP ASKING QUESTIONS---NEVER TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED---you guys are all full of excuses for others----it is amazing----.

That is extreme generalization.. so everytime a USAF senior pilot steps into a T-6 texan II he is looking to show off??
Too harsh, and too personalized a theory.. Your cousins buddys brother or whatever relations may have been a show-off...
But thats like saying that every driver on the street is rash because you know one rash driver.

And its because I read books, do research.. and meet people.. That I must completely reject your theory as based on just personal assumption and not actual research or current knowledge. You are assuming that TOP GUN's Tom cruise types are all over the place.. and going nuts.
Here is my personalized theory then..
I knew one of those pilots and two of his colleagues and have shared dinner with them, he was not the type to show off.
Let me put this straight to you, those fighter pilots.. that machismo that you saw in your heydeys does not exist anymore..
You think a person who is father.. who knows that responsibility of having two kids will carelessly throw his life at the brink?
I believe you mock him by suggesting that he did without holding the responsibilities of his wife and kids dear.
The aircraft were IN formation when this happened.. no sliding into formation or out of it..The fly this close day in and day out.
Sure, pilot error cannot be ruled out.. but you seem to suggest a daily show-boating..which doesn't exist at all at this senior level.
If there were three cadets.. or cadets and Flt lt.. I would agree.. But these were senior, settled pilots..
If you do read.. and meet today(provided your harddrive has some space left).. speak to any of these senior guys..and they'll gladly reminisce about their times as new flying officers and unauthorized low flying and aerobatics.
Ask them about now and the only word they have is not anymore, not ever...they have a family and responsibilities to look out for. I called up Sqn Ldr Moazzums colleague(who also lives in the flat adjacent to him) and was part of the FIS course. He knows these men much more intimately than you and I ever could. His own testimony to these men exists. They were not the showboat types... when somebody I trust tells me that he would trust those men not to make those mistake.. I dont consider them excuses.. I consider them reliable evidence. We can ask questions and we should.. but there is a difference between intelligent questions asked by an investigative committee..and those asked by a two bit news reporter..

You keep advising us all the time, and is always appreciated.. but I would also suggest that you stop behaving like a few PA generals I know and make space in your harddrive ;Not discard everything coming from those younger than you that disagrees with your PoV as nonsense.
Another thing that the Flt lt, did have a Sqd Ldr with him, while the other plane had both Sqd Ldrs.
To Mastan Khan
Sir I'm just 18 and I just joined PDF a while ago. But even i can vouch for that PAF is a very Professional Air Force. I personally know some GDP's in PAF & from them i got to know that there are very strict rules which they have to follow during flying.The Instructors can even physically punish the rookie Pilot while flying for even a slightest mistake (Unintentionally) made by them so how can they simply ignore if something is intentional?:what:. And From what i heard about the Crash,all those were very senior Pilots not some kind of Amateurs.So Its highly unlikely to believe that they would've been showing off and pulling off dangerous manuevers like its a child's play.Plus It was a Formation flight (Not a Solo Mission) so its common sense that a Junior won't attempt to do such a foolish thing in the presence of its instructors. It was really an unfortunate accident that might have been occurred due to pilot error but it was definitely Not the case that those " Pilots were trying to prove themselves or showing off that how good they are ":no:
And to add to the discussion, the day that the accident occurred, strong winds were blowing all day and night.. so one cannot rule out a strong gust of wind that could have blown one plane right into the other with them flying so close in the formation.. even enough to clip a wing could have resulted in this unfortunate disaster.. May Allah give patience to the grieving families to live through these troubled times..
Lets come back on topic , gents ..No more personal attacks -- If you have insider news regarding the accident findings , or can support your speculations based on valid aviation scenarios , then please post , otherwise keep away from posting no value stuff
And to add to the discussion, the day that the accident occurred, strong winds were blowing all day and night.. so one cannot rule out a strong gust of wind that could have blown one plane right into the other with them flying so close in the formation.. even enough to clip a wing could have resulted in this unfortunate disaster.. May Allah give patience to the grieving families to live through these troubled times..


You answered it yourself---if there were strong winds---strong gusty wings---then why fly in close formation----. Do you have to have an accident to stop doing what you do!
A small helicopter of Army Aviation has gone missing near Wazirabad over river Chanab. IP and trainee pilots are on board

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