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Not a veiled threat: Burqa ban in France from April

I think that Burqa should be more of a personal choice, but at the same France is a secular country, so if you live in such country you will have to respect its laws

Welcome back Emo Girl!
I think that Burqa should be more of a personal choice, but at the same France is a secular country, so if you live in such country you will have to respect its laws

What if the country is not secular?
Shall we not obey the laws?
Talking to you Indian boys is like talking to a rock. You can't generalize. I have to spell everything out for you. I repeat: If anyone in Canada walks into a public building wearing a burqa, she will instantly attract the attention of a every security officer. They are incapable of blending in and would make terrible suicide bombers. Your statement that terrorists can use the burqa to commit terrorism in the West is a delusion.

sorry..it's not just in buildings but in streets also..not one or two but there will be hundreds on streets and public places wearing burqa..it's not possible to go and check everybody.its not only about suicide bombing but they can plant a bomb and move with out showing face, it erases the possibility of eye witness also.a wanted criminal/terrorist can also use this to evade police and public attention.
Sunset clause is SELECTIVE:

It does not cover A to Z...

What you posted are sunset sections under sunset clauses. These are set to expire if not renewed before expiration. What you posted were sold to the public as "temporary" measures and were scheduled to expire, or "sunset," in December of 2005.
What you posted are sunset sections under sunset clauses. These are set to expire if not renewed before expiration. What you posted were sold to the public as "temporary" measures and were scheduled to expire, or "sunset," in December of 2005.

Ok smart guy, then tell me what are those sunset clauses that you claim....
Ok smart guy, then tell me what are those sunset clauses that you claim....

I will take your comment as a complement.

February 15, 2011 8:03 PM

Senate Passes 90-Day Extension of Patriot Act

The Senate has passed a 90-day extension of Patriot Act with 86 ayes and 12 nays to allow more time to work out a longer term solution for three expiring provisions in the anti-terrorism bill. It now goes to the House. If Congress does not act the provisions would expire at the end of February.

"Extend it to May. It will give us time then. It's very important that it not expire," said Senator Dianne Feinstein Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. "It gives us more time because there are three different bills and a lot of stuff going on and you can't sort it out. So this will give some time."

Senate Passes 90-Day Extension of Patriot Act - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition - Los Angeles Times
Personally i feel as if this is the right decision. It is not mandatory for a muslim woman to wear a burqa...i think abaya is the variation that does not cover the face ,so she could go for that. Personally, I cannot imagine a veiled existence.
"Most of the issues with the Act that people claim are unconstitutional and 'taking away our freedoms' were nothing more than the application of law enforcement techniques used to fight organized crime being applied to terrorism.

And it also removes the distinction between supporting domestic and international terrorism. Now - any act where you are knowingly assisting, providing financial assistance, false documents, or any kind of material resource to anybody planning to commit a terrorist act is illegal - no matter whether or not the act occurs in the US or not.

It should be fairly easy for you to discover that most of the people criticizing the act have no clue as to what they are talking about."
It should be fairly easy for you to discover that most of the people criticizing the act have no clue as to what they are talking about."

Patriot act is a Gestapo type draconian law:

Wanting to learn more, the ACLU and some other civil rights groups filed a FOIA request, arguing that the DOJ was classifying its answers unnecessarily. But this May, a federal judge in U.S. district court in Washington ruled that the DOJ had the right to keep the specifics hush-hush under FOIA's national security exemption.

It was passed in a hush hush manner, watch the movie of micheal moore, Farenhite 911.
I will worry when these laws become permanent law of the land.

So far, you are day to day with them.....living with them......its mental torture!

To commit an atrocity is a sin, to experience it, is even more!
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