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Protest and Riots in France


Mar 31, 2023
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France has been rocked by a wave of protests after a 17-year-old youth was shot by police near Paris Tuesday, sparking a ban on demonstrations in some cities, travel warnings and reigniting a debate on overpolicing in marginalized communities.

Scenes emerged of people setting fires to vehicles and climbing onto buildings with smashed windows, while riot police officers fiercely clashed with demonstrators.

The unrest prompted a crisis response from French President Emmanuel Macron, who held an emergency meeting with ministers as he attempts to bridge divisions and unite the country in his second term.

Here’s what we know.

What sparked the protests?​

A police officer shot dead the teenager, Nahel, who was of Algerian heritage, during a traffic stop in the Paris suburb of Nanterre earlier this week.

Footage of the incident captured by a passerby showed two officers standing on the driver’s side of the car, one of whom discharged his gun at the driver despite not appearing to face any immediate threat.

The officer said he fired his gun because he was scared the boy would run someone over with the car, Nanterre prosecutor Pascal Prache said.

Prache said that it is believed the officer acted illegally in using his weapon. He is currently facing a formal investigation for voluntary homicide and has been placed in preliminary detention.

What’s happened since?​

Protesters have been carrying signs that read,”the police kill” and hundreds of government buildings have been damaged as Nahel’s death taps into anger over racial bias in the country.

Successive nights of violence across France and its overseas territories have in turn prompted French officials launch a crackdown. More than 40,000 police officers have been mobilized to patrol cities across the country, nearly 1,000 people have been arrested and more than 200 police officers have been injured.

In Paris alone, 5,000 security personnel were deployed. Officers were given powers to quell riots, make arrests, and “restore republican order,” French Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin said.

Overseas French territories have also witnessed violent protests. A man was killed by a “stray bullet” in Cayenne, capital of French Guiana, by a “stray bullet” during riots on Thursday.

What does this mean for Macron?​

Macron gave himself 100 days to heal the country and reset his presidency after weeks of protests against unpopular pension reforms earlier this year. But hopes for a reset are now likely to be hampered by the widespread protests. It has not gone unnoticed that French President Emmanuel Macron attended an Elton John concert on Wednesday as cars burned and buildings were defaced across the country.

The French government is working to avoid a repeat of 2005, when the deaths of two teenage boys hiding from police set off a state of emergency amid three weeks of rioting.

Macron did cut short his attendance at a European Council summit in Brussels that had been due to last through Friday. He announced a ban on all “large-scale events” in France, including “celebratory events and numerous gatherings,” and implored parents to keep their children at home, saying a third of the almost 900 people detained overnight were young.

Macron has also called for social media platforms to help quell the demonstrations, asking TikTok and Snapchat to withdraw the “most sensitive content” and to identify users who employ “social networks to call for disorder or to exacerbate violence.”

What led to the unrest?​

Activists believe Nahel’s race was a factor in his killing, unraveling deep-rooted tensions over police discrimination against minoritized communities in France.

Secularism – known as “laïcité” in French – is a key foundation of French culture, as it seeks to uphold equality for all by erasing markers of difference, including race.

But many people of color in France say they are more likely to be victims of police brutality than White people. A 2017 study by the Rights Defenders, an independent human rights watchdog in France, found that young men perceived to be Black or Arab were 20 times more likely to be stopped by police than their peers.

Accusations of brutality have long plagued French police. The Council of Europe criticized “excessive use of force by state agents” in a statement earlier this year during protests against Macron’s unpopular pension reforms.

Rights groups, like Amnesty International, have accused French police of ethnic profiling and have recommended deep, systemic reform to address the discrimination.

The UN called on France to address “deep issues of racism and discrimination in law enforcement,” in the agency’s first comments since the killing.

In a statement on Friday, a spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urged French authorities to “ensure use of force by police to address violent elements in demonstrations always respects the principles of legality, necessity, proportionality, non-discrimination, precaution and accountability.”

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs later rebuffed the UN’s comments, saying: “France, and its police forces, fight with determination against racism and all forms of discrimination. There can be no doubt about this commitment.

“The use of force by the national police and gendarmerie is governed by the principles of absolute necessity and proportionality, strictly framed and controlled,” the ministry added.

Is it safe to travel to France?​

As peak travel season gets underway, multiple countries issued stark warnings to those visiting France, where domestic transport networks have been disrupted.

The Interior Ministry announced that public transportation, including buses and tramways, would shut down across the country by 9 p.m. local time (3 p.m. ET), ahead of a fourth night of expected protests.

Limited curfews were imposed in Clamart and Neuilly-sur-Marne, while some bus services were disrupted in Paris but the Metro system was operating as normal. The Nanterre-Préfecture train station was closed.

In Lille, bus and tramway services were more or less running normally on Friday, with some diversions in place.

In the southern city of Marseille, public transport was due to stop services at 7 p.m.

There was no disruption to the Eurostar service connecting London, Lille and Paris as a result of the protests. French intercity trains are also not affected.

Further afield, the US State Department issued a security alert on June 29 covering France. It suggested monitoring media outlets France24, RFI and The Local for updates.

Meanwhile, Britain issued a travel advisory urging tourists to “monitor the media” and “avoid areas where riots are taking place.”

German authorities also advised its citizens to “find out about the current situation where you are staying at and avoid large-scale places of violent riots.”

You reap what you sow.

These countries draw cartoons and burn books to offend a quarter of the world's population. Now the trigger happy cops are killing people on the streets. You reap what you sow.
The most unwanted and worthless immigrants ever!!!

After destroying their own hometown... they immigrate to another country for a better life in the name of human rights.

Instead of appreciation, they destroy it as well.

And then seek for another country to be destroyed.

And again, and again...

I don't know what White people feeling for seeing their own country is being destroyed.

Their kindness and welcoming attitude are being betrayed.
The most unwanted and worthless immigrants ever!!!

After destroying their own hometown... they immigrate to another country for a better life in the name of human rights.

Instead of appreciation, they destroy it as well.

And then seek for another country to be destroyed.

And again, and again...

I don't know what White people feeling for seeing their own country is being destroyed.

Their kindness and welcoming attitude are being betrayed.
This is what happens when you let Juice control the western establishment
The most unwanted and worthless immigrants ever!!!

After destroying their own hometown... they immigrate to another country for a better life in the name of human rights.

Instead of appreciation, they destroy it as well.

And then seek for another country to be destroyed.

And again, and again...

I don't know what White people feeling for seeing their own country is being destroyed.

Their kindness and welcoming attitude are being betrayed.
You are ill informed my friend.
To sum up whats happening in France. A colonial France that raped and plundered parts of Africa, systematically destroying local norms, cultures, societies and economies. In the process literally killing millions (ala Algeria). The unraveling of these nations forces a human migration only for economic purposes not for some French egalitarian and liberty bullshit.

Those immigrants are secluded from economic benefits and hemmed into Ghettos, where limited resources are spent. French society discriminates against them, constantly reminding them that they are the others, their culture and their values are inferior, and these Ghettos slide into poverty and criminality. In return they get over policing and xenophobic policies. Police brutality and killing become norm, and the children of those immigrant parents begin to despise the lands their fathers came to, finding themselves neither here nor there.

And you sitting Indonesia get on your soapbox and pontificate. BORING!
You are ill informed my friend.
To sum up whats happening in France. A colonial France that raped and plundered parts of Africa, systematically destroying local norms, cultures, societies and economies. In the process literally killing millions (ala Algeria). The unraveling of these nations forces a human migration only for economic purposes not for some French egalitarian and liberty bullshit.

Those immigrants are secluded from economic benefits and hemmed into Ghettos, where limited resources are spent. French society discriminates against them, constantly reminding them that they are the others, their culture and their values are inferior, and these Ghettos slide into poverty and criminality. In return they get over policing and xenophobic policies. Police brutality and killing become norm, and the children of those immigrant parents begin to despise the lands their fathers came to, finding themselves neither here nor there.

And you sitting Indonesia get on your soapbox and pontificate. BORING!

So, what is your solution and suggestion to solve this immigrant problem?
So, what is your solution and suggestion to solve this immigrant problem?
stop stealing resources of non european countries, stop illegal invasions of non european countries, stop overthrowing governments of non european countries. let the JUNGLE live. stick to your own GARDEN

The most unwanted and worthless immigrants ever!!!

After destroying their own hometown... they immigrate to another country for a better life in the name of human rights.

Instead of appreciation, they destroy it as well.

And then seek for another country to be destroyed.

And again, and again...

I don't know what White people feeling for seeing their own country is being destroyed.

Their kindness and welcoming attitude are being betrayed.

You are ill informed my friend.
To sum up whats happening in France. A colonial France that raped and plundered parts of Africa, systematically destroying local norms, cultures, societies and economies. In the process literally killing millions (ala Algeria). The unraveling of these nations forces a human migration only for economic purposes not for some French egalitarian and liberty bullshit.

Those immigrants are secluded from economic benefits and hemmed into Ghettos, where limited resources are spent. French society discriminates against them, constantly reminding them that they are the others, their culture and their values are inferior, and these Ghettos slide into poverty and criminality. In return they get over policing and xenophobic policies. Police brutality and killing become norm, and the children of those immigrant parents begin to despise the lands their fathers came to, finding themselves neither here nor there.

And you sitting Indonesia get on your soapbox and pontificate. BORING!
ok but why didnt this happen with the Jews or even the Chinese minorities? Why didnt they burn riot like this and burn down their neighborhoods?
ok but why didnt this happen with the Jews or even the Chinese minorities? Why didnt they burn riot like this and burn down their neighborhoods?

Chinese and Jews don't get shot and killed by police. A Muslim immigrant from North African descent is more likely to be discriminated by the police.
Chinese and Jews don't get shot and killed by police.
if you believe Chinese or jewish mmigrants were never discriminated against you need to look at history. Its called cultural values. No matter how poor jews have been, and the've been VERY poor - the term Ghetto was initially used to refer to Jewish areas. They never had crime ridden, riot prone neighborhoods. And if they did engage in crime it was organized crime like the Jewish mob.
if you believe Chinese or jewish mmigrants were never discriminated against you need to look at history. Its called cultural values. No matter how poor jews have been, and the've been VERY poor - the term Ghetto was initially used to refer to Jewish areas. They never had crime ridden, riot prone neighborhoods. And if they did engage in crime it was organized crime like the Jewish mob.

Jewish and Chinese don't get shot and killed by police. This kid that was killed through excessive force and had no criminal record.

There is no doubt that there is crime in certain neighborhoods. There is also no doubt that communities also have responsibilities.

Nevertheless, police is racist and uses excessive force. There is a serious problem with police force in many Western capitals.
The most unwanted and worthless immigrants ever!!!

After destroying their own hometown... they immigrate to another country for a better life in the name of human rights.

Instead of appreciation, they destroy it as well.

And then seek for another country to be destroyed.

And again, and again...

I don't know what White people feeling for seeing their own country is being destroyed.

Their kindness and welcoming attitude are being betrayed.

The plundered the world for hundreds of years,, killed, raped and enslaved and stole TRILLIONS

They used it to build up their own countries at our expense

The people they occupied followed them back because they were told how great it was

Unlike some uncle Tom's,, they don't enjoy being constantly undermines and spoken down to, the racism, bigotry and prejudice was always their
It made the population resentful and hardened and this then made the local population upset because the "lower" migrant population was speaking back to them and being so aggressive and not taking their casual prejudice and racism and with gleeful acceptance

Now they randomly kill a 17 year old kid who was no real threat, no aggressive or intimidating and it's the latest in a long line of such actions and it's kicked off riots and anger
The French police shouldn't have shot that 17-year-old. The logical option is to permanently deport him, send him and his family to some African or South Asian country
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