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Not a veiled threat: Burqa ban in France from April

If the Sari covers the woman right from the head to toe in a black cloth that the person opposite do not know if it is a man or a woman ; then yes.

But till then only full covering Burqa.

Sri, I am the retarded asocialite that once did not let a woman enter our household in Pk while wearing one on my pedantic instance that she could be carrying an AK underneath. She doesn't talk to me anymore.

Why do I narrate the above? To tell you that I am more sold on this idea than most here, but the little boys that populate this place are bringing forth illogical, non-causative or statistically-insignificant examples.

Coming to the sari, I was the kid in the house that somehow learnt how to wear a sari (have forgotten since) and a few times elder cousins used to ask me help them wear it. So I can tell from almost-first-hand experience, that it is a very constraining and cumbersome dress and should be banned on feminist grounds.
Dude do you know that Turbans are banned in Schools and so are crosses or for that matter any other sign of religion ??

The French discriminate , but they dont discriminate in discriminating.

That's a different law.

That law bans ostensible religious symbols in schools. I have already explained why that law is discriminatory because it puts in a loophole allowing small pendants with religious symbols, since they are not considered "ostensible".

Traditionally, such pendants are worn by Christians (and Jews), so they were exempted by the law.

If the French had wanted to keep religion out of schools, they could have said "No religious symbols". Why add the weasel word "ostensible"?
PARIS: France will start enforcing a ban next month on full Islamic face veils, officials said, meaning any veiled woman can be summoned to a police station and asked to remove her face-covering or pay a fine.

Officials say the law is mainly symbolic and police will not call in every veiled woman they see to avoid stigmatising Muslims. But a Paris imam said forcing veiled women to present themselves at a police station would be just as uncomfortable.

When France passed the ban on full face veils last year, Muslim leaders voiced concern that it could lead to veiled Muslim women being unfairly treated by police or singled out for harassment.

"My gut reaction is to say this is all a bit clumsy," said Moussa Niambele, the imam of a mosque in Paris.

The ban forbids wearing any garment concealing the face in a public space, namely the street, public transport, shops, schools, courtrooms, hospitals and government buildings. From April 11, police are instructed to summon veil-wearers to a station, where they will be asked to remove the garment for "identification" and leave it off. If the wearer refuses to remove it they will be fined up to $208.

Not a veiled threat Burqa ban in France from April

I dont like the harsh Patriot act of the USA, but I guess I have to live with it and abide by the las of land, the other harsh option would be to leave the US.
What civilised Pakistanis think of above ??

What a stupid post by Indian.
Looks like a troll against Muslim Culture.
You claim is fatuous. Why don't you answer my charge instead of deflecting? Isn't banning an Islamic dress intolerance against the religion of Islam?

The same applies to middle eastern countries, most of them don't allow for other religions to practice their faith.
Gone are the days when France was an enlightened nation...

Its ruler is a clown called Sarkozy... Its people are scared of a Burqa... and they are running out of puppets in the Muslim world to continue their neo colonialist experiment...

Stupid law in an increasingly stupid country... The decline of France has begun... along with Britain and America... Death to all imperialism, colonialism and fascism...
Sri, I am the retarded asocialite that once did not let a woman enter our household in Pk while wearing one on my pedantic instance that she could be carrying an AK underneath. She doesn't talk to me anymore.

Why do I narrate the above? To tell you that I am more sold on this idea than most here, but the little boys that populate this place are bringing forth illogical, non-causative or statistically-insignificant examples.

As of now it is not confirmed whether the French have declared the ban on security grounds or on Cultural grounds.

But my take is even if it is either of the two they are justified for the simple reason that it is their country and many countries have openly declared (recent being Germany) the migrants should be cognizant of Europe's Christian roots.

If they feel uncomfortable seeing fully black clothed ladies moving about in public and if the general public supports it (They do I guess) then there is nothing stopping them from going ahead with the ban.

Coming to the sari, I was the kid in the house that somehow learnt how to wear a sari (have forgotten since) and a few times elder cousins used to ask me help them wear it. So I can tell from almost-first-hand experience, that it is a very constraining and cumbersome dress and should be banned on feminist grounds.

I cant say this without being cheesy but sari has ventilation in appropriate places to keep the women comfortable and it is the sexiest dress available if worn the way it is supposed to be worn.
That's a different law.

That law bans ostensible religious symbols in schools. I have already explained why that law is discriminatory because it puts in a loophole allowing small pendants with religious symbols, since they are not considered "ostensible".

Traditionally, such pendants are worn by Christians (and Jews), so they were exempted by the law.

If the French had wanted to keep religion out of schools, they could have said "No religious symbols". Why add the weasel word "ostensible"?

Because you wont be looking with oil in your eyes from small symbols like a pendant which may not even be visible sometimes. The veil is not like that. It explicitly says your belief which may not be a good thing in those formative years.

Similar is the case of Turban for the Sikhs.
1) Arabs have deeper deeper Christian roots than Europe ever will.

But they are not practising Christians..Are they except for a tiny minority ? And please dont ever bring in the Arabs for any sort of religious tolerance except maybe the Lebanese.

2) Doesn't have to be black. Note Gujarati women. Or Afghan ones.

They are Bohri or Ismaili and they are colorful. I am talking about the general burqa of which 99 % are Black.
France has banned only face veil.
Which means you can wear rest of your religious cloths, if it shows your face.
It is not due to security reason, but due to the fear that those who hide their face, end up shutting themselves from the society.

France does not like their citizens showing religious symbols as well. So they are islamophobic, chistrianophobic, hinduphobic, sikhphobic too.
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