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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

We must also always write the whole thing "Christian-Terrorist"... Not just "terrorist" coz it sends out incomplete or the wrong message...

i dont get it ..even if its a terrorist attack .... he targeted his own people regardless of religion unlike some terrorists (u know who)..... why the **** are you hell bent on giving religious color to this incident ...? i like the thread title BTW ..:disagree::disagree:
RIP to the dead. I think just one death sentence (if he is given any; that's more sad) to this terrorist won't do justice with the people he has killed.
i dont get it ..even if its a terrorist attack .... he targeted his own people regardless of religion unlike some terrorists (u know who)..... why the **** are you hell bent on giving religious color to this incident ...? i like the thread title BTW ..:disagree::disagree:

Sur is giving religious color to this incident does because they're some dumbases out there who think "terrorist" word only applies to Muslims. Yesterday, I was reading comments on this article on Yahoo News and believe me, people were posting comments like "religion of peace strikes again..." or "damn Muzzies need to be deported..." even after reading...
RIP to the dead. I think just one death sentence (if he is given any; that's more sad) to this terrorist won't do justice with the people he has killed.

No death sentence in Norway. 21 years is the max he is going to get.
BBC Correspondent: "Its shocking the terrorist attack was by a White, Norwegian man and not an Islamist attack". What a bummer, they can't blame everything on Islam! :argh:

How a clueless "terrorism expert" set media suspicion on Muslims after Oslo horror
Submitted by Benjamin Doherty on Sat, 07/23/2011 - 00:27

Immediately after news of the bombing of government buildings in Norway’s capital Oslo, the Internet buzzed with speculation about who might have done it and why. Most speculation focused on so-called Islamist militancy and Muslims. The urge to speculate after grave events is understandable, but the focus of speculation, its amplification through social media, its legitimization in mainstream media, and the privilege granted to so-called experts is a common pattern.

The danger of such speculation is that it adds little knowledge but causes real harm by spreading fear and loathing of Muslims, immigrants and other vulnerable and routinely demonized populations, and whether intentional or not, assigns collective guilt to them.

“Experts” who supposedly study this topic — almost always white men and very often with military or government backgrounds — direct suspicion toward Muslims by pointing to claims of responsibility on “jihadi” web sites that only they have access to. Notorious attacks invariably inspire false claims of responsibility, or false reports of claims of responsibility, but this apparently doesn’t discourage the media and experts from giving them undue attention.

From the “experts” to The New York Times to the world…

The New York Times originally reported:

A terror group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, according to Will McCants, a terrorism analyst at C.N.A., a research institute that studies terrorism.

In later editions, the story was revised to read:

Initial reports focused on the possibility of Islamic militants, in particular Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or Helpers of the Global Jihad, cited by some analysts as claiming responsibility for the attacks. American officials said the group was previously unknown and might not even exist.

The source is Will McCants, adjunct faculty at Johns Hopkins University. On his website he describes himself as formerly “Senior Adviser for Countering Violent Extremism at the U.S. Department of State, program manager of the Minerva Initiative at the Department of Defense, and fellow at West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center.” This morning, he posted “Alleged Claim for Oslo Attacks” on his blog Jihadica:

This was posted by Abu Sulayman al-Nasir to the Arabic jihadi forum, Shmukh, around 10:30am EST (thread 118187). Shmukh is the main forum for Arabic-speaking jihadis who support al-Qaeda. Since the thread is now inaccessible (either locked or taken down), I am posting it here. I don’t have time at the moment to translate the whole thing but I translated the most important bits on twitter.

The Shmukh web site is not accessible to just anyone, so he is the primary source for this claim. McCants stated from the beginning that the claim had been removed or hidden, and on Twitter he even cast doubt on whether it was a claim of responsibility at all.
So all in all the myth that every Muslim is not a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim gets shattered.
i dont get it ..even if its a terrorist attack .... he targeted his own people regardless of religion unlike some terrorists (u know who)..... why the **** are you hell bent on giving religious color to this incident ...? i like the thread title BTW ..:disagree::disagree:

I understand where you are coming from. I think Norway needs to look at some basic points :
1. How easy was it for this guy to buy tonnes of raw material to build a bomb without being checked?
2. How has he done this alone and did he in fact have assistance?
3. How has he got on a boat with enough ammunition to supply an army?
4. How easy was it for him to buy guns and weapons to carry this outrageous attack?
5. Is this a 1 in a million crackpot and there isnt a load of them hiding in a bunker?

Doesnt matter about the skin colour or religion . As ive already stated its a hideous crime. What makes it even more outrageous is the fact the guy has no remorse and is making statements like " It had to be done." Clearly he needs to be locked up and throw the keys away.
Why Norway as a Nation doing well compare to Pakistan is because its citizen stand up for there Nation.

Today almost every one from goverment were in church to pray and show respect for dead. Prime minister, king, prince etc. And in almost all big cities ppl are getting toghter to show respect and stand toghter as Nation. This picture is from Oslo outside church were PM, KING were praying.
21 years for each murder or total???

If its the latter the jail term will be more than 1000 years.

He will get 21 years in jail not more. U kill one or 100 its 21 years which is max jail here in Norway. He will be out in 16 years i guess. IF HE SURVIES IN JAIL
Norway a beautiful country and people, really like the Pakistanis there, they have done well for themselves, so sad, God bless the dead, and help their families.
He will get 21 years in jail not more. U kill one or 100 its 21 years which is max jail here in Norway. He will be out in 16 years i guess. IF HE SURVIES IN JAIL

Hope he falls to vigilante justice inside the prison as a part of "Honour Among Thieves". A man capable of killing even teenagers in cold blood doesn't deserve to be out on the streets again. He had his chance with life and he wasted it.

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