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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

i think its biggest failure of muslims in last 100 years that these guys use name of islam and muslims can not do any thing.

looks like the idiots thanked you where are you hiding now idiot???, before you were spitting venom for muslims now where are your hate comments for christians, i would love to hear that
another cowardly act by cowards. even one of the safest places on his planet are not safe anymore.

it is time, your hindu country start inspecting the 'real' perpetrators, and also investigate the bhagwaan speaking ajmal kasab, seems like hindu logic of all terrorists are muslims is failing now???
The Media has been insulting and demonizing a billion Muslims all day yesterday, wheres our apology ? ?? I might even been thinking of Suing Fox News for slander and lies.

yes, you the same idiot speaking like this yesterday???

After this Europe will Cut off Muslim immigration and will need to clamp down on Radical Mosques.

islam is being demonised since you were born kid, now go sleep, oyu are also part of their daily dose of brain washing
Its unfortunate that Norway doesn't have a Digvijay Singh who can name suspects faster than the investigation agencies. All he need is some cameras and microphones and he will pull suspect's name like a magician pulling rabbit out of his hat. We Indians will be more than happy to export him to Norway at our own cost.

do you really stand by your words of exporting your bharati product to norway now??? im waiting 4 ur reply
Bro, go easy on them ;)

Some people just love to jump to conclusions without evidence. Regarding terrorism and who is who - Indians can be pretty epic on that part :lol:

im just underlying the ground facts what indian media does wht their bombay gets attaced, inspite of finding the real terrorists, they start the blame game, if not pakistan then indian mujahiden and then bangladesh, why these indians have so much facination with muslims?? why they hate muslims, why they kill them???

you could just see so many indians commented when it was 'islamic terrorist' and when it became christian terrorist, indians are upset for low 'masala on thread now'

god knows who was that secong bombay terrorist
the israelis have sometimes been vocal (public and private) about their disdain and contempt for Norway, but if the Mossad had anything to do with the attack --they wouldnt have chosen a right-wing nut to do it. They'd find (or "compel") some Muslim Arab to do it, just so that they could continue their blame games.

seems he was just a homegrown terrorist......members of the political movement he belonged to said that he resembled a pre World War II 'Adolf Hitler'

i would imagine he had accomplices......unless the Norwegian police response was incompetent. How does one man kill over 90 people, unchallenged. I mean, even those lackadaisical indian police/special forces didnt blunder THAT bad during the whole mumbai drama.

In fairness to them, Norway has been spared the terrorism that other EU countries (e.g. Spain, France, UK) have seen. So when somebody buys 6 tons of fertilizer, perhaps it doesnt seem AS suspicious as it would in a country that has seen terrorism of such magnitude in the past. How the suspect(s) managed to sneak 6 tons of explosives near a sensitive government building should raise some concerns.

i think all we can do is pray for sanity.....terrorists have no religion, their aim is only killing and destruction. Such people are not required on the earth.
One greatly sympathises with the peace-loving people of Norway for the tragedy that took place on July 22 — two almost simultaneous attacks on its capital Oslo and a nearby island. Almost unbelievably, one Norwegian rightwing fanatic has shot and killed at least 80 people during a youth rally of the ruling Labour Party, while another seven were killed by a car bomb near the office of the prime minister in Oslo. Having said that, one is a bit relieved that no Muslim was involved in them. We also hope that this gratitude is not expressed too soon.

TV commentators in the West had to stop speculating about yet another adventure by al Qaeda because of the quick declaration by the Norwegian police that the man killing the youths on the island had been arrested, that he was a native Norwegian and that he had possible links with the righting extremists in the country. Norway has a very negligible element left over from the neo-Nazi group that showed muscle in the country some years ago. One cause for concern is that if the act of terrorism was the work of a deranged individual, similar to ultra-right American Timothy McVeigh, then who was behind the car bomb attack that has wrecked a whole sector of the capital city?

We hope that in the coming days, new facts are not revealed about possible connections to al Qaeda, which would mean increased focus on Pakistan. Norway has a Muslim community with a strong contribution from Pakistan, mainly from Gujrat, which the Norwegian ambassador in Pakistan has often praised as a most useful contributor to the richness of Norwegian culture.

Before the Norwegian police came out with facts, some western commentators felt that it could be the much feared ‘next attack’ on Europe, a continent that has been spared al Qaeda’s wrath now for some time. The reasons given were many: That Norway was a Nato member with troops stationed in Afghanistan and some involvement in the siege imposed on Libya; that some of the blasphemous Danish cartoons may have been reprinted in Norwegian newspapers as a part of the ‘freedom of speech’ debate; and that Norway should be made to get out of Afghanistan just as Spain was made to get out of Iraq after a bombing of trains in Madrid. Attempts by the media to link the killings to the country’s substantial Pakistani presence were proven wrong and underline the dangers of racial/ethnic profiling when dealing with cases of terror.

The car bomb did look suspiciously like an al Qaeda attack but it is more likely that the killer followed in the footsteps of McVeigh and placed the explosives-laden car in the city square before going to the youth rally with his arsenal of guns. The ‘lone wolf’ theory is more tenable because Scandinavia has been more or less free of terrorist attention, apart from Denmark, which was unsuccessfully targeted by al Qaeda from Pakistan and for which Pakistani American David Headley is under trial in the US after having made some confessions extremely embarrassing to the government in Islamabad.

Norway could very well call the attack its 9/11 because the last time it witnessed carnage of such a scale was during the Second World War. It has been more peaceful than Sweden, where a Turk tried unsuccesfully to explode a bomb in Stockholm in December 2010. In the scale of loss of life, Oslo has suffered less than Madrid (191 killed) did in 2004, but more than London (52 killed) did in 2005.

It has been only three months since Osama bin Laden’s death in Abbottabad and everyone in the world is looking to Pakistan to tackle the contagion of terrorism spreading to the rest of the world. With more than 35,000 lost to al Qaeda and its local affiliates, Pakistan deserves sympathy and help for which it must prove itself worthy by fighting its own war against terrorism.

Terrorist attacks in Norway – The Express Tribune
There is also a manifest (1500 or so pages) of him circulating on the Internet, complete with his battleplans, his vision for Norway and Europe, bom making instructions, his ideology and so on.
i would imagine he had accomplices......unless the Norwegian police response was incompetent. How does one man kill over 90 people, unchallenged.

Because he was on an small island (500 metre in diameter), while the victims had nowhere to run?

Because he used the bomb attack as a diversion to keep the security forces occupied in downtown Oslo?

I mean, even those lackadaisical indian police/special forces didnt blunder THAT bad during the whole mumbai drama.

In defence of the police forces, the shooter had only half an hour up to 1.5 hour on the island.

How the suspect(s) managed to sneak 6 tons of explosives near a sensitive government building should raise some concerns.

Due to lack of political violence and the open character of Norwegian society, there is little security at the government buildings. You can just walk by. So, it's not that difficult to leave your car there.
However, they were going to secure and fortify the political centre in two months. So it's believed that the terrorist had advanced his attack sooner than planned.
The person who killed 91 innocent people was an 32 year old Norwegian man.

Anders Behring Breivik
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