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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

looks like the idiots thanked you where are you hiding now idiot???, before you were spitting venom for muslims now where are your hate comments for christians, i would love to hear that

don't be angry dear its first time in last many years someone else done it or blamed it .i say sorry to you and all if i wrote something which hurt anyone .my apology from all .
Just wondered how large is the Pakistani community in Norway?

there are about 40,000 Pakistanis in Norway making it the second largest population of immigrants in Norway.

and those 40,000 Pakistanis are very much different to the Pakistani generations living in UK or other parts of the world. They are very happy people with abundance of wealth and other fortunes in their hand. Of course not everybody is equal but overall i found them more peaceful and relaxed than in most other nations i have travelled so far.

I was in the very same area last year and could not imagine this would happen after an year time. It was so peaceful, calm and romantic during the summer time and see a blood terrorist has ruined this beautiful country in just a matter of day.
...and see a blood terrorist has ruined this beautiful country in just a matter of day.

We must also always write the whole thing "Christian-Terrorist"... Not just "terrorist" coz it sends out incomplete or the wrong message...
the israelis have sometimes been vocal (public and private) about their disdain and contempt for Norway, but if the Mossad had anything to do with the attack --they wouldnt have chosen a right-wing nut to do it. They'd find (or "compel") some Muslim Arab to do it, just so that they could continue their blame games.

seems he was just a homegrown terrorist......members of the political movement he belonged to said that he resembled a pre World War II 'Adolf Hitler'

i would imagine he had accomplices......unless the Norwegian police response was incompetent. How does one man kill over 90 people, unchallenged. I mean, even those lackadaisical indian police/special forces didnt blunder THAT bad during the whole mumbai drama.

In fairness to them, Norway has been spared the terrorism that other EU countries (e.g. Spain, France, UK) have seen. So when somebody buys 6 tons of fertilizer, perhaps it doesnt seem AS suspicious as it would in a country that has seen terrorism of such magnitude in the past. How the suspect(s) managed to sneak 6 tons of explosives near a sensitive government building should raise some concerns.

i think all we can do is pray for sanity.....terrorists have no religion, their aim is only killing and destruction. Such people are not required on the earth.

Think a bit harder.

Mossad don't like Muslims, but they also don't like right wing White Christian people - people who are suspicious of Jews - and these are the people being demonised, even though he was a Zionist.

Secondly they won't like the pro Palestine left liberals, they got taught a clear lesson.

If a muslim done this then people would ask what motivation would he have to attack pro Palestinians, so they went for the right wing White Christian slant.

Just a possible angle, nothing more.
Think a bit harder.

Mossad don't like Muslims, but they also don't like right wing White Christian people - people who are suspicious of Jews - and these are the people being demonised, even though he was a Zionist.

Secondly they won't like the pro Palestine left liberals, they got taught a clear lesson.

If a muslim done this then people would ask what motivation would he have to attack pro Palestinians, so they went for the right wing White Christian slant.

Just a possible angle, nothing more.

If he was a member of stormfront...he wasn't a zionist (hint...stormfront is a neo-nazi website, nazis and jews haven't been all that friendly...)
If he was a member of stormfront...he wasn't a zionist (hint...stormfront is a neo-nazi website, nazis and jews haven't been all that friendly...)

Stormfront people are calling him a zionist too, apparently freemasons=zionist somehow? And according to them the guy has Semitic facial features :rofl:
We must also always write the whole thing "Christian-Terrorist"... Not just "terrorist" coz it sends out incomplete or the wrong message...
well - large population in Norway is atheist too so we are not sure about his religion

It doesn't matter anyway, its just either Muslim terrorist or terrorist

no other terms exists in the dictionary so you are wrong
The saddest part of this is this SOB might only get 21 years in prison. They seriously need to change the laws in Norway so this SOB gets what he really deserves!
hmmmm.. My condolences to the victim families... may the dead rest in peace...

Interesting.. a Christian Terrorist...
Stormfront people are calling him a zionist too, apparently freemasons=zionist somehow? And according to them the guy has Semitic facial features :rofl:

You can use as much rhetoric and sarcasm as you want, but there are more than enough evidence to conclude that the killer is a staunch supporter of Zionism. Although freemasonry and zionist are treated as two different subjects, there is no reason why one cannot be both of them at the same time.
hmmmm.. My condolences to the victim families... may the dead rest in peace...

Interesting.. a Christian Terrorist...

Why is it interesting? There has been more Christian extremist attacks on the western world, even after 9/11, although in low casualties. Matter of fact, extremism has been prevalent in almost all major religion even to this day. Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Hindus all had their share of extremism. The difference is we all laugh when its others religion in the spotlight.
should apologize to Muslims here for their baseless allegations

I will be the first one to apologize here, Since I did make the Assumption of the Imam.

One thinks that this heinous crimes would be created by the islamist terrorist based on there past references, but here it is proven otherwise....
For media to be fair they need to call this man a "christianist" dont you guys think that would be somewhat fair?

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